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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Volume 1: Rationality and Well-Being by
Health and Safety in Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective by
Operations Research: Eine Einführung by Leisten, Rainer, Ellinger, Theodor, Beuermann, Günter
Risk Management and Capital Adequacy by Gallati, Reto
The Six Sigma Project Planner: A Step-By-Step Guide to Leading a Six Sigma Project Through DMAIC by Pyzdek, Thomas
Entwicklung der wertorientierten Berichterstattung im Jahresabschluss von Kapitalgesellschaften: Dargestellt an Beispielen der Praxis by Susak, Tihomir
Analyse und Klassifizierung nicht erfolgreicher Produktinnovationen am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie und Ableitung von Handlungesempfehlungen: Anhan by Pannes, Klaus-Dieter
The EU Directive on Copyrights, Technological Change and Innovation in the Phonogram Industry from a Systems of Innovations Perspective by Handke, Christian W.
Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming: Theory and Applications by
Call Center Operation: Design, Operation, and Maintenance by Sharp, Duane
Optimierungsmethoden: Einführung in Die Unternehmensforschung Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Kistner, Klaus-Peter
Advanced Planning and Scheduling Solutions in Process Industry by
Elearning in Unternehmen: Neue Wege Für Training Und Weiterbildung by
Policy Coordination in a Monetary Union by Carlberg, Michael
Hope Is Not a Strategy: The 6 Keys to Winning the Complex Sale by Page, Rick
Leading and Managing Education: International Dimensions by Lumby, Jacky, Foskett, Nicholas H.
Leading and Managing Education: International Dimensions by Foskett, Nicholas H., Lumby, Jacky
Managing and Measuring Social Enterprises by Paton, Rob
Drafting and Assessing Poetry: A Guide for Teachers by Dymoke, Sue
Economic Trends No.593 April 2003 by Na, Na
Globalization or Regionalization of the American and Asian Car Industry? by
Erfolgsfaktoren von Venture Capital Unternehmen: Ein Überblick über die deutsche Venture Capital-Szene by Chyba, Jochen
Sicherheitsmechanismen als Marketinginstrument: Analyse möglicher Anwendungsbereiche der digitalen Signatur bei der Deutschen Bank 24 by Grafe, Dirk
Auswirkungen auf die Beschaffung von Investitionsgütern über elektronische Märkte in Abhängigkeit des Betreiberstatus: Eine empirische Studie by Fischer, Andreas
Globalization or Regionalization of the European Car Industry? by
Globalization or Regionalization of the European Car Industry? by
Einführung Statistik: Grundlagen, Techniken Und Verblüffendes by Tiemann, Veith
Say It Right the First Time by Malandro, Loretta
Private Participation in Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Trends, Impacts, and Policy Lessons by Clive, Harris, Harris, Clive
El Manager al Minuto (Rayo) by Blanchard, Ken
Desperately Seeking Ethics: A Guide to Media Conduct by Good, Howard
Culture and the Question of Rights: Forests, Coasts, and Seas in Southeast Asia by
Alternativen Der Kommunalen Wasserversorgung Und Abwasserentsorgung Akwa 2100 by Hiessl, Harald
Change Forces With A Vengeance by Fullan, Michael
Change Forces with a Vengeance by Fullan, Michael
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Inbound Call Centers by Stolletz, Raik
Market Expectations and Option Prices: Techniques and Applications by Mandler, Martin
Why Ceos Fail: The 11 Behaviors That Can Derail Your Climb to the Top--And How to Manage Them by Cairo, Peter C., Dotlich, David L.
The Maverick and His Machine: Thomas Watson, Sr. and the Making of IBM by Maney, Kevin
The Big Fix: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Rips Off American Consumers by Greider, Katharine
Applying to College: A Planning Guide for Students by Watts, Casey, Lifeworks
Counterfeiting Exposed: Protecting Your Brand and Customers by Kontnik, Lewis T., Turnage, Mark T., Hopkins, David M.
