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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

The Nature and Prospect of Bioethics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Practical Methods to Insure Success by Butler, H. E.
Stochastic Frontier Analysis by Lovell, C. A. Knox, Kumbhakar, Subal C.
The Virtual Student: A Profile and Guide to Working with Online Learners by Pratt, Keith, Palloff, Rena M.
Megaprojects and Risk by Bruzelius, Nils, Rothengatter, Werner, Flyvbjerg, Bent
To Save the Land and People: A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia by Montrie, Chad
Online-Zahlungsverfahren - Status Quo und Entwicklungspotentiale: Am Beispiel Aposto in Zusammenarbeit mit der VOLKSWAGEN Bank direct by Pietsch, Thorsten
Improving the Design of the Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (Sestat) by Committee on National Statistics, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Guard Force Management, Updated Edition by Canton, Lucien
Leveraging the Horizon: Secrets of a Serial Entrepreneur by Addision, Edwin R.
Industrial Excellence: Management Quality in Manufacturing by Van Der Heyden, Ludo, Van Wassenhove, Luk N., Loch, Christoph H.
Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology: Managing for Growth from Start-Up to Initial Public Offering by Grossmann, Martin
Leveraging the Horizon: Secrets of a Serial Entrepreneur by Addision, Edwin R.
Investing in Fixer-Uppers: A Complete Guide to Buying Low, Fixing Smart, Adding Value, a Complete Guide to Buying Low, Fixing Smart, Adding Value by Decima, Jay
Mobile Commerce: Gewinnpotenziale Einer Stillen Revolution by
A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization by Micklethwait, John, Wooldridge, Adrian
Stagecoach: Wells Fargo and the American West by Fradkin, Philip L.
Zur Vergabe gemeinwirtschaftlicher Leistungen: Eine empirische Untersuchung der größten Gemeinden und Städte Österreichs by Thell, Gerrit
Study Abroad: Perspectives and Experiences from Business Schools by
Strategic Delegation in Firms and in the Trade Union by Merzoni, Guido S.
Stop the Meeting I Want to Get Off!: How to Eliminate Endless Meetings While Improving Your Team's Communication, Productivity, and Effectiveness: How by Snair, Scott
The Positive Principle Today by Peale, Norman Vincent
Transition, Institutions and the Rural Sector by
Health Problems in the Classroom Prek-6: An A-Z Reference Guide for Educators by Huffman, Dolores M., Fontaine, Karen Lee, Price, Bernadette K.
The Tough-Minded Optimist by Peale, Norman Vincent
Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development by Harper, David A.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von E-Learning zur Qualifizierung von Führungskräften by Hebrank, Claudia
Fifty Key Figures in Management by Witzel, Morgen
Leading Learners, Leading Schools by Brooke-Smith, Robin
Leading Learners, Leading Schools by Brooke-Smith, Robin
Fifty Key Figures in Management by Witzel, Morgen
Dealing W/Difficult People by Brinkman, Rick, Kirschner, Rick
The Bear Market Survival Guide by McIntosh, Timothy J.
The Bear Market Survival Guide by McIntosh, Timothy J.
How to Write a Grant Proposal [With CDROM] by New, Cheryl Carter, Quick, James Aaron
Managing High-Technology Programs and Projects by Archibald, Russell D.
Doing Business in Emerging Europe by Lhabitant, F., Zoubir, Y.
Creating a Strategic Human Resources Organization: An Assessment of Trends and New Directions by
Innovation as a Social Process: Elihu Thomson and the Rise of General Electric by Carlson, W. Bernard
A Tale of Three Cities: Or the Glocalization of City Management by Czarniawska, Barbara
A Tale of Three Cities: Or the Glocalization of City Management by Czarniawska, Barbara
Issues in Entrepreneurship: Contracts, Corporate Characteristics and Country Differences by
Going Off the Rails: Global Capital and the Crisis of Legitimacy by Plender, John
Inspire, Enlighten, & Motivate: Great Thoughts to Enrich Your Next Speech and You by Benshea, Noah
Fraud Exposed: What You Don't Know Could Cost Your Company Millions by Koletar, Joseph W.
