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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

Corporate Venture Capital. Innovationsvorsprung für große Unternehmen durch Technologiemanagement und Unternehmertum by Schuster, Michael
The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present by Landes, David S.
Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback by Greve, Henrich R.
Collaborative Research in Organizations: Foundations for Learning, Change, and Theoretical Development by
Zenith Radio, the Glory Years, 1936-1945: History and Products: History and Products by Cones, Harold
Die Bedeutung der neuen Insolvenzordnung für die Kreditsicherheiten im Rahmen der Geschäftskundenbetreuung von Kreditinstituten by Schnepel, Ricarda
Genetische Algorithmen zur Findung von Trading Rules by Grabowski, Markus
The Rise of the Agricultural Welfare State: Institutions and Interest Group Power in the United States, France, and Japan by Sheingate, Adam D.
The Twenty-First-Century Firm: Changing Economic Organization in International Perspective by
The Real Exchange Rate and Prices of Traded Goods in OECD Countries by Brauer, Holger
Unwanted Company: Foreign Investment in American Industries by Crystal, Jonathan
Financial Privacy, Consumer Prosperity, and the Public Good by Michael Staten, Litan, Robert E., Cate, Fred H.
Marketing Grain and Livestock by Stasko, Gary F.
Dictionary of Marketing Communications by Govoni, Norman A. P.
Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends by Sanders, Tim
Desinvestitionen: Ursachen, Formen, Auswirkungen by Krantz, Joachim
Potential of asset-backed securities for private investors: Future trend or dead end? by Schumacher, Christiane
Cooperative Learning: The Social and Intellectual Outcomes of Learning in Groups by
Developing Inclusive Teacher Education by
International Business and the Eclectic Paradigm: Developing the Oli Framework by
Words of Wisdom by Thomas, Sonny
58 Ways to Improvise in Training: Improvisation Games and Activities for Workshops, Courses and Team Meetings by Jackson, Paul Z.
Rethinking Educational Leadership: Challenging the Conventions by
Intervention to Save Hong Kong: Counter-Speculation in Financial Markets by Goodhart, C. a. E., Goodhart, Charles, Lu, Dai
The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation: A Collection of Readings by
Third World Multinationals: Engine of Competitiveness or New Form of Dependency? by Beausang, F.
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications by
The Life Insurance Handbook by Shuntich, Louis S.
1909 Investment Digest and 1929 Annual Stock Forecast by Gann, William D.
Zur Nachweisbarkeit eines Einflusses der politischen Richtungen der Bundesregierung auf das deutsche Steuerrecht by Piaszinski, Matthias
Sozialistisches Wohnkonzept und Wohnungsbau in der DDR: Das Beispiel Halle-Neustadt by Hunger, Matthias
Das Mitarbeiterjahresgespräch - Verbesserung der Kommunikationsprozesse in einer Versicherung: Erstellung eines Konzeptes zur Einführung von regelmäßi by Kuhn, Christine
The Voyage East: An Executives' Guide to Offshore Outsourcing by Dubey, Prashant
The Voyage East: An Executives' Guide to Offshore Outsourcing by Dubey, Prashant
Das Mitarbeitergespräch - Ein vielschichtiges Führungsinstrument: Theoretischer Hintergrund unter dem Hauptgesichtspunkt Kommunikation by Kuhn, Christine
Austrian Advance Rulings Measures and their Compatibility with EU and OECD Provisions against Harmful Tax Competition by Gruber, Christina
Die Vermittlung eines den tatsächlichen Verhältnissen entsprechenden Bildes der Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage des Konzerns: Unter besonderer Ber by Höving, Alexander
Innerbetriebliche Kommunikation: Theoretischer Anspruch und betriebliche Realität: Eine Analyse innerbetrieblicher Kommunikationsstrukturen eines Unte by Mauder, Geb Schulz Andrea
Konzeptualisierung und Operationalisierung organisationaler Fähigkeiten: Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde by Schmidt, Oskar
Managing Your Energy At Work: The Key to Unlocking Hidden Potential in the Workplace by Bergmann, Carol A.
