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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

Applied Probability and Queues by Asmussen, Soeren
China's Emerging Global Businesses: Political Economy and Institutional Investigations by Zhang, Y.
Knowledge Management and Organizational Competence by
Making a Leadership Change: How Organizations and Leaders Can Handle Leadership Transitions Sucessfully by Gilmore, Thomas North
China's Emerging Global Businesses: Political Economy and Institutional Investigations by Zhang, Y.
Airline Survival Kit: Breaking Out of the Zero Profit Game by Taneja, Nawal K.
Manufacturing Competitiveness in Asia: How Internationally Competitive National Firms and Industries Developed in East Asia by
The Wilder Nonprofit Field Guide to Conducting Community Forums: Engaging Citizens, Mobilizing Communities by Lukas, Carol A., Hoskins, Linda
Multinationals as Flagship Firms: Regional Business Networks by Rugman, Alan M., D'Cruz, Joseph R.
Plundertown USA: Coos Bay Enters the Global Economy by Sandine, Al
A Business and Its Beliefs: The Ideas That Helped Build IBM by Watson, Thomas J.
Principles and Practical Operation by Torrens, Robert
Miscellaneous Articles and Tracts and Bibliography by Torrens, Robert
Leadership in a Free Society by Whitehead, T. N.
Life Matters by Merrill, Rebecca, Merrill, A. Roger
The Great Telecoms Swindle: How the Collapse of Worldcom Finally Exposed the Technology Myth by Brody, Keith, Dunstan, Sancha
Competitor Analysis: Turning Intelligence Into Success by Hussey, David, Jenster, Per V.
The Professional Service Firm: The Manager's Guide to Maximising Profit and Value by Scott, Mark C.
Critical Corporate Communications: A Best Practice Blueprint by Langford-Wood, Naomi, Salter, Brian
E-Learning Strategies: How to Get Implementation and Delivery Right First Time by Morrison, Don
The Ultimate Business Guru Guide: The Greatest Thinkers Who Made Management by Dearlove, Des, Crainer, Stuart
PowerSpeak: Engage, Inspire, and Stimulate Your Audience by Leeds, Dorothy
Einsatzfelder und strategische Ausrichtung der Digitalen Fabrik by Lurse, Jan-Martin
Anforderungen an eine Unternehmensteuerreform by Marten, Thilo
How to Make Money Selling Facts: to Non-Traditional Markets by Hart, Anne
Ökologische Steuerreform - das Problem der doppelten Dividende by Risop, Steffen
Values at Sea: Ethics for the Marine Environment by
Die steuerrechtliche Gestaltung der Nachfolgeregelung bei Angehörigen der freien Berufe by Mannel, Stefan
Inhalt und Bedeutung des Firmenkundengeschäfts: Eine Vergleichsanalyse aus der Sicht der Genossenschaftsbanken, Sparkassen und der privaten Banken by Schmid, Markus
Zur Handhabung möglicher Konfliktarten in der Beschaffung by Bisping, Christopher
Schnäppchenflieger über den Wolken: Die neue Konkurrenz im Luftverkehr und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Strukturen der europäischen Luftverkehrsbranche by Von Perfall, Melanie
Knowledge Management: Concepts and Best Practices by
Decision Making Using Game Theory by Kelly, Anthony
Integration von kunden- und personalorientierten Steuerungskennziffern in das Wertmanagement by Kasper, Boris
Corporate Venture Capital as a Viable Instrument to Foster Innovation: Analysis with Special Emphasis on Brazil by Kunzmann, Thomas
Direktinvestitionen einer deutschen Kapitalgesellschaft in Tschechien: Steuerliche Rahmenbedingungen, Organisationsalternativen und Handlungsempfehlun by Sedlácková, Petra
Investment Policies That Pay by Vance, Ray
Ford Ideals: Being a Selection from Mr. Ford's Page in the Dearborn Independent by Ford, Henry
Enduring Investments by Babson, Roger W.
Investments by Jones, Edward D.
Mind and Success by Williams, W. Ellis
Symbols by Parkhurst, Frederic a.
Die ertragsteuerrechtliche Behandlung von Options- und Finanztermingeschäften im Privatvermögen - ausgenommen Swaps - by Bromm, Stephanie
Influencing Men in Business by Scott, Walter Dill
Minding the Money: A Practical Guide for Volunteer Treasurers by Todd, Alden
Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry by Singer, P. W.
Handbook of Environmental Economics: Environmental Degradation and Institutional Responses Volume 1 by
Organizing Change: An Inclusive, Systemic Approach to Maintain Productivity and Achieve Results [With CDROM] by Lee, William W., Krayer, Karl J.
