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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Accounting in 2002

Pub fiction by Riou, Nicolas
Valuation and Exploitation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets by Sykes, John, King, Kelvin
Banking and Monetary Policy in Eastern Europe: The First Ten Years by Winkler, Adalbert
Redefining Financial Services: The New Renaissance in Value Propositions by Divanna, J.
Derivatives and Internal Models by Deutsch, H.
Nigerian Capital Market by Dada, Isaac Olusola, Isaac Olusola Dada
Brought to You By: Postwar Television Advertising and the American Dream by Samuel, Lawrence R.
Managing Finance, Resources and Stakeholders in Education by Anderson, Lesley, Burton, Neil, Briggs, Ann
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Canmake a Big Difference by Gladwell, Malcolm
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Gladwell, Malcolm
Aktuelle Aspekte Des Controllings: Festschrift Für Hans-Jörg Hoitsch by
Marketing to Generation X by Ritchie, Karen
Relevance Regained by Johnson, H. Thomas
Endkonsolidierung: Erfolgswirkungen des Ausscheidens von Unternehmen aus dem Konzernverbund und konsolidierungstechnische Abbildung im Konzernabschluß by Ullrich, Thomas
The Big Red Fez: Zooming, Evolution, and the Future of Your Company by Godin, Seth
Creativity in Product Innovation by Goldenberg, Jacob, Mazursky, David, Jacob, Goldenberg
Research in Banking and Finance by
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations by
Finanzierung Für Den Mittelstand: Trends, Unternehmensrating, Praxisfälle by
Essentials of Accounts Payable by Schaeffer, Mary S.
Risk Budgeting: Portfolio Problem Solving with Value-At-Risk by Pearson, Neil D.
Dynamic Portfolio Strategies: Quantitative Methods and Empirical Rules for Incomplete Information: Quantitative Methods and Empirical Rules for Incomp by Dokuchaev, Nikolai
The Audit Committee: Performing Corporate Governance by Spira, Laura F.
Partnerships for Profit: Structuring and Managing Strategic Alliances by Lewis, Jordan D.
Seasons of Communion by Escamilla, Paul L.
The Euro, Capital Markets, and Dollarization by Lees, Francis a., Flowers, Edward B.
Capital Budgeting: Theory and Practice by Peterson, Pamela P., Fabozzi, Frank J.
Public Information Campaigns and Opinion Research: A Handbook for the Student and Practitioner by
The Ten Percent Solution: Simple Steps to Improve Our Lives and Our World by Allen, Mark, Allen, Marc
The Future of U.S. Capitalism by Pryor, Frederic L.
Risk Management: Value at Risk and Beyond by
Bewertung Von Wachstumsunternehmen by Witt, Peter, Rudolf, Markus
Structured Products: A Complete Toolkit to Face Changing Financial Markets by Knop, Roberto
Bankruptcy Credit Risk and High Yield by Altman, Edward I.
Venture Capital Due Diligence: A Guide to Making Smart Investment Choices and Increasing Your Portfolio Returns by Camp, Justin J.
Theory of Incomplete Markets, Volume 1 by Magill, Michael, Quinzii, Martine
Portfolio Selection and Asset Pricing by Xia, Yusen, Wang, Shouyang
Hedging Mit Terminkontrakten: Eine Gleichgewichtstheoretische Analyse Realwirtschaftlicher Effekte by Limperger, Judit
Wettbewerbsentwicklung Im Deutschen Private-Equity-Markt: Strategieoptionen Für Beteiligungskapital-Gesellschaften by Matz, Christoph
The Murphy-Kirk-Beresford Correspondence, 1982-1996, 5: Commentary on the Development of Financial Accounting Standards by
Financial Decisions in Emerging Markets by Sabal, Jaime
International Financial Systems and Stock Volatility: Issues and Remedies by
Econometric Models in Marketing by
The Armchair Millionaire by Gerlach, Douglas, Schiff, Lewis
High Impact Consulting: How Clients and Consultants Can Leverage Rapid Results Into Long Term Gains by Schaffer, Robert H.
Electronic Finance: A New Approach to Financial Sector Development? by Klingebiel, Daniela, Glaessner, Thomas C., Claessens, Stijn
The Development and Regulation of Non-Bank Financial Institutions by Carmichael, Jeffrey, Pomerleano, Michael
Ageing, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy by
M&A Integration: A Framework for Executives and Managers by Schweiger, David
Managing Interest Rate Risk: Using Financial Derivatives by Stephens, John J.
Exchange Rates and International Finance Markets: An Asset-Theoretic Perspective with Schumpeterian Perspective by Streissler, Erich
Internal Marketing: Tools and Concepts for Customer-Focused Management by Rafiq, Mohammed, Ahmed, Pervaiz K.
