• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 2023

Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns: An Intersectional Study by Harkonen, Mitra
Buddhism And Buddhists In China by Hodous, Lewis
The Koan Way: Exploring the Profound Teachings of Zen Buddhism and Beyond with Spiritual Awakening by Banzan, Master
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy: Living Experientially in a World of Uncertainty by Ellis, Robert M.
Buddhist Monasteries of Nepal: A Survey of the Bāhās and Bahīs of the Kathmandu Valley by Locke, John K.
Middle Way Mind Training: The Art and Science of Uncovering and Experiencing the Happiness We have Within by Navratil, Frank
Daily Fragrance of the Lotus Flower, Vol. 11 (2002) by Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim
Voice of the Primordial Buddha: A Commentary on Dudjom Lingpa's Sharp Vajra of Awareness Tantra by Thubten, Anam
Kiep Nhan Sinh by Foundation, Ananda Viet, Hung, Thich Nhuan
Nghi thức Công phu khuya - THẦN CHÚ THỦ LĂNG NGHIÊM by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
Daily Fragrance of the Lotus Flower, Vol. 12 (2003) by Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim
Jesus and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings by Kornfield, Jack
Lamp for the Eye of Contemplation: The Samten Migdron by Nubchen Sangye Yeshe, a 10th-Century Tibetan Buddhist Text on Meditation by Esler, Dylan
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings by
Thien Tap Voi Phap An by Foundation, Ananda Viet, Giac, Nguyen
Bồ Tát Giái Kinh (bản in năm 1953) by Phật Học Tùng Thư, Đoàn Trung Còn
Diệu Pháp Liên Hoa Kinh (bản in lần thứ ba năm 1969) by Đoàn Trung Còn, Phật Học Tùng Thư
Theories of the Self, Race, and Essentialization in Buddhism: The United States and the Asian "Other", 1899-1957 by Anningson, Ryan
The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan by Nukariya, Kaiten
Quy Nguyên Trực Chỉ (bản in lần đầu năm 1958) by Đoàn Trung Còn, Phật Học Tùng Thư
The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan by Nukariya, Kaiten
The Buddha's Midwife: Paul Carus and the Spread of Buddhism in America by Haller, John S.
The Zen of Therapy: Uncovering a Hidden Kindness in Life by Epstein, Mark
Jangar: The Heroic Epic of the Kalmyk Nomads by
Sống đẹp giữa dòng đời by Minh, Nguyên
Sống Một Đời Vui by Trinh, Diệu Hạnh Giao, Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Circle of Ecstasy by Dimalanta, Antonio S.
Nghi thức Cầu an - KINH PHỔ MÔN by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
Nghi thức SÁM HỐI HỒNG DANH by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
Nghi thức TỤNG KINH A DI ĐÀ & MÔNG SƠN THÍ THỰC by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
Nghi thức CÚNG LINH & CẦU SIÊU by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
Nghi thức Khóa Tịnh Độ KINH A DI ĐÀ by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
Nghi thức Cầu an - KINH DƯỢC SƯ by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
Bibliographie Zur Frage Nach Den Wechselbeziehungen Zwischen Buddhismus Und Christentum by Haas, Hans
Sống Thiền by Minh, Nguyên
The Enlightenment Trap: Obsession, Madness and Death on Diamond Mountain by Carney
Tâm Yếu Đường Tu by Thiên, Hiếu
The Sutra of Explaining the Profound Secret: An English Version of the Chinese Jie Shen Mi Jing Rendered from Sanskrit by Master Xuanzang by
Steady, Calm, and Brave: 25 Buddhist Practices of Resilience and Wisdom in a Crisis by Brown, Kimberly
Conjuring the Buddha: Ritual Manuals in Early Tantric Buddhism by Dalton, Jacob P.
Old Lhasa: A Biography by Aldrich, M. A.
Conjuring the Buddha: Ritual Manuals in Early Tantric Buddhism by Dalton, Jacob P.
Transcendent: Art and Dharma in a Time of Collapse by White, Curtis
Old Lhasa: A Biography by Aldrich, M. A.
