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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 2015

星云大师谈当代问题2: 心净国土净 Master Hsing Yun Talking About Con by Hsingyun
星云大师谈当代问题1: 心宽天地宽 Master HsingYun Talking About Cont by Hsingyun
Buddhist China by Johnston, Reginald Fleming
星云大师谈当代问题3: 心安诸事安 Master Hsing Yun Talking About Con by Hsingyun
Confucianism and Modern China by Johnston, Reginald Fleming
A teljes meditációs ülés by Duff, Tony
The Wisdom of Huineng, Chinese Buddhist Philosopher: The Platform Sutra and Other Translations by
90/90: 90 Meditations/90 Days by Leslie, Jerome J.
Buddhismus und Business!: Man muss nicht ins Kloster, um mit Buddha echtes Glueck zu finden? by Herzog, Meike
The Lankavatara Sutra: An Epitomized Version by
Beginning Anew: Four Steps to Restoring Communication by Khong, Chan
Buddhism#now: Big Questions. Inner Peace. LOL by Mellor, Nigel
Le vite anteriori del Buddha by Chalmers, Robert
Looking 4 Truths: Using Zen and Mindfulness to Transform Your Life by Taylor, Peter
The Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra: Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra by Scharpenburg, Daniel
Selected Works of D.T. Suzuki, Volume II: Pure Land by Suzuki, Daisetsu Teitaro
Zen Mind Life Thoughts by Shaw, Scott
Engaging Buddhism: Why It Matters to Philosophy by Garfield, Jay L.
Being Human in a Buddhist World: An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet by Gyatso, Janet
A Heart to Heart Chat on Buddhism with Old Master Gudo (Expanded Edition) by Nishijima, Gudo Wafu
The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns by Schell, Brian
The Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land by Okusa, Yejitsu
The Five-Minute Buddhist's Buddhism Quick Start Guide by Schell, Brian
Komy und der Stein by Schmidt, Ulrike Hannelore
Buddhism in Mongolian History, Culture, and Society by
Creative Vision and Inner Reality by Kongtrul, Jamgon
She Appears! Encounters with Kwan Yin, Goddess of Compassion by Boucher, Sandy
Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #30 by Kindler, Babaji Bob, Shapiro, Rabbi Rami, Thubten, Rinpoche
Hear Now: A Way of Zen and Mindfulness by Taylor, Peter
A Boy Named Zen by Olson, Jeremiah Lee
The Quantum Prayer: An Inspiring Guide to Love, Healing, and Creating the Best Life Possible by Kai, Joshua
Buddhism Made Easy: Buddhism for Beginners and Busy People by Sharma, Shalu
Korean Buddhism by Starr, Frederick
One Word Meditations by Shaw, Scott
Wisdom of the East by Shonin, Shinran
Straightforward Minimalism: A Guide To Achieving A Simplistic Lifestyle In A Possessive and Chaotic Society " by Byrd, Jayson
From Messy to Methodized: 50 Simple Techniques For Taking Control Of Your Life, Even If You're The Sloppiest Person In The World by Moore, Stephanie
Zen in the Garden: Finding Peace and Healing Through Nature by Thomas, Tracy J.
Buddhist Psychotherapy: A Guideline for Positive Changes by Ennenbach, Matthias
Igniting The Sacred Flame by McLovin, Guru Bubba
The Way of Tenderness: Awakening Through Race, Sexuality, and Gender by Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn
Gampopa. Jewel Ornament of Liberation by Gampopa, Sonam Rinchen
The Life of the Buddha by Chogyel, Tenzin
Mindful Meditation for Beginners - Mindfulness Meditation: A Mindful Life Project by MC Luhan, Eric
Third Step East: Zen Masters of America by McDaniel, Richard Bryan
Dogen and Soto Zen by
Buddhism: An Introduction by Wynne, Alexander
Adaptation and Developments in Western Buddhism: Socially Engaged Buddhism in the UK by Henry, Phil
Theories of the Gift in South Asia: Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain Reflections on Dana by Heim, Maria
Mindful Raft over Troubled Waters by Ginsberg, Mitchell D.
