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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2021

The British in Mombassa, 1824-1826 by
African Holocaust; the Story of the Uganda Martyrs by
Land Reform in Relation to Social Development, Egypt by Gadalla, Saad M.
Getting to Know Liberia by Craz, Albert
Britain and the Congo in the Nineteenth Century by Anstey, Roger
The Struggle for Algeria by Kraft, Joseph
The Argive Heraeum [microform] by Norton, Richard 1872-1918
Berseem or Egyptian Clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum): a Preliminary Report; B389 by
A History of Egypt From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII, B.C. 30; 1 by
South African Winter by Morris, Jan 1926-
A Black Byzantium: the Kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria by
A History of Egypt ..; 5 by
A Fool in the Desert; Journeys in Libya by Toy, Barbara
The Sanusi of Cyrenaica by
Government and Politics in Northern Africa by
Rameses the Great, or, Egypt 3300 Years Ago by
The African Violet, Saintpaulia by
My Visit to Togoland, Gold Coast, West Africa by Twente, Theophil H.
African Image by
The African Revolution by Cameron, James 1911-1985
Angola and Mozambique; the Case Against Portugal by Ehnmark, Anders
Independence for Africa by Carter, Gwendolen Margaret 1906-1991
A History of Egypt ..; 1 by
West With the Night by Markham, Beryl
Eminent Nigerians of the Nineteenth Century by
The Asians of East Africa by
Filibusters in Barbary by Lewis, Wyndham 1882-1957
African Violet Magazine; v.24 (1970-1971) by
Upsurge in Africa by Delius, Anthony
Kikuyu Social and Political Institutions by
Records of the Nile Voyageurs, 1884-1885: the Canadian Voyageur Contingent in the Gordon Relief Expedition by
Opening Africa by
New Forces in Africa by
A History of Egypt ..; 3 by
The Story of Africa and Its Explorers; v.2 by Brown, Robert 1842-1895
Southern African Diaries, 1865-1870 by Leask, Thomas 1839-1912
A History of Egypt ..; 5 by
Facing Danger in the Last Wilderness by Allan, Doug
The Bakitara by Dyke, Henry Van
The Anatomy of South African Misery by
Custom and Conflict in Africa by Gluckman, Max 1911-1975
The True Book About Cecil Rhodes by Gibbs, Peter 1903-
Africa, Land of Many Lands by
Joseph Conrad in the Congo by
East Africa (British) Its History, People, Commerce, Industries, and Resources by
Ultima Thule, or, A Summer in Iceland; 1 by
A Kind of Homecoming by
Ghardaia, or, Ninety Days Among the B'ni Mozab: Adventures in the Oasis of the Desert of Sahara by Naphegyi, Gábor 1824-1884
The Colony of Natal: an Account of the Characteristics and Capabilities of This British Dependency by Mann, Robert James 1817-1886
The Ochre People; Scenes From a South African Life by Jabavu, Noni
Old Cape Colony: a Chronicle of Her Men and Houses From 1652 to 1806 by
Africa, Continent of Change by
The Dawn of African History by Oliver, Roland Anthony
Reality Versus Romance in South Central Africa; by
The Wild Sports of Southern Africa: Being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition From the Cape of Good Hope, Through the Territories of the Chief Mosel by
The Anatomy of South African Misery by
History of Egypt Under the Pharaohs.; v.2 by Smith, Philip 1817-1885 Ed, Brugsch, Heinrich Karl 1827-1894
State of Emergency, the Full Story of Mau Mau by
The Transvaal Burgher Camps, South Africa by
Atlas Of Ancient Egypt by
The Sacred Trust: South West Africa by Steward, Alexander 1917-
On the Edge of the Primeval Forest: Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in Equatorial Africa by Schweitzer, Albert 1875-1965
African Violet Magazine.; v. 62 no. 4 Jul/Aug 2009 by
The Prehistory of Africa by Alimen, Henriette
The Great Boer War [microform] by
The United States and Africa by Anonymous
Things Seen in Madagascar. by Sibree, James 1836-1929
Tropical Africa, by Drummond, Henry 1851-1897
African Violet Magazine; v.51 (1998) by
African Violet Magazine.; v. 62 no. 5 2009 by
Kamiti: a Forester's Dream by
African Nationalism by Sithole, Ndabaningi 1920-2000
Parliaments and Parties in Egypt. -- by Landau, Jacob M.
Bonaparte in Egypt by
African Rainbow by
The Sacred Trust: South West Africa by Steward, Alexander 1917-
African Violet Magazine; v.67 (2014) by
African Violet Magazine.; vol.58 no.3 2005 by
The Chiga of Western Uganda by
Revolution in Africa by
The Light Continent by
The Rebirth of African Civilization by Williams, Chancellor 1893-1992
The United States and North Africa: Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. -- by Gallagher, Charles F.
