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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2023

Anabasis by Xenophon
The Ancient Sea: The Utopian and Catastrophic in Classical Narratives and Their Reception by
Ancient Greece and Rome in Modern Science Fiction: Amazing Antiquity by Clare, Ross
Greek Orators VIII: Isaeus Orations: 1, 2, 4 and 6 by Griffith-Williams, Brenda
(U)Mzantsi Classics: Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa by
Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens by Paga, Jessica
The Empire of the Black Sea by Roller, Duane W.
Anabasis by Xenophon
Anabasis by Xenophon
Old Age in Greek and Roman Art by Matheson, Susan B., Pollitt, J. J.
Athens: City of Wisdom by Clark, Bruce
Ancient Greece, Rise and Fall by Carmichael, A. J.
Technical Automation in Classical Antiquity by Gerolemou, Maria
The Spear, the Scroll, and the Pebble: How the Greek City-State Developed as a Male Warrior-Citizen Collective by Billows, Richard A.
The Greek Myths That Shape the Way We Think by Buxton, Richard
The Greek Myths That Shape the Way We Think by Buxton, Richard
The Colossus of Rhodes by Lorence, Terence
Drama, Oratory and Thucydides in Fifth-Century Athens: Teaching Imperial Lessons by Mills, Sophie
Sovereign Thought: The Philosopher & the Kingdom: From Ancient Greece to the Arthaśāstra by Taunton, Gwendolyn
The Genocide of the Christian Populations in the Ottoman Empire and Its Aftermath (1908-1923) by
Odysseus Found: A Royal Tomb, a Hero Cult, and the Birth of a Legend by Kokkolis, Konstantin Nikolas
Classical Controversies: Reception of Graeco-Roman Antiquity in the Twenty-First Century by
Classical Controversies: Reception of Graeco-Roman Antiquity in the Twenty-First Century by
Die Griechische Mythologie: Eine fesselnde Einführung in die Welt der griechischen Mythen, Götter und Göttinnen by Wellman, Billy
The Bronze Lie: Shattering the Myth of Spartan Warrior Supremacy by Cole, Myke
A Cultural History of Medicine in Antiquity by
Demagogues, Power, and Friendship in Classical Athens: Leaders as Friends in Aristophanes, Euripides, and Xenophon by Simmons, Robert Holschuh
The Politics of Viewing in Xenophon's Historical Narratives by Harman, Rosie
Change and Transition on Crete: Interpreting the Evidence from the Hellenistic Through to the Early Byzantine Period: Papers Presented in Honour of G. by
Odysseus Found: A Royal Tomb, a Hero Cult, and the Birth of a Legend by Kokkolis, Konstantin Nikolas
Kos 243 V. Chr.: Ein Europaisches Projekt by Hallof, Klaus
Alexander the Great: The Making of a Myth by
Öffentliche Räume in Pompeji: Zum Design Urbaner Atmosphären by Haug, Annette
Rehearsals of Manhood: Athenian Drama as Social Practice by Winkler, John J.
Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend by Stoneman, Richard
Great Battles of the Classical Greek World by Rees, Owen
Shaping Regionality in Socio-Economic Systems: Late Hellenistic - Late Roman Ceramic Production, Circulation, and Consumption in Boeotia, Central Gree by Peeters, Dean
Historicising Ancient Slavery by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Greek Mythology: [3 in 1] A Fascinating Journey Through the Wonders of Greek Culture Comprehensible Guide to Discover the Greek Pantheo by Books, M. Y.
Labyrinth: Knossos, Myth and Reality by Shapland, Andrew
Anaximander: And the Birth of Science by Rovelli, Carlo
Remarkable Women of the Second World War: A Collection of Untold Stories by Bacon, Victoria Panton
Multiracial Whiteness In The Ancient Black African World by Y.
OCR Anthology for Classical Greek GCSE 2025-2026 by Affleck, Judith, Letchford, Clive
OCR Anthology for Classical Greek as and a Level: 2024-2026 by
The Cambridge Companion to Thucydides by
The Cambridge Companion to Thucydides by
Thisoa Am Lykaion: Ergebnisse Der Forschungen by Mattern, Torsten, Goester, Yvonne
Mitología Griega: Una guía sobre los dioses, la mitología y el folclore griegos by Romano, Ross
Mitología Griega: Una guía sobre los dioses, la mitología y el folclore griegos by Romano, Ross
The Kingdom of Pontus: The History of the Ancient Anatolian Kingdom Before It Was Conquered by Rome by Charles River
Griechische Mythologie: Geschichten aus dem griechischen Pantheon by Andino, Adam
Griechische Mythologie: Geschichten aus dem griechischen Pantheon by Andino, Adam
The Shortest History of Greece: The Odyssey of a Nation from Myth to Modernity by Heneage, James
Homer: The Very Idea by Porter, James I.