The Do It Yourself Lobotomy: Open Your Mind to Greater Creative Thinking by Monahan, Tom
Operational Profitability: Systematic Approaches for Continuous Improvement by Torok, Robert M., Cordon, Patrick J.
You Paid How Much for That?!: How to Win at Money Without Losing at Love by Stanley, Scott M., Bailey, William C., Jenkins, Natalie H.
Optimal Database Marketing: Strategy, Development, and Data Mining by Drake, Perry D., Drozdenko, Ronald G.
Bilanzierung Des Goodwills Im Internationalen Vergleich: Eine Kritische Analyse by Schmidt, Ingo M.
Financial Crises, Contagion, and the Lender of Last Resort: A Reader by
Integriertes Betriebsdaten-Management: Wie Sie Ihre Wertschöpfung in It-Regelkreisen Optimieren by Brauckmann, Otto
Controlling Des Integrationsprozesses Bei Mergers & Acquisitions by Metz, Matthias
Charity Shops: Retailing, Consumption and Society by Horne, Suzanne, Maddrell, Avril
Introduction to Accounting by Edwards, J. R., Mellett, Howard J., Marriott, Pru
Introduction to Accounting by Edwards, J. R., Mellett, Howard J., Marriott, Pru
Critical Analysis of Organizations: Theory, Practice, Revitalization by Casey, Catherine Joan
Critical Analysis of Organizations: Theory, Practice, Revitalization by Casey, Catherine Joan
Accounting for the Environment by Gray, Robert H., Bebbington, Jan
Accounting for the Environment by Gray, Robert H., Bebbington, Jan
Megawords: 200 Terms You Really Need to Know by Osborne, Richard
The Impact of Geographic Deregulation on the American Banking Industry by Heiney, Joseph N., Matasar, Ann B.
International Accounting and Economic Development: The Interaction of Accounting, Economic, and Social Indicators by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
The Bank for International Settlements: Evolution and Evaluation by Baker, James C.
Integrity, Internal Control and Security in Information Systems: Connecting Governance and Technology by
Modelling and Forecasting Financial Data: Techniques of Nonlinear Dynamics by
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2001/2002 by
Accounting for Fixed Assets by Peterson, Raymond H.
New Trends in Banking Management by
Customer.Community: Unleashing the Power of Your Customer Base by Banks, Drew, Daus, Kim
Essentials of Capacity Management by Yu-Lee, Reginald Tomas
What Your Bank Doesn't Want You to Know . . .: . . .about Where to Invest Your Money by Villanova, Lillian R.
Research Methods and Methodology in Finance and Accounting by Scapens, Robert W., Theobald, Michael, Ryan, Bob
Handbuch der Außenhandelsfinanzierung by Häberle, Siegfried G.
Accounting, Controlling und Finanzen by Gantenbein, Pascal, Behr, Giorgio, Fickert, Reiner
Die Wettbewerbspotenziale Von Bankmergern: Eine Geschaäftsfeldspezifische Untersuchung Anhand Des Resource-Based View by Seifert, Frank
Due Diligence bei Unternehmensakquisitionen - eine empirische Untersuchung: Unter Mitarbeit von Thorsten Behrens und Julia Lescher by Strauch, Joachim, Berens, Wolfgang
The Language of Advertising: Written Texts by Goddard, Angela
Buying Business Services by Wynstra, Finn, Axelsson, Björn
The Auction App: How Companies Tap the Power of Online Auctions to Maximize Revenue Growth by Harden, Leland, Heyman, Bob Professor
Pleasure with Products: Beyond Usability by
International Capital Markets: Systems in Transition by
The Complete Book of Trusts by Shenkman, Martin M.
Unternehmensfinanzen: Grundzüge in Theorie Und Management by Schäfer, Henry
Performance Measurement and Management Control: A Compendium of Research by
The Psychology of Finance: Understanding the Behavioural Dynamics of Markets by Tvede, Lars
Die Mathematik Von Zinsinstrumenten: Preise, Kennzahlen, Risikomanagement Und Anwendung Von (Derivaten) Zinsinstrumenten in Der Modernen Investmentpra by Biermann, Bernd
Securities Operations: A Guide to Trade and Position Management by Simmons, Michael
The Arab World Facing the Challenge of the New Millennium by Azzam, Henry T.
