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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2022

Prosopographia Attica; Volume 2 by Kirchner, Johannes
Thucydides; Volume II by Jowett, Benjamin
The Dodecanese, the History of the Dodecanese Through the Ages, its Services to Mankind and its Rights by Zervos, Skevos Georges
Recollections of a Classical Tour Through Various Parts of Greece, Turkey, and Italy: Made in the Years 1818 and 1819; Volume 1 by Laurent, Peter Edmund
A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidæ by Newton, Charles Thomas
La vie de Pythagore;: 17 by Laertius, Diogenes, Delatte, Armand
The Characters of Theophrastus; tr. From the Greek, and Illustrated by Physiognomical Sketches. To Which are Subjoined the Greek Text, With Notes, and by Howell, Francis, Theophrastus, Theophrastus
The Pharsalia Of Lucan by 39-65, Lucan
The age of Pericles: A History of the Politics and Arts of Greece From the Persian to the Peloponnesian war; Volume 1 by Lloyd, William Watkiss
Herodotus; Volume 4 by
Travels in the Morea. With a map and Plans: 2 by Leake, William Martin
The History of Pyrrhus by Abbott, Jacob
Histoire des Séleucides (323-64 avant JC), Première Partie: 1 by Bouché-LeClercq, Auguste
Travels In Crete by Pashley, Robert
Histoire Et Description Des Îles Ioniennes, Depuis Les Tems Fabuleux Et Héroïques Juspu'à Ce Jour: Avec Un Nouvel Atlas, Contenant Cartes, Plans, Vues by Schneider, Antoine Virgile, De Saint-Vincent, Bory
Letters On Greece: Being a Sequel to Letters On Egypt, and Containing Travels Through Rhodes, Crete, and Other Islands of the Archipelago by Savary
Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands by Williams, Hugh William
St. Paul At. Athens by Alexander, William Lindsay
Die Insel Kephallenia Im Altertum by Biedermann, Georg
Constantine I and The Greek People by Paxton, Hibben
A Dissertation On the Topography of the Plain of Troy: Including an Examination of the Opinions of Demetrius, Chevalier, Dr. Clarke, and Major Rennell by MacLaren, Charles
The History Of Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, Thucydides
The Topography of Athens: With Some Remarks On Its Antiquities by Leake, William Martin
The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh, Kt.; Volume I by Ralegh, Walter
The Spartan and Theban Supremacies by Sankey, Charles
The Early Days of Monasticism on Mount Athos by Kirsopp, Lake
Sophocles by Sophocles
The Minoans by Glasgow, George
The Minoans by Glasgow, George
Alexander by
The Cults of the Greek States; Volume 2 by Farnell, Lewis Richard
The Delphic Oracle, its Early History, Influence and Fall by Dempsey, T.
Alexander the Great by Wheeler, Benjamin Ide
Greek Imperialism by Ferguson, William Scott
Plato, and the Other Companions of Sokrates; Volume 1 by Grote, George
A History of Greece From the Earliest Times to the Death of Alexander the Great by
Troy: Its Legend, History and Literature: With a Sketch of the Topography of the Troad in the Light of Recent Investigation by Benjamin, Samuel Greene Wheeler
Cyropaedia by
La Grèce avant les Grecs: Étude linguistique & ethnographique: Pélasges, Lélèges, Sémites & Ioniens by Benloew, Louis
Carchemish: Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on Behalf of the British Museum: V.3 by Hogarth, D. G. 1862-1927, Lawrence, T. E. 1888-1935, Woolley, Leonard
The History of Herodotus: A New English Version, Ed. With Copious Notes and Appendices, Illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus, Fro by Herodotus
Thucydides by Hobbes, Thomas, Thucydides, Thucydides
History of Greece; Volume 1 by Grote, George
The Description of Greece, by Pausanias, Tr. With Notes [By T. Taylor] by Pausanias
Erchia, a Deme of Attica by Young, Clarence H.
Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae by Simocatta, Theophylactus, De Boor, Carl
Troy: A Study in Homeric Geography by Anonymous
The Delphic Oracle, its Early History, Influence and Fall by Dempsey, T.