The Wider Island of Pelops: Studies on Prehistoric Aegean Pottery in Honour of Professor Christopher Mee by
Xenophon of Athens by Humble, Noreen
Mitologia Greca: Dèi ed Eroi dell'Antica Grecia. Un viaggio alla scoperta dei miti e delle leggende epiche del mondo antico by Apollaro, Raffaele, Magistra, Historia
La antigua Grecia para niños: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Grecia, de la civilización micénica, la guerra de Troya, la edad de oro de Peric by History, Captivating
Ani Warrior Princess by Roberts, Will
History Of Greece 3 In 1: Ancient Greek Mythology, Byzantium And Modern Greece by Kingston, A. J.
In Defense of Civilization: How Our Past Can Renew Our Present by Bonner, Michael R. J.
Psychologie in Der Hellenistischen Geschichtsschreibung by Rohmann, Dirk
Leges Draconis Et Solonis (Legdrsol): Eine Neue Edition Der Gesetze Drakons Und Solons Mit Ubersetzung Und Historischer Einordnung by Schmitz, Winfried
Scholarship and Controversy: Centenary Essays on the Life and Work of Sir Kenneth Dover by
Mitología Griega: Una guía sobre la historia, los dioses y la mitología griegos by Collins, Peter
Mitología Griega: Una guía sobre la historia, los dioses y la mitología griegos by Collins, Peter
The Thinking Root: The Poetry of Earliest Greek Philosophy by Beachy-Quick, Dan
Personal Experience and Materiality in Greek Religion by Rask, K. a.
Liberation and Authority: Plato's Gorgias, the First Book of the Republic, and Thucydides by Thorne, Nicholas
Burger Und Staat Im Griechisch-Romischen Altertum: Gesammelte Schriften by Eder, Walter
Warriors of the Ancient Greek World by Giles, Kevin L.
Spartan Supremacy by Roberts, Mike, Bennett, Bob
Xenophon's Other Voice: Irony as Social Criticism in the 4th Century Bce by Too, Yun Lee
La prostitution dans l'Antiquité by LaCroix, Paul
Geschichte des Hellenismus by Mittag, Peter Franz
Harmful Interaction Between the Living and the Dead in Greek Tragedy by
Sternstunden am Kaiserhof: Michael Scotus und sein "Buch von den Bildern und Zeichen des Himmels" by Ackermann Fsa
Sparta: 4-In-1 History Of Spartan Warriors, Kings, Queens & Politics by Kingston, A. J.
Hellenica by Xenophon
Alexander the Great: Letters: A Selection by
Excursions Into Greek and Roman Imagery by Rystedt, Eva
Life of Constantine by Eusebius of Caesarea
Talking to Tyrants in Classical Greek Thought by Unruh, Daniel
Homer and the gates of the Aoidos: Ulysses in the channel and in the Atlantic by Flaman-Ruet, Jean-Marie
Ancient Technology: Technological Advances Made in Greece During Antiquity (Uncovering the Advanced Technologies and Cultural Significance by Garling, Donald
A Cognitive Analysis of the Main Apolline Divinatory Practices: Decoding Divination by Frigerio, Giulia
Apologia Socratis: A Latin and Greek Parallel Reader by
Die Ansassigen Fremden Im Klassischen Athen by Luppa-Heida, Franziska
Der Politische Tod: Gefallenenbestattung Und 'Epitaphios Logos' Im Demokratischen Athen by Wienand, Johannes
Meno by Plato
Classical Mythology: The Basics 2nd Edition by Martin, Richard
Classical Mythology: The Basics 2nd Edition by Martin, Richard
Vikings: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Vikings (The True and Surprising History of the Vikings & the Most Badass Vikings in History) by McKinney, Robert
What the Greeks Did for Us by Spawforth, Tony
Sophistic Views of the Epic Past from the Classical to the Imperial Age by
Foucault's Seminars on Antiquity: Learning to Speak the Truth by Miller, Paul Allen
Study on the Rock Art at the Yin Mountains by Wang, Xiaokun, Zhang, Wenjing
Reciprocity, Truth, and Gender in Pindar and Aeschylus by Park, Arum
Der Trojanische Krieg: Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte un by Wellman, Billy
Carmina Latina Epigraphica - Developments, Dynamics, Preferences by
The Shortest History of Greece: The Odyssey of a Nation from Myth to Modernity by Heneage, James
Materiality and Aesthetics in Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry by Lather, Amy
Warbound: Epic Tales of Troy by Smestad, Christoffer
What the Greeks Did for Us by Spawforth, Tony
What the Greeks Did for Us by Spawforth, Tony
The Peloponnesian War Chronicles: Power, Politics, and Conflict in Ancient Greece by Smestad, Christoffer
German Colonialism in Africa by
Sparta in Plutarch's Lives by
El almanaque literario: Aspectos editoriales y textuales de la producción en España, Italia y Portugal durante el siglo XVIII by Lora Márquez, Claudia
Paul's Passion for the Pantocrator by Tony, Jacob C.