Optimierungsverfahren Zur Risk-/Return-Steuerung Der Gesamtbank by Theiler, Ursula
Bewertung Von Wandelanleihen: Eine Analyse Unter Berücksichtigung Von Unsicheren Zinsen Und Aktienkursen by Bohn, Andreas
Asset Allocation Für Die Alterssicherung: Performance-Steigerung Durch Nutzung Von Zeithorizonteffekten by Lahusen, Reinhard
Performance Measurement in Professional Service Firms: Gestaltungsmodell Am Beispiel Von Wirtschaftsprüfungs- Und Beratungsunternehmen by Gillmann, Jan-Philipp
Crisis, Recovery, and the Role of Accounting Firms in the Pacific Basin by McKee, David L., Garner, Don E., McKee, Yosra Abuamara
Experimental Economics: Financial Markets, Auctions, and Decision Making: Interviews and Contributions from the 20th Arne Ryde Symposium by
Technology Commercialization: Dea and Related Analytical Methods for Evaluating the Use and Implementation of Technical Innovation by
Current Trends and Corporate Cases in Transfer Pricing by Tang, Roger Y. W.
Contemporary Accounting Research: Synthesis and Critique by
Quantitative Methods in Derivatives Pricing: An Introduction to Computational Finance by Tavella, Domingo
New Research in Financial Markets by
The Selling Fox: A Field Guide for Dynamic Sales Performance by Holden, Jim
Advances in Accounting: Volume 19 by
Finanzwirtschaftliches Risikomanagement by Oehler, Andreas, Unser, Matthias
50 Simple Steps You Can Take to Disaster-Proof Your Finances: How to Plan Ahead to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones and Survive Any Crisis by Glink, Ilyce R.
Finanzwirtschaft für Fortgeschrittene by Fischer, Edwin O.
Kostenmanagement by Hardt, Rosemarie
Social Indicators: The EU and Social Inclusion by Atkinson, Tony, Cantillon, Bea, Marlier, Eric
Social Indicators: The EU and Social Inclusion by Cantillon, Bea, Marlier, Eric, Atkinson, Tony
New Research in Financial Markets by
Asset Management: Equities Demystified by Acharya, Shanta
Brand Assets by Tollington, Tony
Regulierung Oder Deregulierung Der Finanzmärkte: 2. Liechtensteinisches Finanzdienstleistungs-Symposium an Der Fachhochschule Liechtenstein by
A White-Collar Profession: African American Certified Public Accountants since 1921 by Hammond, Theresa A.
Bilanzpolitik: Jahresabschluss Nach Handels- Und Steuerrecht Mit Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Hilke, Wolfgang
Wertorientierte Strategische Steuerung by Lattwein, Johannes
Institutionelle Investoren Und Corporate Governance: Analyse Der Einflussnahme Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Börsennotierter Wachstumsunternehmen by Bassen, Alexander
Value Controlling: Grundlagen Wertorientierter Unternehmensführung by Schierenbeck, Henner, Lister, Michael
Handbuch der Renditeberechnung by Frühwirth, Manfred
International Financial Sector Reform: Standard Setting and Infrastructure Development by Arner, Douglas, Say Goo
Inflation in a Monetary Union by Carlberg, Michael
In The Beginning by Schaff, Thomas
Risk Management, Speculation, and Derivative Securities by Poitras, Geoffrey
Einführung in die Exportfinanzierung by Häberle, Siegfried G.
International Accounting Standards und Steuerrecht - eine kritische Betrachtung der bisherigen Entwicklung by Jungwirth, Michael
Bank Mergers and Acquisitions in the United States 1990 -1997: An Analysis of Shareholders Value Creation and Premium Paid to Integrate with Megabanks by Maharaj, Ashford
The Federal Reserve System Purposes and Functions by Bd of Governors of the Federal Reserve S.
New Research in Corporate Finance and Banking by
European Banks and the American Challenge: Competition and Cooperation in International Banking Under Bretton Woods by
ESOP Workbook: The Ultimate Instrument in Succession Planning by Frisch, Robert A.
Redefining Financial Services: The New Renaissance in Value Propositions by Divanna, J.
Back-Alley Banking by Tsai, Kellee S.
Expert Witnessing in Forensic Accounting: A Handbook for Lawyers and Accountants by Telpner, Zeph, Mostek, Michael
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung by Moews, Dieter
The Gold Standard Illusion: France, the Bank of France, and the International Gold Standard, 1914-1939 by Mouré, Kenneth
The Sword of Damocles: U.S. Financial Hegemony in Colombia and Chile, 1950-1970 by Kofas, Jon
Democratizing the Global Economy: The Battle Against the World Bank and the IMF by Danaher, Kevin
Democratizing the Global Economy: The Battle Against the World Bank and the IMF by Danaher, Kevin
Spray the Bear: Reminiscences From the Golden Age of Advertising by Bregman, Walter W.
Spray the Bear: Reminiscences From the Golden Age of Advertising by Bregman, Walter W.
