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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2016

China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 5: Scenes from the Countryside: English Version by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
The Mystery of the Real: Letters of the Canadian Artist Alex Colville and Biographer Jeffrey Meyers by Meyers, Jeffrey
Jean Tinguely: Retrospective by
Michael Craig-Martin: Transience by
Art Cologne 1967-2016: The First Art Fair by
Women of Abstract Expressionism by
The Photofilmic: Entangled Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture by
The Magic of Juju: An Appreciation of the Black Arts Movement by Salaam, Kalamu Ya
Werkbeschreibung und Analyse von Paul Cézannes "La Montagne Sainte-Victoire" (1892-95) by Becker, Lena
The Garden of Love: a Renaissance mystery by Lawson, Bill
The Bayeux Tapestry: New Interpretations by
The Livery Collar in Late Medieval England and Wales: Politics, Identity and Affinity by Ward, Matthew J.
Caravaggio by Lambert, Gilles
Geschichte der Malerei by Muther, Richard
Geschichte der Malerei: III. Band by Muther, Richard
Geschichte der Malerei: I. Band by Muther, Richard
Geschichte der Malerei by Muther, Richard
Geschichte der Malerei: Italien, Spanien. ... by Muther, Richard
Die Engel in der altchristlichen Kunst by Stuhlfauth, Georg
On the Explanation of Chess and Backgammon by Daryaee, Touraj
The Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum: Archaeology, Reception, and Digital Reconstruction by
Life, Death and Representation: Some New Work on Roman Sarcophagi by
Die kunstgeschichtliche Hermeneutik nach Oskar Bätschmann. Ein Vergleich mit dem dreistufigen Interpretationsschema von Erwin Panofsky by Schott, Lena
Creative Haven Rose Windows Coloring Book: Create Illuminated Stained Glass Special Effects by Avren, Joel S.
Unruly Nature: The Landscapes of Théodore Rousseau by Allan, Scott, Kopp, Edouard
Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei seit Constantin dem Grossen by Kugler, Franz
Early Modern Art Theory. Visual Culture and Ideology, 1400-1700 by Hutson, James
The Book of Signs by Koch, Rudolf
Taddeo Gaddi. Das Refektoriumsfresko Santa Croce in Florenz by Schirmer, Symon Johannes
Farhad Moshiri by
In the Footsteps of the Group of Seven by Waddington, Jim, Waddington, Sue
Sacred Trash: The Lost and Found World of the Cairo Geniza by Hoffman, Adina, Cole, Peter
"Not of the Ruling Power": Captain Ingram's Partisan Rangers in California by Kearney, J. G.
"Not of the Ruling Power": Captain Ingram's Partisan Rangers in California by Kearney, J. G.
Is Paris Still the Capital of the Nineteenth Century?: Essays on Art and Modernity, 1850-1900 by
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 3: People from History: French Version by Janeti, Joseph, Hill, Mead
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 3: People from History: chinese-french bilingual by Janeti, Joseph, Hill, Mead
Museo de Arte Ponce: The Spanish Collection by
An Imagined Shore: Robert Anning Bell's illustrations of the poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Bow, Frankie
Making Sense of the Bayeux Tapestry: Readings and Reworkings by
Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné by
Clare Woods: Strange Meetings by
L'Image Volée by
Der Künstler Carl Spitzweg. Von den Pointenbildern zu Landschaftsbildern by Anonym
Alois Riegl. Spätrömische Kunstindustrie by Wöss, Angelika
Die Skulpturengruppe "Raptus der Proserpina" von Gianlorenzo Bernini by Wöss, Angelika
Die Mosaiken der Kirche SS Cosma e Damiano in Rom. Beschreibung, Deutung und Datierung by Wöss, Angelika
Bruegel by Hagen
Souvenirs of Madame Vigée Le Brun 2 Volume Set by Vigée-Lebrun, Louise-Elisabeth
Interactive Contemporary Art: Participation in Practice by
Hieronymus Bosch Masterpieces of Art by Ormiston, Rosalind
Constellations of a Contemporary Romanticism by
Bibliothèque Anecdotique Et Littéraire. Les Légendes de l'Art. Musiciens by Collectif
Constellations of a Contemporary Romanticism by
The Total Work of Art: Foundations, Articulations, Inspirations by
