• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

19th Century United States History in 1994

America and the Americans- In 1833-1834 by Gooch, Richard
Lay My Burden Down: A Folk History of Slavery by Hirsch, Jerrold I.
Singing the Master: The Emergence of African-American Culture in the PlantationSouth by Abrahams, Roger D.
Lakota and Cheyenne: Indian Views of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877 by
Home and Work: Housework, Wages, and the Ideology of Labor in the Early Republic by Boydston, Jeanne
The Orphan Trains: Placing Out in America by Holt, Marilyn Irvin
Good Books in a Country Home: The Public Library as Cultural Force in Hagerstown, Maryland, 1878-1920 by Marcum, Deanna B.
Theodore Roosevelt by Miller, Nathan
Under an Open Sky: Rethinking America's Western Past by
Pioneer Days in the Early Southwest by Foreman, Grant
The North Fights the Civil War: The Home Front by Gallman, Matthew J.
John C. Calhoun: A Biography by Bartlett, Irving H.
Northern Labor and Antislavery: A Documentary History by Foner, Philip Sheldon
Arctic Schoolteacher: Kulukak, Alaska, 1931-1933 Volume 59 by Madenwald, Abbie Morgan
The Hunt for Willie Boy: Indian-Hating & Popular Culture by Sandos, James a.
Yankee Stepfather: General O. O. Howard and the Freedmen (Revised) by McFeely, William S.
Women in Waiting in the Westward Movement: Life on the Home Frontier by Peavy, Linda, Smith, Ursula
War of Another Kind: A Southern Community in the Great Rebellion by Durrill, Wayne K.
The Cheyenne in Plains Indian Trade Relations, 1795-1840 by Jablow, Joseph
The Fortunate Heirs of Freedom: Abolition and Republican Thought by McInerney, Daniel J.
The War of 1898 and U.S. Interventions, 1898T1934: An Encyclopedia by
The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln by Paludan, Phillip Shaw
Democracy in America: Introduction by Alan Ryan by Tocqueville, Alexis de
Music in Lexington Before 1840 by Carden, Joy
The Battle of Beecher Island and the Indian War of 1867-1869 by Monnett, John H.
New Mexico's Buffalo Soldiers: 1866-1900 by Billington, Monroe Lee
Mountains of Silver by Smith, P. David
The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, 1815-1846 by Sellers, Charles
Learning to Behave: A Guide to American Conduct Books Before 1900 by Newton, Sarah E.
Egg Gravy by Hubalek, Linda K.
Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s by Anbinder, Tyler G.
No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture, 1880-1920 by Lears, T. J. Jackson
Mystery of E Troop by Michno, Gregory F.
The Industrial Revolution: A Macroeconomic Interpretation by Fisher, Douglas
The Abolitionist Sisterhood by
The Abolitionist Sisterhood: Women's Political Culture in Antebellum America by
The Moment of Decision: Biographical Essays on American Character and Regional Identity by
The Captivity of the Oatman Girls Among the Apache and Mohave Indians by Oatman, Lorenzo D. and Olive a.
The Press Gang: Newspapers and Politics, 1865-1878 by Summers, Mark Wahlgren
Spreading the Word by Wosh, Peter J.
Private Acts in Public Places: A Social History of Divorce in the Formative Era of American Family Law by Chused, Richard H.
The Cowboy Encyclopedia by Slatta, Richard W.
Mexico Under Fire, Being the Diary of Samuel Ryan Curtis, 3rd Ohio Volunteer Regiment, During the American Military Occupation of Northern Mexico, 184 by
Tenting on the Plains, Volume 46: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas by Custer, Elizabeth Bacon
The American Political Nation, 1838-1893 by Silbey, Joel H.
Once They Moved Like the Wind: Cochise, Geronimo, and the Apache Wars by Roberts, David
Three Frontiers by May, Dean L.
The Civil War Book of Lists: Over 300 Lists from the Sublime to the Ridiculous by Combined, Combined Books
Sherman's March to the Sea by Cox, Jacob D.
Encyclopedia of Western Lawmen and Outlaws by Nash, Jay Robert
Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture by Leach, William R.
Positivist Republic: Auguste Comte and the Reconstruction of American Liberalism, 1865-1920 by Harp, Gillis
For the Union of Evangelical Christendom: The Irony of the Reformed Episcopalians by Guelzo, Allen
Comanchero Frontier by Kenner, Charles L.
West of Wild Bill Hickok by Rosa, Joseph G.
Life On the Ohio Frontier: A Collection of Letters From Mary Lott to Deacon John Phillips, 1826-1846 by Bachar, Jacqueline
Victorian America and the Civil War by Anne C., Rose, Rose, Anne C.
One South or Many? by McKenzie, Robert Tracy
The Work of Reconstruction: From Slave to Wage Laborer in South Carolina 1860 1870 by Saville, Julie
The Fighting Marlows: Men Who Wouldn't Be Lynched by Shirley, Glenn
A Family Venture: Men and Women on the Southern Frontier by Cashin, Joan E.
Custer's Last Stand: The Anatomy of an American Myth by Dippie, Brian W.
Army Generals and Reconstruction: Louisiana, 1862--1877 by Dawson, Joseph G.
Without Sin: The Life and Death of the Oneida Community by Klaw, Spencer
This Bloody Deed: The Magruder Incident by Hamilton, Ladd
Emigrants Guide to Oregon & California by Hastings, Lansford W.
Neither Wolf Nor Dog: American Inndians, Environment, & Agrarian Change by Lewis, David Rich
The Frontier in American Culture by White, Richard, Limerick, Patricia Nelson
Bloody Dawn: The Christiana Riot and Racial Violence in the Antebellum North by Slaughter, Thomas P.
Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West by Robbins, William G.
Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 by McCaffrey, James M.
Arizona Adventures by Trimble, Marshall
The Georgia Gold Rush: Twenty-Niners, Cherokees, and Gold Fever by Williams, David
Fatal Cruise of the Argus: Two Captains in the War of 1812 by Dye, Ira