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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Archaeology in 2025

Gefässe und Geräte aus Bronze by
Cremation in the Early Middle Ages: Death, Fire and Identity in North-West Europe by
Cremation in the Early Middle Ages: Death, Fire and Identity in North-West Europe by
Cypro-Minoan and Its Writers by Donnelly, Cassandra M.
Wie Der Meister, So Das Werk: Festschrift Für Ralph Röber Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Wie Der Meister, So Das Werk: Festschrift Für Ralph Röber Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Identity Studies in Archaeology by Blake, Emma
Identity Studies in Archaeology by Blake, Emma
The Highlands and Islands of Scotland: A New History by Moffat, Alistair
Cypro-Minoan and Its Writers by Donnelly, Cassandra M.
Metaphor and Meaning: Thinking Through Early China with Sarah Allan by
Roman Pottery in the Low Countries: Past Research, Current State, Future Directions by
Serial Learners: Interactions Between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands During the Third Millennium Bce by Kroon, Erik J.
Serial Learners: Interactions Between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands During the Third Millennium Bce by Kroon, Erik J.
The Mnemonic Cartographer: Mapping the Lost Memories of a Civilization That Never Was by Trevisani, Battista
André Leroi-Gourhan on Technology: A Selection of Writings from the 1930s to the 1960s by Leroi-Gourhan, André
Ancient Maya Teeth: Dental Modification, Cosmology, and Social Identity in Mesoamerica by Tiesler, Vera
Arretium (Arezzo) by
Worldmaking and Cuneiform Antiquity by Rochberg, Francesca
The Handle Core Concept: Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission by Söderlind, Sandra
The Handle Core Concept: Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission by Söderlind, Sandra
The Archaeology of Early Colonial Manila: A Hybrid City in Global History by Hsieh, Ellen
The Mysterious Fayum Portraits: Faces from Ancient Egypt by Doxiadis, Euphrosyne
Monuments and Memory: Archaeological Perspectives on Commemoration by
Ancient Indigenous Cuisines: Archaeological Explorations of the Midcontinent by
Painting the Cosmos: Art and Iconography of the Ceramics of Ancient Panama by Grinnell, Alan
Machine Learning for Archaeological Applications in R by Argote, Denisse L., López--García, Pedro A., Torres--García, Manuel A.
Machine Learning for Archaeological Applications in R by Argote, Denisse L., López--García, Pedro A., Torres--García, Manuel A.
Worked Bone, Antler, Ivory, and Keratinous Materials by DiBattista, Adam
Worked Bone, Antler, Ivory, and Keratinous Materials by DiBattista, Adam
Human and Aquatic Beings: Interactions in and Beyond the Eastern Mediterranean (3rd--1st Millennia Bce) by
Handbook on Intangible Cultural Practices as Global Strategies for the Future: Twenty Years of the UNESCO Convention on Safeguarding Intangible Cultur by
The Trouble with Ancient DNA: Telling Stories of the Past with Genomic Science by Källén, Anna
The Trouble with Ancient DNA: Telling Stories of the Past with Genomic Science by Källén, Anna
The Neighbors of Casas Grandes: Medio Period Communities of Northwestern Chihuahua by Whalen, Michael E., Minnis, Paul E.
50 Objects from Vindolanda by Greene, Elizabeth M., Birley, Barbara
Stone Circles in Britain by Evans, David J.
The Earthly Realm: 'Offering-Trays' as Material Traces of the Encounter Between the Living and the Dead in Egypt, Ca. 2200-1650 BC by Solchaga, Marisol
The Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition to Deir El-Ballas: The Non-Elite Cemeteries of the 17th - 19th Dynasties (2-Volume Set) by Jensen, Victoria
Transforming Proverbs: Intertextuality in 4q185 by Christine Hoppe, Isabell
The Peopling of the Caucasus by Yardumian, Aram, Schurr, Theodore G.