Did the Pedestrian Die?: Insights from the World's Greatest Culture Guru by Trompenaars, Fons
The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Meetings by Chan, Janis Fisher
The Ultimate Strategy Library: The 50 Most Influential Strategic Ideas of All Time by Middleton, John
Relationship-Driven Classroom Management: Strategies That Promote Student Motivation by Vitto, John M.
Kata: The Key to Understanding & Dealing with the Japanese! by De Mente, Boye Lafayette
Competition Policy for Small Market Economies by Gal, Michal S.
Currency Board Arrangements. Rationale for Their Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages: The Case of Bulgaria by Pintev, Svetoslav
Multinationals from Small Countries by
The Location of the Synthetic-Fiber Industry by Airov, Joseph
Productivity in the Food Industry: Problems and Potential by Bloom, Gordon F.
Protocol on the Accession of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trad by World Trade Organization
Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization: Volume 1: Doha 10 No by World Trade Organization
Konsolidierungsprozesse und Wettbewerbsstrategien in der deutschen Brauwirtschaft by Mühlenweg, Dennis
The Frozen Water Trade by Weightman, Gavin
Modellierung Des Strukturwandels Beim Übergang Zu Einer Materialeffizienten Kreislaufwirtschaft: Kopplung Eines Input-Output-Modells Mit Einem Stoffst by Nathani, Carsten
Financial Statistics No 491 March 2003 by Na, Na
Analyse und Einsatzmöglichkeiten mobiler TK-Endgeräte als technische Zahlungsbasis im Rahmen des M-Commerce by Luther, Philip
Practical Auditing Techniques for ISO/Ts-16949 by Ness, Raymond J.
Customer Relationship Management: Organizational and Technological Perspectives by Rajola, Federico
The Sea's Bitter Harvest: Thirteen Deadly Days on the North Atlantic by Campbell, Douglas a.
Grow Your Personal Capital: What You Know, Who You Know and How to Use It by Owen, Hilarie
Kundenorientierte Auftragsabwicklung: Engpassorientierte Planung Und Steuerung Des Ressourceneinsatzes by Hellmich, Kai P.
Escalating Commitment ALS Ursache Gescheiterter DV-Projekte: Methoden Und Werkzeuge Zur Deeskalation by Hertweck, Dieter
Auswirkungen Des Electronic Commerce Auf Juristische Fachverlage: Branchenanalyse Und Empirische Überprüfung by Schüngel, Martin
Optimierung Von Problemlösungsprozessen Durch Wissensmanagement: Ein Vorgehensmodell by Primus, Arthur
Das Internet ALS Distributionskanal: Auswirkungen Von Breitband Auf Das Kaufverhalten by Gerdes, Stephanie
Innervation: Rewire Yourself for the New Economy by Browning, Guy
Coach Yourself: Make Real Changes in Your Life by Grant, Tony, Greene, Jane
Clients Forever: How Your Clients Can Build Your Business for You: How Your Clients Can Build Your Business for You by Carter, Doug
Erfolgsgrößen Von Dienstleisterportalen Im Electronic Business: Am Beispiel Des Finanzdienstleistungsmarktes by Holste, Astrid
Das Management Radikaler Innovationen: Eine Strategische Perspektive by Scigliano, Dino
Praxishandbuch Powerpoint-Präsentation: - Inhalte Sinnvoll Strukturieren - Charts Professionell Gestalten - Zuschauer Überzeugen Und Begeistern by Hütter, Heinz
The Impact of Corporate Venture Capital: Potentials of Competitive Advantages for the Investing Company by Poser, Timo B.
The Collaborative Work Systems Fieldbook: Strategies for Building Successful Teams by
Organizational Change in 100 Days: A Fast Forward Guide by Murray, Elspeth J., Richardson, Peter R.
