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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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Ancient Greece in 2022

The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis: With Notes Adapted to the Revised and Enlarged Edition of Goodwin's Greek Grammar by Xenophon, William Watson, Goodwin, William Watson, White, John Williams
Greek Divination; a Study of its Methods and Principles by Halliday, W. R. 1886-1966
Correspondance Du Comte J. Capodistrias, Président De La Grèce, Comprenant Ses Lettres Diplomatiques, Administratives Et Particulières; Volume 3 by Capodistria, Jean
Greece Before the Peace Congress of 1919; a Memorandum Dealing With the Rights of Greece by Venizelos, Eleutherios
Pausanias's Description of Greece; Volume 1 by Anonymous
Atlas Antiquus: In Forty-Eight Original, Graphic Maps, With Elaborate Text to Each Map and Full Index / by Emil Reich by Reich, Emil
Greek Folk-Songs From the Turkish Provinces of Greece by Stuart Glennie, John S., Garnett, Lucy M. J.
Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c. During the Years 1812 and 1813; Volume 2 by Holland, Henry
Aryan Civilization: Its Religious Origin and Its Progress, With an Account of the Religion, Laws, and Institutions, of Greece and Rome by Barker, Thomas Childe, Fustel De Coulanges, 1830-1889
Correspondance Du Comte J. Capodistrias, Président De La Grèce, Comprenant Ses Lettres Diplomatiques, Administratives Et Particulières; Volume 3 by Capodistria, Jean
Aryan Civilization: Its Religious Origin and Its Progress, With an Account of the Religion, Laws, and Institutions, of Greece and Rome by Fustel De Coulanges, 1830-1889, Barker, Thomas Childe
Greece Before the Peace Congress of 1919; a Memorandum Dealing With the Rights of Greece by Venizelos, Eleutherios
Parmenides Lehrgedicht: Griechisch Und Deutsch by Parmenides
Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts From the Sources; Volume 2 by Davis, William Stearns, West, Willis Mason
Greek Folk-Songs From the Turkish Provinces of Greece by Garnett, Lucy M. J., Stuart Glennie, John S.
Parmenides Lehrgedicht: Griechisch Und Deutsch by Parmenides
History of Greece by Grote, George
A Manual of Greek Literature by Anthon, Charles
Atlas Antiquus: In Forty-Eight Original, Graphic Maps, With Elaborate Text to Each Map and Full Index / by Emil Reich by Reich, Emil
Les métèques athéniens; étude sur la condition légale, la situation morale et le rôle social et économique des étrangers domiciliés à Athènes; Volume by
A Study of Women in Attic Inscriptions by McClees, Helen
La Grèce avant les Grecs: Étude linguistique & ethnographique: Pélasges, Lélèges, Sémites & Ioniens by Benloew, Louis
Griechische Kulturgeschichte: 03 by Oerli, Johann Jakob, Burckhardt, Jacob
Mythology & Monuments of Ancient Athens: Being a Translation of a Portion of the 'attica' of Pausanias by Pausanias
Itinerare auf der insel Lesbos by Koldewey, Robert
Topographie de Thessalonique by 1876-, Tafrali Oreste
Athenian Clubs in Politics and Litigation, Issue 14 by Calhoun, George Miller
Les Métèques Athénians: Étude Sur La Condition Légale, La Situation Morale Et Le Rôle Social Et Économique Des Étrangers Domiciliés Àathènes by Clerc, Michel
Prehistoric Thessaly, Being Some Account of Recent Excavations and Explorations in North-Eastern Greece From Lake Kopais to the Borders of Macedonia by Thompson, Maurice Scott, Wace, A. J. B. 1879-1957
Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts From the Sources; Volume 2 by Davis, William Stearns, West, Willis Mason
Mythology & Monuments of Ancient Athens: Being a Translation of a Portion of the 'attica' of Pausanias by Pausanias
Les Métèques Athénians: Étude Sur La Condition Légale, La Situation Morale Et Le Rôle Social Et Économique Des Étrangers Domiciliés Àathènes by Clerc, Michel
A Manual of Greek Literature by Anthon, Charles
Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c. During the Years 1812 and 1813; Volume 2 by Holland, Henry
What Have the Greeks Done for Modern Civilisation? The Lowell Lectures of 1908-09 by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Itinerare auf der insel Lesbos by Koldewey, Robert
Topographie de Thessalonique by 1876-, Tafrali Oreste
What Have the Greeks Done for Modern Civilisation? The Lowell Lectures of 1908-09 by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Constantine The Last Emperor of the Greeks by Mijatovich, Chedomil
Correspondance Du Comte J. Capodistrias, Président De La Grèce, Comprenant Ses Lettres Diplomatiques, Administratives Et Particulières, Volume 4... by Capodistria, Jean, Bétant, E. B.