The Warren Buffett CEO: Secrets from the Berkshire Hathaway Managers by Miles, Robert P.
The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership by Sample, Steven B.
Behind the Facade: The Consulting Profession in Focus by Paris, Lou L.
Finanzwirtschaftliche Auswirkungen des Basler II Abkommens auf Banken und mittelständische Unternehmen: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung interner und by Pabst, Christian
The Rise of Commercial Empires: England and the Netherlands in the Age of Mercantilism, 1650 1770 by Ormrod, David, David, Ormrod
Cracking the Corporate Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32 African-American Executives by Cobbs, Price M., Turnock, Judith L.
Investigating Educational Policy Through Ethnography by
Vorgesetztenbeurteilung als Instrument zur Verbesserung der Mitarbeiterführung: Eine kritische Analyse by Hoppe, Sabine
Gründungsmanagement: Vom Erfolgreichen Unternehmensstart Zu Dauerhaftem Wachstum by
Lifeplace: Bioregional Thought and Practice by Thayer, Robert L.
Handwriting: The Way to Teach It by Sassoon, Rosemary
Movement and Dance in Early Childhood by Davies, Mollie
Drawing and Painting: Children and Visual Representation by Matthews, John
Clark's Big Book of Bargains by Howard, Clark, Meltzer, Mark
Sachverhaltsgestaltende Jahresabschlußpolitik im Einzelabschluß bei gegebener Unternehmenskonstitution by Hoffmann, Karsten
Auswirkungen von New Public Management auf die Korruptionsanfälligkeit von Verwaltungen by Von Maravic, Patrick E.
Consuming People: From Political Economy to Theatres of Consumption by
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Karmann, Alexander
Lexikon Der Außenwirtschaft by Reining, Adam
Handbuch für Studienreiseleiter by
Kundenzufriedenheit Im Tourismus by Dehner, Christian, Dreyer, Axel
A Business and Its Beliefs by Watson, Thomas J., Jr.
Innovation Management: Strategies, Implementation, and Profits by Afuah, Allan
Core Concepts of Organizational Behavior by Schermerhorn, John R., James G Hunt, Osborn, Richard N.
Global Strategy and the Organization by Gupta, Anil K., Govindarajan, Vijay
Emerging Systems for Managing Workplace Conflict: Lessons from American Corporations for Managers and Dispute Resolution Professionals by Fincher, Richard, Lipsky, David B., Seeber, Ronald L.
Wellness als Geschäftsidee: Erstellung eines Businessplans für ein Gesundheitsdienstleistungsunternehmen by Fischl, Bernd
Commerce, Culture, and Liberty: Readings on Capitalism Before Adam Smith by
The Best Healthcare for Less: Save Money on Chronic Medical Conditions and Prescription Drugs by Nganele, David
Commerce, Culture, and Liberty: Readings on Capitalism Before Adam Smith by
The Best Healthcare for Less: Save Money on Chronic Medical Conditions and Prescription Drugs by Nganele, David
The Leader as Communicator: Strategies and Tactics to Build Loyalty, Focus Effort, and Spark Creativity by Akerson, Alan, Mai, Robert
Basel II - Herausforderung für Kreditinstitute und den Mittelstand by Volk, Wolfgang
Kommunikations-Controlling mit der Balanced Scorecard by Laberenz, Susanne
IAS/IFRS-Rechnungslegung: Eine systematische Darstellung der internationalen Rechnungslegung beim Einzelabschluss gemäß den Vorschriften des Int by Winkelmeier, Roland Alexander
Vergleich ausgewählter Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zur Nutzung des Electronic Human Resources Management in Unternehmen by Karaus, Silke
Book of Success by
Succeeding With What You Have by Schwab, Charles M.
