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African History in 2021

An Account of Travels Into the Interior of Southern Africa, in the Years 1797 and 1798: Including Cursory Observations on the Geology and Geography of by
Smithsonian-Bredin Belgian Congo Expedition, 1955: Color Photographs (1 of 3) by
The Ochre People; Scenes From a South African Life by Jabavu, Noni
Everyday Life in Egypt in the Days of Ramesses the Great by Montet, Pierre 1885-1966
Karanòg; the Romano-Nubian Cemetry: Plates by
The Tribe and Its Successors: an Account of African Traditional Life and European Settlement in Southern Rhodesia by Rayner, William
Somaliland; Being an Account of Two Expeditions Into the Far Interior, Together With a Complete List of Every Animal and Bird Known to Inhabit That Co by
The Stratigraphic History of Africa South of the Sahara by Haughton, Sidney Henry 1888-
Animal Ecology To-day; 6 by
The Great Belzoni, Archaeologist Extraordinary by Mayes, Stanley
Descendants of Stephen Flanders of Salisbury, Mass., 1646: Being a Genealogy of the Flanders Family by
Sketch of the Orange Free State of South Africa. Bloemfontein, 1875 by
Matabeleland and How We Got It: With Notes on the Occupation of Mashunaland, and an Account of the 1893 Campaign by the British South Africa Company, by
Chaka, An Historical Romance by Mofolo, Thomas 1877-1948
Notes for the Nile: Together With a Metrical Rendering of the Hymns of Ancient Egypt and of the Precepts of Ptah-Hotep (the Oldest Book in the World) by
Fanti Customary Laws: a Brief Introduction to the Principles of the Native Laws and Customs of the Fanti and Akan Sections of the Gold Coast, With A by Sarbah, John Mensah 1864-1910
Dahomey as It is: Being a Narrative of Eight Months' Residence in That Country, With a Full Account of the Notorious Annual Customs, and the Social A by
Ten Canadian Poets: a Group of Biographical and Critical Essays by Pacey, Desmond 1917-1975
Matabeleland and How We Got It: With Notes on the Occupation of Mashunaland, and an Account of the 1893 Campaign by the British South Africa Company, by
British East Africa; or, Ibea; a History of the Formation and Work of the Imperial British East Africa Company; by
Observations Upon the Plagues Inflicted Upon the Egyptians. In Which is Shewn the Peculiarity of Those Judgments, and Their Correspondence With the Ri by Bryant, Jacob 1715-1804
The Stratigraphic History of Africa South of the Sahara by Haughton, Sidney Henry 1888-
Khartoum Journal by
Zululand and the Zulus: Their History, Beliefs, Customs, Military System, Home Life, Legends, Etc., Etc., and Missions to Them by Farrer, James Anson 1849-1925
History of Madagascar: Embracing the Progress of the Christian Mission and an Account of the Persecution of the Native Christians by
African Voices: an Anthology of Native African Writing by Rutherfoord, Peggy
Splinters From an African Log by Wall, Martha
Through the Heart of Africa: Being an Account of a Journey on Bicycles and on Foot From Northern Rhodesia, Past the Great Lakes, to Egypt, Undertak by Melland, Frank Hulme
The Tribe and Its Successors: an Account of African Traditional Life and European Settlement in Southern Rhodesia by Rayner, William
Sun, Sand, and Safari; Some Leaves From a Kenya Notebook by Carson, John Bairstow 1913-
Egyptian Chronicles, With a Harmony of Sacred and Egyptian Chronology, and an Appendix on Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities by Palmer, William 1811-1879
A Compendium of Kafir Laws and Customs: Including Genealogical Tables of Kafir Chiefs and Various Tribal Census Returns by MacLean, John 1810-1874
"Verb. Sap." on Going to East Africa, British Central Africa, Uganda and Zanzibar, and Big Game Shooting in East Africa by Anonymous
The World Bank Group in Africa: a Summary of Activities by
Smithsonian-Bredin Belgian Congo Expedition, 1955: Photographs by
The Wild Sports of Southern Africa: Being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition From the Cape of Good Hope, Through the Territories of the Chief Mosel by
Basuto Traditions: Being a Record of the Traditional History of the More Important of the Tribes Which Form the Basuto Nation of To-day u by
In the Ranks of the C.I.V.: a Narrative and Diary of Personal Experiences With the C.I.V. Battery (Honourable Artillery Company) in South Africa by Childers, Erskine 1870-1922
A Pilgrimage to My Motherland. An Account of a Journay Among the Egbas and Yorubas of Central Africa, in 1859-60 by Campbell, Robert
Recce: Small Team Missions Behind Enemy Lines by Stadler, Koos
Denatured Africa by
The United States and North Africa: Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. -- by Gallagher, Charles F.