Small and Medium Sized Companies in Europe: Environmental Performance, Competitiveness and Management: International EU Case Studies by Clausen, Jens, Hitchens, David, Trainor, Mary
Qualitative Research in Education: Interaction and Practice by Freebody, Peter R.
On the Fiery March: Mussolini Prepares for War by Strang, G. Bruce
Managerial Economics: Theory and Practice by Webster, Thomas J.
Idea Makers and Idea Brokers in High-Technology Entrepreneurship: Fee Vs. Equity Compensation for Intellectual Venture Capitalists by Carayannis, Elias G., Juneau, Todd L.
Closing the Digital Divide: Transforming Regional Economies and Communities with Information Technology by Taylor, Wallace, Marshall, Stewart, Yu, Xinghuo
Strategische Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Public Relations in Bezug auf die Consultingbranche by Köhler, Nicoletta
Management Von Business Webs: Das Beispiel Von Technologieplattformen Für Mobile Dienste by Franz, Andreas
Produktentwicklung in Kooperation Mit Anwendern: Einsatzmöglichkeiten Des Internets by Wobser, Gunther
Logistik in Dienstleistungsunternehmen: Entwicklung Einer Prozessorientierten Konzeption by Walter, Stefan
Integration Virtueller Marktplätze in Die Beschaffung: Eine Empirisch Gestützte Methodenentwicklung Am Beispiel Der Deutschen Schiffbauindustrie by Held, Tobias
Technologietransfer Zwischen Wissenschaft Und Wirtschaft: Voraussetzungen Für Den Erfolg by Walter, Achim
Innovationsleistung Und Unternehmenswert: Empirische Analyse Wachstumsorientierter Kapitalmärkte by Vartanian, Vatchagan
Bilaterale Preisverhandlungen Von Software-Agenten: Ein Modell Und System Zur Analyse Des Marktplatzspezifischen Verhandlungsspielraumes by Sackmann, Stefan
Elektronische Beschaffung Im Krankenhaus: Nutzung, Gestaltung Und Auswirkungen Von B-To-B-Marktplätzen by Oppel, Kerstin
Zweimodale Hierarchische Clusteranalyse by Rix, Raimund
Die Mediale Vermarktung Des Sports: Strategien Und Institutionen by Hafkemeyer, Lutz
Veränderungen in Den Japanischen Wertschöpfungsstrukturen: Die Beispiele Maschinenbau Und Elektrotechnische Industrie by Roßmann, Ute
Langfristige Beziehungen Zwischen Unternehmen: Zum Wert Und Zur Stabilität Inter-Organisationaler Partnerschaften by Thoms, Uwe
Beschreibende Statistik by Schulze, Peter M.
Shaping the It Organization -- The Impact of Outsourcing and the New Business Model by Gouge, Ian
Mathematik Für Ökonomen: Formale Grundlagen Der Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Leydold, Josef
From Autogiro to Gyroplane: The Amazing Survival of an Aviation Technology by Charnov, Bruce H.
To Hell With Paradise: A History Of The Jamaican Tourist Industry by Taylor, Frank Fonda
Working Across Cultures by Hooker, John
Endicott-Johnson by Aswad, Ed, Meredith, Suzanne M.
Forests in a Market Economy by
Organizational Innovation: Studies of Program Change in Community Agencies by Kaplan, Howard B., Poole, Marshall Scott
Regulation and Compliance in the Atlantic Fisheries: State/Society Relations in the Management of Natural Resources by Gezelius, Stig S.
The Study of Nonprofit Enterprise: Theories and Approaches by
Formule Matematiche Per Le Scienze Economiche by Luderer, B., Nollau, V., Vetters, K.
The Dialogue Between Higher Education Research and Practice: 25 Years of Eair by Begg, Roddy
Collaborative Systems for Production Management: Ifip Tc5 / Wg5.7 Eighth International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems Septemb by
The Study of Nonprofit Enterprise: Theories and Approaches by
Organizational Innovation: Studies of Program Change in Community Agencies by Poole, Marshall Scott, Kaplan, Howard B.