Antique Electric Waffle Irons 1900-1960: A History of the Appliance Industry in 20Th Century America by George, William F.
Identity Issues in Groups by
Standortanalyse für Büroimmobilien by Ertle-Straub, Susanne
Health Problems in the Classroom Prek-6: An A-Z Reference Guide for Educators by Price, Bernadette K., Huffman, Dolores M., Fontaine, Karen Lee
Strategy Gap w/URL pb by Coveney, Michael, Ganster, Dennis, Hartlen, Brian
Geschichte Der Deutschen Kriegswirtschaft 1939-1945 (Large Print Edition) by Eichholtz, Dietrich
Entwicklung eines Zuordnungsverfahrens für logistische Handlungsalternativen zu Wandlungstreibern bei produzierenden Unternehmen by Riffelmacher, Martin
From Micro- to Nanotechnology by Riffelmacher, Martin
The Biotech Age: The Business of Biotech and How to Profit from It by Oliver, Richard L.
Saving the Corporate Soul--And (Who Knows?) Maybe Your Own: Eight Principles for Creating and Preserving Integrity and Profitability Without Selling O by Batstone, David
A Brief History of the Organization: From the Dawn of Civilization to Leadership of Today's Corporation by Bentley, Lynn
Foundations of Corporate Success: How Business Strategies Add Value by Kay, John
Die Balanced Scorcard als Herausforderung für das Personalmanagement: Zielbestimmung und Messbarkeit von Potenzialen, Steuerung über Kommunikation und by Palm, Barbara-Katharina
Veränderungsprozesse durch Coaching aus der Perspektive der Klienten by Ortmann, Martina
Investitionsstandort Ungarn: Aus steuerlicher Sicht by Weiß, Manuela
Auswirkungen der LKW-Maut auf die Kostensituation einer mittelständigen Musterspedition: Einbindung in deren Haustarife, sowie Methoden zur Weiterbela by Bois, Andreas
Nature's Geography: New Lessons for Conservation in Developing Countries by Zimmerer, Karl S.
Mobile Business: Ein Überblick by Kolenc, Andreas
Asset Backed Securities und traditionelle Refinanzierungsformen in Leasingunternehmen im Vergleich by Schimmelpfennig, Thomas
Finanzdienstleistungen im Internet: Chancen und Risiken des Wertpapierhandels im Internet und ein Vergleich der angebotenen Dienste in den Ländern Öst by Sener, Mustafa
Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process by Snow, Charles C., Miles, Raymond E.
Wirtschaftsmathematik by Cramer, Erhard, Oltmanns, Helga, Kamps, Udo
Spaß Mit Statistik: Aufgaben, Lösungen Und Formeln Zur Statistik by Jeske, Roland
The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Perspective by Pfeffer, Jeffrey, Salancik, Gerald R.
Anwendbarkeit von speziellen E-Procurement-Tools für die Beschaffung der öffentlichen Hand by Weisenbacher, Volker
Key Issues in Bioethics: A Guide for Teachers by
Key Issues in Bioethics: A Guide for Teachers by
False Prophets: The Gurus Who Created Modern Management And Why Their Ideas Are Bad For Business Today by Hoopes, James
European Pensions & Global Finance by Clark, Gordon L.