Bridget Riley: Venice and Beyond by
Erased: Citizenship, Residence Rights and the Constitution in Slovenia by Kogovsek Salamon, Neza
Kathedrale - Kunstgeschichte - Kulturwissenschaft: Ansaetze zu einer produktiven Problemgeschichte architekturhistorischer Deutungen by Nille, Christian
Adult Coloring Books of the 1960s by Comics, About
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 1: Mythology: Chinese Version by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 2: Nature: Chinese Version by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 3: People from History: Chinese Version by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 4: People in the Countryside: Chinese Version by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 5: Scenes from the Countryside: Chinese Version by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
Bruce Conner: It's All True by
Frank Stella: American Abstract Artist by Pearson, James
The Two-Sided Lake: Scenarios, Storyboards and Sets from Liverpool Biennial 2016 by
Die Alte Synagoge zu Erfurt. Ihre bauliche Entwicklung zwischen dem 11. und dem 14. Jahrhundert by Schirmer, Symon Johannes
"Ancient Memories" by Neal, James
Home/Land: Women, Citizenship, Photographies by
The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century by
Pictures of the catastrophe and catastrophic pictures by Mechcatie, Oliver
Drawn to Yellowstone: Artists in America's First National Park by Hassrick, Peter H.
Imperial soldiers & uniforms 1640-1860: In the art of Franz Gerasch by Cristini, Luca Stefano
A descriptive inventory of the several exquisite and magnificent pieces of mechanism and jewellery: comprised in the schedule annexed to an act of Par by Cox, James
Richard Segalman: Black & White: Muses, Magic & Monotypes by Castle, Susan Forrest
Flämische Malerei: 200 Nachbildungen mit geschichtlicher Einführung und Erläuterungen by Heidrich, Ernst
Un amour, Un silence: En amour, un silence vaut mieux qu'un langage by Kdesign, Km
Mark Greenwold: The Rumble of Panic Underlying Everything by
Leonhart Fuchs. Le Nouvel Herbier de 1543 by Dressendörfer, Werner
Frank Stella. Besonderheiten der "Irregular Polygons" und Unterschiede zur zeitgenössischen Kunst der New York School by Liebig, Karolin
Die Schönbornkapelle am Kiliansdom zu Würzburg by Schirmer, Symon Johannes
Anikonismus in der frühbuddhistischen Kunst am Beispiel der "Buddhapada" by Anonymous
Johann Rudolf Byss in Franken und die Vorbedingungen by Schirmer, Symon Johannes
Durero by Wolf, Norbert
Matisse by Essers, Volkmar
Dürer by Wolf, Norbert
The Modernization of Chinese Art: The Shanghai Art College, 1913-1937 by Zheng, Jane
The Outlaw Bible of American Art by
Dürer by Wolf, Norbert
Face Value: The Assassination of Portrait Painting by Photography, 1850-1870 by Campbell, Frank
Tradition and Transformation: Three Millennia of Jewish Art and Architecture by Soltes, Ori Z.
Drawing the Line: The Early Work of Agnes Martin by Rosenberger, Christina Bryan
L'æntre: Voyage à travers l'histoire de l'art en 80 oeuvres by Bourgoin, Veronique
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 1: Mythology: chinese-english bilingual by Janeti, Joseph, Wenjing, Zhou
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 2: Nature: chinese-english bilingual by Janeti, Joseph, Wenjing, Zhou
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 3: People from History: chinese-english bilingual by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 5: Scenes from the Countryside: chinese-english bilingual by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
China Classic Paintings Art History Series - Book 4: People in the Countryside: chinese-english bilingual by Wenjing, Zhou, Janeti, Joseph
Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte: Erster Band by Kugler, Franz
Camel Hair Tattoo Art of Pakistan: Analysis of its Symbols and Motifs by Akhtar, Afsah Idrees
Camel Hair Tattoo Art of Pakistan: Analysis of its Symbols and Motifs by Akhtar, Afsah Idrees
ART FOR kIDS by Lawrence, Lou
The Architecture of the Roman Triumph by Popkin, Maggie L.
