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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 2023

The Sound of the Sky Being Torn: A Political Ecology of Military Aircraft Noise by Cox, Rupert
Grabbing the Female Commons: Gendered Outcomes of Commons and Resilience Grabbing by Large-Scale Land Acquisitions for Forest Plantations in Kilolo by Gmür, Désirée Ruth
Community Still Matters: Uyghur Culture and Society in Central Asian Context by
The Ponytail: Icon, Movement, and the Modern (Sports)Woman by Broch, Trygve B.
Revisioning French Culture by
Heimatkunde: Explorations of Place and Belonging. a 'Feast-Script' in Honour of Ullrich Kockel by
Cricket in Pakistan: Nation, Identity and Politics by Khan, Ali
Anthropology: Understanding Societies and Human Behavior by Group, York Science
Animal Guising and the Kentish Hooden Horse: An Exhibition at Maidstone Museum by Frost, James Edward
Cultural Diversity and Caribbean Indigenes Peoples by Palacio, Joseph Orlando
Tikanga: An Introduction to Te Ao Maori by Opai, Keri
The Grammar of the Spirit World in Pentecostalized Africa by
Revolution by Muñoz, Juan Manuel
From Primates to Politicians: A journey from the political side of animals to the animal side of politicians by Muñoz, Juan Manuel
Frontiers of Memory in the Asia-Pacific: Difficult Heritage and the Transnational Politics of Postcolonial Nationalism by
The Ponytail: Icon, Movement, and the Modern (Sports)Woman by Broch, Trygve B.
Socio-Ecological Systems and Decoloniality: Convergence of Indigenous and Western Knowledge by
Citizen Fetus: The Changing Image of Motherhood by Piontelli, Alessandra
Queerfeministische Kompostierungen Des Anthropozäns: Ökologien, Raumzeiten, Verantworten by
Soziologie Und Anthropologie 1 - Theorie Der Magie / Soziale Morphologie: Herausgegeben Und Mit Einem Vorwort Von Cécile Rol by Mauss, Marcel
Soziologie Und Anthropologie 2 - Gabentausch, Todesvorstellung, Körpertechniken: Herausgegeben Und Mit Einem Vorwort Von Cécile Rol by Mauss, Marcel
Ubuntu Philosophy for the New Normalcy by Siraz Chowdhury, Jahid, Mohd Saad, Mohd Rashid, Wahab, Haris Abd
Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education: International Perspectives on the Aesthetics of Transformation by
Spatial Approaches in African Archaeology by
Reworking Culture: Relatedness, Rites, and Resources in Garo Hills, North East India by de Maaker, Erik
Sports Studies in India: Expanding the Field by Patel, Sujata
Returning to q'Ero: Sustaining Indigeneity in an Andean Ecosystem 1969-2020 by Webster, Steven
Indigenous Churches: Anthropology of Christianity in Lowland South America by
Human Evolution: Bones, Cultures, and Genes by Langdon, John H.
Primates in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Exploring Primate Behavioural Flexibility Across Human Contexts by
Singing the Goddess into Place: Locality, Myth, and Social Change in Chamundi of the Hill, a Kannada Folk Ballad by Simmons, Caleb
Drops of Inclusivity: Racial Formations and Meanings in Puerto Rican Society, 1898-1965 by Denis-Rosario, Milagros
Quinoa: Food Politics and Agrarian Life in the Andean Highlands by Seligmann, Linda J.
International Law of Underwater Cultural Heritage: Understanding the Challenges by Browne, Kim, Raff, Murray
Voices That Matter: Kurdish Women at the Limits of Representation in Contemporary Turkey by Schäfers, Marlene
Hard Luck and Heavy Rain: The Ecology of Stories in Southeast Texas by Russo, Joseph C.
Infertile Environments: Epigenetic Toxicology and the Reproductive Health of Chinese Men by Lamoreaux, Janelle
Media Representations of Retail Work in America by Clark, Brittany R.
Digital Healthcare and Expertise: Mental Health and New Knowledge Practices by Egher, Claudia
Infertile Environments: Epigenetic Toxicology and the Reproductive Health of Chinese Men by Lamoreaux, Janelle
The Age of Wild Ghosts: Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China by Mueggler, Erik
Glyphosate and the Swirl: An Agroindustrial Chemical on the Move by Adams, Vincanne
Hard Luck and Heavy Rain: The Ecology of Stories in Southeast Texas by Russo, Joseph C.