Seventeen Years in the Yoruba Country: Memorials of Anna Hinderer, Wife of the Rev. David Hinderer, C.M.S. Missionary in Western Africa by Hinderer, Anna Martin 1827-1870
Livingstone's Missionary Correspondence, 1841-1856 by Livingstone, David 1813-1873
Shambala; the Constitution of a Traditional State by
Fourmis Du Musée Du Congo Belge. by Santschi, F.
Great South African Christians by Davies, Horton
The History of Egypt, From the Earliest Times Till the Conquest of the Arabs, A.D. 640; 1 by Sharpe, Samuel 1799-1881
The Birth of Civilization in the Near East by Frankfort, Henri 1897-1954
African Violet Magazine; v.22 (1968-1969) by
Sahara Challenge by
The New Leaders of Africa by Italiaander, Rolf 1913-1991
All for Love; or, The World Well Lost by Dryden, John 1631-1700
The Story of Africa and Its Explorers; v.4 by Brown, Robert 1842-1895
The Case for African Freedom; c.1 by Cary, Joyce 1888-1957
Henry M. Stanley [microform]: His Life, Travels and Explorations by
Berseem or Egyptian Clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum): a Preliminary Report; B389 by
The British in Mombassa, 1824-1826 by
Political Change in Morocco by Ashford, Douglas Elliott
Egyptians of Long Ago by Mohr, Louise Maud 1897-
An Egyptian Funerary Bed of the Roman Period in the Royal Ontario Museum by Needler, Winifred
With Botha and Smuts in Africa [microform] by Whittall, W.
The Nilotes of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Uganda by Colson, Audrey Butt
Prehistoric Rock Pictures in Europe and Africa by
Khami Ruins / Report on Excavations Undertaken for the Commission for the Preservation of Natural and Historical Monuments and Relics, Southern Rhodes by
Basic Concepts Series: How People Live in Africa by Greig, Mary E.
Butterflies Collected in the Shire Valley, East Africa [graphic] by
The Wolof of Senegambia by Gamble, David P.
A History of the Sudan: From the Earliest Times to 1821 by
The Great Boer War [microform] by
This is South Africa by
History of East Africa by Reusch, Richard
African Rainbow by
The Evidence of the Motives and Objects of the Bushman Wars, 1769-1777 by Moodie, Donald
Political Change in Morocco by Ashford, Douglas Elliott
On the Backwaters of the Nile: Studies of Some Child Races of Central Africa by
African Nationalism by Sithole, Ndabaningi 1920-2000
Towns of Destiny by Belloc, Hilaire 1870-1953
African Violet Magazine; v.21 (1967-1968) by
Our Boys Under Fire, or, Maritime Volunteers in South Africa [microform] by Mellish, Annie Elizabeth
Opening Africa by
International Drug Control by Crane, Charles Kittredge 1881-1932
Khami Ruins / Report on Excavations Undertaken for the Commission for the Preservation of Natural and Historical Monuments and Relics, Southern Rhodes by
The Land of Khemi: up and Down the Middle Nile by Oliphant, Laurence 1829-1888
Origen, His Life at Alexandria by
Britain and the Congo in the Nineteenth Century by Anstey, Roger
A Journey to Ashango-Land: and Further Penetration Into Equatorial Africa by Owen, Richard 1804-1892
The South African Tradition: a Brief Survey of Culture and Art in the Republic of South Africa by
How We Made Rhodesia by Leonard, Arthur Glyn
Revolution in Africa by
The South African Tradition: a Brief Survey of Culture and Art in the Republic of South Africa by
Shakespeare's Last Plays. -- by
The Land of the Pharaohs: Egypt and Sinai: Illustrated by Pen and Pencil by Manning, Samuel 1822-1881
Jomo Kenyatta: Towards Truth About "The Light of Kenya" by Delf, George
The New Leaders of Africa by Italiaander, Rolf 1913-1991
Outlaw Trails; A Yankee Hobo Soldier of the Queen by Witten, George
Highway to Harmony; a Report on Relationships in South Africa by
The Benin Kingdom and the Edo-speaking Peoples of South-western Nigeria by
The Egba and Their Neighbours, 1842-1872 by
A Black Byzantium: the Kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria by
The Chiga of Western Uganda by
White Man Boss; Footsteps to the South African Volk Republic by Adamastor, Pseud
The Peoples of Africa by Turnbull, Colin M.
