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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2023

Demosthenes On the Crown, With Notes by B. Drake. to Which Is Prefixed Æschines Against Ctesiphon, With Notes by Demosthenes
Quaestiones Thucydidiae by Kullander, Emil
The Age of Pericles: A History of the Politics and Arts of Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War; Volume II by Lloyd, William Watkiss
Thucydides; Volume 1 by Thucydides
Travels in the Morea by Leake, William Martin
Commentationes De Thebarum Boesticarum Primordiis, De Fluviis Fontibusque Thebani Agri, Et De Urbis Thebanae Portis by Unger, Robert August
Q. Curti Rufi HIstoriarum Alexandri Magni Macedonis Libri Qut Supersunt by Hedicke, Edmund
Opuscoli Di Dionigi D'alicarnasso; Volume 1 by Dionysius
Hermes; Volume 12 by Kaibel, Georg, Leo, Friedrich, Hübner, Ernst Willibald Emil
An Analysis of Herodotus, by the Author of Analysis of Aristotle's Ethics and Rhetoric by Paul, Robert Bateman
A History of Greece; Volume 6 by Thirlwall, Connop
Zosimus. En Recognitione Immanuelis Bekkeri by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
The Athenian Family: A Sociological and Legal Study, Based Chiefly On the Works of the Attic Orators by Savage, Charles Albert
A History of Greece From the Earliest Times to the Present; Volume 2 by Timayenis, Telemachus Thomas
The Syracusan Tyrant: Or, the Life of Agathocles: With Some Reflexions On the Practices of Our Modern Usurpers by Perrinchief, Richard
Vormundschaft Nach Attischem Recht by Schulthess, Otto
Die Pnyx und das Pelasgikon in Athen: Zur Wahrung der Topographie von Athen gegen einige neuere Zweifel by Ross, Ludwig
The White Island by Wood, Michael
Beiträge Zur Minäischen Epigraphik by Mordtmann, Johannes Heinrich
Beiträge Zur Geschichte Und Numismatik Der Könige Des Cimmerischen Bosporus Und Des Pontus Von Der Schlacht Bei Zela Bis Zur Abdankung Polemo Ii. by Von Sallet, Alfred Friedrich Constantin
The Oration of Demosthenes On the Crown: With Notes by Demosthenes
Griechische Geschichte Bis Zur Schlacht Bei Chaeroneia: Bis Zur Begründung Des Peloponnesischen Bundes. 2. Verm. Und Völlig Umgearb. Aufl by Busolt, Georg
Geschichte Des Hellenismus, Erster Theil by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Les Mines Du Laurion Dans L'antiquité, Volumes 76-77 by Ardaillon, Édouard
History of Herodotus: A new English Version; Volume 3 by Rawlinson, George, Herodotus, Herodotus
Geographia Classica: Or, The Application of Ancient Geography to the Classics by Butler, John Frost Samuel
History of Greece; Volume 7 by Grote, George
Histoire Des Religions De La Grèce Antique Depuis Leur Origine Jusqu'à Leur Complète Constitution; Volume 3 by Maury, Louis-Ferdinand-Alfred
Diodori Bibliotheca Historica: Xiii-Xv by Fischer, Curt Theodor, Diodorus, Immanuel, Bekker, Immanuel
Greek Papyri in the British Museum .. by Kenyon, Frederic G., Crum, W. E. 1865-1944
Diodori Siculi by Mueller, Karl Historian, Dindorf, Ludwig August, Diodorus, Siculus
Ancient Ships by Torr, Cecil
Greece in the Age of Pericles by Grant, Arthur James
A Companion to Greek Studies; Edited for the Syndics of the University Press by Whibley, Leonard
Xenophontis Qui Fertur Libellus De Republica Atheniensium, in Usum Scholarum Ed. A. Kirchhoff by Xenophon, Kirchhoff, A.