Theories of Communication Networks by Monge, Peter R., Contractor, Noshir
Become a Life Balance Master by Giardina, Ric
How to Build Your Ideal Practice in 90 Days by Steele, David
Is Fair Value Fair?: Financial Reporting from an International Perspective by
Government Relations in the Health Care Industry by Leatt, Peggy, Mapa, Joseph
Distinguished Asian American Business Leaders by Hirahara, Naomi
Managing Group Process by Gottlieb, Marvin
Information Technology and Business Process Reengineering: New Perspectives and Strategies by Liang Tsai, Hui
Global Deployment: An examination of causes for undesirably high employee turnover after the foreign assignment by Stoeger, Adrian
The Economics of E-Commerce: A Strategic Guide to Understanding and Designing the Online Marketplace by Vulkan, Nir
Sustainable Mobility: Renewable Energies for Powering Fuel Cell Vehicles by Edinger, Raphael, Kaul, Sanjay
The Growth of Venture Capital: A Cross-Cultural Comparison by Cetindamar, Dilek
Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy by Alon, Ilan
Industry and Trade (Volume Two) by Marshall, Alfred
Land of Living Men by Trine, Ralph Waldo
Industry and Trade (Volume One) by Marshall, Alfred
Interaktive Breitbanddienste: Entwicklungsperspektiven und Erfolgspotentiale für interaktive Informations- und Unterhaltungsangebote by Kießling, Daniel
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel: Mit Schwerpunkt Kaiser's Tengelmann AG, Viersen by Kühnel, Sven
Strategisches Prozessmanagement by Förnges, Jan
On Target: How the World's Hottest Retailer Hit a Bull's-Eye by Rowley, Laura
The Laboratory Quality Assurance System: A Manual of Quality Procedures and Forms by Ratliff, Thomas A.
A Cup of Aloha: The Kona Coffee Epic by Kinro, Gerald Y.
Knowledge Management: Processes and Technologies by Rollett, Herwig
Wired for Good: Strategic Technology Planning for Nonprofits by Podolsky, Joni
Black Freedom Fighters in Steel: The Struggle for Democratic Unionism by Needleman, Ruth
Computer and Intrusion Forensics by Mohay, George, Collie, Byron, Vel, Olivier
Systematic Process Improvement Using ISO 9001: 2000 and CMMI by Mutafelija, Boris
Black Freedom Fighters in Steel by Needleman, Ruth
Location Based Services in Deutschland: Lösungsmöglichkeiten und Anwendungsbeispiele by Ernst, Ingolf Christian
Tanzanian Women Entrepreneurs: Going for Growth by International Labour Office
Zambian Women Entrepreneurs: Going for Growth by International Labour Office
Estar de Paso by Altschul, Carlos
Metadaten im Fernsehproduktionskanal und deren Austausch sowie Einbindung in Applikationen by Metzger, Thomas
Entwicklung eines Modells zur quantitativen Nutzenbestimmung des B2C-Geschäfts eines Automobilherstellers by Tangermann, Ole
An Introduction to Corporate Environmental Management: Striving for Sustainability by Petersen, Holger, Schaltegger, Stefan, Burritt, Roger
An Introduction to Corporate Environmental Management: Striving for Sustainability by Petersen, Holger, Schaltegger, Stefan, Burritt, Roger
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology by Chesbrough, Henry William
The Entertainment Economy: How Mega-Media Forces Are Transforming Our Lives by Wolf, Michael
The World Bank Legal Review: Law and Justice for Development by Myilibrary, Worldbank, World Book, Inc
Challenge of Organizational Change: How Companies Experience It and Leaders Guide It by Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Global Ecotourism Policies and Case Study: Perspectives and Constraints by
Diversity and Entrepreneurship: Analyzing Successful Women Entrepreneurs by Smith-Hunter, Andrea
Complete Guide to Hardwood Plywood and Face Veneer by Schramm, Ang
The Black Giant: A History of the East Texas Oil Field and Oil Industry Skullduggery & Trivia by Day, Jack M., Day, James M.
An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto by Callinicos, Alex
Cost- oder Qualityleadership und andere strategische Alternativen für europäische Fluggesellschaften by Kößler, Martin
Biotechnology in Comparative Perspective by Fuchs, Gerhard
Gender and the Public Sector by
The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society by Castells, Manuel
Diversity and Entrepreneurship: Analyzing Successful Women Entrepreneurs by Smith-Hunter, Andrea
Understanding the Consumer by Szmigin, Isabelle
Executive's Guide to Web Services by Marks, Eric a., Werrell, Mark J.
Closing the Gap in Education and Technology by Ferranti, David, Revenga, Ana M., Perry, Guillermo E.