The Golden Trade of the Moors by
The Golden Stool: Some Aspects of the Conflict of Cultures in Africa by Smith, Edwin William 1876-1957
Congo, My Country by Lumumba, Patrice 1925-1961
A Short History of Sierra Leone by Fyfe, Christopher
Travels in Nigeria; Extracts From the Journal of Heinrich Barth's Travels in Nigeria, 1850-1855 by Barth, Heinrich 1821-1865
The Divine Kingship in Ghana and Ancient Egypt by
Africa Must Unite by Nkrumah, Kwame 1909-1972
'Mau Mau' Detainee; the Account by a Kenya African of His Experiences in Detention Camps, 1953-1960 by Kariuki, Josiah Mwangi 1929-1975
History of Nigeria by
When Smuts Goes: a History of South Africa From 1952 to 2010, First Published in 2015 by
A Fool in the Desert; Journeys in Libya by Toy, Barbara
The Argive Heraeum [microform] by Norton, Richard 1872-1918
The Land of the Golden Trade (West Africa by Lang, John
Narrative of the Expedition Despatched to Musahdu by the Liberian Government Under Benjamin J. K. Anderson, Sr., in 1874 by Starr, Frederick 1858-1933
Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa: Performed in the Years 1850-51: Under the Orders and at the Expense of Her Majesty's Government; v.2 (1853) by Richardson, James 1806-1851
In Darkest Africa, or, The Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria; Vol. 2 by
New Travels Into the Interior Parts of Africa: by the Way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1783, 84 and 85; v.2 (1796) by
The Egypt of Herodotus Being the Second and Part of the Third Books of His History With Notes and Preliminary Dissertations by John Kenrick by
Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar: Performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta, Under the Direction of Cap by Boteler, Thomas, Robinson, Heaton Bowstead
Excavations at Saqqara (1905-1914); 4 by Quibell, James Edward 1867-1935, Lacau, Pierre 1873-1963
Mummies; Fieldiana, Popular Series, Anthropology, no. 36 by
Congo Cauldron by
The United States and Africa by Anonymous
African Violet Magazine.; v.3: no.1 (1949: Sept.) by
Anglo-Portuguese Relations in South Central Africa, 1890-1900. -- by Warhurst, Philip R.
African Violet Magazine; v.18: no.3 (1965: Mar.) by
Muslim Conquests in North Africa by Sell, Edward 1839-1932
Fighting the Slave-hunters in Central Africa; by Swann, Alfred James 1856-
From Capetown to Ladysmith [microform]: an Unfinished Record of the South African War by
African Violet Magazine.; v.4: no.2 (1950: Dec.) by
Nasser's New Egypt; a Critical Analysis by Wheelock, Keith
Excavations in the Quetta Valley, West Pakistan; 45 by Fairservis, Walter Ashlin 1921-
Daily Life in Carthage at the Time of Hannibal; 0 by
Guilty Land: the History of Apartheid by
A Short History of Sierra Leone by Fyfe, Christopher
African Violet Magazine.; v.3: no.3 (1950: Mar.) by
The Emigrant's Guide to the South African Diamond Fields by Gill, James
The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty, 1900-1901; v.2 by
The African Image. -- by Mphahlele, Ezekiel
History of Egypt: From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII. B.C. 30.; v.3 by
Devils in Waiting by
Press Reviews from Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Lebanon. by
The Unknown Horn of Africa: an Exploration From Berbera to the Leopard River; 2nd ed. by
Kaffirs Are Lively, Being Some Baskstage Impressions of the South African Democracy by Walker, Oliver
African Violet Magazine; v.28: no.1 (1975: Jan.) by
Old Cape Colony: a Chronicle of Her Men and Houses From 1652 to 1806 by
African Violet Magazine.; v.1: no.4 (1948) by
African Violet Magazine; v.53 (2000) by
Africa and World Order by Padelford, Norman Judson 1903-
The Highlands of Aethiopia; Vol. 2 by
Sherbro and the Sherbros: or, A Native African's Account of His Country and People by
The House of the Hidden Places: a Clue to the Creed of Early Egypt From Egyptian Sources by
Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa by
Morocco as It is: With an Account of Sir Charles Euan Smith's Recent Mission to Fez. by Bonsal, Stephen 1863-
The Canadian Contingents and Canadian Imperialism [microform]: a Story and a Study by
African Violet Magazine.; vol.57 no.6 2004 by
Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa; v.2 (1817) by Murray, Hugh 1779-1846, Leyden, John 1775-1811