Erotic Art by Hughes, Cassidy
Simon Quaglio: Theatermalerei Und Bühnenbild in Der Ersten Hälfte Des 19. Jahrhunderts by Hübner, Christine
Modes of Knowing: Resources from the Baroque by
London Calling: Bacon, Freud, Kossoff, Andrews, Auerbach, and Kitaj by Crippa, Elena, Lampert, Catherine
Sotto Voce by
Audible Presence: Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, Cy Twombly by
Roman Opalka: Painting by
Local History: Castellani, Judd, Stella by
Siri Aurdal by
Enrico Castellani by
Wallace Berman: American Aleph by
Tilo Baumgärtel: Senza Parole by
Die "Walhalla" von Leo von Klenze. Geschichte und Bedeutung by Wöss, Angelika
Marc by Partsch, Susanna
Marc by Partsch, Susanna
Chagall by Metzger, Rainer, Walther, Ingo F.
Chagall by Metzger, Rainer, Walther, Ingo F.
Renoir by Feist, Peter H.
Renoir by Feist, Peter H.
Rembrandt by Bockemühl, Michael
Rembrandt by Bockemühl, Michael
Renoir by Feist, Peter H.
The Icon Debate: Religious Images in Russia in the 15th and 16th Centuries by Sulikowska, Aleksandra
Chagall by Walther, Ingo F., Metzger, Rainer
Rembrandt by Bockemühl, Michael
Serpent Column: A Cultural Biography by Stephenson, Paul
Ithell Colquhoun: Pioneer Surrealist Artist, Occultist, Writer and Poet by Ratcliffe, Eric
Richard F. Lack Catalogue Raisonne: 1943-1998 by Christensen, Gary B., Gjertson, Stephen A.
Shelter: Moki by Moki
Menzel - Werke und Dokumente by Waldmann, Emil
Leonora Carrington. Die Korrespondenz von Biographie und Selbstdarstellung by Starck-Ottkowitz, Eva
Civilisation and Nineteenth-Century Art: A European Concept in Global Context by O'Brien, David
Ayer y Hoy: Centenario del barrio de La Exposición (1916-2016) by Massot H., Jaime L.
Villa Palma: Storia di una residenza nobiliare ternana: Atti del Convegno "SalviAmo Villa Palma" tenutosi a Palazzo Gazzoli il 15 dicembre 2012 by Rossi, Michele, Cristofari, Andrea, Castellini Rinaldi, Giovanni
The Country That Refused to Die: The Story of the People of Poland by Kwiatkowski, Richard
The Country That Refused to Die: The Story of the People of Poland by Kwiatkowski, Richard
Abstract Cubism and Expressionism: Geometric Modern Art Adult Coloring Book by Marx, Mary-Margaret
Industrialization, Technology, and Sustainability: A World History Reader by
Industrialization, Technology, and Sustainability by Castro, J. Justin
Museum of Stones: Ancient and Contemporary Art at the Noguchi Museum by
Watteau's Soldiers: Scenes of Military Life in Eighteenth-Century France by Wile, Aaron
The Glamour of Strangeness by James, Jamie
Welcome to Painterland: Bruce Conner and the Rat Bastard Protective Association by Aukeman, Anastasia
Nordrhein-Westfalen II: Westfalen by Dehio, Georg
Duccio di Buoninsegnas Leben und künstlerisches Schaffen. Die Stileinflüsse und Quellen der "Maestà" by Wöss, Angelika
The beginnings of art by Grosse, Ernst
Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Poster Set by
Hotel Mexico: Dwelling on the '68 Movement by Flaherty, George F.
Klimt. Poster Set by
Hotel Mexico: Dwelling on the '68 Movement by Flaherty, George F.
