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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2015

Beyond Guernica and the Guggenheim: Art and Politics from a Comparative Perspective by
The William Van Horne Collection: A Dutch Treat by Eggermont- Molenaar, Mary
Modernism and the Occult by Bramble, John
Come as You Are: Art of the 1990s by Schwartz, Alexandra
Artists' Soho: 49 Episodes of Intimate History by Kostelanetz, Richard
In Art: Van Gogh by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Mr. Abobaziz & The Nancy by Beardsley, Edward R.
You Must Make Your Death Public (Large Print Edition) by Travis, Jeppesen, Kraus, Chris
Very Venice by Daniels, Therese
Coco Chanel. Wegbereiterin eines modernen Frauenbildes? by Möller, Nathalie
Visual Culture in Contemporary China: Paradigms and Shifts by Tang, Xiaobing
Images and Texts: Papers in Honour of Eric Handley (Bics Supplement 129): Volume 129 by
Body, Dress, and Identity in Ancient Greece by Lee, Mireille M.
Why the Romantics Matter by Gay, Peter
Anders Zorn und Max Liebermann. Eine Freundschaft im Zeichen des Impressionismus by Renner, Beatrix
Le salon de 1865 by Du Camp, Maxime
Unposted Letters: Correspondence, Diaries, Drawings, Documents 1940-1942 by Reichardt, Jasia, Themerson, Franciszka, Themerson, Stefan
Das Grabmal Kaiser Ludwigs des Bayern in der Münchener Frauenkirche by Starck-Ottkowitz, Eva
Lovis Corinth: Selbstbildnisse mit Frauen by Starck-Ottkowitz, Eva
Emblematische Festkultur: Hochzeitsfeierlichkeiten auf Schloss Gottorf by Starck-Ottkowitz, Eva
Pastures Green & Dark Satanic Mills: The British Passion for Landscape by Fairclough, Oliver, Barringer, Tim
Die Kunstvermittlerin Hanna Bekker vom Rath: Die Anfaenge des Frankfurter Kunstkabinetts Hanna Bekker vom Rath- 2., ueberarbeitete Auflage by Fuchs, Ulrike
Morgantina Studies, Volume VI: The Hellenistic and Roman Fine Pottery by Stone, Shelley C.
Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century: A Surrealist History by Sayer, Derek
Sean Scully: Figure Abstract by
Common Wealth: Art by African Americans in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston by
A History of Greek Art by Stansbury-O'Donnell, Mark D.
The Toulouse-Lautrec Coloring Book: Classic Artists by Lemay, A. T.
The City Lost and Found: Capturing New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, 1960-1980 by Foster-Rice, Greg, Bussard, Katherine A., Fisher, Alison
A History of Greek Art by Stansbury-O'Donnell, Mark D.
Die Ausbildung des Architekten im 15. bis 17. Jahrhundert. Von der Accademia in Italien zur Académie Royale in Frankreich by Kacher, Gina
Transfigurations: Modern Masters from the Wexner Family Collection by
Futurist Depero 1913-1950 by
Textiles, Fashion, and Design Reform in Austria-Hungary Before the First World War: Principles of Dress by Houze, Rebecca
Structures of Feeling: Affectivity and the Study of Culture by
Contemporary Art from the Middle East: Regional Interactions with Global Art Discourses by
The Decree to Restore Jerusalem: Limited Black Edition by Leaver, Ryan J.
Isa Genzken by
Realism after Modernism: The Rehumanization of Art and Literature by Fore, Devin
Women, the Arts and Globalization: Eccentric Experience by
James Barry's Murals at the Royal Society of Arts: Envisioning a New Public Art by Pressly, William L.
David Smith in Two Dimensions: Photography and the Matter of Sculpture by Hamill, Sarah
Politics Personified: Portraiture, Caricature and Visual Culture in Britain, C.1830-80 by Miller, Henry
Giovanni Anselmo by
Made in Venice: A Travel Guide To Murano Glass, Carnival Masks, Gondolas, Lace, Paper, & More by Morelli, Laura
On Not Looking: The Paradox of Contemporary Visual Culture by
No Medium by Dworkin, Craig
The Cambridge History of Painting in the Classical World by
Marti Lives: A Visual Imaginarium by Sierra, Jerry a.
