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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2012

Peopled Landscapes: Archaeological and Biogeographic Approaches to Landscapes by
The Saxon and Mediaeval Palaces at Cheddar: Excavations 1960-1962 by Rahtz, Philip
Kurma XI, a Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Cemetery on Lake Baikal, Siberia: Archaeological and Osteological Materials by
Field Man: Life as a Desert Archaeologist by Hayden, Julian D.
On the Edge of Purgatory: An Archaeology of Place in Hispanic Colorado by Clark, Bonnie J.
Breathing New Life Into the Evidence of Death: New Approaches to Bioarchaeology by
The Archaeology of Antislavery Resistance by Weik, Terrance M.
Die Frauendarstellung auf der Ara Pacis Augustae unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Livia by Nickel, Claudia
The Elements of Hittite by Van Den Hout, Theo
South Africa's Past in Stone and Paint by Burkitt, M. C.
The Place-Names of Northumberland and Durham by Mawer, Allen
Our Early Ancestors by Burkitt, M. C.
Prehistory by Burkitt, M. C.
Comparative Dimensions of Slavery in Africa: Archaeology and Memory by
Provenance et circulation des objets en roches noires ( lignite ) à l'âge du Fer en Europe celtique: (VIIIème-Ier s. av. J.-C.) by Baron, Anne
Montana Before History: 11,000 Years of Hunter-Gatherers in the Rockies and Plains by MacDonald, Douglas H.
Satellite Remote Sensing: A New Tool for Archaeology by
The Thousand and One Churches by Bell, Gertude L., Ramsay, William Mitchell
Devia Cypria by Hogarth, D. G.
The Land of Israel by Tristram, H. B., Tristram, Henry Baker
Archaeology and Language II: Archaeological Data and Linguistic Hypotheses by
Scholars, Travellers and Trade: The Pioneer Years of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, 1818-1840 by Halbertsma, R. B.
An Archaeology of Images: Iconology and Cosmology in Iron Age and Roman Europe by Aldhouse Green, Miranda
Rome in the Pyrenees: Lugdunum and the Convenae from the First Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D. by Simon Esmonde Cleary
The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Reciprocal Principles of Nature in America. by Squier, Ephraim George
Dissertazione Epistolare Di Francesco Cancellieri Sopra Due Iscrizioni Delle Martiri Simplicia Madre Di Orsa, E Di Au'altra Orsa ...... by Cancellieri, Francesco
The Archaeology of Environmental Change: Socionatural Legacies of Degradation and Resilience by
The Ancient Andean Village: Marcaya in Prehispanic Nasca by Vaughn, Kevin J.
Leaving Mesa Verde: Peril and Change in the Thirteenth-Century Southwest by Kohler, Timothy a.
Toward a Behavioral Ecology of Lithic Technology: Cases from Paleoindian Archaeology by Surovell, Todd A.
The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Girton College, Cambridge: A Report Based on the Ms. Notes of the Excavations Made by the Late F. J. H. Jenkinson, M.A. by O'Reilly, M. M., Hollingworth, E. J.
The Topography of Rome and Its Vicinity 2 Volume Set by Gell, William
Discovery in Greek Lands by Marshall, F. H.
Understanding the Archaeological Record by Lucas, Gavin
Understanding the Archaeological Record by Lucas, Gavin
Arizona Archaeologist No. 38: A Cultural Astronomy Study of the Casa Malpais National Historic Landmark Site by Zoll, Kenneth J.
The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology by Pauketat, Timothy R.