Egypt in the Sudan, 1820-1881 by Hill, Richard Leslie
The Finding of Dr. Livingstone by H.M. Stanley by
Zululand: a Mission Tour in South Africa by Mason, George Holditch
The Afrikander Rebellion: South Africa To-day by
The Boers and the Cause of the War in South Africa [microform] by
Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa by
Story of the Barbary Corsairs, by
A Journey Through Abyssinia to the Nile by Brundell, Herbert Weld
The Redemption of Africa; a Story of Civilization, With Maps, Statistical Tables and Select Bibliography of the Literature of African Missions by Noble, Frederic Perry
Travels Into the Interior of Southern Africa: in Which Are Described the Character and the Condition of the Dutch Colonists of the Cape of Good Hope, by
Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar: Performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta, Under the Direction of Cap by Robinson, Heaton Bowstead, Boteler, Thomas
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome: With Notices of the so Called "Amazons", the Grand Customs, the Yearly Customs, the Human Sacrifices, the Present; by
Descriptive Catalogue of Photographs of the Great Pyramid: Taken by Professor Piazzi Smyth, in Connection With His Three Vol. Book "Life and Work at t by
Speech of Henri Bourassa, M.P., on the South African War, Canadian Intervention, &c. [microform]: Ottawa, Tuesday, March 12, 1901 by Bourassa, Henri 1868-1952
Travels and Researches in Caffraria Describing the Character, Customs, and Moral Condition of the Tribes Inhabiting That Portion of Southern Africa .. by
The Fruits of Enterprize Exhibited in the Travels of Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia: Interspersed With the Observations of a Mother to Her Children by
Ancient Egypt. by Anonymous
Miss Fitzgerald by Byrne, Angela
Through Shot and Flame: the Adventures and Experiences of J. D. Kestell by
White Capital & Coloured Labour by
World Bank Group in Africa by
Painted Tombs in the Necropolis of Marissa (MarÃashah) by Thiersch, Hermann 1874-1939, Cook, Stanley Arthur 1873-
Africa in Ferment. by Lengyel, Emil 1895-
Petra: Perea: Phoenicia by
Congo Slave State. A Protest Against the New African Slavery; and an Appeal to the Public of Great Britain, of the United States, and of the Continent by
The South African War, Its Causes and Lessons [microform]: an Address by
African Localities, Excluding Belgian Congo by
Rameses the Great, or, Egypt 3300 Years Ago by
Livingstone's Missionary Correspondence, 1841-1856 by Livingstone, David 1813-1873
African Violet Magazine.; v. 62 no. 6 2009 by
The War in South Africa [microform]: Its Cause and Conduct by
History of Egypt: From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII. B.C. 30.; v.5 by
The Nile; a General Account of the River and the Utilization of Its Waters by
Narrative of the Ashantee War: With a View of the Present State of the Colony of Sierra Leone by
African Violet Magazine.; v. 62 no. 2 2009 by
History of the American Colony in Liberia, From December 1821 to 1823 by
The Republic of South Africa and the High Commission Territories by
African Violet Magazine; v.52: no.5 (1999: Sept.-Oct.) by
Africa ... by
The Birth of a Dilemma: the Conquest and Settlement of Rhodesia by Mason, Philip 1906-1999
The Real Ruler of Morocco by Rodes, Marjorie
Atlas Of Ancient Egypt by
Africa and European Trade [microform] by
The Forsaken Idea; a Study of Viscount Milner. -- by Crankshaw, Edward
From Hausaland to Egypt by
East Africa (British) Its History, People, Commerce, Industries, and Resources by
My African Journey [microform] by Churchill, Winston 1874-1965
Bonaparte in Egypt by
Many Cities by Belloc, Hilaire 1870-1953
African Violet Magazine.; vol.57 no.2 2004 by
African Violet Magazine; v.56: no.3 (2003: May-June) by
Filibusters in Barbary by Lewis, Wyndham 1882-1957
The Lands of Cazembe: Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798; no. 2 by
Excavation at Dawu: Report on an Excavation in a Mound at Dawu, Akuapim, Ghana by Shaw, Thurstan
A History of Egypt ..; 3 by
François Coillard: a Wayfaring Man by Shillito, Edward 1872-1948
History of Egypt: From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII. B.C. 30.; v.4 by
History of the Island of St. Helena, From Its Discovery by the Portuguese to the Year 1823 by Brooke, Thomas H.