Scripta Minoa: The Written Documents of Minoan Crete, With Special Reference to The Archives of Knossos; Volume 2 by Evans, Arthur
Mantinée et l'Arcadie orientale by 1863-1927, Fougères Gustave
Sir Richard Church ... Commander-in-chief of the Greeks in the War of Independence by Lane-Poole, Stanley
Demosthenes and the Last Days of Greek Freedom, 384-322 B.C by Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wallace
The History of Herodotus; Volume I by Herodotus
The Cyropædia by Xenophon
Picturesque Sketches of Greece and Turkey by Vere, Aubrey de
Travels in European Turkey, in 1850: Through Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Albania, and Epirus; With a Visit to Greece and the Ionian I by Spencer, Edmund
Handbuch Der Griechischen Epigraphik; Volume 2 by Larfeld, Wilhelm
Rupert Brooke and Skyros, With Wood-cut Illus. by Phyllis Gardner by Casson, Stanley
Some Pages of Levantine History by Duckworth, H. T. F. 1868-
The Topography of Athens and the Demi; Volume 1 by Leake, William Martin
Cyropaedia by
The Condition Of Greece by
Byzance, grandeur et décadence; l'évolution de l'histoire byzantine, les causes de la grandeur de Byzance, le causes de sa décadence, la civilisation by Diehl, Charles
Fasti Hellenici: The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, From the Earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus; Volume 1 by Clinton, Henry Fynes
Callias: A Tale of the Fall of Athens by Church, Alfred John
Le Pape Clément IX Et La Guerre De Candie (1667-1669) D'après Les Archives Secrètes Du Saint-Siège by Terlinden, Charles
Les cavaliers athéniens by Martin, Albert
Travels in the Morea. With a map and Plans: 2 by Leake, William Martin
Thucydides; Volume II by Smith, William
A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece; Volume 2 by Mure, William
Correspondance Du Comte J. Capodistrias, Président De La Grèce: Comprenant Les Lettres Diplomatiques, Administratives Et Particulières, Écrites Par Lu by Anonymous
The Characters of Theophrastus; tr. From the Greek, and Illustrated by Physiognomical Sketches. To Which are Subjoined the Greek Text, With Notes, and by Howell, Francis, Theophrastus, Theophrastus
Description De L'île De Patmos Et De L'île De Samos by Guérin, Victor
Social Life In Greece: From Homer To Menander by
The age of Justinian and Theodora: A History of the Sixth Century A.D.; Volume 1 by Holmes, William Gordon
Die Einstämmigen Männlichen Personennamen Des Griechischen: Die Aus Spitznamen Hervorgegangen Sind by Bechtel, Friedrich
Die meteorologischen Theorien des griechischen Altertums [microform] by Gilbert, Otto
Travels in the Morea: With a Map and Plans; Volume 2 by Leake, William Martin
A Short History of Greek Philosophy / by John Marshall by Marshall, John
Polybe: Ou, La Grèce Conquise Par Les Romains... by De Coulanges, Fustel
Plutarch's Lives of Greek Heroes by Plutarch, Plutarch
Recherches Historiques Sur La Principauté Française De Morée Et Ses Hautes Baronnies: Le Livre De La Conqueste De La Princée De La Morée, Publié Pour by Buchon, Jean Alexandre C.
The History Of Herodotus by Rawlinson, George, Herodotus
Alexander Der Grosse Und Die Idee Des Weltimperiums in Prophetie Und Sage by Kampers, Franz
Travels and Researches in Crete; Volume 2 by Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage
The Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca by Gell, William, Tompkins, T. W.
Mémoires Sur La Grèce: Pour Servir À L'histoire De La Guerre De L'indépendance, Accompagnés De Plans Topographiques; Volume 1 by Raybaud, Maxime
Discoveries at Ephesus: Including the Site and Remains of the Great Temple of Diana by Wood, John Turtle
Timaeus by Plato
Herodotus; Volume 4 by
Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Altertum: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart: nach den Quellen dargestellt. Die leibli by Grasberger, Lorenz
Die Lindische Tempelchronik, Neu Bearb. Von Chr. Blinkenberg by
Examen Critique Des Anciens Historiens D'alexandre-le-grand by Sainte-Croix, M.
Marco Sanudo, Conqueror of the Archipelago by Fotheringham, John Knight, Rushbrook Williams, L. F.
Crete: The Forerunner of Greece by Hawes, Charles Henry, Hawes, Harriet Boyd
Agricola; a Study of Agriculture and Rustic Life in the Greco-Roman World From the Point of View of Labour by Heitland, William Emerton
Thucydides and the History of his Age by Grundy, G. B. 1861-1948
Anabasis by Xenophon, Breitenbach, Ludwig
A Companion to Greek Studies by Whibley, Leonard
Problems in Periclean Buildings by Elderkin, George Wicker
Kreta: Ein Versuch zur Aufhellung Der Mythologie und Geschichte, der Religion und Verfassung dieser Insel, von den ältesten Z by Anonymous
Alexander by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
The Chronicle of Morea = To Chronikon tou Moreos: A History in Political Verse, Relating to the Establishment of Feudalism in Greece by the Franks in by Schmitt, John
History of Alexander the Great by Abbott, Jacob
Aetolia: Its Geography, Topography, and Antiquities by Woodhouse, W. J.