The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics by
The Lienzo of Tlapiltepec: A Painted History from the Northern Mixteca by
Image and Text in Graeco-Roman Antiquity by Squire, Michael
Camouflage Cultures by
Time to Play: Action and Interaction in Contemporary Art by Zimna, Katarzyna
The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece by Barringer, Judith M.
Artifacts from Medieval Europe by Tschen-Emmons, James
The Books and the Life of Judith of Flanders by Dockray-Miller, Mary
Losing Your Head: Abjection, Aesthetic Conflict, and Psychoanalytic Criticism by Civitarese, Giuseppe
Transforming Type: New Directions in Kinetic Typography by Brownie, Barbara
Out of This Century: The Informal Memoirs of Peggy Guggenheim by Guggenheim, Peggy
The Creation of the Common Law: The Medieval "Year Books" Deciphered by Lund, Thomas
The Jew: A Comedy, Etc - Scholar's Choice Edition by Cumberland, Richard
Critical Shift: Rereading Jarves, Cook, Stillman, and the Narratives of Nineteenth-Century American Art by Georgi, Karen L.
On the Very Edge: Modernism and Modernity in the Arts and Architecture of Interwar Serbia (1918-1941) by
Hellenistische Agorai: Gestaltung, Rezeption Und Semantik Eines Urbanen Raumes by Sielhorst, Barbara
Italian Masculinity as Queer Melodrama: Caravaggio, Puccini, Contemporary Cinema by Champagne, John
Fashioning Spaces: Mode and Modernity in Late-Nineteenth-Century Paris by Brevik-Zender, Heidi
Akademie X: Lessons in Art + Life by Abramovic, Marina, Eliasson, Olafur, Graham, Dan
Women Art Critics in Nineteenth-Century France: Vanishing Acts by Guentner, Wendelin
Sublimism: Sublimist Art, Architecture, Morality, and Poetry by Coppedge, Nathan
Dhanurveda: The Vedic Military Science by Arya, Ravi Prakash
Leonardo: A Return to Florence by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Dreamland of Humanists: Warburg, Cassirer, Panofsky, and the Hamburg School by Levine, Emily J.
Xylor Jane: 19991 by
Paul Feeley: 1957-1962 by
Emil Nolde: Flowers by
Moshe Gershuni: No Father, No Mother by
George Sugarman: Painted Wood by
Spirals: The Whirled Image in Twentieth-Century Literature and Art by Israel, Nico
German Pop by
Vern Blosum by
Art of the Middle East: Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World and Iran by Eigner, Saeb
Emil Nolde: My Garden Full of Flowers by
Monet and American Impressionism by Roman, Dulce Maria
Semina Culture: Wallace Berman & His Circle by
Martin Kippenberger: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Volume 4 1993-1997 by
Hans Ulrich Obrist: The Czech Files by
Lois Weinberger by
San Francisco: A Map of Perceptions by Ponsi, Andrea
In Art: Rembrandt by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Studies in Ephemera: Text and Image in Eighteenth-Century Print by
In Art: Ballet by Fuller, Deirdre K.
Seduction and Power: Antiquity in the Visual and Performing Arts by
More Vintage Years of Airfix Box Art by Cross, Roy
Distributed Objects: Meaning and Mattering After Alfred Gell by
The Paradox of Body, Building and Motion in Seventeenth-Century England by Skelton, Kimberley
Bridget Riley: Studies, 1984-95 by
Postcolonial Modernism: Art and Decolonization in Twentieth-Century Nigeria by Okeke-Agulu, Chika
Shine: The Visual Economy of Light in African Diasporic Aesthetic Practice by Thompson, Krista A.
Shine: The Visual Economy of Light in African Diasporic Aesthetic Practice by Thompson, Krista A.
The Miracle of Analogy: Or the History of Photography, Part 1 by Silverman, Kaja
Ceremonial Entries in Early Modern Europe: The Iconography of Power by
Modernism and the Occult by Bramble, John
Roman Sculpture by Strong, Eugénie
Leonard Et Luca Pacioli L'Èvidence: Les Preuves De La Contribution De Leonard De Vinci A L'evolution Du Jeu D'echecs Révélées Par Le Manuscrit Sur Le by Rocco, Franco
Refiguring the Real: Picture and Modernity in Word and Image, 1400-1700 by Braider, Christopher
The Gothic Visionary Perspective by Nolan, Barbara
Ordering of the Arts in Eighteenth-Century England by Lipking, Lawrence I.