Ancient Greece: From the German of Arnold H. L. Heeren by Heeren, A. H. L. 1760-1842
Thucydidis De Bello Peloponnesiaco: Libri Octo by Poppo, Ernst Friedrich, Thucydides, Stahl, Johann Matthias
Griechische Mythologie, Erster Theil by Gerhard, Eduard
A History of Sicily, 491-289 B.C by Allcroft, Arthur Hadrian, Masom, William Frederick
Recherches sur l'éphébie attique et en particulier sur la date de l'institution by 1895-, Brenot Alice
The Birds of Aristophanes Considered in Relation to Athenian Politics by Harman, Edward George
Histoire Critique Des Origines Et De La Formation Des Ordres Grecs by Chipiez, Charles
L'apologie d'Antiphon, ou, Logos peri metastaseos: D'après des fragments inédits sur papyrus d'Egypt by Nicole, Jules
Diodori Bibliotheca Historica; Volume 3 by Anonymous
Die Mysterienheiligtümer in Eleusis und Samothrake. by Rubensohn, Otto
Histoire De L'école De Mégare Et Des Écoles D'élis Et D'érétrie by Mallet, Charles Auguste
A Smaller Classical Mythology: With Translations From the Ancient Poets, and Questions Upon the Work by Smith, William
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 8 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Perrin, Bernadotte
Griechische Geschichte, Volume 3, part 1 by Beloch, Julius
Hissarlik wie es ist by Boetticher, Ernst
Les Sacerdoces Athéniens by Martha, Jules
Demosthenes Und Seine Zeit; Volume 2 by Schaefer, Arnold Dietrich
Herodotus; Volume 1 by Herodotus, Herodotus, Godley, A. D. 1856-1925
De Republica Atheniensium by Kenyon, Frederic George, Van Herwerden, Henricus, Van Leeuwen, Jan
Das Recht Von Gortyn by Büecheler, Franz, Zitelmann, Ernst
The History of Greece by Goldsmith, Oliver, Press, Chiswich
Compendio Della Storia Civile Ecclesiastica & Letteraria Della Città D'imola [by-ferri, Ed. By G. Benacci].... by
The Cyropaedia [Greek]; Volume 4 by Holden, H. A., Atheniensis, Xenophon
Athenaei Naucratitae Deipnosophistarum Libri Quindecim. Ex Optimis Codicibus Nunc Primum Collatis Emendavit Ac Supplevit Nova Latina Versione Et Anima by Athenaeus, Casuabon, Isaac
Mémoire Sur La Chronologie De La Vie Du Rhéteur Ælius Aristide by Waddington, William Henry
Der Zweite Athenische Bund Und Die Auf Der Autonomie Beruhende: Hellenische Politik Von Der Schlacht Bei Knidos Bis Zum Frieden Des Eubulos by Busolt, Georg
Éloge De La Chevelure: Discours Inédit D'un Auteur Grec Anonyme En Réfutation Du Discours De Synésius Intitulé Éloge De La Calvitie... by Miller, E.
Der Raub Und Die Rückkehr Der Persephone: In Ihrer Bedeutung Für Die Mythologie, Litteratur- Und Kunst-Geschichte by Foerster, Richard
Herodotus, the Seventh, Eighth, & Ninth Books: Appendices, Indices, Maps by Herodotus, Macan, Reginald Walter
Geschichte Des Untergangs Des Griechisch-Römischen Heidentums, Erster Band by Schultze, Viktor
Collection Des Historiens Anciens Et Modernes De L'arménie: Historiens Grecs Et Syriens Trad. Anciennement En Arménien, Volume 1... by Langlois, Victor
Delle Cose Di Sibari Ricerche Storiche by Pistoja, Domenico Marincola
Die Griechischen Dialekte in Ihrem Historischen Zusammenhange Mit Den Wichtigsten Ihrer Quellen; Volume 2 by Hoffmann, Otto
Histoire de la Grèce sous la Domination Romaine by Petit De Julleville, Louis
Acta Et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi Sacra Et Profana Collecta, Ed. F.Miklosich Et I.Müller by Graeca, Acta Et Diplomata
Herodotus; Volume 2 by Herodotus
Description De La Grece De Pausanias; Volume 5 by Pausanias
Lehrbuch Der Griechischen Und Römischen Mythologie Für Höhere Töchterschulen Und Die Gebildeten Des Wieblichen Geschlects by Nösselt, Friedrich
Historia Belli Peloponnesiaci: Cum Nova Translatione Latina: Accedunt Marcellini Vita, Scholia Graeca Emendatius Expressa, Et Indices Nominum Et Reru by Thucydides