Agricola; a Study of Agriculture and Rustic Life in the Greco-Roman World From the Point of View of Labour by Heitland, William Emerton
The Temples and Ritual of Asklepios at Epidauros and Athens. Two Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain by Caton, Richard
Jonas King, Missionary to Syria and Greece by
A Companion to Greek Studies by Whibley, Leonard
Jonas King, Missionary to Syria and Greece by
Handbuch Der Griechischen Epigraphik by Larfeld, Wilhelm
The Iliad of Homer by Pope, Alexander 1688-1744
The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race by Lewis, George Cornewall, Müller, Karl Otfried, Tufnell, Henry
Kreta: Ein Versuch zur Aufhellung Der Mythologie und Geschichte, der Religion und Verfassung dieser Insel, von den ältesten Z by Anonymous
M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia by Lucan, William Emerton, Heitland, William Emerton, Haskins, Charles Edmund
Atheniensia or Remarks on the Topography and Buildings of Athens by Wilkins, William
Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe; Volume 2 by Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, Howe, Samuel Gridley
Der Alexanderroman; by Leo, Archipresbyter, Pfister, Friedrich
Epideictic Literature by Burgess, Theodore Chalon
Korakou: A Prehistoric Settlement Near Corinth by Blegen, Carl William
Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe; Volume 2 by Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, Howe, Samuel Gridley
The Life Of Apollonius Of Tyana by Athenian), Philostratus (the
Dodone Et Ses Ruines; Volume 1 by Carapanos, Constantin
History of the Greek Revolution: And of the Wars and Campaigns Arising From the Struggles of the Greek Patriots in Emancipating Their Country From the by Gordon, Thomas
L'empereur Héraclius Et L'empire Byzantin Au Viie Siècle by Drapeyron, Ludovic
Delle Origine Italiche E Della Diffusione Dell'incivilmento Italiano All'egitto, Alla Fenicia, Alla Grecia E a Tutti Le Nazioni Asiatiche Poste Sul Me by Mazzoldi, Angelo
A Photographic Expedition in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey & Greece by Salmon, Percy R.
Marco Sanudo, Conqueror of the Archipelago by Fotheringham, John Knight, Rushbrook Williams, L. F.
The Ionian Islands in the Year 1863 by Ansted, David Thomas
Greek Life in Town & Country by Miller, William
Problems in Periclean Buildings by Elderkin, George Wicker
History of Alexander the Great by Abbott, Jacob
The Legacy of Greece by Murray, Gilbert, Livingstone, Richard Winn
The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race by Müller, Karl Otfried, Tufnell, Henry, Lewis, George Cornewall
Christoph. Bondelmontii, Florentini, Librum Insularum Archipelagi by Buondelmonti, Cristoforo De'
Greek Life in Town & Country by Miller, William
The Ionian Islands in the Year 1863 by Ansted, David Thomas
The Legacy of Greece by Murray, Gilbert, Livingstone, Richard Winn
Anabasis by Xenophon, Breitenbach, Ludwig
Description Des Monumens De Rhodes: Dédiée À Sa Majesté Le Roi Des Pays-bas... by (Colonel), Rottiers
Historici Graeci Minores by Dindorf, Ludwig August
Della historia di Corfu descritta by Marmora, Andrea
Études sur l'histoire financière d'Athènes au 5e siècle; le trésor d'Athènes de 480 à 404 by
Demosthenes and the Last Days of Greek Freedom, 384-322 B.C by Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wallace
Byzance, grandeur et décadence; l'évolution de l'histoire byzantine, les causes de la grandeur de Byzance, le causes de sa décadence, la civilisation by Diehl, Charles
Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Alterthum: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart. 1. Theil by Grasberger, Lorenz
The International law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome; Volume 2 by Phillipson, Coleman
Thucydides by Hobbes, Thomas, Thucydides, Thucydides
A Students' History Of Greece by Ed, Kimball Everett
The Temples and Ritual of Asklepios at Epidauros and Athens. Two Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain by Caton, Richard
Christoph. Bondelmontii, Florentini, Librum Insularum Archipelagi by Buondelmonti, Cristoforo De'
Alla guerra greco-turca: Aprile-maggio 1897: impressioni ed istantanee di un corrispondente by
The Hellenistic Age by Bury, J. B.
