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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2023

Anecdota Or Secret History by
Herodoti Musæ, Sive Historiarum Libri Ix. by Schweighäuser, Johann, Portus, Aemilius, Herodotus
Papiri greco-egizi ed altri greci monumenti dell'I.R. Museo di corte by Petrettini, Giovanni
The Ruins of Pæstum, Otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Græcia by Major, Thomas 1720-1799
Plutarchi Vitae parallelae. Iterum recognovit Carolus Sintenis; Volumen 3 by
Epicurea by
Recueil D'antiquités Égyptiennes, Étrusques, Grecques Et Romaines; Volume 6 by Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe
The Anabasis: Or, The Expedition Of Cyrus by
Oeuvres Complètes De Thucydide Et De Xénophon... by Atheniensis, Xenophon
De Arbitris Externis, Quos Graeci Adhibuerunt Ad Lites Et Intestinas Et Peregrinas Componendas, Quaestiones Epigraphicae by Sonne, Eric
Paideia by
Collana Degli Antichi Storici Greci Volgarizzati, Volume 5... by Cassio, Dione, Adriani, Marcello
Greeks & Barbarians by
Thucydides Translated Into English; Volume 2 by Thucydides, Jowett, Benjamin
Hellenistic Cities Of Asia Minor by Robinson, David Moore
L' Histoire Des Grecs Ou De Ceux Qui Corriger La Fortune Au Jeu, Volume 2... by Goudar, Ange
Herodotus, Recensuit Josephus Williams Blakesley by Blakesley, Joseph Williams, Herodotus
De Titulorum Laconicorum Dialecto... by Müllensiefen, Paul
Histoire De La Gréce Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusqu'a La Fin De La Géneration Contemporaine D'anglais Par a .-L.De Sadous ... Seule Éd. Franc by Grote, George
Die oekonomie der geschichte des Polybios by
La leggenda di Alessandro Magno: Studio storico-critico by Carraroli, Dario
Les Vies Des Hommes Illustres: Sertorius. Eumène. Agésilas. Pompée by Dacier, André, Wennington, William
Untersuchungen Ueber Eudokia Und Suidas by Flach, Hans, Flach, Johannes Louis Moritz
Grecian Antiquities: Or, an Account of the Public and Private Life of the Greeks... Chiefly Designed to Explain Words in the Greek Classics by Harwood, Thomas
Histoire De La Littérature Grecque: Période Attique. Éloquence. Histoire. Philosophie. Par Alfred Croiset. 1895 by Croiset, Maurice, Croiset, Alfred
The Geographical System of Herodotus Examined and Explained, by a Comparison With Those of Other Ancient Authors, and With Modern Geography; Volume 2 by Rennell, James
History of Greece; Volume 8 by Grote, George
Lysiæ Orationes Quæ Supersunt Omnes Et Deperditarum Fragmenta, Ed. Et Adnotatione Critica Instruxit C. Foertsch by Lysias
Studien zur Geschichte des Griechischen Alphabets, Zweite Auflage by Kirchhoff, Adolf
L'industrie Dans La Grèce Ancienne, Volume 1... by Francotte, Henri
Xenophon's Hellenica: Selections, Edited With Introduction, Notes, and Appendices by Brownson, Carleton Lewis, Xenophon
Herodotus by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley, Herodotus, Evelyn Shirley
Handbuch Der Griechischen Staatsalterthümer; Volume 2 by Gilbert, Gustav
La Grecia. Volgarizzamento, Con Note Ed Illustr., Di S. Ciampi by Pausanias
Herodoti Historiae; Volume 2 by Herodotus, Holder, Alfred Theophil
Claudii Ptolemaei Geographia, Volumen III by Ptolemy
Inscriptiones Graecae Ineditae, Volume 3... by Ross, Ludwig
Plutarch's Lives: In six Volumes: Translated From the Greek; Volume 5 by Plutarch, Plutarch
History of Greece; Volume 5 by Grote, George
Goldsmith's History of Greece, Abridged, Volumes 1-2 by Goldsmith, Oliver
Die Dreygestaltete Hekate Und Ihre Rolle In Den Mysterien by Keppen, Petr I.