History of Egypt From the Earliest Times Till the Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640.; v.1 by Sharpe, Samuel 1799-1881
The Lands of Cazembe: Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798 by
A Mission Doctor Sees Wind the Wind of Change by
Our Boys Under Fire, or, Maritime Volunteers in South Africa [microform] by Mellish, Annie Elizabeth
The Partition & Colonization of Africa by
Sahara Challenge by
African Violet Magazine; v.45 (1992: July-Dec.) by
African Violet Magazine; v.56: no.1 (2003: Jan.-Feb.) by
Equatorial Africa: the New World of Tomorrow by Kittler, Glenn D.
The Wolof of Senegambia by Gamble, David P.
Custom and Conflict in Africa by Gluckman, Max 1911-1975
Excavations in the Quetta Valley, West Pakistan; 45 by Fairservis, Walter Ashlin 1921-
The Culture of Ancient Egypt by Wilson, John Albert 1899-1976
The Sanusi of Cyrenaica by
The Future of Africa: Being Addresses, Sermons, Etc., Etc., Delivered in the Republic of Liberia by Crummell, Alexander 1819-1898
The Chartered Millions; Rhodesia and the Challenge to the British Commonwealth by
The Life of John Tengo Jabavu by
Liberia: the Americo-African Republic. Being Some Impressions of the Climate, Resources, and People, Resulting From Personal Ob by
Ruin of Zululand: an Account of British Doings in Zululand Since the Invasion of 1879.; v.2 by Colenso, Frances Ellen
Through Shot and Flame: the Adventures and Experiences of J. D. Kestell by
The Afrikander Rebellion: South Africa To-day by
The Peoples and Policies of South Africa by Marquard, Leo
Congo, My Country by Lumumba, Patrice 1925-1961
The Western Slave Coast and Its Rulers: European Trade and Administration Among the Yoruba and Adja-speaking Peoples of South-Western Nigeria, Souther by Newburry, Colin W.
Pan-Africanism Reconsidered by
The Golden Stool: Some Aspects of the Conflict of Cultures in Africa by Smith, Edwin William 1876-1957
Twelve Views in the Interior of Guiana: From Drawings Executed by Mr. Charles Bentley, After Sketches Taken During the Expedition Carried on in the Ye by
Lord Cromer; Being the Authorized Life of Evelyn Baring, First Earl of Cromer .. by
Records of the Nile Voyageurs, 1884-1885: the Canadian Voyageur Contingent in the Gordon Relief Expedition by
The Adventures of Thomas Pellow, of Penryn, Mariner: Three and Twenty Years in Captivity Among the Moors by Brown, Robert 1842-1895, Pellow, Thomas 1704-
History of Nigeria by
Splendour From the Land by
A Great Emancipation: a Missionary Survey of Nyasaland, Central Africa by Hetherwick, Alexander 1860-1939
A Geographical Historie of Africa, Written in Arabicke and Italian by Iohn Leo a More, Borne in Granada, and Brought Vp in Barbarie. Wherein He Hath a by
Italy in North Africa: an Account of the Tripoli Enterprise by McClure, William Kidston
Pan-Africanism Reconsidered by
The Egba and Their Neighbours, 1842-1872 by
The Ibo and Ibibio-speaking Peoples of South-eastern Nigeria by Forde, Cyril Daryll 1902-
Imperial Incarceration by Lobban, Michael
Denatured Africa by
Imperialism: A Study by
The Benin Kingdom and the Edo-speaking Peoples of South-western Nigeria by
A Pastoral Democracy: a Study of Pastoralism and Politics Among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa by
A Pastoral Democracy: a Study of Pastoralism and Politics Among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa by
Archaic Egypt by
Views in Egypt, From the Original Drawings in the Possession of Sir Robert Ainslie, Taken During His Embassy to Constantinople by Luigi Mayer by Mayer, Luigi
The Chartered Millions; Rhodesia and the Challenge to the British Commonwealth by
State of Emergency, the Full Story of Mau Mau by
The African Awakening by Davidson, Basil 1914-
A History of the Sudan: From the Earliest Times to 1821 by
African Violet Magazine.; vol.58 no.6 2005 by
In Wild Rhodesia, a Story of Missionary Enterprise and Adventure in the Land Where Livingstone Lived, Laboured and Died; by Masters, Henry, Masters, Walter Edgar
A Geography of Western Nigeria by Grant, James
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse Der Deutschen Zentral-Africa-Expedition, 1907-1908: Unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs Zu Mecklenburg; 7 by
Two Kings of Uganda: or, Life by the Shores of Victoria Nyanza: Being an Account of a Residence of Six Years in Eastern Equatorial Africa by Ashe, Robert Pickering 1857-1944
The Great Belzoni, Archaeologist Extraordinary by Mayes, Stanley
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