Die thronende Maria. Analyse der Darstellung der Maria de' Medici in Peter Paul Rubens "La Félicité de la régence" by Harms, Anna
Deutsche Kunstgeschichte: 1. Band by Knackfuß, H.
The Orpheus Clock: The Search for My Family's Art Treasures Stolen by the Nazis by Goodman, Simon
Practical Letter Book by Kaemmerer, J. H.
Imaging Identity: Media, memory and portraiture in the digital age by
Rothko by Baal-Teshuva, Jacob
The Situationist International in Britain: Modernism, Surrealism, and the Avant-Garde by Cooper, Sam
Sense and Sensibility (Wisehouse Classics - With Illustrations by H.M. Brock) by Austen, Jane
Images of Lust: Sexual Carvings on Medieval Churches by Weir, Anthony, Jerman, James
"Die Versuchung des heiligen Antonius". Beschreibung des Kunstwerks von Salvador Dalí by Schneider, Nadine
The Myth of the Orient: Architecture and Ornament in the Age of Orientalism by
Historical Dictionary of Renaissance Art by Zirpolo, Lilian H.
Social Medium: Artists Writing, 2000-2015 by
Die Attische Importkeramik by Kunisch, Norbert
Symmetry: Through the Eyes of Old Masters by Makovicky, Emil
The Creation of Eve and Renaissance Naturalism: Visual Theology and Artistic Invention by Greenstein, Jack M.
Der Wandel der Malerwerkstätten und das Aufkommen von Werkkopien in Antwerpen im 16. und beginnenden 17. Jahrhundert: Pieter Bruegel der Ältere und se by Liebig, Karolin
Mary Heilmann: Looking at Pictures by
Picasso: The Artist and His Muses by Catherine, Soussloff M., Madeline, Laurence
Ed Ruscha: Ribbon Words by
Invisible Adversaries by
Sculpture on the Move 1946-2016: Imposing and Educational: A Digest of Exponents of Contemporary Sculpture by
Stories of Finnish Art: The New Ateneum Guide by
Titus Schade: Allnacht by
Wdwxxv: In Light of 25 Years by
Bridget Riley by
The Galveston Art League: A Century of Island Art: 1914 - 2014 by House, Nancy G., Jakobi, Pat
Italian Futurism and the First World War by Daly, Selena
Ephemere Kulträume. Raum und Material nationalsozialistischer Masseninszenierungen. 1933-1939 by Livings, Frances
Da Vinci: Vitruvian Man (Blank Sketch Book) by
Sex and Suits: The Evolution of Modern Dress by Hollander, Anne
Art in the Time of Colony by Carroll, Khadija Von Zinnenburg
Veronese by Meissner, Franz Hermann
Segantini by Montandon, Marcel, Segantini, Giovanni 1858-1899
Darwin and Theories of Aesthetics and Cultural History by
Sculpture and Psychoanalysis by Taylor, Brandon
Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe, 1350 1550 by Hand, Joni M.
Architecture and Pilgrimage, 1000 1500: Southern Europe and Beyond by
Gordon Matta-Clark S Conical Intersect: Sculpture, Space, and the Cultural Value of Urban Imagery by Muir, Peter
Painting Labour in Scotland and Europe, 1850-1900 by Morrison, John
Picturing the 'Pregnant' Magdalene in Northern Art, 1430-1550: Addressing and Undressing the Sinner-Saint by Jolly, Penny Howell
Lebens/Bilder by
Dutch and Flemish Paintings: Dulwich Picture Gallery by Bergvelt, Ellinoor, Jonker, Michiel
The Fantastic Art of Vienna: Great and Timeless Paintings from a Realm of Laughter and Light, of Brooding, Darkness and Splendid Decadence by Comini, Alessandra
Encounters Beyond the Gallery: Relational Aesthetics and Cultural Difference by Dohmen, Renate
The Fantastic Art of Vienna: Great and Timeless Paintings from a Realm of Laughter and Light, of Brooding, Darkness and Splendid Decadence by Comini, Alessandra
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