The Fourth Oration of Isocrates, Called the Panegyric: As Being Addressed to the Universal Assembly of All Greece, Exhorting the Grecians to Concord, by Frank, Henry, Isocrates, Henry
La légende d'Hippolyte dans l'antiquité by Louis, Séchan
L' Asclépieion D'Athénes D'Après De Récentes Découvertes by Girard, Paul
The Anabasis of Xenophon, With Engl. Notes by A. Pretor by Xenophon
Geographi Graeci Minores.E Codicibus Recognovit Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit...Carolus Mullerus; Volume 2 by Müller, Carl
Life And Exploits Of Alexander The Great by Rufus, Quintus Curtius, Cellarius, Christoph
Alcibiades: A Character Sketch Based On a Study of the Original Sources by Griffiths, Anna Cecilia
Pyrrhus by Abbott, Jacob
Oeuvres Completes De Xenophon... by Trianon, Henry
Description De La Grèce De Pausanias; Volume 1 by Pausanias
The Anabasis of Alexander: Or, the History of the Wars and Conquests of Alexander the Great, Tr. With a Comm. by E.J. Chinnock by Arrianus, Flavius
The Cults of Lesbos by Ledyard, Shields Emily
Histoire de la Guerre du Péloponèse de Thucydide by Bétant, Thucydides E. -A
Cretan Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script. With an Account of a Sepulchral Deposit at Hagios Onuphrios Near Phaestos in its Relation Primitive Cre by Evans, Arthur
Geographi Graeci Minores.E Codicibus Recognovit Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit...Carolus Mullerus; Volume 1 by Müller, Carl
La Milice Des Grecs, Ou Tactique D'elien: Ouvrage Traduit Du Grec, Avec Des Notes Et Des Figures, Auquel On A Joint Un Discours Sur La Phalange Et Sur by
La Loi De Gortyne... by Dareste, Rodolphe
L'oracle de Dodone by Carapanos, Constantin
Las Vidas Paralelas De Plutarco; Volume 2 by Romanillos, Antonio Ranz
Berossos und Kleitarchos by Schnabel, Paul
Leonidas, And The Passage Of The Dardanelles By Xerxes by
Mission Archéologique De Macédoine... by Heuzey, Léon Alexandre
Description De La Grece De Pausanias; Volume 3 by Pausanias
Les Plaidoyers D'isée by Dareste, Rodolphe, Isaeus, Rodolphe
Della Magna Grecia E Delle Tre Calabrie, Ricerche by Leoni, Nicola
Troy and Homer by Schliemann, Heinrich
The Ancient City: A Study On the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome by De Coulanges, Fustel, Small, Willard
A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest by Smith, William
Der Wohnsitz des Odysseus Ithaka Oder Lewkas by Engel, Eduard
Histoire De La Grèce: Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusqu'a La Fin De La Génération Contemporaine D'alexandre Le Grand, Volume 10... by Grote, George
Les Harangues De Démosthène: Texte Grec Publié D'après Les Travaux Les Plus Récents De La Philologie, Avec Un Commentaire Critique Et Explicatif, U by Weil, Henri, Demosthenes
Geschichte des peloponnesischen Krieges. Griechisch und Deutsch mit kritischen und erklärenden Anmerkungen, Fünfter Band by Thucydides
Atlantica Illustrata, Sive Illustrium, Nobilium Principum Atque Regum Insula, Ubi Et Prisci Hesperidum Horti by Rudbeck, Olof
Greek Studies: A Series of Essays by Pater, Walter
The Oration of Hyperides Against Demosthenes: Respecting the Treasure of Harpalus. the Fragments of the Greek Text, Now First Edited From the Faximile by Hyperides
The Anabasis of Xenophon; 01 by Pretor, Alfred
Fragments Des Poemes Géographiques De Scymnus De Chio Et Du Faux Dicéarque, Restitués Principalement D'après Un Manuscrit De La Bibliothèque Royale: P by
Geographie Der Griechen and Romer, Erster Band by Mannert, Konrad
Geschichte Des Hellenismus: Th. Geschichete Der Diadochen by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Sophocles by Whitelaw, Robert
All the Orations of Demosthenes, Pronounced to Excite the Athenians Against Philip King of Macedon, Tr., With Notes by T. Leland. (The Orations of Dem by Demosthenes
Ion; by Euripides, H. B., L.