Recherches Archéologiques À Éleusis: Exécutées Dans Le Cours De L'année 1860 Sous Les Auspices Des Ministères De L'instruction Publique Et D'état: Rec by Lenormant, François
L'ordalie Dans La Grèce Primitive: Étude De Droit Et De Mythologie... by Glotz, Gustave
An Excursion in the Peloponnesus in the Year 1858; Volume 2 by Wyse, Winifrede M., Wyse, Thomas
Aristotle's Constitution of Athens by Aristotle, Aristotle
Recueil De Contes Populaires Grecs by Anonymous
Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre by Hobbes, Thomas
Basile Ier Empereur de Byzance (867-886) et la Civilisation Byzantine à la fin du IX Siècle by Vogt, Albert
History of the Peloponnesian War Done Into English by Richard Crawley by Thucydides, Crawley, Richard
The Burial Customs of the Ancient Greeks by Graves, Frank Pierrepont
Thucydides and the History of his Age by Grundy, G. B. 1861-1948
Cyropaedia, by Xenophon, Miller, Walter
Histoire du droit privé de la République athénienne; Volume 2 by Beauchet, Ludovic
Athens: Its Rise and Fall by Bulwer, Edward Lytton
Die Byzantiner Des Mittelalters in Ihrem Staats-, Hof- Und Privatleben, Insbesondere Vom Ende Des Zehnten Bis Gegen Ende Des Vierzehnten Jahrhunderts, by Krause, Johann Heinrich
Herodotos by Herodotus
Midsummer-Nights Dream by Shakespeare
Atheniensia or Remarks on the Topography and Buildings of Athens by Wilkins, William
The Life Of Apollonius Of Tyana by Athenian), Philostratus (the
L'Empire grec au dixième siècle; Constantin Porphyrogénète by Rambaud, Alfred
Midsummer-Nights Dream by Shakespeare
M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia by Heitland, William Emerton, Haskins, Charles Edmund, Lucan, William Emerton
A Handbook of Greek Constitutional History by Hendy Jones Greenidge, Abel
A Photographic Expedition in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey & Greece by Salmon, Percy R.
A Handbook of Greek Constitutional History by Hendy Jones Greenidge, Abel
Der Alexanderroman; by Pfister, Friedrich, Leo, Archipresbyter
Korakou: A Prehistoric Settlement Near Corinth by Blegen, Carl William
The History of Rome by
L'Empire grec au dixième siècle; Constantin Porphyrogénète by Rambaud, Alfred
History of the Greek Revolution: And of the Wars and Campaigns Arising From the Struggles of the Greek Patriots in Emancipating Their Country From the by Gordon, Thomas
Delle Origine Italiche E Della Diffusione Dell'incivilmento Italiano All'egitto, Alla Fenicia, Alla Grecia E a Tutti Le Nazioni Asiatiche Poste Sul Me by Mazzoldi, Angelo
L'empereur Héraclius Et L'empire Byzantin Au Viie Siècle by Drapeyron, Ludovic
The Hellenistic Age by Bury, J. B.
Dodone Et Ses Ruines; Volume 1 by Carapanos, Constantin
Ancient Eugenics, The Arnold Prize Essay for 1913 by Roper, Allen G.
A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece; Volume 1 by Mure, William
The Greece Of The Greeks; Volume 1 by Perdicaris, G. A.
Athos; or, The Mountain of the Monks by Riley, Athelstan 1858-1945
The Heroes: Or, Greek Fairy Tales by Kingsley, Charles
The History of Greece; Volume 1 by Mitford, William 1744-1827
The History of the Grecian War by Thucydides, Hobbes, Thomas
Prosopographia Attica; Volume 1 by Kirchner, Johannes
Études Sociales Et Juridiques Sur L'antiquité Grecque by Glotz, Gustave
Narrative of a Greek Soldier: Containing Anecdotes and Occurrences Illustrating the Character and Manners of the Greeks and Turks in Asia Minor, and by Mengous, Petros
The age of Justinian and Theodora: A History of the Sixth Century A.D.; Volume 1 by Holmes, William Gordon
Beschreibung Von Griechenland by Pausanias
Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Krieges. by
Alexander the Great: The Merging of East and West in Universal History by Wheeler, Benjamin Ide
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