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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

Auswirkungen von Basel II auf offene Immobilienfonds by Bednarczyk, Tomasz P.
Standort- und Marktanalyse für Hotelimmobilien: Entwurf und Anwendung eines Konzepts zur Bewertung der räumlichen Bedingungen von Neubauvorhaben aus S by Koch, Benjamin Frank
Organisation der kommunalen Bildungseinrichtungen zu einem "Haus der Bildung": Fallstudie zur Rechts- und Organisationsformwahl am Beispiel der Weiter by Hullen, Peter
Die Handelssysteme Xetra und Electronic Communication Networks im Vergleich by Engelmayer, Mathias
The Welfare Marketplace: Privatization and Welfare Reform by Sanger, Mary Bryna
The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500 1989 by
Qualitative Research in Education: Interaction and Practice by Freebody, Peter R.
Tech Stock Valuation: Investor Psychology and Economic Analysis by Hirschey, Mark
Sacred Trees, Bitter Harvests: Globalizing Coffee in Northwest Tanzania by Weiss, Brad
Distributed Decision Making by Schneeweiss, Christoph
Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition by
Successful IT Outsourcing: From Choosing a Provider to Managing the Project by Sparrow, Elizabeth
The Other War: Global Poverty and the Millennium Challenge Account by Purvis, Nigel, Graham, Carol L., Brainard, Lael
Workways of Governance: Monitoring Our Government's Health by
The E-Myth Contractor: Why Most Contractors' Businesses Don't Work and What to Do about It by Gerber, Michael E.
Project Scheduling with Time Windows and Scarce Resources: Temporal and Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling with Regular and Nonregular Objective by Schwindt, Christoph, Neumann, Klaus, Zimmermann, Jürgen
Cooperative Work Groups: Preparing Students for the Real World by Mandel, Scott M.
The Five Essentials of Organizational Excellence: Maximizing Schoolwide Student Achievement and Performance by Marazza, Lawrence L.
Business Education and Training: A Value-Laden Process by
Moderationsmethode und implizites Wissen in einem Evaluationsworkshop der Helvetia Patria Schweiz by Jost, Sergio
Die Transaktionskosten - Theorie und ihre Anwendung auf die Ausgliederung von Verwaltungsfunktionen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel des Res by Daxbök, Udo
The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and Dilemmas by
Empowering You To Help: Resources for Faith-Based Non-Profits by Morehead, Jenai A.
Fraud and Abuse in Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Prevention and Detection by Zack, Gerard M.
The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and Dilemmas by
The Evolution of New Markets by Geroski, Paul, Geroski, P. A.
The Ethics of Tourism Development by Duffy, Rosaleen, Smith, Mick
The Voluntary and Non-Profit Sector in Japan: The Challenge of Change by
Internet Marketplaces: The Law of Auctions and Exchanges Online by Hultmark, Christina, Ramberg, Christina
The Ethics of Tourism Development by Smith, Mick, Duffy, Rosaleen
Hrd in a Complex World by
Handbook of Conflict Management by
Umwelt- Und Kostenorientierte Unternehmensführung: Zur Identifikation Von Win-Win-Potenzialen by
Die Einbindung Des Absatz- Und Produktionsbereichs in Innovationsprozesse by Cratzius, Michael
Integriertes Content Management in Fernsehunternehmen by Pagel, Sven
Ablaufplanung Mit Petrinetzen by Sackmann, Dirk
Absolute Honesty: Building a Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk and Rewards Integrity by Johnson, Larry, Phillips, Bob
Free $ for College for Dummies by Mladen, Caryn, Rosen, David
QCM des concours administratifs de catégorie A by Guédon, Jean-François, Simonot, Brigitte
Private Equity: Als Anlagekategorie einer Versicherung by Grundt, Michael
Stochastic Networks and Queues by Robert, Philippe
New Efficiency Theory: With Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis by SenGupta, Jati
Trade and the Environment: Analysis of Reciprocal Interactions by Alpay, Savas
Risikomanagement in It-Projekten: Gefahren Rechtzeitig Erkennen Und Meistern by
Performance Coaching: The Handbook for Managers, HR Professionals and Coaches by McLoed Phd, Angus
Cardiovascular Health Care Economics by
Decentralised Power Generation in the Liberalised EU Energy Markets: Results from the Decent Research Project by Loeffler, Peter, Jörß, Wolfram, Holst Joergensen, Birte
Road to Prosperity by Paish, George
Great Today and Greater Future by Ford, Henry
Essence of Success by Platt, Charles
Konzept zur Personalentwicklung in der mittelständischen IT-Branche vor dem Hintergrund des Beschäftigungstypus "Arbeitskraftunternehmer" by Helminger, Markus
Capital and Knowledge in Asia: Changing Power Relations by
Inside the Japanese Company by Graham, Fiona
Casting for Big Ideas: A New Manifesto for Agency Managers by Jaffe, Andrew
Women and the Labour Market in Japan's Industrialising Economy: The Textile Industry before the Pacific War by Hunter, Janet
Sustainable Development in Rural China: Farmer Innovation and Self-Organisation in Marginal Areas by Wu, Bin
Comparative Analysis and Benchmarking: Corporate Strategy Analysis of Four International Pharmaceutical Companies by Chen, Hung-Hsin
Turbostrategy: 21 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Business and Boost Your Profits Quickly by Tracy, Brian
Employment and Employee Rights by Radin, Tara J., Bowie, Norman E., Werhane, Patricia
Images of Strategy by
Employment and Employee Rights by Radin, Tara J., Bowie, Norman E., Werhane, Patricia
The Manager's Question and Answer Book by Stone, Florence
Rollercoaster: The Turbulent Life and Times of Vodafone and Chris Gent by Merriden, Trevor
Developing Library Staff Through Work-Based Learning by Allan, Barbara
Leading Total Quality: Management's Role in Aligning Leadership & Total Quality Practice by Blake, Orlando E.
