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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2009

De Monimentis Sepulcralibus Quibusdam Saxenburgicis Commentatio (1771) by Schwabe, Johann Gottlob Samuel
Emblemata Heroica, Of De Medalische Sinnebeelden Der Ses En Dertigh Graaven Van Holland (1712) by Smids, Ludolph
Etchings From A Parsonage Veranda (1895) by Graham, Emma Jeffers
Indicazione Antiquaria Per La Villa Suburbana Dell' Eccellentissima Casa Albani (1785) by Morcelli, Stefano Antonio
Geschaftslogic, Oder Kunst (1752) by Kahrel, Hermann F.
De Prima Typographiae Hispanicae Aetate Specimen (1793) by Caballero, Ramon Diosdado
Descrizione Della Basilica Vaticana: Con Una Biliotheca Degli Autoriche Ne Hanno Trattato (1788) by Cancellieri, Francesco, Pietro, Vatican S.
De Schilder Kunst, In Drie Zangen (1780) by Brandis, Gerrit Brender a.
Descrizione Delle Architetture, Parte Prima: Pitture E Scolture Di Vicenza, Con Alcune Osservazioni (1779) by Mosca, Francesco Vendramini
The Art Of Rembrandt (1885) by Ingen, Henry Van
Descrizione Delle Prime Scoperte Dell'Antica Citta D'Ercolano (1750) by Venuti, Niccolo Marcello De
The Art Treasures Of London, Painting: A Chronological Guide To The Schools Of Painting As Represented In The Public Galleries Of London (1908) by
The Modern Art Of Love: Or The Congress Of Cythera (1783) by Algarotti, Francesco
Explication Nouvelle De L'Apotheose D'Homere: Representee Sur Un Marbre Ancien (1714) by Schott, Johann Carl
Istoria: Dell Immagine Di S. Maria Di Pozzano (1743) by Ruggieri, Serafino De
Dictionnaire Iconologique Ou Introduction A La Connoissance Des Peintures, Sculptures, Medailles, Estampes, Etc. (1756) by Prezel, M. D.
Theorie De L'Art Des Jardins V3 (1781) by Hirschfeld, Christian Cajus Lorenz
The Appreciation Of Sculpture: A Handbook (1904) by Sturgis, Russell
The Art Of The Romans (1911) by Walters, Henry Beauchamp
Great English Painters (1886) by Cunningham, Allan
de Schilderkonst: Eerst in Latynze Vaerzen Beschreven (1722) by de Piles, Roger, Fresnoy, Charles Alphonse Du, Verhoek, J.
Eighteenth Century Color Prints: An Essay On Certain Stipple Engravers And Their Work In Color (1906) by Frankau, Julia
Essai Sur La Maniere De Melanger Et Composer Toutes Les Couleurs (1792) by Pfannenschmid, August Ludwig
Essai Sur La Peinture En Mosaique (1768) by Vieil, Pierre Le
De Luxu Romanorum, Commentarius: In Quo Romanorum, Opum Admiranda Copia (1628) by Kobierzycki, Stanislaus
George J. Pinwell And His Works (1900) by Williamson, George Charles
Pictures And Royal Portraits V2: Illustrative Of English And Scottish History, From The Introduction Of Christianity To The Present Time (1878) by Archer, Thomas
De Onwaardige Wereld: Vertoond In Vystig Zinnebeelden, Met Godlyke Spreuken En Stichtelyke Verzen (1710) by Luiken, Jan
La Clef Des Sciences Et Des Beaux Arts Ou La Logique (1750) by Cochet, Jean
Geschichte Und Abbildung Der Besten Mahler In Der Schweitz V1 (1755) by Fuessli, Johann Kaspar
Historie Der Farben (1766) by Lewis, William, Ziegler, Johann Heinrich
The Art Of Illustration (1894) by Blackburn, Henry
Las Vidas De Los Pintores Y Estatuarios Eminentes Espanoles (1744) by Velasco, Antonio Palomino
Emblemata Florentii Schoonhovii I. C. Goudani: Partim Moralia Partim Etiam Civilia (1626) by Schoonhovius, Florentius
How To See The British Museum: In Four Visits (1852) by Jerrold, William Blanchard
Essai Sur La Peinture, La Sculpture, Et L'Architecture (1751) by Bachaumont, Louis Petit De
George Inness: The Man And His Art (1911) by Daingerfield, Elliott
Il Vero Disegno Delle Due Tavolette D'Avorio Chiamate Dittico Quiriniano (1757) by Bartoli, Giuseppe
Cliuia, Julia, Montia, Marchia, Ravensburgia: Antiquae E Modernae (1638) by Teschenmacher, Werner
Griechische Vasengemaelde V1-2 (1797) by
Der Zusammenhang Der Kunste: Philosophisch-Practisch Abgehandelt (1766) by Lewis, Willhelm
Les Peintures Morales, Part 1 (1669) by Moyne, Pierre Le
Description Des Pierres Gravees Du Feu Baron De Stosch (1760) by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
English Furniture (1905) by Robinson, Frederick S.