Handbuch Der Alten Geographie, Erster Band by Forbiger, Albert
Die Amazonen: Ein Beitrag zur unbefangenen Prüfung und Würdigung der ältesten Ueberlieferungen. by Mordtmann, Andreas David
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus; Volume 1 by Herdotus, Herdotus
Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae... by Dittenberger, Wilhelm
Xenophontos Kyron Anabasis. The Expedition of Cyrus the Younger, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand by Crosby, Alpheus 1810-1874 Ed
Helmet and Spear; Stories From the Wars of the Greeks and Romans by Church, Alfred John 1829-1912
Histoire De La Législation; Volume 4 by Pastoret, Claude Emmanuel Joseph Pierre
Cyropaedia; Volume 2 by Xenophon
Histoire De La Guerre Du Péloponnèse; Volume 1 by Thucydides
De Vita Excellentium Imperatorum Ex Editione Quarta J. H. Bremi: Accedunt by Nepos, Cornelius
Griechische Bilderchroniken by Otto, Jahn
The Anabasis of Xenophon, With Engl. Notes, by C. Anthon by Xenophon
Diodori Siculi by Diodorus, Siculus, Mueller, Karl Historian, Dindorf, Ludwig August
History of Herodotus: A New English Version by Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, Rawlinson, George, Herodotus, George
Andocides De Mysteriis by Andocides
Pausanias' Description of Greece, tr. Into English With Notes and Index; Volume 2 by Shilleto, Arthur Richard, Pausanias, Pausanias
L'apologie d'Antiphon, ou, Logos peri metastaseos: D'après des fragments inédits sur papyrus d'Egypt by Nicole, Jules
Six Of Plutarch's Greek Lives: Nicias. Alcibiades by
Epitome Historiae Graecae... by
Familienfeste Der Griechen Und Römer by Samter, Ernst
The History Of The Chalcidic League by West, Allen Brown
Sorani Ephesii Liber De Muliebribus Affectionibus by Soranus
Collana Degli Antichi Storici Greci Volgarizzati, Volume 3... by Adriani, Marcello, Cassio, Dione
Histoire Du Siècle De Périclès, Volume 1... by Filleul, Edmond
Histoire Universelle De Justin: Extraite De Trogue Pompée; Volume 1 by Justinus, Marcus Junianus, Pierrot, Jules
Peloponnesiaca: A Supplement to Travels On the Moréa by Leake, William Martin
Introductory Studies In Greek Art by Harrison, Jane Ellen
Iles De La Grèce by LaCroix, Louis
Hellenika: Griechenland Im Neuen Das Alte, Erster Band by Forchhammer, Peter W.