Produktion Und Information: System Und Modell by Dangelmaier, Wilhelm
Creative Warriors Walk Alone: The Business of Art by Lieberman, Chad Love
Living, Leading, and the American Dream by Gardner, John W.
Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial Relations in Transition by
Die Entwicklung des Tatbestandsmerkmals der Zuführung überwiegend neuen Betriebsvermögens beim Mantelkauf gemäß §8 Abs. 4 KStG by Püllen, Albert
Praxisnahe Gestaltungsformen des betrieblichen Ideenmanagements by Schüßler, Bernd
Incorporate! by Magos, Alice, Nathan, Karen
Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial Relations in Transition by
Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community by de Pree, Max
The Office Professional's Guide: The Essential Reference for the Modern Office by Us Dictionaries Group, Us Dictionaries Group, Dictionaries Grou
Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Abschätzung von Transportkosten bei der Belieferung von Kleinkunden: Gezeigt am Beipiel der Firma Gourmet Menü Servi by Priller, Klaus
Modell zur optimalen Verteilung der Aufgaben zwischen Fertigungsbetrieb und Anlagenherstellern by Maerz, Johannes
Corporate Renaissance by Osterberg, Rolf
From Diversity to Unity: Creating the Energy of Connection by Casey, Mary E., Bown, Geraldine M.
In the Company of Women: Indirect Aggression Among Women: Why We Hurt Each Other and How to Stop by Murphy, Susan, Heim, Pat
Organizing for Profit in China: A Case Study Approach by Wu, David S.
Organizing for Profit in China: A Case Study Approach by Wu, David S.
Perspektiven Und Facetten Der Produktionswirtschaft: Schwerpunkte Der Mainzer Forschung by
The Evolution of Standards by Simmering, Volker
Logistik-Controlling in Der Versorgung: Konzeption Eines Modularen Systems by Darkow, Inga-Lena
Das Corporate Center in Der Medien- Und Kommunikationsindustrie: Eine Wertorientierte Analyse by Sambeth, Frank
Wachstum Durch Innovationen: Strategien, Probleme Und Erfahrungen Fue-Intensiver Unternehmen by
Erfolg durch interkulturelle Kompetenz: In drei Schritten zur Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz aufgezeigt am Beispiel der Handelspartner Frankre by Geistmann, Christian
Jahrbuch Zur Mittelstandsforschung 2/2002 by
Preismanagement Für Telekommunikationsdienstleistungen: Modell- Und Methodenorientierter Ansatz Zur Entscheidungsunterstützung by Schön-Peterson, Cornelia
Stichprobenbasierte Assoziationsanalyse Im Rahmen Des Knowledge Discovery in Databases by Beekmann, Frank
Balanced Scorecard in Versicherungen: Strategien Erfolgreich in Der PRAXIS Umsetzen by Romeike, Frank
The Music Business: Career Opportunities and Self-Defense by Weissman, Dick
Understanding Emotion at Work by Fineman, Stephen
Change Management in Transition Economies: Integrating Corporate Strategy, Structure and Culture by
Elektronische Marktplätze: E-Business Im B2b-Bereich by Voigt, Kai-Ingo, Zech, Armin, Landwehr, Stefan
Business Engineering: Auf Dem Weg Zum Unternehmen Des Informationszeitalters by
Approaches to Training and Development by Laird, Dugan
In the Shadow of the Miracle: The Japanese Economy Since the End of High-Speed Growth by Alexander, Arthur J.
Agents of Change: Crossing the Post-Industrial Divide by Maccoby, Michael, Heckscher, Charles, Ramirez, Rafael
Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series by Mills, T.
e-Business Fundamentals by Eckersley, Peter, Harris, Lisa, Jackson, Paul
e-Business Fundamentals by Eckersley, Peter, Harris, Lisa, Jackson, Paul
Intellectual Property and Doing Business in China by Yang, D.
Recreational Tourism: Demands and Impacts by Ryan, Chris
Recreational Tourism: Demands and Impacts by Ryan, Chris
The New Work of Educational Leaders: Changing Leadership Practice in an Era of School Reform by Gronn, Peter
Community-Based Research and Higher Education: Principles and Practices by Stoecker, Randy, Strand, Kerry J., Cutforth, Nicholas
American Railroads in the Nineteenth Century by Veenendaal, Augustus
Globalization and Ngos: Transforming Business, Government, and Society by
Ten Traits of Highly Effective Principals: From Good to Great Performance by McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K.