Multiplikatorverfahren in der Unternehmensbewertung by Krause, Holger
Women entrepreneurs in Pakistan. How to improve their bargaining power by Goheer, Nabeel A.
Trails and Trials: Markets and Land Use in the Alberta Beef Cattle Industry, 1881-1948 by Foran, Maxwell L.
Journey-to-Work Trends in the United States and its Major Metropolitan Areas, 1960- 2000 by U. S. Department of Transportation Federa
Catastrophe Insurance: Consumer Demand, Markets and Regulation by Klein, Robert W., Kleindorfer, Paul R., Grace, Martin F.
Approaching Transnationalisms: Studies on Transnational Societies, Multicultural Contacts, and Imaginings of Home by
Strategic Innovation: Embedding Innovation as a Core Competency in Your Organization by Snyder, Nancy Tennant, Duarte, Deborah L.
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship, Style and Vision by Backhaus, Jürgen G.
Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-Based Approach: A Practice-Based Approach by Nicolini, Davide
The McGraw-Hill Guide to Starting Your Own Business: A Step-By-Step Blueprint for the First-Time Entrepreneur by Harper, Stephen C.
Produktionsstandort- und Ersatzteilversorgungsstrategien deutscher (europäischer) Automobilhersteller und -zulieferer zur Bewältigung der unternehmeri by Ressel, Andrej
Advanced Public Transportation Systems Deployment in the United States- Year 2002 Update by Casey, Robert F., U. S. Department of Transportation
The Making of a Cybertariat: Virtual Work in a Real World by Huws, Ursula
Power Play: The Fight to Control the World's Electricity by Beder, Sharon
Business and Capitalism: An Introduction to Business History by Graf, N. S. B.
Rethinking Corporate Security in the Post-9/11 Era: Issues and Strategies for Today's Global Business Community by Dalton, Dennis
Standards and Audits for Ethics Management Systems: The European Perspective by
The Making of a Cybertariat: Virtual Work in a Real World by Huws, Ursula
Insurance Claims Adjuster: A Manual For Entering The Profession by Casterlin, Charles C.
Strategies for Information Technology Governance by
Information and Communications Technology for Competitive Intelligence by
Electronic Commerce in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: Frameworks, Issues and Implications by
Instructional Design in the Real World: A View from the Trenches by
Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies by
Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era by
Intelligent Enterprises of the 21st Century by Gupta, Jatinder
Creating Knowledge Based Organizations by
Virtual Teams: Projects, Protocols and Processes by Pauleen, David J.
Responsible Management of Information Systems by Stahl, Bernd Carsten
Beyond Knowledge Management by Lehaney, Brian
Mobile Commerce Applications by Shi, Nan Si
Information Security Policies and Actions in Modern Integrated Systems by
E-Business, E-Government & Small and Medium-Size Enterprises: Opportunities and Challenges by
Virtual and Collaborative Teams: Process, Technologies and Practice by Godar, Susan
Business Intelligence in the Digital Economy: Opportunities, Limitations and Risks by
Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management, Volume 3 by
Advanced Topics in End User Computing, Volume 3 by
Innovations of Knowledge Management by
Trust in Knowledge Management and Systems in Organizations by Iivonen, Mirja
E-Business Innovation and Change Management by Singh, Mohini, Waddell, Dianne
Megamergers: Corporate America's Billion-Dollar Takeovers by Davidson, Kenneth M.
Business Communication by
Giants of Enterprise: Seven Business Innovators and the Empires They Built by Tedlow, Richard S.