The Oxford Handbook of Mesolithic Europe by Tõrv, Mari, Nilsson Stutz, LIV, Stjerna, Rita Peyroteo
A Place for Memory: Baltimore's Historic Laurel Cemetery by
Correlative Archaeology by Arakawa, Fumi
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power: Early La Tène Elite Burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse Region and Their Northwest European Context by
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power: Early La Tène Elite Burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse Region and Their Northwest European Context by
Maya Wisdom and the Survival of Our Planet by Lucero, Lisa J.
Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel by Capek, Filip
Production and Exchange in Eurasia: In Commemoration of Zeng Lingyi Volume 99 by
The Lost Tomb: And Other Real-Life Stories of Bones, Burials, and Murder by Preston, Douglas
Understanding Cultural Landscape at Great Zimbabwe: Realms of Power by Sinamai, Ashton
Human Sacrifice and Value: Revisiting the Limits of Sacred Violence from an Archaeological and Anthropological Perspective by
Materialities of Religion: Spiritual Traditions of the Colonial and Post-Colonial Caribbean by Finneran, Niall, Welch, Christina
Economy and Commodity Production in the Aegean Bronze Age by Pratt, Catherine E.
Economy and Commodity Production in the Aegean Bronze Age by Pratt, Catherine E.
Economies of the Inca World by Covey, R. Alan, Dalton, Jordan A.
The Neoliberalisation of Heritage in Africa by King, Rachel
The Neoliberalisation of Heritage in Africa by King, Rachel
Economies of the Inca World by Covey, R. Alan, Dalton, Jordan A.
The Northern Routes to Kingship: A History of Scandinavia AD 180-550 by Skre, Dagfinn
The Northern Routes to Kingship: A History of Scandinavia AD 180-550 by Skre, Dagfinn
Agent of Change: The Deposition and Manipulation of Ash in the Past by
Mexico-Tenochtitlan: Dynamism at the Center of the World by
The Barbarians: Lost Civilizations by Bogucki, Peter
Five Innovations That Changed Human History: Transitions and Impacts by Derricourt, Robin
Retrospective and Prospective for Scientific Provenance Studies in Archaeology by Pollard, A. M.
Retrospective and Prospective for Scientific Provenance Studies in Archaeology by Pollard, A. M.
Infrared Spectroscopy of Archaeological Sediments by Toffolo, Michael B.
Objects in the Archives: Modern Material Culture and Heritage in the North by
Five Innovations That Changed Human History: Transitions and Impacts by Derricourt, Robin
Infrared Spectroscopy of Archaeological Sediments by Toffolo, Michael B.
Roman Bioarchaeology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life and Death in the Roman World by
An Archaeology of Woodland Transformation: Social Movements, Identities, and Pottery Production on the Gulf Coast by Jenkins, Jessica A.
The Signature of All Things: On Method by Agamben, Giorgio
The Archaeology of American Medicine and Healthcare by Reifschneider, Meredith
Archaeological Perspectives on Contested and Political Landscapes by
The Shock of Colonialism in New England: Fragments from a Frontier by Howey, Meghan C. L.
The Shock of Colonialism in New England: Fragments from a Frontier by Howey, Meghan C. L.
Lucans Epos Vom Bürgerkrieg Zwischen Caesar Und Pompeius: Eine Poetische Anatomie Menschlicher Destruktivität by Walde, Christine
Living with Risk in the Late Roman World by Grey, Cam
Archaeology, History, Philosophy and Heritage: Essays in Honour of Tim Murray by
Methods and Methodologies in Heritage Studies by
Methods and Methodologies in Heritage Studies by
Trees in Ancient Rome: Growing an Empire in the Late Republic and Early Principate by Fox, Andrew
The Archaeology of Han China by Yao, Alice, Lam, Wengcheong
Aboriginal Rock Art and the Telling of History by Rademaker, Laura, May, Sally K., Maralngurra, Gabriel
The Archaeology of Han China by Lam, Wengcheong, Yao, Alice
International Heritage: New Approaches, Old Concerns by Christofoletti, Rodrigo
Human Dispersal, Human Evolution, and the Sea: The Palaeolithic Seafaring Debate by Leppard, Thomas P., Cherry, John F.