Eminent Nigerians of the Nineteenth Century by
African Violet Magazine; 66 (2013) by
African Violet Magazine; v.59: no.1 (2006: Jan.-Feb.) by
A Description of the East, and Some Other Countries ...; Copy 1 Vol. 1 by Pococke, Richard 1704-1765
Africa A to Z; a Guide for Travelers--armchair and Actual by Kane, Robert S.
Fourmis Du Musée Du Congo Belge. by Santschi, F.
Kikuyu Social and Political Institutions by
Japan at the Midcentury; Leaves From Life by Axling, William 1873-1963
African Violet Magazine.; vol.58 no.4 2005 by
Letters From South Africa; by Anonymous
The Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou: the Finding of the Tomb by
A Wayfarer in North Africa; Tunisia and Algeria by
Fourmis D'Afrique Et De Madagascar. by Santschi, F.
Alone Among the Zulus: the Narrative of a Journey Through the Zulu Country, South Africa by Barter, Catherine
In Smuts's Camp by
An Ivory Trader in North Kenia; the Record of an Expedition Through Kikuyu to Galla-Land in East Equatorial Africa. With an Account of the Rendili and by
Mpanda Nshila, "The Splitter of Paths": the Story of Motte Martin of Africa by Morrison, John
The Portuguese in South Africa [microform]: With a Description of the Native Races Between the River Zambesi and the Cape of Good Hope During the Sixt by Theal, George McCall 1837-1919
Maryland in Liberia; a History of the Colony Planted by the Maryland State Colonization Society Under the Auspices of the State of Maryland, U. S., at by
Ancient Egypt: Her Monuments, Hieroglyphics, History and Archæology, and Other Subjects Connected With Hieroglyphical Literature by
African Violet Magazine; v.45 (1992: Jan.-June) by
Monomotapa (Rhodesia): Its Monuments, and Its History From the Most Ancient Times to the Present Century by Wilmot, Alexander 1836-1924
Modern Africa by Wilhelm, Raymond A.
African Violet Magazine.; v.5 (1951: Sept.-1952: June) by
Adventures and Observations on the West Coast of Africa, and Its Islands. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Madeira, Canary, and Cape Verd Island by
The Fight for the Flag in South Africa [microform]: a History of the War From the Boer Ultimatum to the Advance of Lord Roberts by Sanderson, Edgar 1838-1907
The Ethiopian Crisis, Touchstone of Appeasement? by
A Notable Collection of Ancient Egyptian, Greek & Roman Glass, Rare Egyptian Necklaces, Egyptian & Roman Bronze Figures & Vases, Green Painted Terra C by
A Treatise on Sheep: Addressed to the Flock-masters of Australia, Tasmania, and Southern Africa: Showing the Means by Which the Wool of The by
Oxford and Cambridge Mission to Central Africa; a Memoir of Its Origin and Progress to the Close of the Year 1859 by Livingstone, David 1813-1873
Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time: With Illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy and Zoology by Jameson, Robert 1774-1854, Wilson, James 1795-1856, Murray, Hugh 1779-1846
The Slave Trade in Africa in 1872: Principally Carried on for the Supply of Turkey, Egypt, Persia and Zanzibar by Berlioux, Etienne Félix 1828-1910
Five Years' Hunting Adventures in South Africa: Being an Account of Sport With the Lion, Elephant ...; 1892 by
How to Live in Tropical Africa: a Guide to Tropical Hygiene the Malaria Problem the Cause, Prevention, and Cure of Malarial Fevers by Murray, John
An Account of Travels Into the Interior of Southern Africa, in the Years 1797 and 1798: Including Cursory Observations on the Geology and Geography of by
South Africa and the Boer-British War [microform]: Comprising a History of South Africa and Its People, Including the War of 1899 and 1900 by Halstead, Murat 1829-1908
The History of English Rule and Policy in South Africa: a Lecture Delivered in the Lecture Room, Nelson Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on Friday, the 30 by Watson, Robert Spence 1837-1911
20 Years of Medical Missionary Work in Africa by Kemp, Alexander H.
'Mau Mau' Detainee; the Account by a Kenya African of His Experiences in Detention Camps, 1953-1960 by Kariuki, Josiah Mwangi 1929-1975
The Bonds of Africa: Impressions of Travel and Sport From Cape Town to Cairo, 1902-1912 by Letcher, Owen
The People of Egypt by
Archaic Egypt by
The Yoruba-speaking Peoples of Southwestern Nigeria by Forde, Cyril Daryll 1902-
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