The Weaver's Craft: Cloth, Commerce, and Industry in Early Pennsylvania by Hood, Adrienne D.
Corporate Responses to Climate Change: A Special Themed Issue of Greener Management International (Issue 39) by
Presentation Basics by Rosania, Robert J.
The Seven Myths of Customer Management: How to Be Customer-Driven Without Being Customer-Led by Abram, John, Hawkes, Paul
Cities, Transport and Communications: The Integration of Southeast Asia Since 1850 by Dick, H., Rimmer, P.
The Essential Guide to Managing Small Business Growth by Wilson, Peter, Bates, Sue
The Future of the Multinational Company by
Managing Time by Fontana, David
Screenwriting With a Conscience: Ethics for Screenwriters by Beker, Marilyn
Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods: Uniting Science and Participation by Braun, Ann
Act Two: Creating Partnerships and Setting Agendas for the Future of the American Theater by Gerard, Jeremy
Environmental Compliance Made Easy: A Checklist Approach for Industry by Cooper, Andre R.
The Center for Democracy and Technology and Internet Privacy in the U.S.: Lessons of the First Five Years by H-S Li, Joyce
Rethinking International Organizations: Pathology and Promise by
Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value by George, Bill
Essentials of Organization Development and Change by Cummings, Thomas G., Worley, Christopher G.
New Ways of Doing Business by
You Send Me: Getting It Right When You Write Online by O'Connor/Kellerman, Kellerman, Stewart, O'Conner, Patricia T.
Screenwriting with a Conscience: Ethics for Screenwriters by Beker, Marilyn
Clocks and Culture 1300-1700 by Cipolla, Carlo M.
The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else by de Soto, Hernando
British Toy Business by Brown, Kenneth D.
Studies in Medieval Trade and Finance: History Series (Hambledon Press), V. 13 by Fryde, E. B.
Digitale Bildverarbeitung: Angewandt auf Mehrwegtransportverpackungen aus Kunststoff by Papst, Hubert
Akteneinsichtsrecht des Zeugenbeistands im Steuerstrafverfahren by Lang, Stefan
Situative Wirkungen von Stock-Option-Plänen by Raulff, Oliver
Take It Personally: How Globalisation Affects You and Powerful Ways To Challenge It by Roddick, Anita
Designing Solutions for Your Business Problems: A Structured Process for Managers and Consultants [With CDROM] by Vandenbosch, Betty
Vergütungssystem für internationale Arbeitsteams: Beispiel BASF IT-Services by Retzlaff, Jana
Ökobilanz eines Brennstoffzellensystems zur Hausenergieversorgung by Scheub, Julian
Experimentation Matters: Unlocking the Potential of New Technologies for Innovation by Thomke, Stefan H.
Innovative Forms of Organizing: International Perspectives by
The Millennial Mentor: The 8-Gate Principles That Create Distinguished Careers & Companies by Lundwall, Chris
Picking Winners?: From Technology Catch-Up to the Space Race in Japan by Pekkanen, Saadia M.
Short-Term Decisions Equal Long-Term Disasters by Allen, Craig D.
Short-Term Decisions Equal Long-Term Disasters by Allen, Craig D.
Knowledge Capital: How Knowledge-Based Enterprises Really Get Built by
Rethinking Development Geographies by Power, Marcus
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Elementary Statistics: From Discovery to Decision by Sandifer, Theresa M., Pelosi, Marilyn K.
The Challenge of Change in EU Business Associations by
Multi-Level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Strategy by
The Nebi Yearbook 2003: North European and Baltic Sea Integration by
Collaborative Customer Relationship Management: Taking Crm to the Next Level by
Energize Your Workplace: How to Create and Sustain High-Quality Connections at Work by Dutton, Jane E.