A History of Greece; Volume V by Grote, George
Herodotus: Literally Translated From the Text of Baehr by Herodotus
The Ascent of Olympus by Harris, James Rendel
The Athenian Empire by George W. (George William), Cox
Herodotus by Beloe, William
An Excursion in the Peloponnesus in the Year 1858; Volume 1 by Wyse, Thomas
Die Reisen Des Pausanias in Griechenland, HEFT X by Heberdey, Rudolf
Histoire De Pierre D'aubusson, Grand-Maistre De Rhodes by Bouhours, Dominique, Aubusson, Pierre D'
The Discoveries in Crete and Their Bearing On the History of Ancient Civilisation by Burrows, Ronald Montagu
Mémoire Sur L'Île De Thasos by Perrot, Georges
An Introduction to the Making of Latin: Comprising, After an Easy, Compendious Method, the Substance of the Latin Syntax: With Proper English Examples by Clarke, John
Thukydides; Volume 2 by Steup, Julius, Thucydides, Classen, Johannes
Extraits Des Auteurs Grecs Concernant La Géographie Et L'histoire Des Gaules by Lebègue, Henri, Cougny, Edme
A History of Greece: The Byzantine Empire, Pt. 1, A.D. 716-1057 by Finlay, George, Tozer, Henry Fanshawe
An Introduction to the Making of Latin: Comprising, After an Easy, Compendious Method, the Substance of the Latin Syntax: With Proper English Examples by Clarke, John
Thukydides; Volume 7 by Classen, Johannes, Steup, Julius, Thucydides
Merobaudes Et Corippus by Merobaudes, Flavius
Greek History: From Themistocles to Alexander by Clough, Arthur Hugh, Plutarch, Arthur Hugh
Extraits Des Auteurs Grecs Concernant La Géographie Et L'histoire Des Gaules by Cougny, Edme, Lebègue, Henri
Athenian Clubs in Politics and Litigation, Issue 14 by Calhoun, George Miller
A Study of Women in Attic Inscriptions by McClees, Helen
Der Alexanderroman Des Archipresbyters Leo by Pfister, Friedrich
History Of Greece; Volume 4 by Grote, George
Griechische Geschichte by Beloch, Karl Jukius
Ancient Greece: A Sketch of its Art, Literature and Philosophy by H. B. (Henry Bernard), Cotterill
The Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great: Being a Series of Translations of the Ethiopic Histories of Alexander by the Pseudo-Callisthenes and Oth by
Herodotus: Literally Translated From the Text of Baehr by Herodotus
The Ascent of Olympus by Harris, James Rendel
Topography Illustrative of the Battle of Platæa by Spencer-Stanhope, John
Die Chadhirlegende und der Alexanderroman, Eine Sagengeschichtliche und Literarhistorische by Friedlaender, Israel
Topography Illustrative of the Battle of Platæa by Spencer-Stanhope, John
Constantine The Last Emperor of the Greeks by Mijatovich, Chedomil
The Athenian Empire by George W. (George William), Cox
Der Alexanderroman Des Archipresbyters Leo by Pfister, Friedrich
A History of Greece; Volume V by Grote, George
Griechische Kulturgeschichte: 03 by Oerli, Johann Jakob, Burckhardt, Jacob
Herodotus by Beloe, William
The Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great: Being a Series of Translations of the Ethiopic Histories of Alexander by the Pseudo-Callisthenes and Oth by
Griechische Geschichte by Beloch, Karl Jukius
Ancient Greece: A Sketch of its Art, Literature and Philosophy by H. B. (Henry Bernard), Cotterill
A History of Greece by Browne, Robert William
History Of Greece; Volume 4 by Grote, George
Handbook for Travellers in Greece: Including the Ionian Islands, Continental Greece, the Peloponnese, the Islands of the Ægean Sea, Crete, Albania, Th by Murray, John
Erchia, a Deme of Attica by Young, Clarence H.