Power and Landscape in Atlantic West Africa by
The People Before: The geology, paleoecology and archaeology of Adak Island, Alaska by Wilmerding, Elizabeth, West, Dixie, Hatfield, Virginia
El poblamiento en la periferia de la cuenca del Duero: El nordeste de la provincia de Segovia España (XVII cal.A.C.-V d.C.) by López Ambite, Fernando
The Significance of Trees: An archaeological perspective by Skoglund, Peter
Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Central European Neolithic Archaeology by
Hispania en el siglo II d.C.: Circulación y perduración de la moneda by Ferrer, Laura Arias
Sexually Ambiguous Imagery in Cyprus from the Neolithic to the Cypro-Archaic Period by Christou, Sandra
Late Republican-Early Imperial Regional Italian Landscapes and Demography by De Graaf, Peter
The Early and Middle Neolithic in Macedonia: Links with the neighbouring areas by Angeleski, Sote
Las cecas ibéricas meridionales de la Hispania Ulterior y su circulación monetaria: Acuñaciones y dispersión monetal de las ciudades ibéricas del sur by López, Ildefonso David Ruiz
The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect. Volume III: The Körös Culture in Eastern Hungary by
Black-Gloss Ware in Italy: Production management and local histories by Giuseppe, Helga Di
Intra-Site Obsidian Distribution and Consumption Patterns in Northern Belize and the North-Eastern Peten by Glascock, Michael D., Haines, Helen R.
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire: Archaeology, History and the Decline of Rome by Christie, Neil
Surviving Sudden Environmental Change: Answers From Archaeology by
Aurignacian Clay Hearths from Klissoura Cave 1: An experimental approach by Kot, Malgorzata
The Thunderweapon in Religion and Folklore by Blinkenberg, Christian
Dartmoor's Alluring Uplands: Transhumance and Pastoral Management in the Middle Ages by Fox, Harold
Archaeologies of Us and Them: Debating History, Heritage and Indigeneity by
Dartmoor's Alluring Uplands: Transhumance and Pastoral Management in the Middle Ages by Fox, Harold
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) in Geoarchaeology by
Apocrypha Sinaitica by
Theatermanagement: Eine Einführung by Schmidt, Thomas
Histoire Des Monuments Mégalithiques de Roknia Près d'Hamman-Meskhoutin... by Bourguignat, Jules Rene
Historical Archaeology of Gendered Lives by Rotman, Deborah
Memphis Under the Ptolemies: Second Edition by Thompson, Dorothy J.
Breaking the Maya Code by Coe, Michael D.
Storia Della Letteratura Italiana...... by Tiraboschi, Girolamo
Manuel d'Épigraphie Chrétienne d'Après Les Marbres de la Gaule, Accompagné d'Une Bibliographie Spéciale... by Blant, Edmond Le
Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology by
The British Palaeolithic: Human Societies at the Edge of the Pleistocene World by Pettitt, Paul, White, Mark
The Ancient Maya of Mexico: Reinterpreting the Past of the Northern Maya Lowlands by Braswell, Geoffrey E.
Extreme Collecting: Challenging Practices for 21st Century Museums by
Der South Tombs Cemetery von Tell el-Amarna by Haas, Daniel
Excavations at Cerro de Trincheras, Sonora, Mexico, Volume 2: Volume 2 by
Excavations at Cerro de Trincheras, Sonora, Mexico, Volume 1: Volume 1 by
Storia Della Letteratura Italiana del Cavaliere Abate Girolamo Tiraboschi ...... by Tiraboschi, Girolamo, Ciocchi, Carlo
The Tomb of Siphtah: The Monkey Tomb and the Gold Tomb. the Discovery of the Tombs... by Maspero, Gaston C., Davis, Theodore M.