Young Man Entering Business by Marden, Orison Swett
How to Hire and Develop Your Next Top Performer: The Five Qualities That Make Salespeople Great: The Five Qualities That Make Salespeople Great by Greenberg, Herbert, Greenberg, Herb, Weinstein, Harold
How to Become a Stressfree Trader: The Accidental Discoveries of an Applied Behavioral Science Student by Starzec, Jason
Financial Crisis and Transformation of Korean Business Groups by Chang, Sea-Jin
Reducing Maternal Mortality: Learning from Bolivia, China, Egypt, Honduras, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Zimbabwe by
HR from the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Business by Sartain, Libby, Finney, Martha
Managing Financial Resources by Cullen, John, Broadbent, Mick
Kostenträgerrechnung Mit SAP R/3(r): Ergebnis- Und Marktsegmentrechnung - Mit Testbeispiel Und Customizing -- Für Studenten Und Praktiker by Klenger, Franz, Falk-Kalms, Ellen
Complexity in New Product Development: Mastering the Dynamics of Engineering Projects by Mihm, Jürgen
Learning by Design: Building Sustainable Organizations by Docherty, Peter, Shani
Awakening the Leader Within: A Story of Transformation by Cashman, Kevin, Forem, Jack
Stärkere Eigenverantwortung in Der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung: Eine Agency-Theoretische Betrachtung by Musil, Antje
Patientenorientierte Information Und Kommunikation Im Gesundheitswesen by Bürger, Claudia
21st-Century Etiquette: Charlotte Ford's Guide to Manners for the Modern Age by Demontravel, Jacqueline, Ford, Charlotte
The Seven Keys to Managing Strategic Accounts by Reese, Samuel, Sherman, Sallie, Sperry, Joseph
Learning Needs Analysis and Evaluation by Bee, Roland, Bee, Frances
Coaching Competencies and Corporate Leadership by Kolberg, Sharyn, Weiss, Tracey
Children for Hire: The Perils of Child Labor in the United States by Levine, Marvin J.
Managing Organizational Change: Third Edition by Lake, Linda K., Connor, Patrick E., Stackman, Richard W.
Telecommunications and Information Technology Market Opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by International Trade Administration, U. S.
Working in Silicon Valley: Economic and Legal Analysis of a High-Velocity Labor Market by Hyde, Alan
Organizations in Action: Social Science Bases of Administrative Theory by Thompson, James D.
The Neurological Basis of Learning, Development and Discovery: Implications for Science and Mathematics Instruction by Lawson, Anton E.
Optimising New Modes of Assessment: In Search of Qualities and Standards by
No Best Way: An Evolutionary Perspective on Human Resource Management by Colarelli, Stephen
Optimising New Modes of Assessment: In Search of Qualities and Standards by
The Portable MBA in Project Management by
Environmental Policy in an International Perspective by
Security and Privacy in the Age of Uncertainty: Ifip Tc11 18th International Conference on Information Security (Sec2003) May 26-28, 2003, Athens, Gre by
Grade Inflation: A Crisis in College Education by Johnson, Valen E.
Comparative Education: Continuing Traditions, New Challenges, and New Paradigms by
The Ethical Dimensions of School Leadership by
Managing Organizational Change: Third Edition by Lake, Linda K., Connor, Patrick E., Gottlieb, Marvin R.
Gambling and the Public Interest by Collins, Peter
Building Security: Strategies & Costs by Owen, David D., Rsmeans Engineering
Spectrum Wars: The Policy and Technolog by Manner, Jennifer A.
Knowledge Management in the Intelligence Enterprise by Waltz, Edward
The Ethical Dimensions of School Leadership by
The School Administrator's Complete Letter Book [With CDROM] by
The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today′s Schools More Effectively by Sousa, David A.
