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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

Ich bin Wirt: Eine Liebeserklärung an das zweitälteste Gewerbe der Welt by Schneider, Peter, Hörstensmeier, Peter
Solutions Manual for Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics by Wright, Mark L. J., Irigoyen, Claudio, Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban
Making Meetings Work: Achieving High Quality Group Decisions by Tropman, John E.
Customer Relationship Management in deutschen Telekommunikationsunternehmen: Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung by Beringer, Anja
EcoDesign Pilot: Product Investigation, Learning and Optimization Tool for Sustainable Product Development with CD-ROM by Züst, Rainer, Wimmer, Wolfgang
Language and Language-In-Education Planning in the Pacific Basin by Baldauf Jr, Richard B., Kaplan, R. B.
EcoDesign Pilot: Product Investigation, Learning and Optimization Tool for Sustainable Product Development with CD-ROM by Züst, Rainer, Wimmer, Wolfgang
Making Rain: The Secrets of Building Lifelong Client Loyalty by Sobel, Andrew
Shaping Flexibility in Vocational Education and Training: Institutional, Curricular and Professional Conditions by
The Constitutional Protection and Regulation of Property and Its Influence on the Reform of Private Law and Landownership in South Africa and Germany: by Mostert, Hanri, Mostert, H.
A Manager's Primer on E-Networking: An Introduction to Enterprise Networking in E-Business Acid Environment by Nikolic, Dragan
Inter-Organizational Trust for Business-To-Business E-Commerce by Ratnasingam, Pauline
Kozept eines Kennzahlensystems für den Betriebsvergleich von Online-Händlern: Am Beispiel von Computerhändlern by Weisenahl, Christan
Judo Strategy: Turning Your Competitors Strength to Your Advantage by Yoffie, David B., Kwak, Mary
Determinants of the Incidence and the Effects of Participatory Organizations: Theory and International Comparisons by
Useful Instructions for a Successful Life by Butler, H. E.
Evidence for Hope: The Search for Sustainable Development by Cross, Nigel
The Ethics of Liberty by Rothbard, Murray N.
Tourism and Hospitality Education and Training in the Caribbean by
Riding the Roller Coaster: A History of the Chrysler Corporation by Hyde, Charles K.
So You're the Safety Director!: An Introduction to Loss Control and Safety Management by Manning, Michael V.
Elephant and the Flea: Reflections of a Reluctant Capitalist by Handy, Charles
Auswirkungen der Schuldrechtsreform auf die VOB/B: Eingriffe in den Kernbereich by Hoffer, Johannes
Coping Systems for Employee Turnover: A Case Study Research at Multinational Corporations in Singapore by Reiche, Sebastian
Implementierung und Nutzung eines Ratingssystems im Rahmen von Basel II: Chancen und Risiken aus der Sicht der Kreditinstitute by Hoang, Chi Lap
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen als Determinante des industriellen Vertriebs im internationalen Kontext: Dargestellt am Beispiel europäischer Reglementie by Beckelmann, Heiko
The Incomplete European Market for Financial Services by
Crisis and Innovation in Asian Technology by
Rethinking Performance Measurement: Beyond the Balanced Scorecard by Meyer, Marshall W.
Crisis and Innovation in Asian Technology by
Business Services Orchestration by Sadiq, Waqar, Hammer, Michael, Racca, Felix
Writing Training Materials That Work: How to Train Anyone to Do Anything by Silber, Kenneth H., Stelnicki, Michael, Foshay, Wellesley R.
Mehrkanalsysteme im Automobilvertrieb: Implikationen für das vertikale Marketing by Scholl, Anne
Natural Disaster and Development in a Globalizing World by Pelling, Mark
Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems by Pang, Jong-Shi, Facchinei, Francisco
Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems by Pang, Jong-Shi, Facchinei, Francisco
Natural Disaster and Development in a Globalizing World by Pelling, Mark
Virtual Society?: Technology, Cyberbole, Reality by Woolgar, Steve
A Biological Brain in a Cultural Classroom: Enhancing Cognitive and Social Development Through Collaborative Classroom Management by Sylwester, Robert A.
Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth by Bollier, David
Project Management Methodologies: Selecting, Implementing, and Supporting Methodologies and Processes for Projects by Charvat, Jason
Konzeption und Workflows für einen virtuellen Marktplatz (ENX) des automobilen Textil-Interiors by Wiedemann, Violetta
Absentismus, Möglichkeiten zur Reduzierung: Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel öffentlichen Nahverkehrsunternehmen in Nordrhein-Westfalen by Müller, Carsten
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork Workbook: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team by Maxwell, John C.
Aligning the Economic Cycle with the Time Cycle by Bahri, Charu
Six SIGMA for Everyone by Eckes, George
Ethics for CPAs: Meeting Expectations in Challenging Times by Lach, Linda A., Guy, Dan M., Carmichael, D. R.
The Art of Waking People Up: Cultivating Awareness and Authenticity at Work by Cloke, Kenneth, Goldsmith, Joan
The History of Family Business, 1850-2000 by Colli, Andrea
The History of Family Business, 1850 2000 by Andrea, Colli, Colli, Andrea
Encouraging the Heart: A Leader's Guide to Rewarding and Recognizing Others by Kouzes, James M., Posner, Barry Z.
The History of the Standard Oil Company: Briefer Version by Tarbell, Ida M.
The Lighter Side of Technology in Education by Bacall, Aaron
Adventure Capitalism: Globalization and the Political Economy of Stock Markets in Africa by Moss, T.
Research in Organizational Change and Development by
Effective Education for Learners with Exceptionalities by
Regional Integration and Development by Barreira, Luis M., Winters, L. Alan, Schiff, Maurice W.
Working Within Two Kinds of Capitalism: Corporate Governance and Employee Stakeholding - Us and EC Perspectives by Lynch-Fannon, Irene
It's about Time by
Managing Exports: Navigating the Complex Rules, Controls, Barriers, and Laws by Reynolds, Frank
Risiken und Werthaltigkeit von Time-Sharing-Beteiligungen am Beispiel von Ferienwohnungen in Spanien by Schwerzel, Ralph
Mathematical Methods in Economics and Social Choice by Schofield, Norman
Leading Change: A Guide to Whole Systems Working by Pedler, Mike, Pritchard, Sue, Attwood, Margaret
Exploring Spirituality and Culture in Adult and Higher Education by Tisdell, Elizabeth J.
Building Your Endowment by Schumacher, Edward C.
It's about Time by
Design Your Own Games and Activities: Thiagi's Templates for Performance Improvement [With CDROM] by Thiagarajan, Sivasailam
Markets and Politics in Central Asia by Gleason, Gregory
Women Working It Out: Career Plans and Business Decisions by Nelson, Julianne
The Oregon-American Lumber Company: Ain't No More by Blain, Jim, Kamholz, Greg, Kamholz, Edward J.
Gar kein Preis ist der beste Preis: So sparen Sie sich reich by Rueß, Oliver
Women's Employment in Japan: The Experience of Part-time Workers by Broadbent, Kaye
The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptation by
Electricity Economics: Regulation and Deregulation by
Industrielle Stoffkreislaufwirtschaft Im Regionalen Kontext: Betriebswirtschaftlich-Ökologische Und Geographische Betrachtungen in Theorie Und PRAXIS by Sterr, Thomas
The Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: What Managers Need to Know by Tosi, Henry L., Mero, Neal P.
Capital Formation in Belgium, 1900-1995 by Van Meerten, Michelangelo
The Rumsfeld Way: Leadership Wisdom of a Battle-Hardened Maverick by Krames, Jeffrey A.
Community Visions, Community Solutions: Grantmaking for Comprehensive Impact by Connor, Joseph A., Kadel-Taras, Stephanie
Write to the Point: How to Communicate in Business with Style and Purpose by Iacone, Salvatore J.