Historia Græca, Ex Insignioribus Fere Historicis Et Oratoribus, Qui Græca Scripserunt, Petita in Usum Scholæ Hergensis by Graeca, Historia
Storia Greca: Parte Prima, La Grecia Antichissima... by Beloch, Julius
Histoire Des Premiers Temps De La Grèce, Depuis Inachus Jusqu'à La Chute Des Pisistratides, Volume 2... by Clavier, Étienne
The History of Thucydides, Newly Tr. and Illustr. With Annotations [&C.] by S.T. Bloomfield; Volume 3 by Thucydides
Archæologia Græca: Or, the Antiquities of Greece; Volume 2 by Potter, John
Reise Durch Alle Theile Des Königreiches Griechenland in Auftrag Der Königl. Griechischen Regierung in Den Jahren 1834 Bis 1837, Zweiter Theil by Anonymous
Griechische und Lateinische Inschriften. by
Par Quelles Causes Et Par Quels Degrés Les Loix De Lycurgue Se Sont Altérées Chez Les Lacédémoniens ...: Avec Des Notes Contenant Les Principaux Trait by
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae; Volume 28 by Bekker, Immanuel, Crusius, Martin, Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Histoire Universelle Des Théâtres De Toutes Les Nations, Depuis Thespis Jusqu'À Nos Jours: Par Une Société De Gens De Lettres ... by Coupé, Jean Marie Louis
The History Of Ancient Greece, by
De Polybii Vocabulis Militaribus by Lindauer, Joseph
Archæologia Græca: Or, the Antiquities of Greece; Volume 1 by Potter, John
La Cyropédie: Essai Sur Les Idées Morales Et Politiques De Xénophon by Hémardinquer, Maurice
Analecta Graeciensia: Festschrift Zur 42. Versammlung Deutscher Philologen Und Schulmänner in Wien 1893 by Philologen Und Schulmänner, Verein Deut
Karten Von Attika: Auf Veranlassung Des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Und Mit Unterstützung Des K. Preussischen Minister by
Beschreibung Eines Sehr Merkwürdigen Neuentdeckten Griechischen Grabmals Bei Cumä Mit Drei Basreliefs Über Die Bacchische Mysterien-feier: Mit 3 Kupfe by Sickler, Friedrich
Inscriptiones Graecae Ineditae... by Ross, Ludwig
The Anabasis by Xenophon, Crosby, Alpheus
Crónica Troyana: Códice Gallego Del Siglo Xiv De La Biblioteca Nacional De Madrid... by Salazar, Andrés Martínez
Études Numismatiques Sur Quelques Types Relatifs Au Culte D'hécate... by
Geographie Der Griechen Und Römen Aus Ihren Schriften, Dritter Theil by Mannert, Konrad
Geschichte der griechischen und makedonischen Staaten seit der Schlacht bei Chaeronea. by Niese, Benedikt
Heilige Höhen der alten Griechen und Römer by Beer, Rudolf
Attic Building Accounts by Dinsmoor, William Bell
Korkyraeische Studien: Beiträge Zur Topographie Korkyras Und Zur Erklärung by Schmidt, Bernhard
Dissertatio Gradualis, De Studio Veterum Recitandi... by Ekerman, Petrus, Vougt, Georg
Le Merveilleux Dans L'antiquité: Apollonius De Tyane, Sa Vie, Ses Voyages, Ses Prodiges Et Ses Lettres... by Philostratus, Flavius, Chassang, Alexis
Le Sipylos Et Ses Monuments. Ancienne Smyrne by Weber, Georg
Myths Of Greece Explained And Dated: An Embalmed History From Uranus To Persus: Including The Eleusinian Mysteries And The Olympic Games; Volume 1 by Clair, George St
Oedipe A Colone: Texte Grec. Publié Avec Des Arguments Analytiques... by
Les Inscriptions Grecques Interprétées by
Itinerarium Alexandri Ad Constantium Augustum, Constantini Filium: Item Iulii Valerii Res Gestae Alexandri Macedonis by Mai, Angelo
Histoire De L'esclavage Dan L'antiquité; Volume 2 by Wallon, Henri Alexandre
Der Selbstmord Im Klassichen Altertum: Historisch-Kritische Abhandlung by Geiger, Karl August
Historias De Grecia É Italia: Desde Los Tiempos Más Remotos Hasta 1840... by Brusi, Antonio
Geschichte Des Peloponnesischen Krieges: Griechisch Und Deutsch Mit Kritischen Und Erklärenden Anmerkungen, Volumes 1-4. Erstes Buch by Thucydides
Psellus De Lapidum Virtutibus Graece Ac Latine Cum Notis Phil. Jac. Maussaci Et Joan. Steph. Bernard. Accedit Fragmentum De Colore Sanguinis Ex Doctri by Psellos, Michel, Maussac
Description Of The Greek Papyri In The British Museum, Part 1 by
Ancient Greece And Rome by Clare, Israel Smith
The History Of Thucydides by
Handbuecher der alten Geschichte, Band III. 1897 by Busolt, Georg
Hellanici Lesbii Fragmenta, Collegit Emendauit Illustrauit, Et Praemissa Commentatione De Hellanici Aetate Vita Et Scriptis In Vniuersum Ed. F.g. Stur by
Knossos... by Wolters, Paul
Herodotus, Books V and VI. Terpsichore and Erato by Abbott, Evelyn, Herodotus, Herodotus
Geschichte Des Hellenismus; Volume 2 by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Das Perikleische Zeitalter: Darstellung Und Forschungen, ERSTER BAND by Schmidt, Wilhelm Adolf
Travels in Northern Greece; Volume 2 by Symonds, William Samuel, Leake, William Martin, Le Gendre, Louis
Rome Et La Grèce De 200 À 146 Avant Jésus-christ... by Colin, G.