Ethiopian Women Entrepreneurs: Going for Growth by International Labour Office
E-Business and Distributed Systems Handbook: Applications Module by Umar, Amjad
Visual Culture and Tourism by
The Real World of NGOs: Discourses, Diversity and Development by Hilhorst, Dorothea
Paradox of Organizational Change: Engineering Organizations with Behavioral Systems Analysis by Malott, Maria
Multinational Corporations and European Regional Systems of Innovation by Iammarino, Simona, Cantwell, John
Critical Voices in School Reform: Students Living through Change by
Critical Voices in School Reform: Students Living through Change by
It's a Jungle Out There and a Zoo in Here: Run Your Home Business Without Letting It Overrun You by Demas, Cheryl
Life's Work: Confessions of an Unbalanced Mom by Belkin, Lisa
Visual Culture and Tourism by
Learning and Teaching for Business: Case Studies of Successful Innovation by
A Moral Critique of Development: In Search of Global Responsibilities by
The Real World of NGOs: Discourses, Diversity and Development by Hilhorst, Dorothea
Megafusionen, Wettbewerb Und Globalisierung: PRAXIS Und Perspektiven Der Wettbewerbspolitik by Budzinski, Oliver, Kerber, Wolfgang
Brazil 1960-1990: Structures of Power and Processes of Change by Friedman, Sofia
Competitiveness in Small Developing Economies: Insights from the Caribbean by Wint, Alvin G.
Retooling the Mind Factory: Education in a Lean State by Sears, Alan
A Moral Critique of Development: In Search of Global Responsibilities by
The Info Mesa: Science, Business, and New Age Alchemy on the Santa Fe Plateau by Regis, Edward, Jr.
Applying E-Commerce in Business by Tassabehji, Rana
The Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act could be expansive Bananas: The latest WTO decision regarding ETI revisted by Neugebauer, Jan
Die lex mercatoria: Entwicklungsgrundlage für ein neues Weltrecht? by Köhler, Christian
Personalentwicklung und Unternehmenserfolg: Eine empirische Analyse anhand deutscher und österreichischer Unternehmen by Wais, Sonja Maria
Strategien zur Bewertung von Beteiligungsportfolios deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften by Walter, Jan
Planung und Konzeption eines Geschäftsmodells für IT-Dienstleistungen by Keck, Sonja
Work It, Girl!: 101 Tips for the Hip Working Chick by Burt, Wendy
Informationsverarbeitung in Bauunternehmen: Struktur Der Informationen Zur Bearbeitung Betriebswirtschaftlicher Und Baubetrieblicher Aufgaben by Huhnt, Wolfgang
Strukturierung von Private Equity-Fonds: Chancen nach dem Steuerentlastungsgesetz 1999/2000/2002 und neuere steuerliche Aspekte by Wendlandt, Jens
Advances in Management Accounting by
Business Modeling and Data Mining by Pyle, Dorian
Regional State Aid and Competition Policy in the European Union by Wishlade, Fiona
Die Rolle des Marketing bei der Entwicklung und Vermarktung von Dienstleistungen: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zur Untersuchung von Erfolgsfakt by Gaiser, Brigitte, Zerr, Konrad
The Ethical Challenge: How to Lead with Unyielding Integrity by
A Big Life in Advertising by Lawrence, Mary
How to Get What You Want at Work: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting Results by Gray, John
Intelligence Essentials for Everyone by Krizan, Lisa
Impact of Trade on Labor: Issues, Perspectives and Experiences from Developing Asia by
Debating Organization by
Mathematik für Volks- und Betriebswirte by Dinge, Achim, Kallischnigg, Gerd, Kockelkorn, Ulrich
And Why Not?: The Human Person and the Heart of Business by Michelin, François
Compensation: Theory, Evidence, and Strategic Implications by Rynes, Sara L., Gerhart, Barry
The Mentoring Year: A Step-By-Step Program for Professional Development by Larson, Kathleen a., Udelhofen, Susan K.