Trojan War: 4 In 1 History Of Hector, Achilles, Odysseus & Helen Of Troy by Kingston, A. J.
Caesars: Marcus Aurelius, Vespasian, Titus & Domitian by Kingston, A. J.
Greek Gods & Goddesses: Hera, Poseidon, Athena & Zeus by Kingston, A. J.
Ancient Greece: 500 Interesting Facts About Greek History by Publications, Ahoy
A Sketch of the Life of Apollonius of Tyana by Tredwell, Daniel M.
Oropus Et Ager Oropius: Fasc. 1: Decreta, Tituli Sacri, Catalogi, Dedicationes, Tituli Artificum, Tituli Honorarii (Large Print Edition) by
Quelques pierres à la construction européenne: Mémoires de Michel Carpentier by Carpentier, Michel, Servantie, Alain
A Sketch of the Life of Apollonius of Tyana by Tredwell, Daniel M.
Thrace Through the Ages: Pottery as Evidence for Commerce and Culture from Prehistoric Times to the Islamic Period by
Ecriture, Reecriture Ou Citation: Les Procedes de Composition Des Textes Medicaux Antiques by
Thetis / Thetis 27 (2022): Mannheimer Beitrage Zur Klassischen Archaologie Und Geschichte Griechenlands Und Zyperns by
Heracles and Athenian Propaganda: Politics, Imagery and Drama by Frade, Sofia
Greek Tragedy in a Global Crisis: Reading Through Pandemic Times by Telò, Mario
The Minoans by Glasgow, George
Mitología griega: Guía de historia, dioses y diosas griegas by Parr, Jordan
Mitología griega: Guía de historia, dioses y diosas griegas by Parr, Jordan
Lysis by Plato
Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses by
Greek Myths: Heroes and Heroines by
Nemesis: Rappresentazioni E Pratiche Cultuali Nella Grecia Antica by Bonanno, Daniela
Greek Mythology for Teens: Enthralling Tales and Myths from Ancient Greece by Wellman, Billy
Phaedrus by Plato
History of Greece by Torres, Marta
Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World by
Expedition to Disaster: The Athenian Mission to Sicily 415 BC by Matyszak, Philip
A Compendium of World Sovereigns: Volume I Ancient by
Greece, Rome, and the Bill of Rights by Wiltshire, Susan Ford
Evrytania by Fallis, Demetrios I.
Ephesus: The Ancient Capital City of Anatolia by Titans, History
Commemorating Classical Battles: A Landscape Biography Approach to Marathon, Leuktra, and Chaironeia by Braun, Brandon
Spartan: The Fundamentals of Building Muscle (A Captivating Guide to the Fierce Warriors of Ancient Greece) by Elmore, Edwin
Timaeus by Plato
Euthyphro by Plato
Das Antike Griechisch-Römische Wohnhaus: Ein Handbuch Für Kunstfreunde, Architecten, Archäologen, Philologen, Archivare, Studirende Und Schüler Höhere by Lange, Walther
The Oration On The Crown by
Greek Papyri In The British Museum ...: Ed. By F. G. Kenyon [papyri Acquired To End Of 1890] 1893 by
The Great Persian War And Its Preliminaries: A Study Of The Evidence, Literary And Topographical; Volume 4 by Grundy, George Beardoe
Collana Degli Antichi Storici Greci Volgarizzati, Volume 7... by Adriani, Marcello, Chaeronensis, Plutarchus, Cassio, Dione
Histoire Des Grecs, Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusqu'a La Réduction De La Grèce En Province Romaine / Par Victor Duruy. Nouv. Ed., Rev., Augm. by Duruy, Victor
Memoria Graeca Herculanensis: Cum Titulorum Aegypti Papyrorum Codicum Denique Testimoniis Comparatam... by Crönert, Wilhelm
History of Herodotus: A new English Version: 4 by Herodotus, Herodotus, Rawlinson, George
Lykurgos: Rede Gegen Leokrates by Hermann Bender, C. Rehdantz Lycurgus
Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins, Illustrative of the Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece [Of J.J. Barthélemy. by J.D. Barbié Du Bocage, Tr. by W by Bocage, Jean Denis Barbié Du, Barthélemy, Jean Jacques
Greek Ideals A Study Of Social Life Second Edition by Burns, C. DeLisle
Greek Papyri in the British Museum .. by Kenyon, Frederic G., Crum, W. E. 1865-1944
