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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1994

Energy and Economic Reform in the Former Soviet Union: Implications for Production, Consumption and Exports, and for the International Energy Markets by Dobozi, I., Radetzki, M., Dienes, L.
Energy and Economic Reform in the Former Soviet Union: Implications for Production, Consumption and Exports, and for the International Energy Markets by Dienes, L., Dobozi, I., Radetzki, M.
Mathematik-Praktikum by Nieswandt, Aribert
Post-Capitalist Society by Drucker, Peter F.
Fuzzy Logic: The Revolutionary Computer Technology That Is Changing Our World by McNeill, Daniel
Rules for Reaching Consensus: A Modern Approach to Decision Making by Saint, Steven, Lawson, James R.
Secrets of Highly Effective Meetings by Bauer, Laurie K.
A Place to Live and Work: The Henry Disston Saw Works and the Tacony Community of Philadelphia by Silcox, Harry C.
An Assessment of U.S. Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Preparedness,1994 by Parker, Stephan Alexander
Collaboration Handbook: Creating, Sustaining, and Enjoying the Journey, 1st Ed. by Winer, Michael Barry
Making Arms in the Machine Age: Philadelphia's Frankford Arsenal, 1816-1870 by Farley, James J.
Collaboration Handbook: Creating, Sustaining, and Enjoying the Journey by Winer, Michael Barry
What America Does Right by Waterman, Robert H., Jr.
Eine Simulationsumgebung Für Planung Und Betrieb Von Produktionssystemen by Amann, Wolfgang
Communicating in Multinational Organizations by
Office & Office Building Security by Tyska, Louis, Fennelly, Lawrence J., Luis, Edward
The Regional Distribution of Foreign Manufacturing Investment in the UK by Hill, Stephen, Munday, Max
Organizational and Budgetary Slack by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
International Business History: A Contextual and Case Approach by McCarthy, Dennis
Consumer Politics: Protecting Public Interests on Capitol Hill by Maney, Ardity
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Exposed and Explained by the World's Two by Ries, Al, Trout, Jack
Versuchsplanung Und Modellwahl: Statistische Planung Und Auswertung Von Experimenten Mit Stetigem Oder Kategorialem Response by Toutenburg, Helge
Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics by Amemiya, Takeshi
Small Firms and Local Economic Networks: The Death of the Local Economy? by Curran, James, Blackburn, Robert
The New Oxford Guide to Writing by Kane, Thomas S.
International Business History: A Contextual and Case Approach by McCarthy, Dennis M., McCarthy, D. M. P.
Regulation and Economic Analysis: A Critique Over Two Centuries by Gordon, R. L.
Total Quality Management: The Key to Business Improvement by Peratec Ltd
Economics of Agricultural Crop Insurance: Theory and Evidence by
European Consumer Policy After Maastricht by
Southern Agriculture During the Civil War Era, 1860-1880 by Otto, John S.
Measuring Performance for Business Results by Zairi, Zairi, M., Zairi, Mohamed
R & D Collaboration on Trial: Realizing Value from the Corporate Image by Gibson, David V.
Die Organisation von Unternehmenskooperationen: Joint Ventures und Strategische Allianzen in Chemie- und Elektroindustrie by Vornhusen, Klaus
Versuche an Kombiniert Beanspruchten Mauerwerkswänden by Marti, Peter, Mojsilovic, Nebojsa
Sharing the Burden: Strategies for Public and Private Long-Term Care Insurance by Illston, Laurel Hixon, Hanley, Raymond J., Wiener, Joshua
Rights at Work: Employment Relations in the Post-Union Era by Edwards, Richard
Synchroservice by Schonberger, Richard J.
Technology Policy by
Money of the Mind: How the 1980s Got That Way by Grant, James L.