Hanne Tyrmi: The Lost Thing by
Caspar David Friedrich und seine Stellung zu Schweden by Dreisam, Melanie
Gerhard Richter. Leben, Flucht und Rückkehr nach Dresden by Dreisam, Melanie
Antonio and Piero del Pollaiuolos: Silver and Gold, Painting and Bronze... by
Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends by Ormond, Richard
The World of Ornament by Batterham, David
Art of Renaissance Venice, 1400-1600 by Partridge, Loren
Byrdcliffe: An American Arts and Crafts Colony by
The Rise and Fall of American Art, 1940s-1980s: A Geopolitics of Western Art Worlds by Dossin, Catherine
Der Justizpalast von Brüssel by Scholz, Markus
Sculpture in the Age of Donatello: Renaissance Masterpieces from Florence Cathedral by
In a New Light: Giovanni Bellini's St. Francis in the Desert by Rutherglen, Susannah, Hale, Charlotte
Richard Wagners "Der Ring des Nibelungen". Überblick über die künstlerische Entstehungs-, Rezeptions- und Wirkungsgeschichte by Anonym
Cuba: A History in Art by Mártinez, Juan A., Libby, Gary R.
Impressionism: 13 Artists Children Should Know by Heine, Florian
Zur Problematik der Universalität. Vorteile und Grenzen einer globalen Kunstgeschichte: Anhand von James Elkins' "Is Art History Global?" by Minor, Lisa
The Parisian Avant-Garde in the Age of Cinema, 1900-1923 by Wild, Jennifer
Istanbul Exchanges: Ottomans, Orientalists, and Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture by Roberts, Mary
Still Lives: Death, Desire, and the Portrait of the Old Master by Loh, Maria H.
Pleasure and Piety: The Art of Joachim Wtewael by Wheelock, Arthur K., Clifton, James, Helmus, Liesbeth M.
From Ancient to Modern: Archaeology and Aesthetics by
Visual Culture in Contemporary China: Paradigms and Shifts by Tang, Xiaobing
Hans Van Heeswijk Architects: The Mauritshuis by
Imagination/Idea 1971: The Beginning of Hungarian Conceptual Art by
Max Gimblett: The Sound of One Hand: Calligraphy Practice 1967-2014 by
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: In/Out Studio by
Parallel Views: Italian and Japanese Art from the 1950s, 60s and 70s by
Sweet Nothings: Notes and Texts 1982-2014 by
Christopher Orr: Paintings by
Emil Nolde: Landscapes by
Terrazza: Artists, Histories, Places in Italy in the 2000s by
Azimuth: Continuity and Newness by
The Wonders of Florence by Cestaro, Dario
Michel Lancien, sculpteur by Van Hecke, Alain
Mosaics of Fishbourne Roman Palace by Napier, Derrick
The Poetics of Sight by Harvey, John
The Life of Sir David Wilkie - Volume 1 by Cunningham, Allan
The Life of Sir David Wilkie - Volume 2 by Cunningham, Allan
The Life of Sir David Wilkie - Volume 3 by Cunningham, Allan
Play and Participation in Contemporary Arts Practices by Stott, Tim
The Nation's First Monument and the Origins of the American Memorial Tradition: Liberty Enshrined by Webster, Sally
Vermeer by Franits, Wayne
The Christ Child in Medieval Culture: Alpha Es Et O! by Dzon, Mary, Kenney, Theresa M.
The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klimt's Masterpiece, Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer by O'Connor, Anne-Marie
Marble Camp and Me: A City Child's Life in Arizona Territory by Milner, Alma
Performing Englishness: Identity and Politics in a Contemporary Folk Resurgence by Winter, Trish, Keegan-Phipps, Simon
Mamas of Dada: Women of the European Avant-Garde by Kamenish, Paula K.