A Shared Destiny: Community Effects of Uninsurance by Committee on the Consequences of Uninsurance, Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Care Services
Die Einführung der International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in die deutsche Bilanzierung und deren Auswirkungen für RAND Worldwide by Raab, Alexander
Schulautonomie und staatliche Qualitätssicherung: Pädagogische und schulrechtliche Aspekte der staatlichen Schulaufsichtspflicht by Dincher, Guido
Overcoming cultural barriers in the investment banking sector: Training and development in Germany and Switzerland: A comparative Analysis by Giefers, Martin
Marketingstrategien und Erfolgsfaktoren im Handheld-Markt aus Sicht der Betriebssystemhersteller by Huong, Chhaon-Long
The Hundredth Window: Protecting Your Privacy and Security in the Age of the Internet by Jennings, Charles, Fena, Lori
Towards Industrial Freedom by Carpenter, Edward
Ausgestaltung und Durchsetzung der Verfügungsrechte bei Online-Musikdateien by Böhmer, Wolfgang
Neue Medien und Betriebliche Weiterbildung: Formen und Einsatz computer- und netzbasierter Lehr-Lernsysteme in der Betrieblichen Weiterbildung by Freikamp, Henriette
Theorie und Praxis von Aktienrückkaufprogrammen in Deutschland: Eine empirische Untersuchung by Späth, Dennis
Critical Success Factors of Mobile Payment by Hort, Christian
Organisationsimmanente Muster, Strategien und Ressourcen zur Qualitätssicherung an Hochschulen by Wabitsch, Peter
Business Angels: Theorie und Praxis der informellen Gründungsfinanzierung in Deutschland by Pölling, Jeanette
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement: Ein Überblick und Möglichkeiten für Staat und Gesellschaft by Kanzleiter, Uwe
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: Second International Conference, Emo 2003, Faro, Portugal, April 8-11, 2003, Proceedings by
Web Technologies and Applications: 5th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, Apweb 2003, Xian, China, April 23-25, 2002, Proceedings by
Treat People Right!: How Organizations and Individuals Can Propel Each Other Into a Virtuous Spiral of Success by Lawler, Edward E.
Implementing Six SIGMA: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical Methods by Breyfogle, Forrest W.
The Culture of Tourism, the Tourism of Culture: Selling the Past to the Present in the American Southwest by
The American Nightmare: Politics and the Fragile World Trade Organization by Hockin, Thomas a.
Hotel Kreativ: 333 kreative Hotel- und Gastroideen aus Las Vegas und dem Rest der Welt by
Die Neue Ökonomie: Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen Und Auswirkungen: Eine Heinz Nixdorf Studie by
What It Really Takes to Get Into Ivy League & Other Highly Selective Colleges by Hughes, Chuck
The Procurement Revolution by
Intangible Assets by
Between Hierarchies and Markets: The Logic and Limits of Network Forms of Organization by Thompson, Grahame F.
Married to the Mouse: Walt Disney World and Orlando by Foglesong, Richard E.
Trade Unions in Renewal: A Comparative Study by
Echtzeitsteuerung des Materialflusses in mehrstufigen logistischen Systemen bei globalem Informationsmanagement by Wiese, Michael
Berücksichtigung von Nachfrageschwankungen bei der Produktionsplanung für industrialisierte Dienstleistungen by Westerhold, Björn
Messung und Management von Kreditportfoliorisiken by Müller, Kilian
Advances in Global Leadership by
The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Volume 1: Rationality and Well-Being by
Energy, the State, and the Market: British Energy Policy Since 1979 by Helm, Dieter
Trust, Reputation, and Security: Theories and Practice: Aamas 2002 International Workshop, Bologna, Italy, July 15, 2002. Selected and Invited Papers by
Coping with Crisis: International Financial Institutions in the Interwar Period by Bains, William
Detecting and Preventing Classroom Cheating: Promoting Integrity in Assessment by Cizek, Gregory J.
Between Hierarchies and Markets: The Logic and Limits of Network Forms of Organization by Thompson, Grahame
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