Familienfeste Der Griechen Und Römer by Samter, Ernst
Untersuchungen Ueber Eudokia Und Suidas by Flach, Hans, Flach, Johannes Louis Moritz
Plutarch's Lives: Tr. From the Original Greek; With Notes, Historical & Critical; & a Life of Plutarch by Anonymous
Epistles, in Which are Described the Domestic Manners, the Courtesans, and Parasites of Greece; by Monro, Thomas, Alciphron, Beloe, William
The History of the Grecian war, in Eight Books: 2 by Thucydides, Thucydides, Hobbes, Thomas
The Mediterranean in the Ancient World by Rose, J. Holland 1855-1942
Histoire De La Littérature Grecque: Période Attique. Éloquence. Histoire. Philosophie. Par Alfred Croiset. 1895 by Croiset, Alfred, Croiset, Maurice
Herodots Historie ...... by
Life And Exploits Of Alexander The Great by Cellarius, Christoph, Rufus, Quintus Curtius
Dr. Schliemann and the Archaeological Value of His Discoveries by Chase, Thomas
The Orations; Literally Translated by Lysias
Pausanias' Description of Greece, tr. Into English With Notes and Index; Volume 2 by Pausanias, Pausanias, Shilleto, Arthur Richard
Leonidas, And The Passage Of The Dardanelles By Xerxes by
Satyr- und Bakchennamen by Heydemann, Heinrich
Über das Odeion des Herodes Attikos by Schillbach, Richard
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus; Volume 2 by Herdotus, Herdotus
The Life of the Greeks and Romans Described From Antique Monuments by Guhl, Ernst Karl, Koner, W.
Helmet and Spear; Stories From the Wars of the Greeks and Romans by Church, Alfred John 1829-1912
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus; Volume 1 by Herdotus, Herdotus
Die griechischen Phylen. by Szántó, Emil
Der Geschichtschreiber Polybius: Seine Weltanschauung Und Staatslehre Mit Einer Einleitung Über Die Damaligen Zeitverhältnisse by Markhauser, W.
Reisen und Untersuchungen in Griechenland. by Brøndsted, Peter Oluf
Histoires D'hérodote by Giguet, Pierre, Herodotus, Herodotus
Greece Under The Romans, B.c. 146-a.d. 716 by Finlay, George
The Twelve Olympians by Seltman, Charles
Excavations At Zakro, Crete by Hogarth, David George
The Anabasis of Xenophon, With Engl. Notes by A. Pretor by Xenophon
Outlines Of Greek And Roman History by Morey, William Carey
The Home Life of the Ancient Greeks by Blümner, Hugo
The History of the Persian Wars, From Herodotus; Volume I by Stocker, Charles William
Ploutarchou Nikias by Holden, Hubert Ashton
The Home Life of the Ancient Greeks by Blümner, Hugo
The Story Of The Greek People by Tappan, Eva March
Palmyrene Inscriptions, Taken From Wood's Ruins of Palmyra and Balbec, Transcr. Into the Ancient Heb. Characters and Tr. by S. Salome by Wood, Robert
Outlines Of Greek And Roman History by Morey, William Carey
The Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the Learned, of Athenaeus. Literally Translated by C.D. Yonge, B.A. With an Appendix of Poetical Fragments, Rendere by Athenaeus, Of Naucratis, Yonge, Charles Duke 1812-1891
The Site Of The Homeric Troy by Schliemann, Heinrich
Two Lectures on the Temples and Ritual of Asklepios at Epidaurus and Athens: Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain by Caton, Richard
Thrakisch-Pelasgische Stamme der Balkanhalbinsel und ihre Wanderungen in Mythischer Zeit by Giseke, Bernhard
A Source-book of Ancient History by Botsford, George Willis
Harvard Lectures on the Originality of Greece by Butcher, S. H.
A Source-book of Ancient History by Botsford, George Willis
Observations sur les maladïes des armées dans les camps et dans les garnisons, avec des mémoires sur les substances septiques & anti-septiques; Volume by
Dionysii Halicarnassensis Opera Omnia Graece Et Latine... by D'Halicarnasse, Denys
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