Ten Steps for Recording Pictographs and Petroglyphs: Methods and Technologies by Loendorf, Lawrence L., Stone, Nancy Medaris
The Botanic Age: Planting the Seeds of Human Evolution by Falk, Dean
Bronze Mirrors in Ancient China: Artistry and Technique by Li, Kin Sum
War Owl Falling: Innovation, Creativity, and Culture Change in Ancient Maya Society by Eberl, Markus
The Archaeology of the Cyclades in the Roman and Late Antique Periods: Globalization, Christianization and Resilience by Sweetman, Rebecca
Ritual Landscape: Rock Art and Archaeology in the Mongolian Altai by Kortum, Richard D., Fitzhugh, William W.
Craftful Minds: Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes by Hinrichs, Moiken
From Quarries to Rock-Cut Sites: Echoes of Stone Crafting by
From Quarries to Rock-Cut Sites: Echoes of Stone Crafting by
Neu (Im) Land - Erste Bäuer: Innen in Der Peripherie: Der Linienbandkeramische Fundplatz Lietzow 10 Im Havelland, Brandenburg by
Community, Technology and Tradition: A Social Prehistory of the Great Orme Mine by Wager, Emma C.
Community, Technology and Tradition: A Social Prehistory of the Great Orme Mine by Wager, Emma C.
Place, Encounter, and the Making of Communities: The Lower Sirwan/Upper Diyala River Valley from Prehistory to the Iron Age by Claudia, Glatz, Daniel, Calderbank, Francesca, Chelazzi
Place, Encounter, and the Making of Communities: The Lower Sirwan/Upper Diyala River Valley from Prehistory to the Iron Age by Claudia, Glatz, Daniel, Calderbank, Francesca, Chelazzi
Craftful Minds: Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes by Hinrichs, Moiken
Ancient Effigy Mound Landscapes of Upper Midwestern North America by Rosebrough, Amy L., Birmingham, Robert A.
In the Beginning: An Introduction to Archaeology by Durrani, Nadia, Fagan, Brian
In the Beginning: An Introduction to Archaeology by Durrani, Nadia, Fagan, Brian
Fenua and Fare, Marae and Mana: The Archaeology of Ancient Tahiti and the Society Islands by Kahn, Jennifer G.
The Origins of Agriculture in the Bronze Age Indus Civilization by Bates, Jennifer
Neu (Im) Land - Erste Bäuer: Innen in Der Peripherie: Der Linienbandkeramische Fundplatz Lietzow 10 Im Havelland, Brandenburg by
Haunting Ruins: Ethnographies of Ruination and Decay by
Geoconservation and Geotourism Potential of India by
The Hohokam and Their World: An Exploration of Art and Iconography by Gregonis, Linda M., Evans, Victoria Riley
When Humans Nearly Vanished: The Catastrophic Explosion of the Toba Volcano by Prothero, Donald R.
Funerary Textiles in Situ: Towards a Better Method for the Study of Textile-Related Burial Practices by
Megiddo VII: The Shmunis Excavations of a Monumental Middle Bronze Tomb and Its Environs by
Falerii Novi: The Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey of the Roman Town by
Sitting on the Fence: Negotiating Archaeology, Anthropology and Philosophy: Festschrift for Prof. Dr Raymond H.A. Corbey in Celebration of His 70th Bi by
Beliefs and Rituals in Archaic Eastern North America: An Interpretive Guide by Claassen, Cheryl
The Viking Age: A Reader, Fourth Edition by McDonald, R. Andrew, Somerville, Angus A.