Origins and Growth of the Global Economy: From the Fifteenth Century Onward by Seavoy, Ronald
The Entrepreneur: 25 Golden Rules for the Global Business Manager by Heinecke, William
Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization: Ifip Tc8 & Tc9 / Wg8.2 & Wg9.4 Working Conference on Information Systems Perspecti by
Women and the Economy: A Reader: A Reader by Figart, Deborah M., Mutari, Ellen
Seeking Success in E-Business: A Multidisciplinary Approach by
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems V: Ifip Tc11 / Wg11.5 Fifth Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information by
Women and the Economy: A Reader: A Reader by Mutari, Ellen, Figart, Deborah M.
Broadband Infrastructure: The Ultimate Guide to Building and Delivering Oss/BSS by Kumar, Sharad, Jain, Shailendra, Hayward, Mark
Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks by
Human-Centered E-Business by Damiani, Ernesto, Grosky, William, Khosla, Rajiv
Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass and Waste by
Profits Pending: How Life Patents Represent the Biggest Swindle of the 21st Century by Albright, Matthew
Managerial Economics for Decision Making by Adams, John, Juleff, Linda
Zur anthropometrischen Bewertung von Arbeitsplätzen an Bildschirmen und Konsolen by Schoeffel, Roland
Implementation von Wissensmanagement in der Automobilindustrie mittels eines Planspiels by Schmid, Ulrike
A Guide to Staff & Educational Development by
Essential Tips for Organizing Conferences & Events by Race, Phil, Brown, Sally, Campbell, Fiona
How to Be an Entrepreneur and Keep Your Sanity: The African-American Handbook & Guide to Owning, Building & Maintaining--Successfully--Your Own Small by McCoy-Pinderhughes, Paula
Interpersonal Communication: An Introduction to Human Interaction by Oberg, Brent C.
Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth by Brown, Lester R.
The Planetary Bargain: Corporate Social Responsibility Matters by Hopkins, Michael
Clothing the Pacific by
Don't Worry, It's Safe to Eat: The True Story of GM Food, BSE, and Foot and Mouth by Rowell, Andrew
The Private Sector in Development: Entrepreneurship, Regulation, and Competitive Disciplines by Hadjimichael, Bita, Klein, Michael
Hog Ranches of Wyoming: Liquor, Lust, & Lies Under Sagebrush Skies by Brown, Larry K.
Clothing the Pacific by
Versatile Selling: Selling the Way Your Customer Wants to Buy by Wilson, Larry
Managing by Projects for Busin by Wearne, Stephen, Parnaby, John, Kochhar, Ashok K.
Applied Time Series Modelling and Forecasting by Harris, Richard, Sollis, Robert
Bilanzierung von Stock Options nach IAS / IFRS unter Berücksichtigung von ED 2 "Sharebased Payment": Ein Vergleich mit den bestehenden Regelungen nach by Kiedel, Torsten
High-Involvement Innovation: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Through Continuous Change by Bessant, John R.
The Conflict and Communication Activity Book: 30 High-Impact Training Exercises for Adult Learners by Withers, Bill, Lewis, Keami
Kickstart Your Time Management: The Complete Guide to Great Work Habits by Kay, Frances
Umsatzsteuerbefreiung der Wohnraumvermietung: Grundlagen, Auswirkungen und Alternativen by Tillich, Peggy
French Prepositions: Forms and Usage by Booth, Trudie Maria
Semiparametric Regression for the Applied Econometrician by Yatchew, Adonis
Studying at University: How to Be a Successful Student by McIlroy, David
Marketing für den ÖPNV: Dargestellt am Beispiel des Hamburger Verkehrsverbundes (HVV) by Diekert, Philip
Immobilien-Aktiengesellschaften und offene Immobilienfonds: Eine Vorteilhaftigkeitsanalyse by Schetter, Christoph
Selling Style: Clothing and Social Change at the Turn of the Century by Schorman, Rob
Raising a Ladder to the Moon: The Complexities of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility by McIntosh, M.
The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay by Cohen, Adam
Business Education and Training: A Value-Laden Process by
Manufacturing in Real-Time: A Guide for Managers and Engineers in an Age of Smart Machines by Frontini, Gian, Kennedy, Scott
Business Barometers for Anticipating Conditions by Babson, Roger W.
Be Square by Forbush, William Byron
Prohibition and Prosperity by Crowther, Samuel
Secret of Wealth by Hobbs, Franklyn
Principles of Investment Part 1 by Kirshman, John Emmett
Business Forecasting and Its Practical Application by Wallace, William
Psychology and Profits by Laird, Donald A.
Making Good in Business by Babson, Roger W.