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Histoire Grecque, Volume 3... by ((Paris)), Ernest LeRoux, Curtius, Ernst
Die Rauchopfer bei den Griechen by Von, Fritze Hans
On Generation and Corruption by Aristotle
Euripidou Bakchai by Euripides, Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton
Mémoires Du Colonel Voutier Sur La Guerre Actuelle Des Grecs ... by Voutier, Olivier
The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, and Macedonians by Rollin, Charles, Lynam, Robert
On Generation and Corruption by Aristotle
Das Attische Recht Und Rechtsverfahren Mit Benutzung Des Attischen Processes; Volume 1 by Meier, Moritz Hermann Eduard, Schönmann, Georg Friedrich, Lipsius, Justus Hermann
Histoire Grecque, Volume 3... by Curtius, Ernst, ((Paris)), Ernest LeRoux
La Frontière De L'Euphrate De Pompée À Conquête Arabe by Chapot, Victor
Die Rauchopfer bei den Griechen by Von, Fritze Hans
Euripidou Bakchai by Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton, Euripides
Historical Greek Coins, Described: By G. F. Hill With Thirteen Plates by Hill, George Francis
The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, and Macedonians by Rollin, Charles, Lynam, Robert
L'arc De Triomphe De Salonique... by (Copenhagen, Carlsbergfondet, Denmark), Kinch, Karl Frederik
Les Voyages De Cyrus: Avec Un Discours Sur La Mythologie... by Ramsay, Andrew Michael
Das Attische Recht Und Rechtsverfahren Mit Benutzung Des Attischen Processes; Volume 1 by Meier, Moritz Hermann Eduard, Schönmann, Georg Friedrich, Lipsius, Justus Hermann
Die Tektonik Der Hellenen, Zweiter Band by Bötticher, Karl Gottlieb Wilhelm
A Visit to Greece, in 1823 and 1824 by Waddington, George
A Visit to Greece, in 1823 and 1824 by Waddington, George
Mémoires Du Colonel Voutier Sur La Guerre Actuelle Des Grecs ... by Voutier, Olivier
Mémoire Sur L'Île De Thasos by Perrot, Georges
Greek History: From Themistocles to Alexander by Clough, Arthur Hugh, Plutarch, Arthur Hugh
Lehrbuch Der Griechischen Antiquitäten ... Dritter Theil by Hermann, Karl Friedrich, Stark, Karl Bernhard, Bähr, Johann Christian Felix
Histoire De Pierre D'aubusson, Grand-Maistre De Rhodes by Bouhours, Dominique, Aubusson, Pierre D'
An Excursion in the Peloponnesus in the Year 1858; Volume 1 by Wyse, Thomas
Lehrbuch Der Griechischen Antiquitäten ... Dritter Theil by Stark, Karl Bernhard, Hermann, Karl Friedrich, Bähr, Johann Christian Felix
The Ancient Greek Historians (Harvard Lectures) by J. B. (John Bagnell), Bury
Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography by Thompson, Edward Maunde
The Olympic Games at Athens, 1906 by Sullivan, James Edward
Phaedo by Cope, Edward Meredith, Plato
Ithaka, der Peloponnes und Troja by Schliemann, Heinrich
What Have the Greeks Done for Modern Civilisation? by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Rupert Brooke and Skyros, With Wood-cut Illus. by Phyllis Gardner by Casson, Stanley
An Artist in Corfu by Atkinson, Sophie
Nicetae Choniatae Historia by Bekker, Immanuel, Choniates, Nicetas
A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidæ by Newton, Charles Thomas
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Bible History for the Little Ones by Mary, Yonge Charlotte
Akarnanien, Ambrakia, Amphilochien, Leukas im Altertum by Oberhummer, Eugen
Hippocrate by Jouanna, Jacques
History of Greece; Volume 1 by Grote, George
Troja Und Ilion: Ergebnisse Der Ausgrabungen in Den Vorhistorischen Und Historischen Schichten Von Ilion 1870-1894 by Dörpfeld, Wilhelm
Herodotus: The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Books by Herodotus, Macan, Reginald Walter
A Short History of Greek Philosophy by Marshall, John
The Genuine Works of Hippocrates; Volume 2 by Hippocrates, Hippocrates, Adams, Francis
History of the Peloponnesian War by Smith, William, Thucydides