Einsatz von Lernzielkontrollen in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung by May, Patrick
El Mapa Para Alcanzar El Éxito by Maxwell, John C.
Governing the Firm by Dow, Gregory K.
Governing the Firm by Dow, Gregory K.
Howard Katz by Marber, Patrick
Strategic Human Resource Development by Grieves, James
Financial Statistics No 490 February 2003 by Na, Na
The Customer Loyalty Solution by Hughes, Arthur Middleton
Technological Change and Economic Performance by Link, Albert N., Siegel, Donald
Der Umgang mit Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz: Prävention und Rechtsfolgen by Meister, Jutta
Changing Gears: The Strategic Implementation of Technology by Carlopio, J.
Ein alternatives Konzept für Risikoverwaltung und Vergütungsregelung bei der Realisierung vo Infrastruktur mittels Public Private Partnership unter In by Spiegl, Markus
The Online Copywriter's Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Write Electronic Copy That Sells by Bly, Robert W.
Political Determinants of Corporate Governance: Political Context, Corporate Impact by Roe, Mark J.
Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management by
Mastering International Trade by Marshall, Chris
Erfolgsfaktoren des Venture-Capital-Marktes in Deutschland: Eine kritische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung junger Technologieunternehmen by Heins, Roger
Änderungen in der steuerlichen Behandlung von Privatstiftungen durch das Strukturanpassungsgesetz 1996 und Reparaturgesetz 1996 by Till, Peter
Managing Diversity: Eine Herausforderung für die Personalführung by Julitz, Julia Marie
Markov Chains and Invariant Probabilities by Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo, Lasserre, Jean B.
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions by
E-Newsletters That Work by Katz, Michael J.
Operations Research Proceedings 2002: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (Sor 2002), Klagenfurt, September 2-5, 20 by
Introduction to Survey Quality by Lyberg, Lars E., Biemer, Paul P.
Auditing Information Systems by Champlain, Jack J.
Sticky Knowledge: Barriers to Knowing in the Firm by Szulanski, Gabriel
Understanding Organizational Change: The Contemporary Experience of People at Work by Dawson, Patrick
Cross-Cultural Communication: The Essential Guide to International Business by Mattock, John, International, Canning
Die praktische Umsetzung und Produktpositionierung der Riester-Rente im Rahmen des Altersvermögensgesetzes: Eine empirisch vergleichende Untersuchung by Ziegler, Sandra
Chancen und Risiken für ausländische Investoren in Kamerun by Biock, Simone
Japans Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit China by Biock, Simone
Theoretische Arbeitsmarktmodelle und reale Personalpolitik by Krüger, Doreen
Wissensmanagement Im Lebenszyklus Von Erp-Systemen: Explorative Untersuchung Und Entwicklung Eines Gestaltungskonzeptes Für SAP R/3-Projekte by Wahl, Mark
Akzeptanz Neuer Produkte: Vorwissen ALS Determinante Des Innovationserfolgs by Binsack, Margit
Inter-Organisationales Lernen: Eine Empirische Analyse Von Lernprozessen in Unternehmenskooperationen by Grunwald, Roman
Brand Driven: The Route to Integrated Branding Through Great Leadership by Davis, Susan V., Parker, Lynn M., Joseph Le Pla, F.
Deutsche Unternehmen in China: Märkte, Partner, Strategien by
It-Gestützte Balanced Scorecard-Systeme by Preuss, Peter
Koordination in Radikalen Innovationsvorhaben by Billing, Fabian
Kunden- Und Wettbewerbsorientierung Neugegründeter Softwareunternehmen: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Von Teamgründungen by Müller, Thilo Andreas
Financial Cryptography: 6th International Conference, FC 2002, Southampton, Bermuda, March 11-14, 2002, Revised Papers by
People First!: Professional and Business Ethics without Ethics by Klein, E. R.