Ausgewählte Instrumente der Personalvermögenssicherung und ihre Auswirkungen auf das individuelle Personalvermögen der MitarbeiterInnen im Unternehmen by Daniels, Marcus
Going Private und was dann?: Strategische Optionen nach vollzogener Transaktion by Wenzel, Daniel Sebastian, Zumpe, Johannes
Best Practice: Ideas and Insights from the World's Foremost Business Thinkers by Brown, Tom, Heller, Robert
Möglichkeiten der wertorientierten Steuerung von Wachstumsunternehmen auf Basis von Realoptionsansätzen: Dargestellt am Beispiel von Unternehmen des M by Föhl, Alexander
Waitin' For Some Chicken: Understanding the Corporate Hostage by Deaton-Harris, Mary Beth
Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining: Proceedings of the International Iis: Iipwm´03 Conference Held in Zakopane, Poland, June 2-5, 2003 by
Strategy and Organization in Supply Chains by
Negotiating Moves: Problem Presentation and Resolution in Japanese Business Discourse by Yotsukura, Lindsay Amthor
ICM Millennium Lectures on Games by
Reforming Opic for the 21st Century by Moran, Theodore
E-Business and Distributed Systems Handbook: Middleware Module by Umar, Amjad
E-Business and Distributed Systems Handbook: Integration Module by Umar, Amjad
Varianten des CAPM by Schröter, Roland
Investitionssicherheit und Zukunftssicherheit von DV-Anwendungen mittels moderner Integrationsmiddleware: Am Beispiel der Finanzsysteme Rheinland-Pfal by Nühlen, Holger
Deutsche Immobilienaktien im Fokus der finanzwirtschaftlichen Entscheidungskriterien Rendite und Risiko by Gneuß, Manuela
Instrumente des Personalcontrolling zur Unterstützung von Führungskräften by Mann, Anja
Herleitung und Interpretation des Cash-Flow als Indikator für das Innenfinanzierungsvolumen im Rahmen der Jahresabschlußanalyse by Lenzen, Manfred
Konzept zur Durchführung eines E-mail-Projektes an einer kaufmännischen Berufsschule by Lenzen, Manfred
Ecology of Ungulates: A Handbook of Species in Eastern Europe and Northern and Central Asia by Danell, Kjell, Baskin, Leonid
Partial Identification of Probability Distributions by Manski, Charles F.
Amakudari: The Hidden Fabric of Japan's Economy by Usui, Chikako, Colignon, Richard A.
Kanban Made Simple: Demystifying and Applying Toyota's Legendary Manufacturing Process by McInnis, Kenneth R., Gross, John M.
Die GmbH & Co. KGaA - Eine Untersuchung der Steuerrechtlichen und (Gesellschafts)rechtlichen Besonderheiten: Unter Berücksichtigung der spezifischen A by Schmädicke, Till
Börsennotierte Fußball-Klubs in Großbritannien und Deutschland: Ein Vergleich der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Zeitraum 1997 bis 2002 by Hebrock, Andreas
Betriebliche Altersversorgung: Formen, betriebswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen und strategische Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten by Thaidigsmann, Ulrich
The Live E-Learning Cookbook: Recipes for Success by Barclay, Kathleen
The Resume Makeover: 50 Common Problems with Resumes and Cover Letters--And How to Fix Them by Marcus, John
Dot.Con: How America Lost Its Mind and Money in the Internet Era by Cassidy, John
Flexible Urban Transportation by Gifford, Jonathan L.
Discriminating Risk: The U.S. Mortgage Lending Industry in the Twentieth Century by Stuart, Guy
Regulating and Supervising Investment Services in the European Union by Avgerinos, Y.
Knowledge Management in Electronic Government: 4th Ifip International Working Conference, Kmgov 2003, Rhodes, Greece, May 26-28, 2003, Proceedings by
The Career Change Resume by Hofferber, Karen, Isaacs, Kim
Slow Food: The Case for Taste by Petrini, Carlo
E-Business and Distributed Systems Handbook: Platforms Module by Umar, Amjad
Principles and Practical Operation by Torrens, Robert
Miscellaneous Articles and Tracts and Bibliography by Torrens, Robert
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