An Open-Hearted Life: Transformative Methods for Compassionate Living from a Clinical Psychologist and a Buddhist Nun by Kolts, Russell, Chodron, Thubten
Indian Asceticism: Power, Violence, and Play by Olson, Carl
Jewels of Enlightenment: Wisdom Teachings from the Great Tibetan Masters by Kunsang, Erik Pema
Buddha's Book of Meditation: Mindfulness Practices for a Quieter Mind, Self-Awareness, and Healthy Living by Emet, Joseph
Vajrasattva Meditation: An Illustrated Guide by Phuntsok, Yeshe
Buddhism and Deconstruction: Towards a Comparative Semiotics by Wang, Youxuan, Youxuan, Wang
Empty Vision: Metaphor and Visionary Imagery in Mahayana Buddhism by McMahan, David
Religion, Medicine and the Human Embryo in Tibet by Garrett, Frances
Pilgrimage in Tibet by McKay, Alex
Pain and Its Ending: The Four Noble Truths in the Theravada Buddhist Canon by Anderson, Carol
The Glorious Deeds of Purna: A Translation and Study of the Purnavadana by Tatelman, Joel
Religious Giving and the Invention of Karma in Theravada Buddhism by Egge, James
Developments in Australian Buddhism: Facets of the Diamond by Spuler, Michelle
Shinto by Aston, W. G.
A Young Folks History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by Anderson, Nephi
Crystals And Healing Stones: A Beginners Guide To Crystals Their Uses And Healing Powers by Gilbert, Michele
Chinese Transformation of Buddhism by Ch'en, Kenneth Kuan Sheng
Wondrous Brutal Fictions: Eight Buddhist Tales from the Early Japanese Puppet Theater by
A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (T.W.I.M.): Attaining Nibbana from the Earliest Buddhist Teachings with 'Mindfulness' of Lovingkindness' by Vimalaramsi, Bhante
I am am I: Mindfulness, Meditation and Zen for the Christian mind by Sendling, Robert W.
Zen Supremacy: Being, Acknowledging, Perceiving, Changing and Achieving by Marques, Daniel
The Buddhism of Tibet by Waddell, Laurence Austine
How to Walk by Nhat Hanh, Thich
The Light of Asia by Arnold, Edwin
Ser Sin Yo: Entonces... ¿Quién Soy? Budismo Zen Para La Vida Cotidiana by Shore, Jeff
Buddhism For The Ultimate Seeker: Understanding Buddhism And The Buddhism Way Of Life by Gilbert, Michele
A Christian's Appreciation of Buddhism by Reid, Gilbert
Zen: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Zen for Beginners in 60 Minutes or Less! by Berry, Natasha
Dalai Lama: The Practice of Buddhism (Lessons for Happiness, Fulfillment, Meaning, Inspiration and Living) by Woods, Orlando
The Tao of Pascal: Adventures in Nothing by Pascal, T.
Silver Screen Buddha: Buddhism in Asian and Western Film by Suh, Sharon A.
Silver Screen Buddha: Buddhism in Asian and Western Film by Suh, Sharon a.
El Rio Que Refleja Flores by Reyes, Aku
Mindfulness as Medicine: A Story of Healing Body and Spirit by Nghiem, Sister Dang
Transcending the World by Rulu
The Dalai Lama and the Emperor of China: A Political History of the Tibetan Institution of Reincarnation by Schwieger, Peter
Archaeological History of Indian Buddhism by Fogelin, Lars
Archaeological History of Indian Buddhism by Fogelin, Lars
Zen Parent, Zen Child by Conte Ph. D., Christian
The Lyric Self in Zen and E.E. Cummings by Snyder, Rima, Burns, Michael
The Buddhist Catechism by Olcott, Henry
Amitabha a Story of Buddhist Theology by Carus, Paul
Buddha, the Word by Carus, Paul
Meditation and Reinventing Yourself by Mill, Alex
Altruism and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicaryavatara by Williams, Paul
The Prince and the Zombie: Tibetan Tales of Karma by Wangmo, Tenzin
Buddhism in Tibet by Schlagintweit, Emil
Lire le Sutra du Lotus by Jeffus, Ryusho
Zen and the Art of Skiing by Schmidt, Denali
Zen and the Art of Skiing by Grasso Munisteri, Theresa, Schmidt, Denali
Le gai savoir by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Madhyamaka and Yogacara: Allies or Rivals? by
Shinran and His Work by Lloyd, Arthur
Awakening the Luminous Mind by Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue as Theological Exchange by Valea, Ernest M.