Flemish And French Pictures: With Notes Concerning The Painters And Their Works (1875) by Stephens, Frederic George
Heads Of The People: Or Portraits Of The English (1840) by Meadows, Kenny
Atlas Des Enfans V3 (1770) by Dilthey, Philippe Henry
Den Spiegel Vande Verdrayde Werelt: Te Sien In Den Bedriegelijcken Handel (1708) by Bie, Cornelis De
Descrizione Delle Pitture Di San Pietro Di Perugia (1792) by Galassi, Francesco Maria
Descrizione Ragionata Della Galleria Doria Preceduta Da Un Breve Saggio Di Pittura (1794) by Tonci, Salvatore
Icones (1788) by Heerkens, Gerard Nicolaas
Early Venetian Printing Illustrated (1895) by
Engravers And Etchers: Six Lectures (1917) by Carrington, Fitzroy
La Flandre Illustree Par L'Institution De La Chambre Du Roi A Lille, L'An 1385 (1713) by De Seur, Jean
Le Museum De Florence V1: Ou Collection Des Pierres Gravees, Statues, Medailles Et Peintures (1787) by Mullot, Francois Valentin
Felsina Pittrice Vite De Pittori Bolognesi V3 (1769) by Malvasia, Carlo Cesare
Gothic Memorials (1861) by Brangwyn, William Curtis
Wallerant Vaillant: Verzeichniss Seiner Kupferstiche Und Schabkunstblatter (1865) by Wessely, Joseph Edward
Lettera Sopra L'Archicenobio Di Monte Oliveto Maggiore (1788) by Grimaldi, Gabriello, Perini, Giulio
Bartolozzi And His Works (1885) by Tuer, Andrew White
Illustrations Of Japanese Life (1896) by Takashima, S.
Firenze Antica, E Moderna Illustrata (1789) by Rastrelli, Modesto, Follini, Vincenzio
George The Third: Or Paint Sketches For A True Portrait Of The Late Venerable Sovereign Of The British Empire (1820) by Coetlogon, Charles Edward de
The Pleasures Of Painting by Janson, H. W.
Encyclopedia Of The Arts V1 by
Outline Of English Painting by Wilenski, R. H.
Coming Down The Seine by Gibbings, Robert
A Concise History Of Modern Painting by Read, Herbert
A Concise History Of Painting: From Giotto To Cezanne by Levey, Michael
Men And Memories: Recollections Of William Rothenstein, 1872-1900 by Rothenstein, William
Masterpieces From The Great Dutch Museums: Rijksmuseum, Mauritshuis, Boymans-Van Beuningen, Frans Hals Museum by Luttervelt, R. Van
The Living Past by Lissner, Ivar
Painting In The Far East: An Introduction To The History Of Pictorial Art In Asia Especially China And Japan by Binyon, Laurence
People And Art: A Textbook In Art Appreciation by Moore, Bernice Starr
The Challenge Of Modern Art by Leepa, Allen
World-Famous Pictures by Neale, Oscar W.
Modern Art: Sweet or Sour by Taubes, Frederic
The Philosophy of Modern Art by Read, Herbert Edward
Art of the Modern Age: Philosophy of Art from Kant to Heidegger by Schaeffer, Jean-Marie
Harper's Fine Arts Series - A History of Architecture by Kimball, Fiske
Writing the Pre-Raphaelites: Text, Context, Subtext by
Sequences: Contemporary Chronophotography and Experimental Digital Art by St George, Paul
Blitzen-Benz Bang: Daimler Art Collection: Mixed Media, Sculptures, Commissioned Works by
Picasso: The Monograph, 1881-1973 by
America and the Return of Nazi Contraband: The Recovery of Europe's Cultural Treasures by Kurtz, Michael J.