Southeast Arabia at the Dawn of the Second Millennium: The Bronze Age Collective Graves of Qarn Al-Harf, Ras Al-Khaimah (Uae) by Hilton, Anna, Kennet, Derek, Caine, Alyson
At the Crossroads: A Case of Cultural Resource Management at Cedarvale by Botica, Jennifer
The Archaeology of New Netherland: A World Built on Trade by
Evolution of Burial Practices Within Neolithic Cist Graves: Tracking Funerary Customs in the Western Alpine Region (4800-3800 Bce) by Steuri, Noah
Philipp Von Stosch: Collecting, Drawing, Studying and Publishing Engraved Gems by R. Hansson, Ulf, J. Rambach, Hadrien, Golyźniak, Pawel
Evolution of Burial Practices Within Neolithic Cist Graves: Tracking Funerary Customs in the Western Alpine Region (4800-3800 Bce) by Steuri, Noah
The Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition to Deir El-Ballas: The Non-Elite Cemeteries of the 17th - 19th Dynasties, Vol. I by Jensen, Victoria
The Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition to Deir El-Ballas: The Non-Elite Cemeteries of the 17th - 19th Dynasties, Vol. II Catalogues by Jensen, Victoria
Social Groups and Production in Mycenaean Economies: Papers from the Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 24-25 February 2023 by
Social Groups and Production in Mycenaean Economies: Papers from the Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 24-25 February 2023 by
Empire and Excavation: Critical Perspectives on Archaeology in British-Period Cyprus, 1878-1960 by
Empire and Excavation: Critical Perspectives on Archaeology in British-Period Cyprus, 1878-1960 by
Barrier Canyon Style: Thousands of Years of Painting on Rock by Geib, Phil
Unearthing Forgotten Values: Toward a Meaningful Archaeological Practice by Connaughton, Sean P.
Mothering and Archaeology: Past and Present Perspectives by
The Hidden Lives of Viking Women: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives by
The Early Neolithic of Northern Europe: New Approaches to Migration, Movement and Social Connection by
The Early Neolithic of Northern Europe: New Approaches to Migration, Movement and Social Connection by
The Eve of Destruction?: Local Groups and Large-Scale Networks During the Late Fourth and Early Third Millennium BC in Central Europe by
The Eve of Destruction?: Local Groups and Large-Scale Networks During the Late Fourth and Early Third Millennium BC in Central Europe by
Archäologie Der Republik Freies Wendland: Zu Einer Kritischen Archäologie Der Zeitgeschichte by Dézsi, Attila
Archäologie Der Republik Freies Wendland: Zu Einer Kritischen Archäologie Der Zeitgeschichte by Dézsi, Attila
Barrier Canyon Style: Thousands of Years of Painting on Rock by Geib, Phil
The Amarna Letters: The Syro-Levantine Correspondence by Lauinger, Jacob, Yoder, Tyler
J3: A Ship's Boat from the Portus Magnus, Alexandria by
The Weights from Thonis-Heracleion by Van Der Wilt, Elsbeth
The Iseum of the Royal Island of Antirodos by Goddio, Franck
Dalle Rotte Alle Strade: Infrastrutture E Insediamenti Nei Colli Albani Dalle Origini All'età Romana by Fischetti, A. L.
Embracing the Salt Marsh: Foraging, Farming and Food Preparation in the Dutch-German Coastal Area Up to AD 1600. Studies in Honour of Annet Nieu by
Damjili Cave: Investigating the Late Pleistocene to Holocene Human History in the Southern Caucasus by
Roman Mosaics of Britain: Volume V - Discoveries and Research Since 2010 by Cosh, Stephen R., Neal, David S.