Memories from Darkness: Archaeology of Repression and Resistance in Latin America by
Satellite Remote Sensing for Resources Development by United Nations Staff
Reconsidering Archaeological Fieldwork: Exploring On-Site Relationships Between Theory and Practice by
Forty-One Facsimiles of Dated Christian Arabic Manuscripts by
Pathways to Power: New Perspectives on the Emergence of Social Inequality by
The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making: From Origin to Modern Experimentation by
Tecnología lítica de los cazadores-recolectores del final del Pleistoceno: La producción y transformación de los soportes en La Garma A (Cantabria Esp by Chauvin Grandela, Adriana
Il Molise in età tardo-antica: Città e campagne tra il III e il VI secolo d.C. by Finocchietti, Luigi
Late Holocene Indigenous Economies of the Tropical Australian Coast: An archaeological study of the Darwin region by Bourke, Patricia Mary
The Earlier Palaeolithic of Syria: Reinvestigating the evidence from the Orontes and Euphrates Valleys by Shaw, Andrew
Templi capitolini nella Regio I (Latium et Campania) by Milvia Morciano, Maria
Feasting Practices and Changes in Greek Society from the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age by Fox, Rachel Sarah
Neanderthals Among Mammoths: Excavations at Lynford Quarry, Norfolk by
Alexander The Great by Wallis Budge, E. A.
Wadi El Hasa Archaeological Survey 1979-1931, West-Central Jordan by MacDonald, Burton
High Resolution Archaeology and Neanderthal Behavior: Time and Space in Level J of Abric Romaní (Capellades, Spain) by
Heritage, Ideology, and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe: Contested Pasts, Contested Presents by
Navigated Spaces, Connected Places by
Mississippian Mortuary Practices: Beyond Hierarchy and the Representationist Perspective by
Prohibition: The Era Of Excess by Sinclair, Andrew
Reassessing Paleolithic Subsistence: The Neandertal and Modern Human Foragers of Saint-Césaire by Morin, Eugène
Archaeological Theory Today by Hodder, Ian
An Introduction to Archaeological Chemistry by Price, T. Douglas, Burton, James H.
Headhunting and the Body in Iron Age Europe by Armit, Ian
From the Ptolemies to the Romans: Political and Economic Change in Egypt by Monson, Andrew
Matériel Culture: The Archaeology of Twentieth-Century Conflict by
Archaeology and Language III: Artefacts, Languages and Texts by
Historical Archaeology: Back from the Edge by
A Consumer's Guide to Archaeological Science: Analytical Techniques by Malainey, Mary E.
A Guide To Archaeological Field Methods by
Among the San Blas Indians of Panama by De Smidt, Leon Sylvester
Archaeological Theory Today by Hodder, Ian
Stone Tools and Fossil Bones by
Mobile Pastoralism and the Formation of Near Eastern Civilizations by Porter, Anne
Essays and Studies Presented to William Ridgeway: On His Sixtieth Birthday - 6th August 1913 by
Human Uses of Flint and Chert: Proceedings of the Fourth International Flint Symposium Held at Brighton Polytechnic 10 15 April 1983 by
Meetings at the Margins: Prehistoric Cultural Interactions in the Intermountain West by
Space and Time Perspective in Northern St. Johns Archeology, Florida by Goggin, John Mann
Modern Origins: A North African Perspective by
A Study of the Glacial Kame Culture in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana by Cunningham, Wilbur M.
Tombes En Mosaïque de Thabraca: Douze Stèles Votives Du Musée Du Bardo (Éd.1897) by La Blanchère, René-Marie
The Benefit of the Gift: Social Organization and Expanding Networks of Interaction in the Western Great Lakes Archaic by Hill, Mark Andrew
The Benefit of the Gift: Social Organization and Expanding Networks of Interaction in the Western Great Lakes Archaic by Hill, Mark Andrew
Nomads and Networks: The Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan by
Antiquités Et Monuments Du Département de l'Aisne. Partie 1 (Éd.1877-1882) by Fleury, Édouard
La campagna gal]lispana del 1744: Storia e Archeologia Militare di un anno di guerra fra Piemonte e Delfinato by
Municipium S( ): A Roman Town in the Central Balkans, Komini near Pljevlja, Montenegro by Mirkovic, Miroslava
Tomb of Agamemnon by Gere, Cathy
Initiation in Ancient Greek Rituals and Narratives: New Critical Perspectives by
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg: Part II, Anglo-Saxon Coins 1016-1066 by Potin, V. R.