Values, Prosperity, and the Talmud: Business Lessons from the Ancient Rabbis by Kahaner, Larry
The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell by Harari, Oren
Positive Thoughts Attract Success by Dodson, Ella Elizabeth, Dodson, Mary A.
Anlageverhalten von Jungakademikern bei Aktien und Aktienfonds: Eine empirische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens by Makosch, Uwe
Markets in the Looking Glass: Gains, Illusions and Delusions by Dominique, C-Rene
Markteintrittsstrategien am Beispiel der Volksrepublik China (Literaturanalyse) by Wittmaack, Ann-Christin
Regulating the Financial Sector in the Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Political Economy and Management by Mikdashi, Z.
Achieving Process Profitability: Building the IT Profit Center by Deckler, Gregory J.
Getting the Money over the fence: Understanding all the ways a business owner can get money to run their business by Wittmack, James Saunders
Business Driven Information Technology: Answers to 100 Critical Questions for Managers by
Taking Technical Risks: How Innovators, Managers, and Investors Manage Risk in High-Tech Innovations by Branscomb, Lewis M., Auerswald, Philip E.
Economic Trends No.597 August 2003 by Na, Na
Class, Gender and the Family Business by Mulholland, K.
Die Rolle der institutionellen Investoren in der deutschen Corporate Governance by Diekmann, Raimar
Basel II - Grundlagen und Auswirkungen auf den deutschen Mittelstand by Steinmüller, Michael
Der Zweitmarkt für Anteile geschlossener Fonds-Darstellungen und Analyse bisheriger Versuche by Freidank, Ines
Tapping the Market: The Challenge of Institutional Reform in the Urban Water Sector by Franceys, R., Nickson, A.
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations by
Construction and Real Estate Dynamics by
Marktwirksame Prozessorganisation: Organisationen marktwirksam gestalten- An der Begegnungsqualitaet mit Kunden und Stakeholdern arbeiten- Leistungspr by Weiss, Mario
Betriebliche Gesundheitsfoerderung: Pausenprogramme am Arbeitsplatz- Theorie, Empirie und Tipps fuer die arbeitspsychologische Praxis by Amon-Glassl, Ulrike
There's No Such Thing as Business Ethics: There's Only One Rule for Making Decisions by Maxwell, John C.
Thinking Clearly: Cases in Journalistic Decision-Making by
Thinking Clearly: Cases in Journalistic Decision-Making by
The Middle School Principal′s Calendar: A Month-By-Month Planner for the School Year by Ricken, Robert, Terc, Michael
Korean Automotive Foreign Direct Investment in Europe: The Effects of Economic Integration on Motivations and Patterns of FDI and Industrial Location by Hyun, J.
School Management in Transition: Schooling on the Edge by Shuttleworth, Dale
Knowledge and Innovation in Regional Industry: An Entrepreneurial Coalition by Rutten, Roel
Sustainable Development and Learning: framing the issues by Gough, Stephen, Scott, William
The 2,000 Percent Solution: Free Your Organization from Stalled Thinking to Achieve Exponential Success by Mitchell, Donald
The 2,000 Percent Solution: Free Your Organization from Stalled Thinking to Achieve Exponential Success by Mitchell, Donald
Candlesticks, Fibonacci, and Chart Pattern Trading Tools: A Synergistic Strategy to Enhance Profits and Reduce Risk by Fischer, Jens, Fischer, Robert
Sustainable Development and Learning: Framing the Issues by Gough, Stephen, Scott, William
Blockbusters: The Five Keys to Developing Great New Products by Lynn, Gary S., Reilly, Richard R.
Nikkeiren and Japanese Capitalism by Crump, John
Longaberger: An American Success Story by Shook, Robert L., Longaberger, David H.
International Jobs: Where They Are, How to Get Them by Segal, Nina, Kocher, Eric
The New Bottom Line: Bridging the Value Gaps That Are Undermining Your Business by Mitchell, Alan, Bauer, Andreas W., Hausruckinger, Gerhard
American Still Life: The Jim Beam Story and the Making of the World's #1 Bourbon by Pacult, F. Paul
Business School Confidential: A Complete Guide to the Business School Experience: By Students, for Students by Miller, Robert H.