Steady, Calm, and Brave: 25 Buddhist Practices of Resilience and Wisdom in a Crisis by Brown, Kimberly
Thắp ngọn đuốc hồng by Minh, Nguyên
Tổng quan về các pháp môn trong Phật giáo Tây Tạng (song ngữ Anh Việt) by Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Truyện Cổ Phật Giáo by Trinh, Diệu Hạnh Giao, Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Tổng quan kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn by Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Trí Tuệ Hoan Hỷ by Tiến, Nguyễn Minh, Trinh, Diệu Hạnh Giao
The Buddha Was a Psychologist: A Rational Approach to Buddhist Teachings by Kozak, Arnold
The Voice of Hope: Aung San Suu Kyi from Prison - and A Letter To A Dictator by Clements, Alan E., Harlow, Fergus
The Voice of Hope: Aung San Suu Kyi from Prison - and A Letter To A Dictator by Clements, Alan E., Harlow, Fergus
Truyện Phật Thích Ca by Còn, Đoàn Trung, Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Truyền thuyết về Bồ Tát Quán Thế Âm by Trinh, Diệu Hạnh Giao, Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Vầng sáng từ phương Đông by Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Yếu lược các giai đoạn trên đường tu giác ngộ by Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Vào Thiền by Minh, Nguyên
Vì sao tôi khổ? by Minh, Nguyên
Từ Mảnh Đất Tâm by Quang, Huỳnh Kim
Về Mái Chùa Xưa by Minh, Nguyên
Truyện tích Vu Lan by Tiến, Nguyễn Minh, Châu, Minh
Tự lực và tha lực trong Phật giáo by Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Despertar Salvaje: El Corazón de Mahamudra Y Dzogchen by Ponlop, Dzogchen
Life After Death Today in the United States, Japan, and China by Kwong, Miu Ying, Mathews, Gordon, Yang, Yang
Life After Death Today in the United States, Japan, and China by Kwong, Miu Ying, Mathews, Gordon, Yang, Yang
The Spirit of Harriet Tubman: Awakening from the Underground by Washam, Spring
Meeting the Buddhas: A Guide to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Tantric Deities by Vessantara
Opening to Oneness: A Practical and Philosophical Guide to the Zen Precepts by Baker, Nancy Mujo
Doing Philosophy Comparatively: Foundations, Problems, and Methods of Cross-Cultural Inquiry by Connolly, Tim
Marx after the Kyoto School: Utopia and the Pure Land by Kaye, Bradley
Doing Philosophy Comparatively: Foundations, Problems, and Methods of Cross-Cultural Inquiry by Connolly, Tim
Travelling at the Speed of Mind by Nor'dzin, Ngakma
Daily Fragrance of the Lotus Flower, Vol. 14 (2005) by Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim
Kinh Đại Bát Niết Bàn - Tập 2 (bìa cứng) by
Kinh Đại Bát Niết Bàn - Tập 1 (bìa cứng) by
Dynamics of Interregional Exchange in East Asian Buddhist Art, 5th-13th Century by
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy: Living Experientially in a World of Uncertainty by Ellis, Robert M.
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns: An Intersectional Study by Harkonen, Mitra
A Wild and Sacred Call: Nature-Psyche-Spirit by Adams, Will W.
Further Zen Conversations by McDaniel, Richard Bryan
Lazy Lama looks at Living without fear and anger by Tulku, Ringu
10 Buddhist Meditations: An Introduction to Meditation For Beginners by Chadari, Tenzin
Manual of Zen Buddhism by Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
Manual of Zen Buddhism by Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
中观思想的历史发展及当代意义 by Fa, Zhi
Der Buddhismus Im Altturkischen: Ausgewahlte Schriften Von Klaus Rohrborn by
A Holistic Lemma Science of Mind: The Potential of the Buddhist Flower Garden Sutra by Nakazawa, Shinichi
Key Concepts in World Philosophies: A Toolkit for Philosophers by
Correcting Zen: Reforming Buddhist Practice According to Lost Buddhist Principles by Bodri, William
Buddhist Ethics for Laypeople: From Early Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism by Lee, Tien-Feng
Divine Decoder: Decoding True Wisdom by Amewoyi, Stacy
Góp Nhặt Thời Gian by Siêu, Thích Nguyên, Tiến, Nguyễn Minh
Nghi thức Tụng giới Bồ Tát Tại gia by Phật Giáo Việt Nam
The Gospel of Buddha by Carus, Paul
Noble Truths, Noble Path: The Heart Essence of the Buddha's Original Teachings by Bodhi, Bhikkhu
Letters to Women - Nichiren Gosho: Selected Gosho written to Women by Chamberlain, Sylvain
Cundhi Primary Course Reaching Notes by Gao, Qishi
Writings of Nichiren Shonin Followers II: Volume 7 by
The Theory and Practice of Zen Buddhism: A Festschrift in Honor of Steven Heine by
Yoga for Beginners: A Complete Step-by-Step Self-Practice Guide to Simple Yoga Poses and Breathing Exercises to Calm the Mind, Relieve Str by Mind, Body And Spirit Masterclass
Reflective Meditation: Cultivating kindness and curiosity in the Buddha's company by Modaro, Linda, Kaufer, Nelly
Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering by Rinpoche, Karma Thinley
Yuthok Nyingthig: Tibetan Language Edition by Gönpo, Yuthok Yönten, Zung, Sumton Yeshe
The Peace Book: Teachings from the Greatest Minds of All Time by Editors of Cider Mill Press
The Tibetan Book of the Dead by Padmasambhava
Beyond Buddha: Tracing the Origins of Buddhism by Singleton, Chase
Indian and Intercultural Philosophy: Personhood, Consciousness, and Causality by Berger, Douglas L.