Qualität Im Theater: Anforderungssysteme Im Öffentlichen Deutschen Theater Und Ihr Management by Vorwerk, Christopher
Das Herrscherbild der Tetrarchie und die Idee der Similitudo der Kaiser by Totzke, Ariane
Anglo-Saxon Art by Webster, Leslie
Salvage Archaeology In The Chama Valley, New Mexico: Monographs Of The School Of American Research, No. 17 by
El Mirón Cave, Cantabrian Spain: The Site and Its Holocene Archaeological Record by
The Archaeological Imagination by Shanks, Michael
Obsidian and Ancient Manufactured Glasses by
Ancient Health: Skeletal Indicators of Agricultural and Economic Intensification by
Archaeology of the Southwest by Cordell, Linda S., McBrinn, Maxine E.
'The beste and fayrest of al Lincolnshire': The Church of St Botolph, Boston, Lincolnshire, and its Medieval Monuments by
La cerámica con decoración acanalada y bruñida en el contexto pre-campaniforme del Calcolítico de la Extremadura portuguesa: Nuevos aportes a la compr by de Carvalho Amaro, Gonçalo
The Fortifications of Nevis, West Indies, from the 17th Century to the Present Day: Protected Interests? by Machling, Tessa C. S.
Formes et fonctions au sein des industries lithiques de la fin du Pléistocène et du début de l'Holocène en Asie du Sud-Est: Un nouvel apport à la comp by Borel, Antony
Environmental Changes and Human Occupation in East Asia during OIS3 and OIS2 by
Proceedings of the General Session of the 11th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference: (Paris, 23-28 August 2010) by
Egyptology in Australia and New Zealand 2009: Proceedings of the conference held in Melbourne, September 4th-6th by
Dress and Identity by
A Categorisation and Examination of Egyptian Ships and Boats from the Rise of the Old to the End of the Middle Kingdoms by Stephens, Michael Allen
Behinderungen und Beeinträchtigungen / Disability and Impairment in Antiquity by
Savernake Forest: Continuity and Change in a Wooded Landscape by Lennon, Ben
The Intellectual and Spiritual Expression of Non-Literate Societies by
The Prehistory of Home by Moore, Jerry D.
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage by
The Glen Canyon Archeological Survey, Part 1: University Of Utah Anthropological Papers, Department Of Anthropology, No. 39, May, 1959 by Fowler, Don D., Gunnerson, James H., Jennings, Jesse D.
Studies At Navajo Period Sites In The Navajo Reservoir District: Museum Of New Mexico Papers In Anthropology, No. 9 by Hester, James J., Shiner, Joel Lewis
The Glen Canyon Archeological Survey, Part 1: University Of Utah Anthropological Papers, Department Of Anthropology, No. 39, May, 1959 by Fowler, Don D., Gunnerson, James H., Jennings, Jesse D.
The Roman City and its Periphery: From Rome to Gaul by Goodman, Penelope
Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East: Volume 69 by Bagnall, Roger S.
Whose Culture?: The Promise of Museums and the Debate Over Antiquities by
The Archaeology of China by Liu, Li, Chen, Xingcan
The Archaeology of China: From the Late Paleolithic to the Early Bronze Age by Chen, Xingcan, Liu, Li
Virginia City: Secrets of a Western Past by James, Ronald M.