Picturing the Closet: Male Secrecy and Homosexual Visibility in Britain by Janes, Dominic
Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 11 by
Letters of Sir Joshua Reynolds by
Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei seit Constantin dem Großen by Kugler, Franz
Social Concern and Left Politics in Jewish American Art: 1880-1940 by Baigell, Matthew
Friedrich der Weise als Förderer der Kunst by Bruck, Robert
Egypt in Italy by Swetnam-Burland, Molly
Expressionismus: Mit 18 Tafeln in Kupferdruck by Bahr, Hermann
The Ideals of the East by Okakura, Kakuzo
Modern Arab Art: Formation of Arab Aesthetics by Shabout, Nada M.
Caravaggio as a Modernist: What is Modernism? by Kedar, Dorit
Arcade Game Flyer Art Volume 1 by
Kunterbuntes Bilderbuch by Sievers, Rudolf
Analyse der Werke "Die Mühle von Wijk", "Der Judenfriedhof" und "Die Bleichwiesen bei Haarlem" von Jacob van Ruisdael by Schmidt, Dennis
Postdate: Photography and Inherited History in India by Throckmorton, Jodi, Gupta, Atreyee, Gupta, Latika
Realisation-From Seeing to Understanding: The Origins of Art by Spalding, Julian
Three Kinds of Motion: Kerouac, Pollock, and the Making of American Highways by Hanick, Riley
Gustave Moreau, l'assembleur de rêves: De l'académisme au symbolisme by 50minutes, Thibaut Wauthion
Georges de La Tour, un peintre énigmatique: De l'ombre à la lumière by 50minutes, Tatiana Sgalbiero
Théodore Géricault, le père du romantisme français: La fougue et la passion au bout du pinceau by 50minutes, Eliane Reynold de Seresin
Jacques-Louis David et la peinture d'histoire: Le chantre de la Révolution et de l'Empire by Eliane Reynold de Seresin, 50minutes
Antoine Watteau et le style rococo: De la commedia dell'arte à la fête galante by 50minutes, Eliane Reynold de Seresin
Raphaël, le gracieux: L'apogée de la Renaissance italienne by Céline Muller, 50minutes
Titien, le maître de la couleur: La peinture vénitienne au Cinquecento by 50minutes, Céline Muller
Sir John Everett Millais et l'obsession du détail: Du préraphaélisme au portrait de salon by Delphine Gervais de LaFond, 50minutes
Georges Seurat et le pointillisme: Le messie d'un art nouveau by 50minutes, Thérèse Claeys
Bruegel l'Ancien ou paysan Bruegel: Au coeur du folklore des anciens Pays-Bas by 50minutes, Delphine Gervais de LaFond
Caspar David Friedrich et la tragédie du paysage: Les premiers pas du romantisme allemand by 50minutes, Céline Muller
Odilon Redon, un artiste inclassable: Des Noirs au chant de la couleur by 50minutes, Coline Franceschetto
Amedeo Modigliani, l'art du portrait et du nu: Entre tradition et avant-garde by 50minutes, Coline Franceschetto
Fragonard ou l'art de la frivolité: Les dernières heures du rococo by Marion Hallet, 50minutes
Francisco de Goya, un artiste visionnaire: Du faste de la cour à la critique sociale by 50minutes, Marie-Julie Malache
Kim Dorland by Spalding, Jeffrey, Atanassova, Katerina, Enright, Robert
Shocking Paris by Meisler, Stanley
Die Entstehung der Barockkunst in Rom by Riegl, Alois
Stilfragen: Grundlegungen zu einer Geschichte der Ornamentik by Riegl, Alois
Viewing Inscriptions in the Late Antique and Medieval World by
Feminism Art Theory: An Anthology 1968 - 2014 by
Feminism Art Theory: An Anthology 1968 - 2014 by
Bergson and the Art of Immanence: Painting, Photography, Film by
Summer Autumn Winter... and Spring: Conversations with Artists from the Arab World by Ferath, Till
Malaysian Eye: Contemporary Malaysian Art by
Singapore Eye: Contemporary Singapore Art by
Art, Literature, and the Japanese American Internment: On John Okada's No-No Boy by Girst, Thomas
Der Künstler Kienholz im Amerika der 60er Jahre by Anonym
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