Iconografía náutica de la Península Ibérica en la Protohistoria by Rey Da Silva, Arturo
A Philosophy of Computer Art by Lopes, Dominic
The Man Who Made Vermeers: Unvarnishing the Legend of Master Forger Han Van Meegeren by Lopez, Jonathan
Die Ganja-Picassos: Identität und Kunst bei den Rastafari by Müller-Wenzel, Kristin
Greek Sculpture and Painting: To the End of the Hellenistic Period by Beazley, Ashmole, B.
John Wellborn Root: A Study Of His Life And Work (1896) by Monroe, Harriet
How To Appreciate Prints (1909) by Weitenkampf, Frank
The Letters Of A Post-Impressionist: Being The Familiar Correspondence Of Vincent Van Gogh (1913) by Van Gogh, Vincent
Risposta Alle Reflessioni Critiche Sopra Le Differenti Scuole Di Pittura Del Sig. Marchese D'Argens (1755) by Monaldini, Venanzio, Venuti, Ridolfino
Description De L'Abbaye De La Trappe (1489) by Felibien, Andre
Reflexions Sur La Peinture Et La Gravure, Accompagnees D'Une Dissertation Sur Le Commerce de La Curiosite (1786) by Joullain, C. F. Fils Aine
Jean Goujon (1906) by Jouin, Henry Auguste
Saint-Cloud (1903) by Darney, Georges
Seek And Find: A Double Series Of Short Studies Of The Benedicite (1879) by Rossetti, Christina Georgina
Plastik (1778) by Herder, Johann Gottfried Von
Ivories: Ancient And Mediaeval (1875) by Maskell, William
On Pericles And The Arts In Greece, Previously To, And During The Time He Flourished (1815) by Craufurd, Quintin
The Training Of The Memory In Art, And The Education Of The Artist (1914) by De Boisbaudran, Lecoq
Walter Greaves, Pupil Of Whistler: Being A Catalogue Of Paintings, Drawings, And Etchings By Walter Greaves (1912) by Brinton, Christian
Royal Palaces Of Spain: A Historical And Descriptive Account Of The Seven Principal Palaces Of The Spanish Kings (1909) by Calvert, Albert Frederick
Pictures By Old Masters, Loan Collections And Recent Gifts To The Museum, Modern Sculptures, The Cyrus W. Field Collection Of Paintings (1894) by Metropolitan Museum of Art
Joseph Badger, 1708-1765: And A Descriptive List Of Some Of His Works (1918) by Park, Lawrence
Symbols And Metaphors (1892) by Cynicus
Portrait De Madame Geoffrin (1777) by Morellet, Andre
Drawings Of Old London (1913) by Norman, Philip
Rembrandt's Amsterdam (1915) by Lugt, Frits
Hortus Palatinus a Friderico Rege Boemiae Electore Palatino Heidelbergae Exstructus (1620) by de Caus, Salomon
Illustrative Shorthand (1888) by Bronson, Linda Pennington
What Form Of Political Constitution Is Most Favorable To The Cultivation Of The Fine Arts? (1851) by Currer, Charles Savile
Saggio Sopra L'Accademia Di Francia, Che E' In Roma (1763) by Algarotti, Francesco
Saggio Sopra L'Architettura (1784) by Algarotti, Francesco
Entwurf Einer Pommerschen Vermischten Bibliothek Von Schriften Zu Den Alterthumern, Kunstsachen, Munzen, Und Zur Natur-Historie (1771) by Oelrichs, Johann Carl Conrad
Exhibition Of Drawings And Studies By Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1899) by Monkhouse, Cosmo
La Moda: Ossia La Filosofia Del Decimottavo Secolo (1781) by Giulio
Specimens Of Gothic Ornaments: Selected From The Parish Church Of Lavenham In Suffolk (1796) by Taylor, Isaac
Erzeugnisse Aus Dem Gebiete Des Wahren Und Schonen (1798) by Koller, Joseph
Saggio Sopra L'Arte Storica Alla Maesta Di Vittorio Amadeo Re Di Sardegna, Ec. (1773) by Napione, Giov Caleani
The Theory And Practice Of Landscape Painting In Water Colors (1861) by Barnard, George
Reflexions Sur La Peinture Et La Gravure, Accompagnees D'Une Dissertation Sur Le Commerce de La Curiosite (1786) by Joullain, C. F. Fils Aine