Native Agency: Indians in the Bureau of Indian Affairs by Lambert, Valerie
Kurds in Dark Times: New Perspectives on Violence and Resistance in Turkey by
Sartor Resartus: The Life And Opinions Of Herr Teufelsdrockh by Carlyle, Thomas
Postcolonial Configurations: Dictatorship, the Racial Cold War, and Filipino America by Diaz, Josen Masangkay
The Valkyries' Loom: The Archaeology of Cloth Production and Female Power in the North Atlantic by Smith, Michèle Hayeur
The Archaeology of Prostitution and Clandestine Pursuits by Seifert, Donna J., Yamin, Rebecca
Cuban Cultural Heritage: A Rebel Past for a Revolutionary Nation by Alonso González, Pablo
Kurds in Dark Times: New Perspectives on Violence and Resistance in Turkey by
Sumud: Birth, Oral History, and Persisting in Palestine by Wick, Livia
Eating in the Side Room: Food, Archaeology, and African American Identity by Warner, Mark S.
Sumud: Birth, Oral History, and Persisting in Palestine by Wick, Livia
Generación Idiota: Una Crítica Al Adolescentrismo by Laje, Agustin
Generación Idiota: Una Crítica Al Adolescentrismo by Laje, Agustin
Resilient Religion, Resilience and Heartbreaking Adversity by Lit Verlag
Le corps de la lettre: La quête de la totalité dans la poétique d'Isidore Isou by Cătană, Alexandra
Elders' Cultural Knowledges and the Question of Black/ African Indigeneity in Education by Karanja, Wambui, Erger, Grace, Dei, George J. Sefa
Francis Huxley: Ein Leben Für Die Sozialanthropologie by Roberts, Ron, Itten, Theodor
Food Resistance Movements: Journeying Through Alternative Food Networks by Edwards, Ferne
An Ethnography of Faith. Personal Conceptions of Religiosity in the Soutpansberg, South Africa, in the Early 20th Century by Jeannerat, Caroline
Onscreen/Offscreen by Nakassis, Constantine V.
Idiocracy: The Culture of the New Idiot by Terzic, Zoran
A Social History of Modern Tehran by Rezvani Naraghi, Ashkan
Beauty and Brutality: Manila and Its Global Discontents by
The Practical Critic: André Bazin on Film, 1945-1958 by Russo, James R.
Indian and Western Philosophical Concepts in Religion by
Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks: Language Politics, Digital Media and the Making of an International Community by Fians, Guilherme
Beauty and Brutality: Manila and Its Global Discontents by
Hair Tells a Story: Hers, Yours and Ours by Maine, Margo
Restorative Communities: From Conflict to Conversation by Bolton, Kerra
Architectural Heritage in the Western Azerbaijan Province of Iran: Evidence of an Intertwining of Cultures by
Indigenous Resistance in the Digital Age: On Radical Hope in Dark Times by Guntarik, Olivia
Crisis for Whom?: Critical global perspectives on childhood, care, and migration by
Social Change in Syria: Family, Village and Political Party by Khalaf, Sulayman N.
Hidden Attractions of Administration: The Peculiar Appeal of Meetings and Documents by Jacobsson, Katarina, Andersson Cederholm, Erika, Åkerström, Malin
Shifting States: New Perspectives on Security, Infrastructure, and Political Affect by
The Time of Anthropology: Studies of Contemporary Chronopolitics by
Indigenous Bodies, Cells, and Genes: Biomedicalization and Embodied Resistance in Native American Literature by Ziarkowska, Joanna
Midwives in Mexico: Situated Politics, Politically Situated by Laako, Hanna, Sánchez-Ramírez, Georgina
Political Incivility in the Parliamentary, Electoral and Media Arena: Crossing Boundaries by
Global Economic Crisis as Social Hieroglyphic: Genesis, Constitution and Regressive Progress by Memos, Christos
The Future of the Korean Peninsula: Korea 2032 and Beyond by
Cultural Management and Policy in Latin America by
Cultures of Transparency: Between Promise and Peril by
Plural Heritages and Community Co-production: Designing, Walking, and Remembering by Whitehead, Christopher, Schofield, Tom, Bozoğlu, Gönül
Taiwan's Contemporary Indigenous Peoples by
The Temporalities of Waste: Out of Sight, Out of Time by
Food History: A Feast of the Senses in Europe, 1750 to the Present by
Cultural Expression and Subjectivity of Chinese Peasants by Yao, Sha
Cultural Mobilities Between Africa and the Caribbean by
The Nordic Economic, Social and Political Model: Challenges in the 21st Century by
Corporate Governance and Whistleblowing: Corporate Culture and Employee Behaviour by Cheema, Moeen Umar, Su, Sophia, Munir, Rahat
Ethics and Nationalist Populism at the British Seaside: Negotiating Character by Balthazar, Ana Carolina
The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan by Nukariya, Kaiten
Queer Word- and World-Making in South Africa: Dignified Sounds by Riley, Taylor
Ethnic Inequality in the Northeastern Indian Borderlands: Social Structures and Symbolic Violence by Lama, Anita
The Making of Place and People in the Danish Metropolis: A Sociohistory of Copenhagen North West by Hansen, Christian Sandbjerg
Displacement Among Sri Lankan Tamil Migrants: The Diasporic Search for Home in the Aftermath of War by Chattoraj, Diotima
Biotechnology and the Politics of Plants: Disciplining Time by Hodges, Matt
Marginality in India: Perspectives of Marginalisation from the Northeast by
Mannequins in Museums: Power and Resistance on Display by
Anthropology by Marett, R. R.
Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia Pacific: Knowledge Co-Production and Empowerment by
Globalising Housework: Domestic Labour in Middle-Class London Homes,1850-1914 by Humphreys, Laura
Peripheral Methodologies: Unlearning, Not-Knowing and Ethnographic Limits by
Amaxhosa Circumcision: Stories of Manhood and Mental Health by Vivian, Lauraine M. H.
Museums as Agents for Social Change: Collaborative Programmes at the Mutare Museum by Mataga, Jesmael, Chipangura, Njabulo
Isn't It Ironic?: Irony in Contemporary Popular Culture by
Political Alchemy: Technology Unbounded by Horvath, Agnes
The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan by Nukariya, Kaiten
In Search of a Universal Ethics: Albert Schweitzer's Reception and Transformation of Chinese Thought by Yuan, Weishi
Anthropology by Marett, R. R.
A Rainbow of Gangs: Street Cultures in the Mega-City by Vigil, James Diego
The Reparable and the Irreparable: Being Human in the Age of Vulnerability by Michel, Johann
The Avatar Faculty: Ecstatic Transformations in Religion and Video Games Volume 16 by Snodgrass, Jeffrey G.
Voices of the Lost Children of Greece: Oral Histories of Cold War International Adoption by
Initiated by the Spirits: Healing the Ills of Modernity through Shamanism, Psychedelics and the Power of the Sacred by Apffel-Marglin, Frédérique, Gonzales, Randy Chung
Science, Technology and Society: An Introduction by Gobo, Giampietro, Marcheselli, Valentina
The Avatar Faculty: Ecstatic Transformations in Religion and Video Games Volume 16 by Snodgrass, Jeffrey G.
Plastics, Environment, Culture and the Politics of Waste by
Staging the Past: Themed Environments in Transcultural Perspectives by
Voices of the Lost Children of Greece: Oral Histories of Cold War International Adoption by
The Vital Dead: Making Meaning, Identity, and Community Through Cemeteries by Bell, Alison
You Just Need to Lose Weight: And 19 Other Myths about Fat People by Gordon, Aubrey
Worn: A People's History of Clothing by Thanhauser, Sofi
Reproducing Fictional Ethnographies: Surrogacy and Digitally Performed Anthropological Knowledge by Apostolidou, Anna
Educating Children from Cross-Border Marriages: Understanding Japanese Heritage Transnational Families in Singapore by Toh, Glenn
Norbert Elias's African Processes of Civilisation: On the Formation of Survival Units in Ghana by
Ethnic Groups of the Senegambia Region by Sonko-Godwin, Patience
Geschichte Der Musikalischen Interpretation Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert, Band 3: Aspekte - Parameter by
Trade in the Senegambia Region: From the 12th to the Early 21st Century by Sonko-Godwin, Patience Sonko-Godwin
Ok by McSweeney, Michelle
Reversing the Gaze: What If the Other Were You? by Makaping, Geneviève
Reversing the Gaze: What If the Other Were You? by Makaping, Geneviève
Politics of Scale: New Directions in Critical Heritage Studies by
This Land Is Not for Sale: Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda by
Life with Durham Cathedral: A Laboratory of Community, Experience and Building by Calvert, Arran J.
A Magpie's Tale: Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives on the Kazakh of Western Mongolia by Portisch, Anna Odland
From Missionaries to Main Street: The Story of One Sgaw Karen Family in the United States by Gilhooly, Daniel
Glimpses of Hope: The Rise of Industrial Labor at the Urban Margins of Nepal by Hoffmann, Michael
Cosmopolitan Refugees: Somali Migrant Women in Nairobi and Johannesburg by Ripero-Muñiz, Nereida
Calling on the Community: Understanding Participation in the Heritage Sector, an Interactive Governance Perspective by
Wine: A Cultural History by Varriano, John
Food and Identity in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Ghana: Food, Fights, and Regionalism by Simpson Miller, Brandi
Big Capital in an Unequal World: The Micropolitics of Wealth in Pakistan by Armytage, Rosita
Translanguaging and Epistemological Decentring in Higher Education and Research by
Translanguaging and Epistemological Decentring in Higher Education and Research by
From Clans to Co-Ops: Confiscated Mafia Land in Sicily by Rakopoulos, Theodoros
Waithood: Gender, Education, and Global Delays in Marriage and Childbearing by
The Art of Fate Calculation: Practicing Divination in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng by Homola, Stéphanie
At Home in a Nursing Home: An Ethnography of Movement and Care in Australia by Zhang, Angela Rong Yang
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective by
Settling for Less: The Planned Resettlement of Israel's Negev Bedouin by Dinero, Steven C.