The Iliad of Homer by Pope, Alexander 1688-1744
History of the Peloponnesian War by Smith, William, Thucydides
The Byzantine Empire by
The Byzantine Empire by
The Amazons by Rothery, Guy Cadogan
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece: During the Years 1801, 1805, and 1806; Volume 1 by Dodwell, Edward
Thucydides Mythistoricus by Cornford, Francis MacDonald
Greek Athletic Sports and Festivals by Gardiner, Edward Norman
Discoveries at Ephesus: Including the Site and Remains of the Great Temple of Diana by Wood, John Turtle
Sophocles by Sophocles
The Topography of the Battle of Plataea: The City of Plataea. The Field of Leuctra by G. B. (George Beardoe), Grundy
De Thematibus Et De Administrando Imperio; Volume 10 by Porphyrogenitus, Constantine VII, Bekker, Immanuel
Carchemish: Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on Behalf of the British Museum: V.3 by Hogarth, D. G. 1862-1927, Lawrence, T. E. 1888-1935, Woolley, Leonard
History of the Island of Corfú and of the Republic of the Ionian Islands by Jervis-White-Jervis, Henry
The Great Persian War and its Preliminaries a Study of the Evidence Literary and Topographical by Grundy, G. B.
Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia: Graece Et Latine by Gregoras, Nicephorus, Bekker, Immanuel, Schopen, Ludwig
Sappho And The Island Of Lesbos by Sappho, Patrick, Mary Mills
Geschichte Der Halbinsel Morea Während Des Mittelalters by Fallmerayer, Jacob Philipp
The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos by Evans, Arthur
Hellas and the Balkan Wars by Cassavetti, Demetrius John
Greece and the Greeks of the Present Day by About, Edmond
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece, During the Years 1801, 1805, and 1806; Volume 2 by Dodwell, Edward
The Customs and Lore of Modern Greece by Rodd, James Rennell
What Have the Greeks Done for Modern Civilisation? by Mahaffy, John Pentland
The Anabasis of Alexander; Or, the History of the Wars and Conquests of Alexander the Great: Literally Translated, With a Commentary, From the Greek o by Chinnock, Edward James, Arrian
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece, During the Years 1801, 1805, and 1806; Volume 2 by Dodwell, Edward
Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography by Thompson, Edward Maunde
A Journey Through Albania, and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, During the Years 1809 and 1810 by Broughton, Baron John Cam Hobhouse
Tales of Troy and Greece by Anonymous
Some Pages of Levantine History by Duckworth, H. T. F. 1868-
The Legacy of Greece by Livingstone, R. W.
The Children's Plutarch Tales of the Greeks by Gould, F. J.
Aristotle's Constitution of Athens: A Revised Text With an Introduction, Critical and Explanatory Notes, Testimonia and Indices by Sandys, John Edwin, Aristotle, Aristotle
The Princes of Achaia and the Chronicles of the Morea: A Study of Greece in the Middle Ages; Volume II by Rodd, Rennell
Andros; Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Topographie der Insel by Sauciuc, Theophil
The Topography of the Battle of Plataea: The City of Plataea. The Field of Leuctra by G. B. (George Beardoe), Grundy
The Princes Of Achaia And The Chronicles Of Morea: A Study Of Greece In The Middle Ages; Volume 1 by Rodd, Rennell
A Journey Through Albania, and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, During the Years 1809 and 1810 by Broughton, Baron John Cam Hobhouse
Marcantonio Colonna alla battaglia di Lepanto .. by Guglielmotti, Alberto
Histoire des Séleucides (323-64 avant JC), Première Partie: 1 by Bouché-LeClercq, Auguste
Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre by Hobbes, Thomas
The Great Persian War and its Preliminaries a Study of the Evidence Literary and Topographical by Grundy, G. B.