Dang Dang Doko Dang: The Sound of the Empty Drum by Osho
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue as Theological Exchange by Valea, Ernest M.
Lucifers Orchard - The First Witness by Newton, W.
Advice to Kublai Khan: Letters by the Tibetan Monk Chogyal Phagpa to Kublai Khan and his Court by Wilkinson, Christopher, Phagpa, Chogyal
The Atman-Brahman in Ancient Buddhism by Bhattacharya, Kamaleswar
The Lotus Sutra and its Opening and Closing Sutras: A Beautiful Translation with Deep Love from a Lay Buddhist Practitioner by Lee, Minerva T. y.
Karmans for the Creation of Virtue: The Prescriptive Precepts in the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya by
Walking Into It: A Pilgrimage through Foreign Lands to Inner Worlds by Bø, Borghild
Zen's Early Encounters With Karma by Olson, Jeremiah Lee
Nothing Holy about It: The Zen of Being Just Who You Are by Burkett, Tim
Lazy Lama looks at Relaxing in Natural Awareness by Tulku, Ringu
Lazy Lama looks at Loving Kindness: Our true brave heart by Tulku, Ringu
Zen Buddhism: How Zen Buddhism Can Create a Life of Peace, Happiness and Inspiration by Price, Sara Elliott
An Esoteric Exposition of the Bardo Thodol (Vol. 5A of a Treatise on Mind) by Balsys, Bodo
Jacaranda.1.Traditional Chinese: Jacaranda.1. by Wong, Suet Fan Regina
Jacaranda.1.Simplified Chinese by Wong, Suet Fan Regina
Buddhist-Based Universities in the United States: Searching for a New Model in Higher Education by Storch, Tanya
La Magia del Orden / The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Kondo, Marie
Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics by
Buddha's Tooth by Fate, U. C.
Stories of Sakka, Lord of Gods by Gnanananda Thera, Kiribathgoda
Searching for the Dharma, Finding Salvation - Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space: Proceedings of the Workshop 'Buddhist Pilgrimage in History and P by Deeg, Max, Cueppers, Christoph
The Wise Shall Realize by Gnanananda Thera, Kiribathgoda
Stories of Heavenly Mansions from the Vimanavatthu by Gnanananda Thera, Kiribathgoda
Stories of Ghosts from the Petavatthu by Gnanananda Thera, Kiribathgoda
An Esoteric Exposition of the Bardo Thodol (Vol. 5B of a Treatise on Mind) by Balsys, Bodo
Medicine and Compassion: A Tibetan Lama and an American Doctor on How to Provide Care with Compassion and Wisdom by Nyima Rinpoche, Chokyi, Shlim, David R.
Conventional and Ultimate Truth: A Key for Fundamental Theology by O'Leary, Joseph Stephen
Le Bouddha - sa vie, sa doctrine, sa communauté by Oldenberg, Hermann
Zen Thunder by Conrad, Diane
Make Peace before the Sun Goes Down: The Long Encounter of Thomas Merton and His Abbot, James Fox by Lipsey, Roger
Buddha for Beginners by Asma, Stephen T.
Conjuring Archangel: Chronicle of a Journey on the Path by Champion, W. Grey
Conjuring Archangel: Chronicle of a Journey on the Path by Champion, W. Grey
Homeland of the Buddha: A guide to the Buddhist holy places of India and Nepal by McKinnon, John Tosan
Buddhism and Violence: Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia by
Buddhist and Christian Responses to the Kowtow Problem in China by Reinders, Eric
Buddhism in Australia: Traditions in Change by
Fo Fa Gai Lun - xuelin by Fang, Zhuping
The Book of Five Rings (Illustrated Edition) by Musashi, Miyamoto
La Experiencia Zen: Una Guía para el Zazen by Myoren, Maestro
Visions Volume 8 by Tseten, Khenpo Migmar
Buddhist Tales of India, China, and Japan: Indian Section by Dykstra, Yoshiko K.
Buddhist Tales of India, China, and Japan: Chinese Section by Dykstra, Yoshiko K.