Mindfulness y mucho más by Gordi, Isidro
Las cuatro verdades nobles by Tashi, Gueshe
Estudio de la mente by Tashi, Gueshe
Madhyamakalamkaravritti: 1 by
Terapeútica budista para una vida de pareja feliz by Yuthok, Lama
Los Cien Versos de Consejos by Rimpoché, Dilgo Khyentse
Senda de luz by Gyatso, Gueshe Tamding
Cambia tu corazón Transforma tu vida by Gyatso, Gueshe Tamding
La Serenidad de la meditación by Lama, Su Santidad El Dalai
Spatial Dunhuang: Experiencing the Mogao Caves by Hung, Wu
Awakening Wisdom: Heart Advice on the Fundamental Practices of Vajrayana Buddhism by Wangyal, Pema
A Path Into the Mountains: Shugendō And Mount Togakushi by Carter, Caleb Swift
Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism: A Realizational Perspective by Cooper, Seiso Paul
Searching for Ashoka: Questing for a Buddhist King from India to Thailand by Lahiri, Nayanjot
Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism: A Realizational Perspective by Cooper, Seiso Paul
Samatha y Vipasana by Gordi, Isidro
Introduction to Buddhist East Asia by
Small Boat, Vast Ocean: My Years in Solitary Buddhist Retreat by Berger, Diane Rigdzin
Zen is Development by Skead, Thomas
Monastic Musings From Thailand by Leduc, Philippe
Living Nembutsu: Applying Shinran's Radically Engaged Buddhism in Life and Society by Wilson, Jeff
The No Self, No Problem Workbook: Exercises & Practices from Neuropsychology and Buddhism to Help You Lose Your Mind by Niebauer, Chris
El Yoga de la Vida Cotidiana: (Incluye Meditaciones y Clases en Video) by Albadalejo, Cristina
Buddhismo; La Via Del Risveglio: Gli Aforismi e la Dottrina del Buddha by Gautama, Siddhartha
What in the World is Going On?: Wisdom Teachings for Our Time by Gill, Penny
Giải thoát trong lòng tay - Tập 1 by Hải, Thích Nữ Trí
Giải Thoát Trong Lòng Tay - Tập 2 by Hải, Thích Nữ Trí
Zen Path of Paradox Poetry by Lalsing, Treeshan
The Little Book of Zen: A Beginner's Guide to the Art of Zen by Carvel, Astrid
Hope for the Worst by Brandt, Kate
Turning Words: Transformative Encounters with Buddhist Teachers by Senauke, Hozan Alan
Die Religion des Buddha und ihre Entstehung: 1. Band by Koeppen, Carl Friedrich
Shandong Province: Volume 4. Mount Tai-Sutra Stone Valley. Part 1: The Sutra, Part 2: The Colophons by
The Book of No Self by Moss, Scott
Lojong Poems: Reflections on the Path by Ret, Marga
Die Religion des Buddha: 2. Band - Die lamaische Hierarchie und Kirche by Koeppen, Carl Friedrich
Sống Với Thán Dị Sao của Ngài Thân Loan by Điển, Thích Như
The Aśoka Inscriptions: Analysing a Corpus by Tieken, Herman
Sabiduría de Buda: 100 Citas Inspiradoras by Smith, David
Devotion by Rinpoche, Dungse Lama Pema
Nagarjuna's Advice for Buddhists: Geshe Sopa's Explanation of Letter to a Friend by Sopa, Lhundub
The Dhammapada by Müller, Friedrich Max
Animals and Plants in Chinese Religions and Science by Chen, Huaiyu
Forging the Golden Urn: The Qing Empire and the Politics of Reincarnation in Tibet by Oidtmann, Max
Sangharakshita: The Boy, the Monk, the Man by Nagabodhi
Psychedelic Buddhism: A User's Guide to Traditions, Symbols, and Ceremonies by Crowley, Lama Mike
The Magic of Vajrayana by McLeod, Ken
Daily Monastic Chanting by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
Une Vie Plus Heureuse by Jamphel Lodrö, Shar Khentrul
Hiteles útmutató a meditációhoz by Jamphel Lodrö, Shar Khentrul
Lord Buddha's Five Precepts: for A Harmonious Modern World by Gaikwad, Roshan