The Life of Charles Thomson: Secretary of the Continental Congress and Translator of the Bible From the Greek by Harley, Lewis Reifsneider, Thomson, Charles
Scripta Minoa: The Written Documents of Minoan Crete, With Special Reference to The Archives of Knossos; Volume 2 by Evans, Arthur
Aristotle's Constitution of Athens: A Revised Text With an Introduction, Critical and Explanatory Notes, Testimonia and Indices by Aristotle, Aristotle, Sandys, John Edwin
Chroniques Gréco-Romanes: Inédites Ou Peu Connues, Pub. Avec Notes Et Tables Généalogiques by Hopf, Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann
The Dodecanese, the History of the Dodecanese Through the Ages, its Services to Mankind and its Rights by Zervos, Skevos Georges
The Life of Charles Thomson: Secretary of the Continental Congress and Translator of the Bible From the Greek by Harley, Lewis Reifsneider, Thomson, Charles
De Thematibus Et De Administrando Imperio; Volume 10 by Bekker, Immanuel, Porphyrogenitus, Constantine VII
The Amazons by Rothery, Guy Cadogan
Description Des Monumens De Rhodes: Dédiée À Sa Majesté Le Roi Des Pays-bas... by (Colonel), Rottiers
Basile Ier Empereur de Byzance (867-886) et la Civilisation Byzantine à la fin du IX Siècle by Vogt, Albert
Peloponnesos. Eine Historisch-Geographische Beschreibung der Halbinsel, Erster Band by Curtius, Ernst
The History And Antiquities Of The Doric Race; Volume 2 by Müller, Karl Otfried
History Of Greece: I. Legendary Greece. Ii. Grecian History To The Reign Of Peisistratus At Athens; Volume 4 by Grote, George
The Discoveries in Crete: And Their Bearing on the History of Ancient Civilization by
Mission Au Mont Athos Par M. L'abbé Duchesne ... Et M. Bayet ...: Suivie D'un Mémoire Sur Un Ambon De Salonique Et Sur Les Représentations Des Rois Ma by Duchesne, Louis, Bayet, Charles
Mount Athos, Thessaly, And Epirus: A Diary Of A Journey From Constantinople To Corfu by
History Of Greece: I. Legendary Greece. Ii. Grecian History To The Reign Of Peisistratus At Athens; Volume 4 by Grote, George
Mission Au Mont Athos Par M. L'abbé Duchesne ... Et M. Bayet ...: Suivie D'un Mémoire Sur Un Ambon De Salonique Et Sur Les Représentations Des Rois Ma by Duchesne, Louis, Bayet, Charles
A Picture of Greece in 1825: As Exhibited in the Personal Narratives of James Emerson, Esq., Count Pecchio, and W. H. Humphreys, Esq., Comprising a by Tennent, James Emerson
History of the British Possessions in the Mediterranean: Comprising Gibraltar, Malta, Gozo, and the Ionian Islands by Martin, Robert Montgomery
Histoire Et Description Des Îles Ioniennes, Depuis Les Tems Fabuleux Et Héroïques Juspu'à Ce Jour: Avec Un Nouvel Atlas, Contenant Cartes, Plans, Vues by De Saint-Vincent, Bory, Schneider, Antoine Virgile
The History of the Peloponnesian War; Volume 1 by Dale, Henry, Arnold, Thomas, Thucydides
History of the Greek Revolution: Compiled From Official Documents of the Greek Government, Sketches of the War in Greece, by Philip James Green ... an by Comstock, John Lee
Troja Und Ilion: Ergebnisse Der Ausgrabungen in Den Vorhistorischen Und Historischen Schichten Von Ilion 1870-1894 by Dörpfeld, Wilhelm
Beschreibung Von Griechenland by Pausanias
History of the British Possessions in the Mediterranean: Comprising Gibraltar, Malta, Gozo, and the Ionian Islands by Martin, Robert Montgomery
The History of Greece by Goldsmith, Oliver
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