Lieferantenvorauswahl: Von der Beschaffungsmarktforschung zur Vertragsverhandlung by Franz, Andreas
Kulturabhängige Aspekte der Personalführung ausländischer Tochtergesellschaften deutscher Unternehmungen by Nowarra, Geb Kautz Susanne
Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict, and London's Overseas Traders, 1550-1653 by Brenner, Robert
The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had by Bauer, Susan Wise
Farm Management: A Comparative Study by Olson, Kent
Getting Entrepreneurial!: Creating and Growing Your Own Business in the 21st Century by Farrell, Larry C.
The Special Events Advisor: A Business and Legal Guide for Event Professionals by Sorin, David
Economic Theory and Global Warming by Uzawa, Hirofumi
Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback: A Behavioral Perspective on Innovation and Change by Greve, Henrich R., Greve, Henrich
Regulating the Financial Sector in the Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Political Economy and Management by Mikdashi, Z.
Financial Statistics No 496 August 2003 by Na, Na
Firmengründung in Den USA: Ein Handbuch Für Die PRAXIS by Punkenhofer, Robert, Buch, Nikolaus, Oehme, Sven C.
Applied Financial Econometrics in E-Commerce by
Building on Strength (BoS): Constructive Change for Nonprofit Organizations by Case, Mary, Phillips, Will
Promise Unfulfilled by Martin, Philip L.
The E-Learning Fieldbook by Van Dam, Nick
The Wealth of Knowledge: Intellectual Capital and the Twenty-first Century Organization by Stewart, Thomas A.
On Top of the World: Cantor Fitzgerald, Howard Lutnick, and 9/11: A Story of Loss and Renewal by Barbash, Tom
Co-Trending: A Statistical System Analysis of Economic Trends by Hatanaka, M., Yamada, H.
Irish Tourism: Image, Culture and Identity by
Irish Tourism: Image, Culture and Identity by
The Enemy of Europe/The Enemy of Our Enemies by Yockey, Francis Parker, Oliver, Revilo P.
Lessons in Project Management by Mochal, Jeffrey
E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 4th International Conference, Ec-Web, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-5, 2003, Proceedings by
China's Large Enterprises and the Challenge of Late Industrialization by Sutherland, Dylan
The Big Book of Business Quotations: More Than 5,000 Indispensable Observations on Commerce, Work, Finance and Management by Editors of Perseus Publishing
Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management by Drucker, Peter F.
Remaking the Global Economy: Economic-Geographical Perspectives by
Informationseffizienz von Ratingsystemen by Beinert, Claudia
Technology-Rich Learning Environments: A Future Perspective by Khine, Myint Swe, Fisher, Darrell
Technology-Rich Learning Environments: A Future Perspective by Fisher, Darrell, Khine, Myint Swe
Manual of Travel Agency Practice by Syratt, Gwenda, Archer, Jane
FM-Bauprojektbegleitung im deutschsprachigen Raum: "Alle reden davon, aber wer macht es wirklich?" by Srienz, René
Die Bilanzierung des Sachanlagevermögens nach IAS und US-GAAP und die Einführung der IAS-Rechnungslegung in einem deutsch-spanischen Unternehmen by Castel, Manuel
Temperature control on hot pots in the aluminium production: Analysis and Improvement by Sommer, Karsten
Chancen und Probleme des Betriebssports in den neuen Bundesländern: Am Beispiel Leipziger Großunternehmen by Naumann, Marc
Survival Reading Skills for Secondary Students by Miller, Wilma H.
Managing Customer Value: Essentials of Product Quality, Customer Service, and Price Decisions by Dodds, Bill
Strategy and Organization: Realizing Strategic Management by Heracleous, Loizos
Ngos and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning by Ebrahim, Alnoor
Strategy and Organization by Heracleous, Loizos
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