The Monroe Doctrine: An ABC Guide to What Great Bosses Do by Monroe, Lorraine
Privatising Culture: Corporate Art Intervention Since the 1980s by Wu, Chin-Tao
Declining Demand, Divestiture and Corporate Strategy by Harrigan, Kathryn Rudie
Managing Creativity and Innovation by
Bali and Beyond: Case Studies in the Anthropology of Tourism by Yamashita, Shinji, Eades, J. S.
Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota's System Is Four Times More Productive and How you can Implement It by Kennedy, Michael N.
Identification and Assessment by
Five Sheets of Plywood: A Practical Guide for Starting Your Own Business by Raftis, Spiros G.
Train at Home to Work at Home: How to Get Certified, Earn a Degree, or Take a Class From Home to Begin a Work-at-Home Career by McGarry, Michelle
Train at Home to Work at Home: How to Get Certified, Earn a Degree, or Take a Class From Home to Begin a Work-at-Home Career by McGarry, Michelle
Five Sheets of Plywood: A Practical Guide for Starting Your Own Business by Raftis, Spiros G.
The Innovation Paradox: The Success of Failure, the Failure of Success by Farson, Richard, Keyes, Ralph
Practice What You Preach: What Managers Must Do to Create a High Achievement Culture by Maister, David H.
Making Change Work: Practical Tools for Overcoming Human Resistance to Change by Palmer, Brien M.
Aufbruch ins Reich der Mitte: Erfolgsfaktoren für den Eintritt deutscher mittelständischer Unternehmen in den chinesischen Markt by Brinkmann, Thorsten
Strategies and Structure of the Luxury Clothing and Accessories Sector: A Critical Analysis based on Porter's Five Forces Model by Orlovic, Mirela
Action Learning: Vom Lernen in der Organisation zum Lernen der Organisation by Winter, Oliver
Population Matters: Demographic Change, Economic Growth, and Poverty in the Developing World by
Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations by
Surging Ahead Brilliantly: Using Time Tested Ideas of the 20th Century's Best Business Gurus by Eggleton, Marjory S.
The Global Negotiator: Making, Managing and Mending Deals Around the World in the Twenty-First Century by Salacuse, Jeswald W.
Bilanzierung des Goodwills im Konzernabschluss nach HGB, IAS und US-GAAP by Schmitt, Heiko
The Global Diversity Desk Reference: Managing an International Workforce by Gardenswartz, Lee, Rowe, Anita, Digh, Patricia
Die Bedeutung einer Marke für den Geschäftserfolg eines Kreditinstitutes by Weber, Susanne
Study Guide to Accompany Managerial Economics: Analysis, Problems, Cases by Truett, Dale B., Truett, Lila J.
Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders by Baldoni, John
Der Einfluss des Ausbaustandes des nationalen Personalmanagements auf den Professionalisierungsgrad des internationalen Managements mittelständischer by Steinbach, Saskia
Stabilität antizyklischer Strategien am schweizerischen Aktienmarkt by Rüdisüli, Roger
Homemade Money: Starting Smart: How to Turn Your Talents, Experience, and Know-How Into a Profitable Homebased Business Thats Perfect for You! by Brabec, Barbara
Shades of Green: Business, Regulation, and Environment by Gunningham, Neil, Thornton, Dorothy, Kagan, Robert A.
Homemade Money: Bringing in the Bucks: A Business Management and Marketing Bible for Home-Business Owners, Self-Employed Individuals, by Brabec, Barbara
Shades of Green: Business, Regulation, and Environment by Gunningham, Neil, Thornton, Dorothy, Kagan, Robert A.
Winning Behavior: What the Smartest, Most Successful Companies Do Differently by Bacon, Terry, Pugh, David
The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management by
Analyzing Categorical Data by Simonoff, Jeffrey S.
How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth about How Companies Innovate by Hargadon, Andrew
MBO-Begleitung als zukünftiges Geschäftsfeld der Kreditinstitute by Rose, Daniel
International valuation standards and the impact of IAS and Basel II on property valuation standards and practice in Germany and in the UK by Lorenz, David
Attractors, Bifurcations, & Chaos: Nonlinear Phenomena in Economics by Puu, Tönu
Ethnic Business: Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia by Folk, Brian C., Jomo, K. S.
Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering: Gaining Understanding Through Theory and Scientific Visualization by Griffith, Daniel A.
The Nonprofit Membership Toolkit by Robinson, Ellis M. M.
The Asian Financial Crisis: Crisis, Reform and Recovery by Sharma, Shalendra
Democratic Management: The Path to Total Quality with Total Liberty and Equality by Sen, Asim
Exemplarische Schnittmengenanalyse der Prozesse zur Erstellung von Sicherheitskonzepten im Rahmen von Genehmigungsverfahren: Dargestellt am Beispiel e by Domanig, Thomas
Dictionary of Marketing Communications by Govoni, Norman A. P.