The Coaching Handbook: An Action Kit for Trainers and Managers by Thorpe, Sara, Cooper, Cary
Practical Facilitation: A Toolkit of Techniques by Hogan, Christine
A New Brand World: 8 Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership in the 21st Century by Bedbury, Scott, Fenichell, Stephen
Resume Power: Selling Yourself on Paper by Washington, Tom
Value Based Knowledge Strategies: Strategies to built and share Explicit Knowledge to create Corporate Value and underpin Critical Capabilities by Trost, Tom
Incomplete Information and Heterogeneous Beliefs in Continuous-Time Finance by Ziegler, Alexandre C.
European Regional Growth by
Computer-Aided Introduction to Econometrics by
Innovations in Health Service Delivery: The Corporatization of Public Hospitals by World Bank, Policy
Animation Im Urlaub: Handbuch Für Planer Und Praktiker by Gayler, Brigitte, Finger-Benoit, Claus
Discover Your Sales Strengths: How the World's Greatest Salespeople Develop Winning Careers by Smith, Benson, Rutigliano, Tony
Empirische Untersuchung von Jahresabschlüssen nach IAS am Neuen Markt: Formelle Anforderungen und ausgewählte Wahlrechte by Kreutzer, Markus
Modelle zum steueroptimalen Erwerb einer Kapitalgesellschaft: Darstellung und betriebswirtschaftliche Würdigung by Bunte, Jens
Die Entwicklungshilfe der Europäischen Union für die Balkanländer: Ziele und Umsetzungsprobleme by Vuckovic, Jasmina
Der Zeiss(t)-Sprung: Ein Baustein im Qualitätsbewusstsein eines Unternehmens der augenoptischen Branche by Koy, Kerstin
Die neuen Eigenkapitalrichtlinien (Basel II): Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Bedeutung für mittelständische Unternehmungen und die beratenden by Reichling, Christian
Qualitative Educational Research in Action: Doing and Reflecting by
What's Keeping Your Customers Up at Night?: Close More Deals by Selling to Your Client's Pain by Cody, Steven
Intellectual Property Protection in VLSI Designs: Theory and Practice by Gang Qu, Potkonjak, Miodrag
Chinese Culture, Organizational Behavior, and International Business Management by Alon, Ilan
The Dynamic Workplace: Present Structure and Future Redesign by Allcorn, Seth
The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agbiotech: A Global Perspective by
Competitive Information in Small Businesses by Chesney, T.
Cool News of the Day (Volume 1) by Manners, Tim
Smart Globalization: Designing Global Strategies, Creating Global Networks by Gupta, Anil K.
Practical Guide to Software Quality Management by Horch, John W.
Economic Sanctions: Examining Their Philosophy and Efficacy by Askari, Hossein G., Forrer, John, Teegen, Hildy
Street-Smart Ethics: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul by McLemore, Clinton W.
Beschäftigungs- und Personalpolitik im (österreichischem) Nonprofit Sektor by Häusler, Claudia
Zielgruppenspezifisches Kirchenmarketing by Roesberg, Matthias
Managing Quality by Kelemen, Mihaela L.
Steam Laundries: Gender, Technology, and Work in the United States and Great Britain, 1880-1940 by Mohun, Arwen P.
The Power of Management Capital by Feigenbaum, Armand, Feigenbaum, Donald, Feigenbaum
The Rational Factory: Architecture, Technology and Work in America's Age of Mass Production by Biggs, Lindy
Buying into the Environment: Experiences, Opportunities and Potential for Eco-procurement by
Education for Values: Morals, Ethics and Citizenship in Contemporary Teaching by
Connecting the Dots: Aligning Projects with Objectives in Unpredictable Times by Benko, Cathleen, McFarlan, F. Warren
Learning in Action: A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work by Garvin, David A.
Get Paid What You're Worth: The Expert Negotiators' Guide to Salary and Compensation by Northcraft, Gregory B., Pinkley, Robin L.
Ultimate Competitive Advantage: Secrets of Continuosly Developing a More Profitable Business Model by Coles, Carol, Mitchell, Donald
Developing Cultural Adaptability: How to Work Across Differences by Prince, Don W., Deal, Jennifer J.