Death and Burial Within the Ancient Levant (4500-550 Bce): Challenging the Normative by Bradbury, Jennie
Romanesque and the Year 1000 by
Romanesque and the Year 1000 by
Routes and Roads in Anatolia from Prehistory to Seljuk Times by
Cattle, Community and Place: The Archaeology of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus by Tabor, Jonathan
Monumentality, Diversity and Fragmentation in Early Cycladic Sculpture: The Finds from the Special Deposit North at Kavos on Keros by
A Hillfort Through Time: Excavations at Rathgall, Co Wicklow by Raftery, Barry, Becker, Katharina
My Name Is Your Name: Anthroponyms as Divine Attributes in the Greco-Roman World by
Silchester Insula IX: Oppidum to Roman City C. A.D. 85-125/150: Final Report on the Excavations 1997-2014 by Fulford, Michael, Clarke, Amanda, Pankhurst, Nicholas
Bioarchaeology of East Asia: Movement, Contact, Health by
Mediterranean Collections in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Perspectives from Afar by
Bioarchaeology in the Caribbean by
Bioarchaeology in the Caribbean by
Life in the Viking Great Army: Raiders, Traders, and Settlers by Hadley, Dawn, Richards, Julian
Landscapes of Warfare: Urartu and Assyria in the Ancient Middle East by Earley-Spadoni, Tiffany
Reframing Paquimé: Community Formation in Northwest Chihuahua by Minnis, Paul E., Whalen, Michael E.
Letters from Old Babylonian Kish by Reid, J. Nicholas, Wagensonner, Klaus
Temporalities in Mesoamerican Ritual Practices by
Temporalities in Mesoamerican Ritual Practices by
Undoing Things: How Objects, Bodies and Worlds Come Apart by
Undoing Things: How Objects, Bodies and Worlds Come Apart by
The Neolithic of Britain and Ireland by Cummings, Vicki
The Neolithic of Britain and Ireland by Cummings, Vicki
Sins of the Shovel: Looting, Murder, and the Evolution of American Archaeology by Morgan, Rachel
The Lost Mummy of Djedhor: Reconstructing the Burial of a Ptolemaic Priest from Thebes by Raven, Maarten J.
Cultural Landscapes of North-East Scotland: Collaborative Research in History and Archaeology by
Methods in Ancient Wine Archaeology: Scientific Approaches in Roman Contexts by
Island Endurance: Creative Heritage on Inishark and Inishbofin by Lash, Ryan
Intertidal Shipwrecks: Management of a Historic Resource in an Unmanageable Environment by
Apocalypse: How Catastrophe Transformed Our World and Can Forge New Futures by Wade, Lizzie
Medieval Southampton: The Port and Trading Community, A.D. 1000-1600 by Platt, Colin
Archaeology, Heritage, and Reactionary Populism by
Archaeology, Heritage, and Reactionary Populism by
Cemetery Protections in Urban Environments: Archaeology, Preservation, and the Law by Seidemann, Ryan M.
The Late Roman Settlement of Umm Al-Dabadib: A Remote Investigation by
The Mann Phase: Hopewell Culture in Southwestern Indiana by Strezewski, Michael
The Indo-Europeans Rediscovered: How a Scientific Revolution Is Rewriting Their Story by Mallory, J. P.
Weirding Civilization: The Strange Foundations of the Modern World by Herva, Vesa-Pekka, Lahelma, Antti
Weirding Civilization: The Strange Foundations of the Modern World by Lahelma, Antti, Herva, Vesa-Pekka
The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia: Vol. IV: The Inscribed Documents, Part 1 by Melena, Jose L., Nakassis, Dimitri, Bennett, Emmett L.
Ancient Egyptians (2 Vols) by Wilkinson, J. Gardner
Mycenaean Civilization by Vassilikou, Dora
Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory by
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Egyptological Essays in Honor of Peter Lacovara by
The Derby Philosophers: Science and Culture in British Urban Society, 1700-1850 by Elliott, Paul A.
Ethics in Archaeological Practice by Wait, Gerry, Belford, Paul
Ethics in Archaeological Practice by Belford, Paul, Wait, Gerry
Johann Joachim Winckelmann on Art, Architecture, and Archaeology by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Beneath Our Feet: Everyday Discoveries Reshaping History by Lewis, Michael, Richardson, Ian
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