Histroie D'herodite: Traduite Du Grec... by Anonymous
Studies in Greek and Roman History: Or Studies in General History From 1000 B.C. to 476 A.D by Barnes, Mary Sheldon
Histoire Des Législateurs Et Des Constitutions De La Grèce Antique by Lerminier, Jean Louis Eugène
Ein Tag Im Alten Athen by Kleemann, Max
Historic Notices of Towns in Greece, and in Other Countries, That Have Struck Coins by Weston, Stephen
Histoire de la Démocratie Athénienne by Auguste Désiré Filon, Charles
Collection Des Historiens Anciens Et Modernes De L'arménie: Pub. En Français Sous Les Auspices De Son Excellence Nubar-Pacha ... Et Avec Le Concours D by Langlois, Victor
Phokion und seine neueren Beurtheiler by Bernays, Jacob
Altertümer von Pergamon, Band VIII. by
Polybii Et Appiani Historiarum Excerpta Vaticana, Ex Collectaneis Constantini Porphyrogeniti, Inventa Atque Ed. Ab A. Majo, Recogn. A J.f. Lucht... by
Historia De Polybio Megalopolitano... by
Collection Des Historiens Anciens Et Modernes De L'arménie, Volume 2... by Langlois, Victor
Life In Athens, In The Time Of Pericles, Illustrative Of Ancient And Modern Democracy. From The Germ. Of T.h. Von Wessenberg [sic] by
L'ottava Orazione Di Lisia E Le Società Private Ateniesi by Vianello, Natale
A Student's Study-guide in Ancient History; a Combination Of Outlines, map Work and Questions to aid in Visualizing, Understanding and Remembering the by Southworth, Gertrude Van Duyn
Herodotus. With an English Translation by A.D. Godley: 3 by Godley, A. D. 1856-1925, Herodotus, Herodotus
Non-Literary Papyri by Hunt, Arthur Surridge, Edgar, Campbell Cowan
Classical Biographies: Containing Xenophon; Dionysius the Elder; Dionysius the Younger; Timoleon; Mithridates by Mountain, Jacob Henry Brooke
Mythische Geographie Der Griechen Und Römer, Erster Theil by Völcker, Karl Heinrich Wilhelm
Poliorcétique Des Grecs by Petetin, Anselme, Wescher, Carle
History of Greece, From the Earliest Times to the End of the Persian War by Alleyne, S. F., Duncker, Max
Meleagros Von Gadara: Eine Litterargeschichtliche Skizze by Radinger, Carl
Atlantica Illustrata, Sive Illustrium, Nobilium Principum Atque Regum Insula, Ubi Et Prisci Hesperidum Horti by Rudbeck, Olof
Introductory Studies In Greek Art by Harrison, Jane Ellen
Thucydides, Book 7 by Thucydides, Smith, Charles Forster
Studies in Greek and Roman History: Or Studies in General History From 1000 B.C. to 476 A.D by Barnes, Mary Sheldon
...Ancient Syracuse; by Mauceri, Enrico
The Ruins of Pæstum, Otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Græcia by Major, Thomas 1720-1799
A History Of Discoveries At Halicarnassus, Cnidus & Branchidæ; Volume 2 by Newton, Charles Thomas
Herodotus graece [et] latine: 03 by Herodotus, Herodotus, Dunbar, George
The Cities And Bishoprics Of Phrygia: Being An Essay Of The Local History Of Phrygia From The Earliest Times To The Turkish Conquest; Volume 2 by
Greek History; Its Problems and Its Meaning, With Appendices on the Authorities and on "The Constitution of Athens," by Walker, Edward Mewburn 1858-
Die Griechischen Rundbauten in Zusammenhange mit dem Götter- und Heroencultus by Pyl, Karl Theodor
Xenophon Anabasis by Bändchen, Xenophon Zweites
The International law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome by Phillipson, Coleman
Mycenai; a Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns by Schliemann, Heinrich
Cretan Elements in the Cults and Ritual of Apollo by Swindler, Mary Hamilton
A Companion to Greek Studies; Edited for the Syndics of the University Press by Whibley, Leonard
Etruscan Researches by Taylor, Isaac
The Public Economy of Athens by Boeckh, August