One Book/Five Ways: The Publishing Procedures of Five University Presses by
The Rice Economies: Technology and Development in Asian Societies by Bray, Francesca
Trade Policy and Industrialization in Turbulent Times by
Entwicklung Von Anwendungssystemen: Grundzüge Eines Werkzeuggestützten Vorgehens by Schumann, Ulrike, Schumann, Matthias, Schüle, Hubert
Surveys in International Trade by
European Logistics: Markets, Management and Strategy by Peters, Melvyn, Cooper, Jim, Browne, Michael
Social Costs of Energy: Present Status and Future Trends by
Industrielle Produktionsentwicklung: Eine Empirisch-Deskriptive Analyse Ausgewählter Branchen by Reese, Joachim, Dyckhoff, Harald, Fandel, Günter
Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung mit PC by Koch, Joachim
Public Sector Management: Theory, Critique and Practice by
The Japanese Production System in The United States by
How to Start and Operate Your Own Bed-And-Breakfast: Down-To-Earth Advice from an Award-Winning B&b Owner by Murphy, Martha Watson
The Global Restructuring of Agro-Food Systems by
Mountains of Silver by Smith, P. David
Index to International Public Opinion, 1992-1993 by Hastings, Elizabeth Hann
Intervention Skills: Process Consultation for Small Groups and Teams by Reddy, W. Brendan
Privatization: Investing in State-Owned Enterprises Around the World by Ernst &. Young Llp
Creating Strategic Change: Designing the Flexible, High-Performing Organization by Pasmore, William a.
Noncommercial, Institutional, and Contract Foodservice Management by Warner, Mickey
Financial Modelling: Recent Research by
The Age of Manufactures, 1700-1820: Industry, Innovation and Work in Britain by Berg, Maxine
The Age of Manufactures, 1700-1820: Industry, Innovation and Work in Britain by Berg, Maxine
Even More Games Trainers Play by Scannell, Edward E., Newstrom, John W.
South African Managed Trade Policy: The Wasting of a Mineral Endowment by Davis, Graham A.
Internationales Marketing by Hummel, Thomas R.
Fachdidaktik Wirtschaftswissenschaft by Sesink, Werner
Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the Dawn of History by Postgate, Nicholas
Planung Und Steuerung Emissionsarm Zu Betreibender Industrieller Produktionssysteme by Haasis, Hans-Dietrich
Lotsizing and Scheduling for Production Planning by Haase, Knut
Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling: Exact Methods for the Multi-Mode Case by Sprecher, Arno
Die Elektrizitätswirtschaft in Den USA Und Der Brd: Vergleich Unter Berücksichtigung Der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung Und Der Rationellen Elektrizitätsnutzung by Walz, Rainer
Die Energienachfrage Privater Haushalte: Ein Integrierter Thermoökonomischer Ansatz by Schmoranz, Ingo
Pps-Systeme Für Unternehmen Der Klein- Und Mittelserienfertigung by Schumacher, Stephan
Industry in the Countryside: Wealden Society in the Sixteenth Century by Zell, Michael
The Conversation of Journalism: Communication, Community, and News by Anderson, Rob, Dardenne, Robert, Killenberg, George M.
Scheduling Theory Single-Stage Systems by Gordon, W., Shafransky, Yakov M., Tanaev, V.
Total Quality Measurement in the Oil Industry by
Practical Benchmarking: The Complete Guide: A Complete Guide by Zairi, M., Leonard, P.
The Mortality Costs of Regulatory Expenditures: A Special Issue of the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty by
Non-Additive Measure and Integral by Denneberg, D.
Scheduling Theory: Multi-Stage Systems by Strusevich, V. a., Tanaev, V., Sotskov, Yuri N.
Firms Afloat and Firms Adrift: Hungarian Industry and Economic Transition by Singh, Inderjit, Teoreok, Aadaam, Brada, Joseph C.
Definite a System to Support Decisions on a Finite Set of Alternatives User Manual by Van Herwijnen, M., Janssen, R.
Speak and Get Results: Complete Guide to Speeches & Presentations Work Bus by Linver, Sandy
An Analysis of Medical Savings Accounts: Do Two Wrongs Make a Right?: Do Two Wrongs Make a Right? (AEI Special Studies in Health Reform) by Pauly, Mark V.
Datenmodellierung Zur Marktgerechten Führung Der Produktionsbereiche by Hellmuth, Thomas W.
Fundamental Issues in Strategy by
The Promise of Diversity: Over 40 Voices Discuss Strategies for Eliminating Discrimination in Organizations by
Customer Centered Reengineering by Crego, Edwin T.
Cost Shifting in Health Care:: Separating Evidence from Rhetoric by Morrisey, Michael A.
Information Services for Innovative Organizations by
Power Communications: Positioning Yourself for High Visibility by Wiener, Valerie
Transforming Women's Work by Dublin, Thomas L.
Executive Leadership by Jaques, Elliott, Clement, Stephen D.
Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management, Volume 5 by
Greening Business by Davis, John
Pps by Melzer-Ridinger, Ruth
Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre by Smith, Alasdair
English-Deutsch by Salízites, Hans-Joerg
Operations Research Proceedings 1993: Dgor/Nsor Papers of the 22nd Annual Meeting of Dgor in Cooperation with Nsor / Vorträge Der 22. Jahrestagung Der by
Training for change. New approach to instruction and learning in working life by Engestrom, Yrjo
European Business Systems: Firms and Markets in Their National Contexts by
Business Systems in East Asia: Firms, Markets and Societies by Whitley, Richard
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Can Women Reach the Top of America's Largest Corporations? Updated Edition by Van Velsor, Ellen, White, Randall P., Morrison, Ann M.
Globalwork: Bridging Distance, Culture, & Time by O'Hara-Devereaux, Mary, Johansen, Robert
Spirit at Work: Overcoming the Ideology of Comfort and the Tyranny of Custom by Conger, Jay a.
From Columbus to Conagra: The Globalization of Agriculture and Food by
The Post-Bureaucratic Organization: New Perspectives on Organizational Change by
How to Market Computers and Information Technology by Stone, Merlin, MacArthur, Hamish E.
The Industrial Revolution: A Macroeconomic Interpretation by Fisher, Douglas
The Modern Construction Firm by Hillebrandt, Patricia M., Cannon, Jacqueline
Problematic Communication: The Construction of Invisible Walls by Mortensen, David C., Mortensen, C. David
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization by Senge, Peter M.
Trade, Industrialization, and Integration in Twentieth-Century Central America by
Innovationsmanagement by Bierfelder, Wilhelm H.
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten mit SOKRATARIS by Möhrle, Martin G., Kellerhals, Rainer A.
Business Etiquette by Brody, Marjorie, Pachter, Barbara
Leadership Skills by Morrison, Emily Kittle
Making Transnationals Accountable: A Significant Step for Britain by Sugden, Roger, Bailey, David, Harte, George
Making Transnationals Accountable: A Significant Step for Britain by Sugden, Roger, Bailey, David, Harte, George
Museum Culture: Histories, Discourses, Spectacles by Sherman, Daniel J., Rogoff, Itit
Enhancing 360-Degree Feedback for Senior Executives: How to Maximize the Benefits and Minimize the Risks by Palus, Charles J., Kaplan, Robert
Indian Merchants and Eurasian Trade, 1600 1750 by Dale, Stephen Frederic
Labour and Gold in Fiji by Emberson-Bain, 'Atu
Comparable worth and gender discrimination: An international perspective by Gunderson, Morley
Ökologieorientierte Produktentwicklung: Eine Strategisch-Technologische Betrachtung Der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen by Bennauer, Ute
Zur Modellierung Der Erwartungsbildung in Makroökonomischen Modellen by Huschens, Stefan
Asymptotic Statistics: Proceedings of the Fifth Prague Symposium, Held from September 4-9, 1993 by
Two-Person Bargaining Experiments with Incomplete Information by Kuon, Bettina
Spreading the Word by Wosh, Peter J.
Defense Industries in Latin American Countries: Argentina, Brazil, and Chile by Abetti, Pier A., Maldifassi, Jose O.
Valuing the Environment: Methodological and Measurement Issues by
The Democratic Corporation: A Radical Prescription for Recreating Corporate America and Rediscovering Success by Ackoff, Russell Lincoln
Cooperative Models in International Relations Research by
Sea Bass: Biology by Pickett, G. D., Pawson, M. G.
Transnationals and Governments: Recent Policies in Japan, France, Germany, the United States and Britain by Bailey, David, Sugden, Robert, Harte, George
Convergence of Productivity by
Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology by Gorz, Andre, Gorz, Andr, Gors, Andre
The International Regulation of Extinction by Swanson, Timothy M.
Human Error in Medicine by
The Chrysanthemum and the Eagle: The Future of U.S.-Japan Relations by Sato, Ryuzo
Even Eagles Need a Push: Learning to Soar in a Changing World by McNally, David
Wirtschaftsinformatik-Wörterbuch / Dictionary of Economic Informatics: Deutsch-Englisch. Englisch-Deutsch / German-English. English-German by Heinrich, Lutz J., Roithmayr, Friedrich
Capital Markets and Corporate Governance by
Engineering Maintenance Management by Niebel, Benjamin W.
Bancassurance in Europe by Hoschka, Tobias C.