Successful Selling Part 1 by Sheldon, Arthur Frederick
Successful Selling Part 3 by Sheldon, Arthur Frederick
Book of Business Etiquette by Anonymous
Business Guide: An Outline of Business by Nichols, J. L.
Automotive Giants of America by Forbes, B. C., Foster, O. D.
Principles of Investment Part 2 by Kirshman, John Emmett
My Philosophy of Industry by Ford, Henry
Business of Trading in Stocks by Durand, John
Essential Elements of Business Character by Stockwell, Herbert G.
Fundamentals of Prosperity by Babson, Roger W.
Success and Its Conditions by Whipple, Edwin P.
Successward: A Young Man's Book for Young Men by Bok, Edward
Keys to Success Or Personal Efficiency by Forbes, B. C.
Touchstones of Success by 160 Present Day Men of Achievement Press
Organizational Knowledge in the Making: How Firms Create, Use and Institutionalize Knowledge by Patriotta, Gerardo
Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand by Pitman, Isaac
Darstellung und Vergleich zukunftsorientierter und marktorientierter Verfahren der Unternehmensbewertung by Mellies, Jan-Pascal
Implizierte Trinomialbäume und deren Kalibrierungsproblematik by Thomann, Daniel
Mobbing als mitarbeiter- und organisationsschädigendes Verhalten: Eine betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse der Ursachen und Folgen by Gottschalk, Christoph
Strategic Alliances in Eastern and Central Europe by
Corporate America by Reagan, Michael
Recapturing the Trust: 50 Years of Declining Trust in American Organizations and What You Can Do about it by Schachat, Robert
Health Problems in the Classroom 6-12: An A-Z Reference Guide for Educators by Fontaine, Karen Lee, Huffman, Dolores M., Price, Bernadette K.
Der Zugang Zu Wirtschaftlicher Netzinfrastruktur by Braun, Sebastian
Small and Medium Enterprises in Transitional Economies by
Studies in Labour Markets and Industrial Relations by
Who Moved My Soap?: The CEO's Guide to Surviving Prison: The Bernie Madoff Edition by Borowitz, Andy
Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry by Policy and Global Affairs, Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council
Motivation durch Kommunikation. Eine Studie zur Kommunikation in Organisationen und ihrer motivationalen Wirkung by Dera, Susanne
Design for Six SIGMA by Launsby, Robert, Brue, Greg
Developing Successful Internet Request for Proposals: A Guide Through The Business Process and Technology Maze by Reed, Mitch
Developing Successful Internet Request for Proposals: A Guide Through The Business Process and Technology Maze by Reed, Mitch
Development Planning and Poverty Reduction by
Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, Revised and Updated by Jones, Daniel T., Womack, James P.
Java: Eine Einführung by Schader, Martin, Schmidt-Thieme, Lars
Medienmanagement: Aufgaben Und Lösungen by
Informationsmanagement im globalen Wettbewerb by Weck, Reinhard J.
Readings and Cases in International Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective by Thomas, David C.
Lessons Learned: Shaping Relationships and the Culture of the Workplace by Barth, Roland S.
Sweet and Sour: Life-Worlds of Taipei Women Entrepreneurs by Simon, Scott
Hug Your Customers: The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results by Mitchell, Jack
Economic Trends No.595 June 2003 by Na, Na
Riester-Publikumsfondssparpläne versus traditionelle Fondssparpläne: Eine vergleichende finanzwirtschaftliche und steuerliche Analyse der Eignung zur by Dick, Alexander
Messung der Effizienz in Banken mittels der Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): Eine praxisorientierte Einführung veranschaulicht am Beispiel einer mitte by Bock, Christian
Indische IT-Unternehmen in Frankfurt a.M.: Standortvorteile und Unternehmensnetzwerke (Theorie und empirische Erhebung) by Heuer, Nina
Antitrust, Regulation and Competition by
Antitrust, Regulation and Competition by
Millionaire By 26: Secrets to Becoming A Young, Rich Entrepreneur by Hayashi, Ken
The Northbound Train: Finding the Purpose, Setting the Direction, Shaping the Destiny of Your Organization by Albrecht, Karl
E-Government: Prozessoptimierung in Der Öffentlichen Verwaltung by Heib, Ralf, Scheer, August-Wilhelm, Kruppke, Helmut
Identifying Waste on the Shopfloor by Productivity Development Team
Kosten- und Erfolgs-Controlling in der Wohnungswirtschaft by Arndt, Jochen
The Pied Piper Principle: Lead, and They Will Follow by Evans, Trudy Jean
Requiem for a Giant: A.V. Roe Canada and the Avro Arrow by Campagna, Palmiro
See More