The Earth Policy Reader: Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's World by Brown, Lester R., Larsen, Janet, Fischlowitz-Roberts, Bernie
Stay Alive All Your Life by Peale, Norman Vincent
Organizational Behavior: A Management Challenge by Stroh, Linda K., Northcraft, Gregory B.
Measuring Sustainability: Learning from Doing by Bell, Simon, Morse, Stephen
A Guide to Confident Living by Peale, Norman Vincent
Asset Securitisation: Die Verbriefung von Kundenforderungen bei Kreditinstitutionen by Vogler, Daniel
The Tiny Warrior: A Path to Personal Discovery and Achievement by Bear Vanas, D. J. Eagle
Unterstützung von Aus- und Weiterbildung durch Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien by Finke, André
Erklärungsansätze und Entwicklung von Vorstandsvergütungen im Internationalen Vergleich (USA-Deutschland): Am Beispiel der IT-Branche by Gosling, Geb Hentschel Andrea
Launch Fever: An entrepreneur's journey into the secrets of launching rockets, a new business and living a happier life. by Taylor, Timothy E.
Launch Fever: An entrepreneur's journey into the secrets of launching rockets, a new business and living a happier life. by Taylor, Timothy E.
Inplacement: Bedeutung und Problematik der Einführung neuer Mitarbeiter in das Unternehmen by Bühler, André W.
A Convicted Stock Manipulators Guide to Investing by Specogna, Marino
Setting the Course: A Strategic Vision for Immunization: Part 3: Summary of the Los Angeles Workshop by Committee on the Immunization Finance Dissemination Workshop, Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Care Services
Die Entwicklung einer Fallstudie zur Vermittlung von Handlungskompetenz für Referenten des Finanzdienstleistungssektors by Barttlingck-Jahn, Uta
Development Planning by Lewis, W. Arthur
Auswirkungen des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Wandels in der New Economy auf Entlohnungssysteme und Arbeitsbeziehungen by Schlagbauer, Theresa
Managing Ethics in Business Organizations: Social Scientific Perspectives by Treviño, Linda Klebe, Weaver, Gary
Die Rolle der Ethik in Bezug auf die Legitimation neuer Gründungspopulationen am Beispiel der Biotechnologie by Klem, Sarah
Business Process Change Management: Aris in Practice by
Advances in Agricultural Economics by
The China Dream: The Quest for the Last Great Untapped Market on Earth by Studwell, Joe
Investment Guarantees: Modeling and Risk Management for Equity-Linked Life Insurance by Hardy, Mary
Virtuelle Beratung: Kundenbegleitung Im Elektronischen Vertrieb Der Finanzdienstleister by Niemeyer, Vanessa
International Labor Standards: History, Theory, and Policy Options by
International Labor Standards: History, Theory, and Policy Options by
The New Systems Competition by Sinn, Hans-Werner
Wissen -- Innovation -- Netzwerke Wege Zur Zukunftsfähigkeit by
Industrial Policy in an Era of Globalization: Lessons from Asia by Noland, Marcus, Pack, Howard
Investment Mathematics by Booth, Philip M., Bowie, David C., Adams, Andrew T.
The New Systems Competition by Sinn, Hans-Werner
The Manager's Handbook for Corporate Security: Establishing and Managing a Successful Assets Protection Program by Kovacich, Gerald L., Halibozek, Edward
Exit-Strategien von Venture Capital-Gesellschaften: Alternativen zum Going Public by König-Stolte, Birte
Gesellschafts- und steuerrechtliche Aspekte der Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft by Groll, Jennifer
Konzeption für eine Make-or-Buy-Entscheidung im Fertigungsbereich: Am Beispiel der Gießerei XY by Helbig, Claudia
Zulieferkonzepte und ihr Einfluß auf Kooperationsstruktur und Logistik im Fahrzeugbau by Baumann, André
Probleme in der Grundstücksentwicklung durch Altlasten by Mendt, Cornelia
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