Poverty, Inequality and Rural Development: Case-Studies in Economic Development, Volume 3 by
Bancassurance in Europe by Hoschka, Tobias C.
Enlightened Leadership by Oakley, Ed
Principles of International Trade and Payments by Briggs, Peter
Theories of Technical Change and Investment: Riches and Rationality by Kurdas, Chidem
Retailing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control by Walters, David
Principles of International Marketing by Spencer, Julia
TQM for Training by Biech, Elaine
Ethics and Organizational Decision Making: A Call for Renewal by Sims, Ronald R.
Security: A Guide to Security System Design and Equipment Selection and Installation by Cumming, Neil
Monitoring the Standards of Education: Papers in Honor of John P. Keeves by
Die Bedeutung Der Leihbibliothek Für Die Lesekultur in Hessen-Kassel 1753-1866 by Sirges, Thomas
Einführung in die Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik by Zwer, Reiner
Communicating for Results in Government: A Strategic Approach for Public Managers by Garnett, James L.
Corporate Communication: Theory and Practice by
Geschäftsprozeßmanagement: Prozeßorientierte Organisationsgestaltung Und Informationstechnologie by
Entscheidungen Und Präferenzen: Die Rationalisierbarkeit Individueller Wahlhandlungen by Winkler, Gerald M.
Umweltökonomie Und Zukunftsfähige Wirtschaft: Eine Annotierte Bibliographie by
Compstat: Proceedings in Computational Statistics 11th Symposium Held in Vienna, Austria, 1994 by
Government and Agriculture in Zimbabwe by Masters, William a.
Money: Lure, Lore, and Literature by
New Directions in Computational Economics by
Guide to the British Food Manufacturing Industry by Amor, D., Sheard, P.
Imperfections and Behavior in Economic Organizations by
Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges by
Engineer's and Manager's Guide to Winning Proposals by Helgeson, Donald V.
The Global Competitiveness of the Asian Firm by Schutte, Hellmut
Advances in International Comparative Management by
Self, Collective Behavior, and Society: Essays Honoring the Contributions of Ralph H. Turner by
Collective Intelligence in Computer-Based Collaboration by Smith, John B.
International Privatisation by
Ethics and Environmental Policy by
Contest for Control: Metal Industries in Sheffield, Solingen, Remscheid and Eskilstuna During Industrialisation by Magnusson, Lars
Flight of the Buffalo: Soaring to Excellence, Learning to Let Employees Lead by Stayer, Ralph C., Belasco, James A.
Servicing the Middle Classes: Class, Gender and Waged Domestic Work in Contemporary Britain by Gregson, Nicky, Lowe, Michelle
Servicing the Middle Classes: Class, Gender and Waged Domestic Work in Contemporary Britain by Lowe, Michelle, Gregson, Nicky
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas on Campus by Kronenfeld, Jennie, Whicker, Marcia Lynn
Planning a Successful Conference by Winter, Cynthia
Principles of Law Relating to Overseas Trade by Kouladis, Nicholas
Designing Training Programs by Nadler, Leonard, Nadler, Zeace
Operations Research '93: Extended Abstracts of the 18th Symposium on Operations Research Held at the University of Cologne September 1-3, 1993 by
The Japanese Enterprise System: Competitive Strategies and Cooperative Structures by Fruin, W. Mark
Evolution, Time, Production and the Environment by Faber, Malte, Proops, John L. R.
Grundbegriffe Der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Statistischen Methodenlehre by Basler, Herbert
Business and the Environment: Implications of the New Enviromentalism by Smith, Denis
Teaching and the Case Method: Text, Cases, and Readings by Christensen, C. Roland, Barnes, Louis B., Hansen, Abby J.
Trade Policy for Free Societies: The Case Against Protectionism by McGee, Robert
The South at the End of the Twentieth Century: Rethinking the Political Economy of Foreign Policy in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America by
Crisis in Bethlehem by Strohmeyer, John
21st Century Capitalism by Heilbroner, Robert L.
Designing Effective Organizations: Traditional and Transformational Views by Banner, David K.
Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility by Wueste, Daniel E.
Winning the Battle to Lose the War?: Brazilian Electronics Policy Under US Threat of Sanctions by Bastos, Maria-Ines
Making Common Sense: Leadership as Meaning-making in a Community of Practice by Drath, Wilfred H., Palus, Charles J.
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