Alexander the Great in the Punjaub From Arrian, Book 5 by Arrianus, Flavius
The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests: From the Earliest Accounts Till the Div by Gillies, John
Thucydides Translated Into English; Volume 1 by Jowett, Benjamin, Thucydides
Thucydides Translated Into English; Volume 2 by Jowett, Benjamin, Thucydides
Plutarch's Lives: Clough's Translation by Ginn, Edwin, Clough, Arthur Hugh, Plutarch, Plutarch
Xenophon's Hellenica by
The Oration of Demosthenes On the Crown: With Notes by Demosthenes
Herodotus, The Seventh, Eighth, & Ninth Books: Pt. I. Introduction. Book Vii. (text And Commentaries) by
Procopius, Literally And Completely Translated From The Greek For The First Time by
The History of the Life and Reign of Philip, King of Macedon. [Another] by Philip, Leland, Thomas
Fragmenta: Scylacis Caryandensis by Miletus, Hecataeus Of
Über das Odeion des Herodes Attikos by Schillbach, Richard
De Tribus Laminis Aureis Quae in Sepulcris Thurinis Sunt Inventae by Wieten, Jan Hermannus
Abhandlungen des Archäologisch-epigraphischen Seminares der Universität Wien, I. Die Geburt der Athena by Schneider, Robert
Thoukydídou Xyngraphe. Thucydide, Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse. Texte grec, publié d'après l by Croiset, Alfred
Select Popular Orations of Demosthenes: With Notes and a Chronological Table by Demosthenes
The Anabasis of Xenophon, With Engl. Notes, by C. Anthon by Xenophon
Palæographia Græca, Sive De Ortu Et Progressu Literarum Græcarum, Et De Variis Omnium Sæculorum Scriptionis Græcæ Generibus: Itemque De Abbreviationib by Komnenos, Joannes, Montfaucon, Bernard De
Constantini Porphyrogeniti De Cerimoniis Aulae Byzantinae Libri Duo: Graece Et Latine; Volume 1 by Constantine, Johann Jacob, Bekker, Immanuel, Reiske, Johann Jacob
Catalogue of the Acropolis Museu; Volume 2 by
Milet; Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899. Begründet von Theodor Wiegand by Berlin, Staatliche Museen Zu, Wiegand, Theodor
Xenophontis Historia Graeca by Schaefer, Gottfried Heinrich, Xenophon
Herodoti Historiae, recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit Carolus Hude; Volume 2 by Hude, Karl, Herodotus, Herodotus
The Sicilian Expedition by Frost, Percival
Playing with History by Kershner, Todd, Mandzy, Adrian
Aristoteles Erdkunde Von Asien Und Libyen by Bolchert, Paul
Scriptores Physiognomonici Graeci Et Latini Recensuit Richardus Foerster ... by Anonymous
Our Great War and the Great War of the Ancient Greeks by Murray, Gilbert
De Polybii Vocabulis Militaribus by Lindauer, Joseph
Men of Old Greece by Hall, Jennie
The Anabasis by Crosby, Alpheus, Xenophon
Histoire D'hérodote Traduite Du Grec Avec Des Remarques... Par M. Larcher... by Larcher
Chapters in the History and Civilization of Ancient Megara by Highbarger, Ernest Leslie
A Skeleton Outline of Greek History Chronologically Arranged by Abbott, Evelyn
Ilios: The City and Country of the Trojans by Schliemann, Heinrich
L'industrie dans la Grèce ancienne; Volume 1 by Francotte, Henri
The International law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome by Phillipson, Coleman
Griechische geschichte: V.3 pt.2 by Beloch, Julius
A Manual of the History of Greek and Roman Literature by Matthiæ, August Heinrich
L'Administration Financière Du Sanctuaire Pythique Au Ive Siècle Avant J.-C. by Bourguet, Émile
Diodor's von Sicilien historische Bibliothek. Sechstes Bändchen. by Diodorus
Epistles, in Which are Described the Domestic Manners, the Courtesans, and Parasites of Greece; by Alciphron, Beloe, William, Monro, Thomas
Karten von Attika. by
Ioannou tou Zonara Epitome historion. Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum. Cum Caroli Ducangii suisque annotationibus edidit Ludovicus Dindorfius: 3 by Zonaras, Joannes, Dindorf, Ludwig August