The Philippics by
Orationes Sex Cum Ceterarum Fragmentis... by
Le Iliadi Di Darete Frigio: E Ditte Cretese, Volumes 1-2 by Dares, Dictys
La Manomissione E La Condizione Dei Liberti in Grecia by Calderini, Aristide
Mnthologie der Griechen. by Ranne, Johann Arnold
Dictys Und Dares: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Troja-Sage in Ihrem Uebergange Aus Der Antiken in Die Romantische Form by Körting, Gustav
Ionia; Land of Wise men and Fair Women by Craig, Alexander
The Acropolis of Athens by D'Ooge, Martin Luther
Geographi Graeci Minores: Arriani Periplum Ponti Euxini; Anonymi Periplum Ponti Euxini; Anonymi (Alterius) Periplum Ponti Euxini Et Maeotidis Pa by Gail, Jean-François
Naukratis, A Greek City In Egypt by Winslow, William Copley
Grecian and Roman Mythology by Lewis, Tayler, Dwight, M. a. 1806-1858
Thucydides; Volume 2 by Thucydides, Donaldson, John William
Malaria and Greek History by Withington, E. T., Jones, W. H. S. 1876-1963
Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition; Volume 2 by Arrian
Xenophontis Historia Graeca by Schaefer, Gottfried Heinrich, Xenophon
L'acropole D'athènes; Volume 2 by Beulé, Charles Ernest
Greek History in Brief by Forfar, Chas
Studies in Herodotus by Gordon, Laird Arthur
The History of the Grecian war, in Eight Books: 2 by Hobbes, Thomas, Thucydides, Thucydides
Histoire du droit privé de la République athénienne: 1 by Beauchet, Ludovic
History of Greece: 11 by Grote, George
The Mausoleum Of Halicarnassus by Fergusson, James
The Twelve Olympians by Seltman, Charles
Alexander the Great in the Punjaub From Arrian, Book 5 by Arrianus, Flavius
The Demesman in Attic Life by Edwards, John Bowen
The Oration De Mysteriis of Andocides by
Feste der Stadt Athen im Altertum, Geordnet nach Attischem Kalender. Umarbeitung der 1864 Erschienen by Mommsen, August
Thoukydídou Xyngraphe. Thucydide, Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse. Texte grec, publié d'après l by Croiset, Alfred
Travels in The Morea; Volume III by Leake, William Martin
Our Great War and the Great War of the Ancient Greeks by Murray, Gilbert
Zur Landeskunde von Griechenland: Kulturgeschichtliches und Wirtschaftliches by Struck, Adolf Hermann
A Manual of the History of Greek and Roman Literature by Matthiæ, August Heinrich
Men of Old Greece by Hall, Jennie
De Historia Thucydidea Commentatio by Poppo, Ernst Friedrich
Select Popular Orations of Demosthenes: With Notes and a Chronological Table by Demosthenes
Geographia Classica: Or, The Application of Ancient Geography to the Classics by Butler, John Frost Samuel
Histoire de la Grèce sous la Domination Romaine by Petit De Julleville, Louis
L'Administration Financière Du Sanctuaire Pythique Au Ive Siècle Avant J.-C. by Bourguet, Émile
Non-Literary Papyri by Hunt, Arthur Surridge, Edgar, Campbell Cowan
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