Some Modern Artists And Their Work (1883) by
The Training Of The Memory In Art, And The Education Of The Artist (1914) by De Boisbaudran, Lecoq
How To Appreciate Prints (1909) by Weitenkampf, Frank
Fables de Monsieur Le Brun (1722) by Le Brun, Antoine Louis
Portraits Of Dante From Giotto To Raffael: A Critical Study, With A Concise Iconography (1911) by Holbrook, Richard Thayer
Opere Di Antonio Raffaello Mengs (1783) by D'Azara, D. Guiseppe Niccola, Anton Raphael Mengs
Theatrum Caesareum Historico-Poeticum: Quo Omnium Et Singulorum Rom. Imperatorum, Cim Icones Ex Antiquis (1616) by Megiser, Hieronymus
Recueil Des Antiquites Et Monumens Marseillois Qui Peuvent Interesser L'histoire Et Les Arts (1773) by Grosson, Jean Baptiste Bernard
The Literary Works Of Joshua Reynolds V3: Late President Of The Royal Academy (1819) by Reynolds, Joshua
The Follies And Fashions Of Our Grandfathers, 1807 (1886) by Tuer, Andrew White
Sylloge Veterum Monumentorum (1786) by Cancellieri, Francesco
Das Bild Eines Wahren Patrioten: In Einem Denkmal Herrn Hans Blaarers Von Wartensee (1767) by Hirzel, Johann Caspar
Journals Of A Landscape Painter In Albania, Etc. (1851) by Lear, Edward
Theorie Der Schoone Kunsten En Wetenschappen, Part 1 (1778) by Riedel, F. J., Alphen, Hieronymus Van
The Life Of Giorgio Vasari: A Study Of The Later Renaissance In Italy (1911) by Carden, Robert Walter
The Life Of J. M. W. Turner V1 (1862) by Thornbury, Walter
Descrizione Di Milano V4 (1751) by Latuada, Serviliano
Histoire Des Perruques: Ou L'On Fair Voir (1777) by Thiers, Jean-Baptiste
Introduzione Allo Studio De Preziosi Musei (1783) by Falletti, Tommaso Vincenzo
Saggio Del Conte Algarotti Sull' Architettura E Sulla Pittura (1756) by Algarotti, Francesco
The Dances Of Death, Through The Various Stages Of Human Life (1803) by Holbein, John
On Collecting Japanese Color Prints: Being An Introduction To The Study And Collection Of The Color Prints Of The Ukiyoye School Of Japan (1917) by Stewart, Basil
On Pericles And The Arts In Greece, Previously To, And During The Time He Flourished (1815) by Craufurd, Quintin
The Shilling Book Of Beauty (1856) by Bede, Cuthbert
Ivories: Ancient And Mediaeval (1875) by Maskell, William
Jacques Morel: Sculpteur Lyonnais, 1417-1459 (1889) by Rondot, Natalis
The Theory And Practice Of Lettering: Designed For The Use Of Engineers And Draftsmen Generally (1895) by Sherman, Christopher Elias
Remarques Sur La Piece Antique De Bronze, Trouvee Depuis Quelques Annees Aux Environs De Rome (1694) by Chevalier, Nicolas
Some Early Italian Pictures In The Jarves Collection Of The Yale School Of Fine Arts At New Haven (1895) by Rankin, William
Ernst Ludwig Daniel Huchs Der Vernunstlehre, Und Veredsakeit Offentlichen Ordentlichen Lehrers Zu Zerbst (1767) by Huch, Ernst Ludwig Daniel
Raccolta Di Alcuni Opuscoli Sopra Varie Materie Di Pittura, Scultura E Architettura (1765) by Bocchi, Francesco, Baldinucci, Filippo
Pintura De La Inglaterra: Estado Actual (1771) by Grenville, George
Walter Greaves, Pupil Of Whistler: Being A Catalogue Of Paintings, Drawings, And Etchings By Walter Greaves (1912) by Brinton, Christian
The Centenary Garland: Being Pictorial Illustrations of the Novels of Sir W. Scott (1871) by Scott, Walter
Johann Winckelmanns Sendschreiben Von Den Herculanischen Entdeckungen (1762) by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Souvenir Of Country Scenes And Field Sports In Old England (1880) by Wart, Irving Van