The Introduction Of Comedy Into The City Dionysia: A Chronological Study In Greek Literary History by Capps, Edward
Pausanias' Description of Greece by
The Mausoleum Of Halicarnassus by Fergusson, James
The Trial and Death of Socrates by Plato
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Description De La Grèce... by
De Incubatione, Capita Quattuor: Accedit, Laudatio in Miracula Sancti Hieromartyris Therapontis, E Codice Messanensi Denuo Edita by Deubner, Ludwig
The Ancient City: A Study On the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome by De Coulanges, Fustel, Small, Willard
Anleitung zur Griechischen Palaeographie by Wattenbach, Wilhelm
Aeneas von Stymphalos, ein Arkadischer Schriftsteller aus Classischer Zeit by Hug, Arnold
Fragmenta: Scylacis Caryandensis by Miletus, Hecataeus Of
Realms Of Gold A Journey In Search Of The Mycenaeans by Cottrell, Leonard
Das Judenthum in der Vorchristlichen Griechischen Welt: Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Ch by Friedländer, Moriz
The Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens by Gilbert, Gustav
Arrian's Anabasis Of Alexander And Indica by
Epicurea by
A History of Sicily, 491-289 B.C by Allcroft, Arthur Hadrian, Masom, William Frederick
The Cities And Bishoprics Of Phrygia: Being An Essay Of The Local History Of Phrygia From The Earliest Times To The Turkish Conquest; Volume 2 by
Arrian's Anabasis Of Alexander And Indica by
Ion; by Euripides, H. B., L.
Goldsmith's History of Greece, Abridged, Volumes 1-2 by Goldsmith, Oliver
Hellenica, Books I-IV: Books I-IV by James Irving Manatt, Bernhard Büchsensc
Troy and Homer by Schliemann, Heinrich
Ilios: The City and Country of the Trojans by Schliemann, Heinrich
Histoire De La Législation; Volume 2 by Pastoret, Claude Emmanuel Joseph Pierre
Thrakisch-Pelasgische Stamme der Balkanhalbinsel und ihre Wanderungen in Mythischer Zeit by Giseke, Bernhard
An Analysis and Summary of Thucydides: With a Chronological Table of Principal Events, Money, Distances, Etc. Reduced to English Terms; a Skeleton Out by Wheeler, James Talboys
Die Staatshaushaltung der Athener. by Boeckh, August
Eratosthenis Geographicorvm Fragmenta by Eratosthenes, Seidel, Günther Karl Friedrich
The Grecian History, Volume the Second From the End of the Peloponnesian War, to the Death of Philip of Macedon. Containing the Space of Sixty-Eight Y by Stanyan, Temple
The History of Herodotus: A New English Version; Volume 2 by Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, Rawlinson, George, Herodotus, George
Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum ...: Apollodori Bibliotheca Cum Fragmentis by Letronne, Theodor, Müller, Karl Otfried, Müller, Theodor
Thucydides, Book 7 by Thucydides, Smith, Charles Forster
Recueil Des Inscriptions Juridiques Grecques, Part 1 by Reinach, Théodore, Haussoullier, Bernard
Geschichte Der Wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde Der Griechen, Parts 1-4 by Berger, Ernst Hugo
The Geography of Herodotus ...: Illustrated From Modern Researches and Discoveries by Wheeler, James Talboys
Les Vies Des Hommes Illustres De Plutarque, by Dacier, André, Rowe, Thomas, Bellenger, François
Ueber Die In Griechenland Sich Findenden Bergwerke Aus Den Zeiten Der Alten Hellenen: Ausschnitt Aus by Landerer, Xaver
Moines et sibylles dans l'antiquité judéo-grecque by
Thycydides Or Grote? by Shilleto, Richard
Die Spiele Der Griechen Und Römer by Richter, Wilhelm
The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes And Persians, Grecians, And Macedonians; Volume 1 by Lynam, Robert, Rollin, Charles
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