Footprints in Paradise: Ecotourism, Local Knowledge, and Nature Therapies in Okinawa by Murray, Andrea E.
Polarized Pasts: Heritage and Belonging in Times of Political Polarization by
Conserving Stone Heritage: Traditional and Innovative Materials and Techniques by
Leben Und Alltag in Malaysia by Yao, Souchou
Die Arbeitsleistung Im Deutschen Kalibergbau: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Hannoverschen Kalibergbaues by Röpke, Wilhelm
Myth Theorized by Segal, Robert a.
Highways to the End of the World: Roads, Roadmen and Power in South Asia by Simpson, Edward
Places in Knots: Remoteness and Connectivity in the Himalayas and Beyond by Saxer, Martin
One China, Many Taiwans: The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism by Rowen, Ian
The Travel Writing Tribe: Journeys in Search of a Genre by Hannigan, Tim
Governing Death, Making Persons: The New Chinese Way of Death by Liu, Huwy-Min Lucia
To Save Heaven and Earth: Rescue in the Rwandan Genocide by Burnet, Jennie E.
To Save Heaven and Earth: Rescue in the Rwandan Genocide by Burnet, Jennie E.
One China, Many Taiwans: The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism by Rowen, Ian
Places in Knots: Remoteness and Connectivity in the Himalayas and Beyond by Saxer, Martin
The Enlightenment Trap: Obsession, Madness and Death on Diamond Mountain by Carney
Governing Death, Making Persons: The New Chinese Way of Death by Liu, Huwy-Min Lucia
Popular Culture: Introductory Perspectives by Danesi, Marcel
Conversations on Empathy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Imagination and Radical Othering by
Backpacking Culture and Mobilities: Independent and Nomadic Travel by
Backpacking Culture and Mobilities: Independent and Nomadic Travel by
Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Nitobe, Inazo
Modern Luck: Narratives of fortune in the long twentieth century by Gordon, Robert S. C.
Modern Luck: Narratives of fortune in the long twentieth century by Gordon, Robert S. C.
From Scratch: Adventures in Harvesting, Hunting, Fishing, and Foraging on a Fragile Planet by Moscow, David, Moscow, Jon
Empathy: Turning Compassion Into Action by Johnston, David
Terror Trials: Life and Law in Delhi's Courts by Suresh, Mayur R.
Terror Trials: Life and Law in Delhi's Courts by Suresh, Mayur R.
Omelette: Food, Love, Chaos and Other Conversations by Ware, Jessie
The Gift of Narrative in Medieval England by Perkins, Nicholas
A Companion to Spanish Environmental Cultural Studies by
I Am the Storm: Inspiring Stories of People Who Fight Against Overwhelming Odds by Dean, Janice
Capoeira Connections: A Memoir in Motion by Wesolowski, Katya
Capoeira Connections: A Memoir in Motion by Wesolowski, Katya
Efficient Organization: A Governance Approach by Ketokivi, Mikko, Mahoney, Joseph T.
Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity's Dark Side by Hinton, Alexander Laban, Robben, Antonius C. G. M.
Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity's Dark Side by Hinton, Alexander Laban, Robben, Antonius C. G. M.
Food & Society: Principles and Paradoxes by Copelton, Denise A., Lucal, Betsy, Guptill, Amy E.
Decolonize Self-Care by Spurgas, Alyson K., Meleo-Erwin, Zoë C.
Heritage Entrepreneurship: Cultural and Creative Pursuits in Business Management by
Mix-Design and Application of Hydraulic Grouts for Masonry Strengthening by Miltiadou-Fezans, Androniki, Tassios, Theodosios P.
Valuing the Past, Sustaining the Future?: Exploring Coastal Societies, Childhood(s) and Local Knowledge in Times of Global Transition by
Enslaved: Trapped and Trafficked in Digital Black Holes: Human Trafficking Trajectories to Libya by
Economy and Society in Burgundy Since 1850 by Aldrich, Robert
Under the Counter: Britain's Trade in Hardcore Pornographic 8mm Films by Carter, Oliver
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