• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 2025

Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction by Poole, David
Le premier million de chiffres de Pi by
Mathematik Interaktiv Und Verständlich: Für Naturwissenschaftler, Ingenieure Und Mediziner by Keller, Laura Gioia Andrea
Zahlen und Algebra: Ein Kurs im Lehramtsstudium by Netzer, Tim, Frischauf, Johanna
Category and Measure by Bingham, N. H., Ostaszewski, Adam J.
Quadratic Ideal Numbers: A Computational Method for Binary Quadratic Forms by Lehman, J. L.
Recent Progress in Ring and Factorization Theory: Graz, Austria, July 10-14, 2023 by
Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Meet Algebra, Geometry, Topology by
Fundamentals of Linear Algebra for Signal Processing by Reilly, James
The Computer Algebra System Oscar: Algorithms and Examples by
Geometric Gems (V2) by Alfred S. Posamentier, Robert Geretschlag
Geometric Gems (V2) by Alfred S. Posamentier, Robert Geretschlag
Measure and Integration: An Introduction by Ray, Subhasis, Mukhopadhyay, Satya N.
Completely Regular Semigroup Varieties: Applications and Advanced Techniques by Reilly, Norman R., Petrich, Mario
Fractions for Dummies by Zegarelli, Mark
The Mathematical and Philosophical Legacy of Alexander Grothendieck by
Initial Algebras and Terminal Coalgebras by Milius, Stefan, Moss, Lawrence S., Adámek, Jiří
A Bridge Between Lie Theory and Frame Theory by Oussa, Vignon
Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis, Volume 2: Festschrift in Honor of Toshiyuki Kobayashi by
Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis, Volume 3: Festschrift in Honor of Toshiyuki Kobayashi by
Algebra: Groups, Rings, and Fields by Rowen, Louis Halle, Vishne, Uzi
Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with Mathematica (R) by Arangala, Crista
Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with Mathematica (R) by Arangala, Crista
Linear Algebra in Context: A Gateway to the Discrete Fourier Transform, Bilinear and Sesquilinear Forms, Algebras, Tensors and Mechanics by Susanka, Lawrence
Higher Structures and Operadic Calculus by
Algebras of Unbounded Operators: Algebraic and Topological Aspects of Murray-Von Neumann Algebras by Ber, Aleksey, Chilin, Vladimir, Levitina, Galina
Linear Algebra with Its Applications by Meher, Ramakant
Mathematics for Engineers by Montero, Francesc Pozo, Mariné, Núria Parés, Seguí, Yolanda Vidal
Arbeitsbuch Zur Linearen Algebra: Aufgaben Mit Ausführlichen Lösungen Und Vertiefungen by Henig, Christian, Göllmann, Laurenz
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory VI: Cant, New York, Usa, 2022 and 2023 by
Algebren Und Darstellungstheorie by Erdmann, Karin, Holm, Thorsten
(Generalized) Fuzzy Matrices and Relations by Toth, Herbert
Modern Topics in Metrical Fixed Point Theory by Turinici, Mihai
Introduction to Ring and Module Theory by Facchini, Alberto
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods: Algebra by Chen, Jinhua, Xiong, Bin
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods: Algebra by Xiong, Bin, Chen, Jinhua
Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian, Joseph
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods (in 4 Volumes) by Lin, Tianqi, Chen, Jinhua, Xiong, Bin
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods (in 4 Volumes) by Lin, Tianqi, Chen, Jinhua, Xiong, Bin
Student Solutions Manual for Gallian's Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian, Joseph A.
Latent Structure and Causality: Inference from Data by Zhou, Qing
Process and Time by Sulis, William
Analytical Methods in Physics by Angheluta, Luiza
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2023): Problems and Solutions by
Übungsbuch Zur Darstellungstheorie Der Endlichen Gruppen by Geldhauser, Nikita, Geldhauser, Carina
Mathematics for Biosciences: From Theory to Worked Examples and Applications by Garman, Elspeth F., Laurieri, Nicola
Mathematics for Biosciences: From Theory to Worked Examples and Applications by Laurieri, Nicola, Garman, Elspeth F.
Mathematical Modelling: Selected Objects and Processes by Martynyuk, Anatoliy A., Radziszewski, Boguslaw
A Mathematical Tour by Bernhardt, Chris, Bell, Denis
A Mathematical Tour by Bell, Denis, Bernhardt, Chris
Abstract Algebra: An Interactive Approach by Paulsen, William
Selected Works of Roderick S. C. Wong, the - Volume 4 by
Mathematik Für Ingenieure 2 by Westermann, Thomas
The Equidistribution of Lattice Shapes of Rings of Integers of Cubic, Quartic, and Quintic Number Fields: An Artist's Rendering by Harron, Piper
Chord Transformations in Higher-Dimensional Networks by Cubarsi, Rafael
Fun Math: Problem Solving Beyond the Classroom by Posamentier, Alfred S.
Basic Linear Algebra: Exercises and Solutions by Mortad, Mohammed Hichem
Basic Linear Algebra: Exercises and Solutions by Mortad, Mohammed Hichem
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra by Knill, Oliver
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra by Knill, Oliver
Weight Representations by Grantcharov, Dimitar, Serganova, Vera