The Work Of Antoine Watteau (1913) by Watteau, Antoine
Specimens Of Early Wood Engraving: Being Impressions Of Wood Cuts (1858) by Charnley, Emerson
Harvest Scenes Of The World (1913) by Buck, John Edward
The Late John Burgess Of The Society Of Painters In Water Colors (1879) by Aspa, Rosario
Historische Erklaerung En Der Gemaelde (1768) by Kreuchauf, Franz Wilhelm, Winkler, Gottfried
Pictures Of Early Life: Or Sketches Of Youth (1839) by Embury, Emma Catherine
Pictures Of Rural Life In Austria And Hungary V1 (1850) by
The Chronology Of Mediaeval And Renaissance Architecture: A Date Book Of Architectural Art (1893) by Perry, John Tavenor
Eloquencia, Espanola En Arte (1604) by Paton, Bartolome Jimenez
Rambling Sketches (1883) by Davison, Thomas Raffles
The Letters Of A Post-Impressionist: Being The Familiar Correspondence Of Vincent Van Gogh (1913) by Van Gogh, Vincent
Risposta Alle Reflessioni Critiche Sopra Le Differenti Scuole Di Pittura Del Sig. Marchese D'Argens (1755) by Monaldini, Venanzio, Venuti, Ridolfino
Italian Pictures: Drawn With Pen And Pencil (1885) by Manning, Samuel
Scottish Pictures Drawn With Pen And Pencil (1883) by Green, Samuel Gosnell
Water Colors: Four Chinese Tone Poems (1916) by Carpenter, John Alden
Schools And Masters Of Painting: With An Appendix On The Principal Galleries Of Europe (1887) by Radcliffe, Alida Graveraet
How To Visit The Great Picture Galleries (1911) by Singleton, Esther
Kabinet Van Nederlandsche Outheden En Gezichten (1725) by Rademaker, Abraham
The Works Of Anthony Raphael Mengs V1-2 (1796) by Mengs, Anton Raphael
The Family Picture Gallery V3-4: Or Every Day Scenes Depicted By Many Close Observers, And By Them Selected (1824) by Gallery, Family Picture
The Gospel In Art (1916) by Bailey, Albert Edward
Historie Und Leben Der Beruhmtesten Europaeischen Mahler (1710) by de Piles, Roger
Ein Scharfgen Auf Den Altar Des Vaterlands Geleget (1778) by Fuessli, Hans Heinrich
Rembrandt V1: His Life, His Work, And His Time (1894) by Michel, Emile
Holzschnitte V1 (1793) by Weber, Veit
Jean Gigoux: Sa Vie, Ses Oeuvres, Ses Collections (1895) by Gigoux, Jean Francois, Estignard, Alexandre
Kalengier Ende Lust-Hof Des H. Kercke Verciert Met Den Salighen Cruys-Wech Christi (1621) by Coster, Gilles De
Saggio Pittorico (1786) by Prunetti, Michelangelo
Pictures From The Early History Of Venice, A.D. 403-1205 (1874) by Phillimore, Catherine Mary
Pinacotheca Sive Romana Pictura Et Sculptura, Libri Duo (1673) by Silos, Ioanne Michaele
Jacobean Embroidery: Its Forms And Fillings Including Late Tudor (1913) by Fitzwilliam, Ada Wentworth, Hands, A. F. Morris
Jacobi Catsii Faces Augustae (1656) by Catsius, Jacobus, Boyus, Corn, Barlaeus, Caspar
Memorie Per Le Belle Arti V1-2 (1785) by Stamperia Pagliarini Publisher
Scottish Painting Past And Present, 1620-1908 (1908) by Caw, James Lewis
Tafereel Van De Belacchende Werelt: En Des Selfs Geluckige Eeuwe, Goet Rondt (1635) by Venne, Adriaen Pietersz Van De
Lettres Sur La Peinture, Aun Amateur (1750) by Saint Julien, Louis Baillet De
Emblemata Et Epigrammata Miscellanea Selecta Ex Stromatis Peripateticis (1610) by Faye, Antoine De La
Queens in Stone and Silver: The Creation of a Visual Imagery of Queenship in Capetian France by Nolan, K.
The Emergence of the Modern Museum: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Sources by Siegel, Jonah
Painting, Politics and the Struggle for the École de Paris, 1944-1964 by Adamson, Natalie
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