Les Nouvelles Fouilles d'Abydos (Éd.1896-1897) by Amélineau, Émile
Excavating Women: A History of Women in European Archaeology by
Abécédaire Ou Rudiment d'Archéologie Architecture Religieuse by de Caumont, Arcisse
Antiquités Et Monuments Du Département de l'Aisne. Partie 2 (Éd.1877-1882) by Fleury, Édouard
Abécédaire Ou Rudiment d'Archéologie (Architecture Civile Et Militaire) (2e Édition) (Éd.1858) by de Caumont, Arcisse
Abécédaire Ou Rudiment d'Archéologie (Éd.1869-1870) by de Caumont, Arcisse
Les Ruines de Pompéi. Partie 1 (Éd.1824-1838) by Mazois, François
Pèlerinage d'Un Paysan Picard À Saint-Jacques de Compostelle, (Éd.1890) by Manier, Guillaume
Les Ruines de Pompéi. Partie 2 (Éd.1824-1838) by Mazois, François
Les Inscriptions Des Pyramides de Saqqarah (Éd.1894) by Maspero, Gaston
Étude Sur Les Ruines Romaines de Tigzirt (Éd.1897) by Gavault, Pierre
Répertoire Archéologique Du Département Des Hautes-Alpes (Éd.1888) by Roman, Joseph
L'Homme Préhistorique Étudié d'Après Les Monuments. T 1 (Éd.1888) by Lubbock, John
L'Homme Préhistorique Étudié d'Après Les Monuments. T 2 (Éd.1888) by Lubbock, John
de la Signification Des Notes Hiéroglyphiques Des Aegyptiens, c'Est À Dire Des Figures (Éd.1543) by Horapollon
Notes d'Un Voyage En Corse (Éd.1840) by Mérimée, Prosper
Château de Foix: notice historique et archéologique accompagnée de gravures et de plans (Éd.1900) by Pasquier, Félix
Dictionnaire Égyptien En Écriture Hiéroglyphique (Éd.1841) by Champollion, Jean-François
Lingua Aegyptiaca Restituta, Opus Tripartitum . (Éd.1643) by Kircher, Athanasius
Lettre À M. Dacier, Relative À l'Alphabet Des Hiéroglyphes Phonétiques (Éd.1822-1833) by Champollion, Jean-François
Historical and Religious Memory in the Ancient World by
Surface Survey Of The Viru Valley, Peru: Anthropological Papers Of The American Museum Of Natural History, V43, Part 1-2 by Ford, James Alfred, Willey, Gordon Randolph
Entangled - P by Hodder, Ian
Archaeology: New Approaches in Theory and Techniques by
The Marketing of Farm Products: Studies in the Organization of the Twin Cities Market by
France in the Middle Ages: Customs, Classes and Conditions by LaCroix, Paul
Heraldry of St. Andrews University by Anderson, James Maitland
Roman Birmingham 4. Excavations at Metchley Roman Fort 2004-2005: The western fort interior, defences and post-Roman activity by Jones, Alex
Excavations at Chester by Ward, Simon, Mason, David, McPeake, John
Radiocarbon Dates: From Samples Funded by English Heritage Between 1981 and 1988 by Otlet, Robert, Bayliss, Alex, Hedges, Robert
Multifaceted Studies in South Asian Archaeology: Arpitam. Festschrift for Professor Vidula Jayaswal by
The Good, the Bad and the Unbuilt: Handling the Heritage of the Recent Past by
Modern Materials: The proceedings of CHAT Oxford, 2009 by
Innovation and Imitation: Stone Skeuomorphs of Metal from 4th-2nd Millennia BC Northwest Europe by Frieman, Catherine
Hadrianopolis I: Inschriften aus Paphlagonia by Christof, Eva, Laflı, Ergün
Urbanism and Settlement in the Roman Province of Moesia Superior by Mladenovic, Dragana
The Bath in Greece in Classical Antiquity: The Peloponnese by Wassenhoven, Maria-Evdokia
Textile-Making in Central Tyrrhenian Italy from the Final Bronze Age to the Republican Period by Lipkin, Sanna
Settlement Patterns, Production and Trades from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages: ARCHAEDYN: 7 Millennia of Territorial Dynamics by
Roman Nantwich: A Salt-Making Settlement. Excavations at Kingsley Fields 2002 by Arrowsmith, Peter, Power, David
A Gazetteer of Prehistoric Standing Stones in Great Britain by Swarbrick, Olaf
Luxor and Its Temples by Blackman, A. M.
Hisat'sinom: Ancient Peoples in a Land Without Water by
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