The Precious Summary: A History of the Mongols from Chinggis Khan to the Qing Dynasty by
Le Bouddha: sa vie, sa doctrine, sa communauté (Édition annotée) by Oldenberg, Hermann
In the Land of Tigers and Snakes: Living with Animals in Medieval Chinese Religions by Chen, Huaiyu
Engaged Buddhism in Japan, volume 1: An Engaged Buddhist History of Japan from the Ancient to the Modern by Watts, Jonathan S.
Opening to Darkness: Eight Gateways for Being with the Absence of Light in Unsettling Times by Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn
In the Land of Tigers and Snakes: Living with Animals in Medieval Chinese Religions by Chen, Huaiyu
The Precious Summary: A History of the Mongols from Chinggis Khan to the Qing Dynasty by
Arte de Vivir, El by Nhat Hanh, Thich
Gandharan Art in Its Buddhist Context: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop of the Gandhara Connections Project, University of Oxford, 21st by
Practice Meditation and Pure Land by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Ritual Offering Food to Hungry Ghosts by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The New Year Ceremony by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Pureland Course of Amitabha Sutra by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Medicine Buddha Sutra by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
Suche nach der Zeitlichkeit: oder Wo ist mein Buddha hin? by Mülfarth, Helmut
The Great Parinirvana Ceremony by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Ceremony of Buddha Birthday by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
Cat Buddhism: A Purr-fect Introduction to Buddhist Principles by Sherab, Lama Dorje, Andino, Lama Fede
Marpa Kagyu, Part One: Methods of Liberation: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tib Et, Volume 7 (the Treasury of Preciou by Kongtrul Lodro Taye, Jamgon
Dust on the Throne: The Search for Buddhism in Modern India by Ober, Douglas
The Razorblade of Zen by Elliston, Michael
Dust on the Throne: The Search for Buddhism in Modern India by Ober, Douglas
From Trustworthiness to Secular Beliefs: Changing Concepts of Xin 信 From Traditional to Modern Chinese by
The Ullambana Festival - Parents' Day by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Marriage Ceremony by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
Nước Úc Trong Tâm Tôi by Điển, Thích Như
Reflections of a Zen Buddhist Nun by Kim, Iryŏp
Memory, Music, Manuscripts: The Ritual Dynamics of Kōshiki in Japanese Sōtō Zen by Mross, Michaela
The Uposatha Ceremony - Reciting Precepts by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Blessing Ceremony for the Deceased by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Ancestral Ceremony by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Enlightened Sakyamuni Buddha Ceremony by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
Kata Judo by Kano, Jigoro, Leggett, T. P.
The Religion Of The Samurai by Nukariya, Kaiten
Patrones En La Vacuidad by Thaye, Lama Jampa
The Essence Of Buddhism by Arnold, Edwin
Diamond Sky: Preparing for Vajrayana by Thaye, Lama Jampa
The Ceremony for Peace by Bhikkhunī, Giới Hương
The Bible: The Pali Canon of the Buddha: A Short Commentary on a Comparative Study of the Bible and the Pali Canon of the Buddha: by Rupwate, Daniel D.
Red Flower, White Moon by Anusha
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