Making Markets: How Firms Can Design and Profit from Online Auctions and Exchanges by Kambil, Ajit, Van Heck, Eric, Heck, E. Van
Excellent Public Relations and Effective Organizations: A Study of Communication Management in Three Countries by Dozier, David M., Grunig, James E.
Advances in Taxation by
The Microfinance Revolution by Robinson, Marguerite
Die langfristige Rendite deutscher Standardaktien: Konstruktion eines historischen Aktienindex ab Ultimo 1870 bis Ultimo 1959 by Ronge, Ulrich
Survival Math for Marketers by Weiglin, Peter C.
Operatives Controlling: Aufgaben, Objekte, Instrumente by Schroeter, Bernhard
Financial Crises, Liquidity, and the International Monetary System by Tirole, Jean
Publicity's Secret by Dean, Jodi
Publicity's Secret by Dean, Jodi
Financial Statement Analysis Workbook: Step-By-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master Financial Statement Analysis by Alvarez, Fernando, Fridson, Martin S.
Portfolio-Insurance-Strategien: Eine Analyse Zur Absicherung Von Aktienanlagen in Der Kapitallebensversicherung by Hagen, Uta
Werte-Controlling: Zur Berücksichtigung Von Wertvorstellungen in Unternehmensentscheidungen by Hirsch, Bernhard
Environmental Management Accounting: Informational and Institutional Developments by
Environmental Management Accounting: Informational and Institutional Developments by
Mergers and Efficiency: Changes Across Time by Trimbath, Susanne
Valuation of Companies in Emerging Markets: A Practical Approach by Pereiro, Luis E.
Welcome to the Creative Age: Bananas, Business and the Death of Marketing by Earls, Mark
Raising Capital for Dummies by Bartlett, Joseph W., Economy, Peter
The Fast Forward MBA in Finance by Tracy, John A.
Essentials of Credit, Collections, and Accounts Receivable by Schaeffer, Mary S.
Financial Cryptography: 5th International Conference, FC 2001, Grand Cayman, British West Indies, February 19-22, 2001. Proceedings by
Essays by Distinguished Marketing Scholars of the Society for Marketing Advances by
Asian States, Asian Bankers: Central Banking in Southeast Asia by Hamilton-Hart, Natasha
Puzzles of Finance: Six Practical Problems and Their Remarkable Solutions by Kritzman, Mark P.
The Role of Banks in the Interwar Economy by
Creating Corporate Reputations: Identity, Image, and Performance by Dowling, Grahame
The Labyrinths of Information: Challenging the Wisdom of Systems by Ciborra, Claudio
Sir Robert Clayton and the Origins of English Deposit Banking 1658 1685 by Melton, Frank T.
Costing 2e P by Hicks, Douglas T.
The Essential Brand Book: Over 100 Techniques to Increase Brand Value by Ellwood, Iain
Reinventing the World Bank by
Reinventing the World Bank by
Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation by Fernandez, Pablo
The International Taxation System by
Ratings, Rating Agencies and the Global Financial System by Majnoni, Giovanni, Reinhart, Carmen, Levich, Richard M.
International M&a, Joint Ventures, and Beyond: Doing the Deal, Workbook by Hanks, James J., Bendaniel, David J., Rosenbloom, Arthur H.
Advances in International Accounting: Volume 15 by
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research by
Operational Review Workbook: Case Studies, Forms, and Exercises by Reider, Rob
المفاوض المثالي كل ما تح&#1578 by كين, كيفين
Marketing the e-Business by Harris, Lisa, Dennis, Charles
Ultimate Selling Power: How to Create and Enjoy a Multi-Million Dollar Sales Career by Lloyd, Ken, Moine, Donald
Banking Reforms and Monetary Policy in the People's Republic of China: Is the Chinese Central Banking System Ready for Joining the Wto? by Guo, Yong
Marketing the e-Business by Dennis, Charles, Harris, Lisa
Free the Beagle: A Journey to Destinae [With CDROM] by Williams, Roy H.
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding: How to Build a Product or Service Into a World-Class Brand by Ries, Al, Ries, Laura
Swiss Bank Accounts and Investment Management: Your Own Completely-Legal, Super Safe, Tax-Free Offshore Account -- And Not Even the IRS Has to Know by Falkayn, David, Swissinvesting Com
Netzwerkcontrolling: Instrumente Und Ihre Werkzeugunterstützung by Hess, Thomas
Performance-Measurement-Systeme: Messung Und Steuerung Von Unternehmensleistung by Grüning, Michael
Gewinnrealisierung Nach International Accounting Standards by Grau, Andreas
New Directions in International Advertising Research by
Intelligent Support Systems for Marketing Decisions by Siskos, Y., Matsatsinis, Nikolaos F.
The Future of Banking by Gup, Benton
See More