Rethinking Educational Leadership: Challenging the Conventions by
Air Drying of Lumber: A Guide to Industry Practices by U. S. Dept of Agriculture, Forest, Page, Rufus H., Rietz, Raymond C.
Sollten Coupon-Aktionen im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel als Instrument zur Verkaufsförderung eingeführt werden? by Schröder, Silja
Prosperity: How to Attract It by Marden, Orison Swett
Success by Marden, Orison Swett
Voice over IP verändert den Telekommunikationsmarkt by Steinwender, Claudia
Verfahren zur Erklärung und Schätzung von Zinsstrukturen by Krah, Sebastian
Trust Within Global Virtual Teams: Antecedents, Facilitators, and Sustainability Factors by Chavaren, Olivier
Do No Evil: Ethics with Applications to Economic Theory and Business by Berumen, Michael E.
Do No Evil: Ethics with Applications to Economic Theory and Business by Berumen, Michael E.
Organization Behaviour for Leisure Services by Lee-Ross, Darren, Lashley, Conrad
The Unbound Prometheus by Landes, David, Landes, David S.
Innovation and Knowledge Creation in an Open Economy by Baldwin, John R., Hanel, Petr
Strategic Alliances as Social Facts by de Rond, Mark
Anglo-European Science and the Rhetoric of Empire: Malaria, Opium, and British Rule in India, 1756D1895 by Winther, Paul C.
Kundengespräche Souverän Meistern: Wie Sie Anspruchsvolle Kunden Zufrieden Stellen Und Reklamationen Erfolgreich Behandeln by Junge, Martina, Junge, Wolfgang H. C.
Marktspiegel Supply Chain Management Systeme: Potenziale -- Konzepte -- Anbieter Im Vergleich by Seidel, Ulrich, Busch, Axel, Dangelmaier, Wilhelm
Management and International Review: Can Multinationals Bridge the Gap Between Global and Local? by
Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures by Earley, P. Christopher, Ang, Soon
Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures by Earley, P. Christopher, Ang, Soon
Bali and the Tourist Industry: A History, 1906-1942 by Shavit, David
Theorie und Empirie der Herdenbildung bei Finanzanalysten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Behavioral Finance by Zopf, Christian
Modern Investment Management: An Equilibrium Approach by Litterman, Bob, Quantitative Resources Group
Ausgestaltung und Auswirkungen der LKW-Maut in Deutschland by Streimelweger, Mario
Zenith Radio, the Glory Years, 1936-1945: Illustrated Catalog and Database: Illustrated Catalog and Database by Cones, Harold
The Social Construction of Management by Harding, Nancy
Developing Inclusive Teacher Education by
Co-Operative Learning: The Social and Intellectual Outcomes of Learning in Groups by
Market-Driven Politics: Neoliberal Democracy and the Public Interest by Leys, Colin
Networks in the Knowledge Economy by Sasson, Lisa, Cross, Robert L.
Introduction to Knowledge Management by Jones, Thomas, Groff, Todd
More Words That Sell Hc Pod by Bayan, Richard
More Words That Sell by Bayan, Richard
Collaborative Research in Organizations: Foundations for Learning, Change, and Theoretical Development by
Communication Best Practices at Dell, General Electric, Microsoft, and Monsanto by Cushman, Donald P., King, Sarah Sanderson
Industrial Machinery Repair: Best Maintenance Practices Pocket Guide by Smith, Ricky, Mobley, R. Keith
Country Risk Assessment: A Guide to Global Investment Strategy by Groslambert, Bertrand, Bouchet, Michel Henry, Clark, Ephraim
Entwicklung einer benutzerorientierten grafischen Oberfläche eines Betriebsleitsystems für den Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr by Kolewa, Birgit
Verfahren zum internen Rating und zur PD-Schätzung im Rahmen von Basel II by Eichmeier, Stefan
Aufbau, Struktur und Bewertung von mechanischen Handelssystemen für Aktien- und Futuresmärkte by Keller, Bernhard
Analyse des Bildungsbedarfs und die Umsetzung von Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen by Bröring, Manuela J.
Die klientelorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik Japans am Beispiel des ländlichen Raums by Henzgen, Daniel
Die Bilanzierung von Ausgaben zur Erstellung von Internetauftritten nach IAS, US-GAAP und HGB: Darstellung und kritische Analyse aus Sicht der Jahresa by Blomeyer, André
The Structuring of Strategic Alliances in the ICT-Industry: A Modelling Approach Using Selected Organisational Theories by Walter, Sascha
Between Data Science and Applied Data Analysis: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft Für Klassifikation E.V., University of M by
Challenges Between Competition and Collaboration: The Future of the European Manufacturing Industry by
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