Buddhist Tales of India, China, and Japan: Japanese Section by
Trungpa Photographs by Del Tredici, Robert
Buddhism For Beginners: Buddhism Basics, Meditation, Mindfulness Guide For Harmony, Inner Peace, Good Health, Happiness, High Energy Levels, L by Samons, Brittany
The Dalai Lama's Little Book of Buddhism by Dalai Lama
Already Free: Buddhism Meets Psychotherapy on the Path of Liberation by Tift, Bruce
Recovering Joy: A Mindful Life After Addiction by Griffin, Kevin
Realizing Awakened Consciousness: Interviews with Buddhist Teachers and a Aew Perspective on the Mind by Boyle, Richard
Realizing Awakened Consciousness: Interviews with Buddhist Teachers and a New Perspective on the Mind by Boyle, Richard
The Buddha on Wall Street: What's Wrong with Capitalism and What We Can Do about It by Linn, Vaddhaka
Having Once Paused: Poems of Zen Master Ikkyau (1394-1481) by Smith, Kidder, Sojun, Ikkyu, Messer, Sarah
Buddhism: Spiritual Growth in 365 from The Holiness by Baskin, John
Thailand's International Meditation Centers: Tourism and the Global Commodification of Religious Practices by Schedneck, Brooke
Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism by Burnouf, Eugène
Spiritual Joy: The Buddhist Dzogchen Path to Enlightenment by Springett, Tara
Jian Xin Jian Nian You Fo de Zhi Hui Ren Sheng by Wei, Chengsi
Zhong Guo Fo Jiao Wen Hua Lun Gao by Wei, Chengsi
Mind in Harmony: The Psychology of Buddhist Ethics by Subhuti
Buddhism and Human Rights by Husted, Wayne R., Keown, Damien
Crossroads in Psychoanalysis, Buddhism, and Mindfulness: The Word and the Breath by
A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism by Deal, William E., Ruppert, Brian
A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism by Deal, William E., Ruppert, Brian
Emperor Wu Zhao and Her Pantheon of Devis, Divinities, and Dynastic Mothers by Rothschild, N. Harry
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Trungpa, Chögyam
The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei by Stevens, John
Zen Learns to Walk With Grandpa Confucius by Olson, Jeremiah Lee
The Thirteen Buddhas: Tracing the Roots of the Thirteen Buddha Rites by Hutchins Ma, Steven J.
The Mahayana Feast Offering by Hookham, Lama Shenpen
Love Impaired by Ireys, Jay
Chinese Literature and Culture Volume 3 by Chinese Literature and Culture
Nghi Ve Truyen Thong Phat Giao by Nhieu, Tac Gia
La Vida del Buda by Holland, Edith
Elementi di psicologia buddista: e correlazioni con il cognitivismo moderno by Biotti, Michele
Tibetan Buddhism and Myst P by Komarovski
The Moon Points Back by
Snippets Of The Buddha by Farnham, Dave
Stingy Kosiya of Town Sakkara by Gnanananda Thera, Kiribathgoda
Sumana The Novice Monk by Gnanananda Thera, Kiribathgoda
Chatta Manavaka by Gnanananda Thera, Kiribathgoda
The True Source of Healing: How the Ancient Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval Can Transform and Enrich Your Life by Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal
A Beginner's Guide to Buddhism: Your Path to a Meaningful Life by Mondi, Duangta Wanthong
A Beginner's Guide to Buddhism: Your Path to a Meaningful Life by Mondi, Duangta Wanthong
Rumi and Shams' Silent Rebellion: Parallels with Vedanta, Buddhism, and Shaivism by Vaziri, Mostafa
The Fragrance of Light: A Journey Into Buddhist Wisdom by Paraskevopoulos, John
Espaciosidad: El precioso tesoro del Dharmadhatu de Longchenpa by Rabjampa, Longchen, Dowman, Keith
Zen: The Authentic Gate by Koun, Yamada
Zen Dust: The History of the Koan and Koan Study in Rinzai (Linji) Zen by Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, Miura, Isshū
Dzogchen Foremost Instructions, A Garland of Views by Duff, Tony
Samantabhadra's Prayer Volume II by Duff, Tony
Samantabhadra's Prayer Volume I by Duff, Tony
Out of Sight-Out of Mind: Declutter and organize every facet of your life by Lucas, George
Buddhism Observed: Travellers, Exiles and Tibetan Dharma in Kathmandu by Moran, Peter
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