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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

21 Dog Years: A Cube Dweller's Tale by Daisey, Mike
Wirkungen Umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen: Abschätzungen Mit Zwei Ökonometrischen Modellen by Chen, Pu, Hillebrand, Bernhard, Frohn, Joachim
The Dynamics of Clusters and Innovation: Beyond Systems and Networks by Preissl, Brigitte, Solimene, Laura
Strategische Wege zum Börsenerfolg: Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Anleger in allen Phasen der Börsenentwicklung! by Geirhos, Helmut
Natural Resources and Violent Conflict: Options and Actions by Bannon, Ian, Collier, Paul
Qualität in der berufsbezogenen Eignungsdiagnostik: Möglichkeiten der Anwendung der DIN 33430 by Hadamus, Stefan
Kostenorientiertes Logistikmanagement in Metalogistiksystemen by Buscher, Udo
Linking Local and Global Economies: The Ties That Bind by
Body of Truth: Leveraging What Consumers Can't or Won't Say by Hill, Dan
Gestaltung Von Kooperativen Logistiknetzwerken: Bewertung Unter Ökonomischen Und Ökologischen Aspekten by Rösler, Oliver
Greening NAFTA: The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation by
Filialspezifisches Warengruppenmanagement by Steinicke, Steffen, Rühl, Andreas
Trade, Investment, and Development in the Middle East and North Africa by World Bank
The Passion to Learn: An Inquiry into Autodidactism by
The Middle School Principal′s Calendar: A Month-By-Month Planner for the School Year by Terc, Michael, Ricken, Robert
Reader in Gender, Work and Organization by
Tacit and Ambiguous Resources as Sources of Competitive Advantage by Ambrosini, V.
Special Corporations and the Bureaucracy: Why Japan Can't Reform by Na, Na
Reader in Gender, Work and Organization by
The Capable Company: Building the Capabilities That Make Strategy Work by Lynch, Richard L., Diezemann, John G., Dowling, James F.
Domestic Regulation and Service Trade Liberalization by USA, Oxford University Press
Nature in the Global South: Environmental Projects in South and Southeast Asia by
Human Rights, Labor Rights, and International Trade by
Systems and Policies for the Global Learning Economy by
Girding for Battle: The Arms Trade in a Global Perspective, 1815-1940 by Sandole-Staroste, Ingrid A.
United States Entrepreneurs and the Companies They Built: An Index to Biographies in Collected Works by Nasrallah, Wahib
Installing and Managing Workable Knowledge Management Systems by Rubenstein, Albert, Geisler, Eliezer
The National Parks of Massachusetts: Planning Studies for a Traveler Information System and Visitor Transportation Facilities by U. S. Department of Transportation, Nationala Park Service
Geeignetheit der Tobin-Steuer zur Stabilisierung der internationalen Finanzmärkte by Füllhas, Patrick
Die Zusammenarbeit von General- und Nachunternehmen auf ausländischen Baumärkten am Beispiel von Großbritannien und den USA by Schmolke, Daniel
Environmental Management Accounting -- Purpose and Progress by
The New Realities by Drucker, Peter
The Fisheries Co-Management Experience: Accomplishments, Challenges and Prospects by
The Higher Education Managerial Revolution? by
The Higher Education Managerial Revolution? by
The Economics of Producing Defense: Illustrated by the Israeli Case by Lifshitz, Yaacov
Environmental Management Accounting -- Purpose and Progress by
Cooperatives and Local Development: Theory and Applications for the 21st Century by Walzer, Norman, Merrett, Christopher D.
Candymaking in Canada by Carr, David
The Limits of Corporate Power: Existing Constraints on the Exercise of Corporate Discretion by Katsh, Salem M., Millstein, Ira M.
Cities and Visitors by
Joint Ventures, Alliances, and Corporate Strategy by Harrigan, Kathryn Rudie
Boob Jubilee: The Cultural Politics of the New Economy by
Cities Visitors by
How to Succeed in Business Without Working So Damn Hard by Kriegel, Robert J.
Inside Chinese Business: A Guide for Managers Worldwide by Chen, Ming-Jer
Loyalty Rules: How Today's Leaders Build Lasting Relationships by Reichheld, Frederick F.
The Spirit of Capitalism: Nationalism and Economic Growth by Greenfeld, Liah
Managing Conflict with Peers by Cartwright, Talula, Center for Creative Leadership, Lastcenter for Creative Leadership
Managing in the Next Society by Drucker, Peter F.
Power of Partnership: Quotations on Relationships and Results by Books, Applewood
Corporate Conversations: A Guide to Crafting Effective and Appropriate Internal Communications by Holtz, Shel
The Art of Profitability by Slywotzky, Adrian
Unification of Tort Law: Liability for Damage Caused by Others: Liability for Damage Caused by Others by Spier, J.
Syndication of Venture Capital Investments: Theory and Practice in Germany by Rieder, Finn
Real World Economic Outlook: The Legacy of Globalization: Debt and Deflation by
Japan and the Internet Revolution by Holroyd, C., Coates, K.
Talk Your Way to the Top: How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It by Daley, Kevin, Daley-Caravella, Laura
Real World Economic Outlook: The Legacy of Globalization: Debt and Deflation by
The Synchronous Trainer's Survival Guide: Facilitating Successful Live and Online Courses, Meetings, and Events by Hofmann, Jennifer
Anatomy of Greed: Telling the Unshredded Truth from Inside Enron by Cruver, Brian
Beyond Survival, a Guide for Business Owners and Their Families by Danco, Leon a.
Keeping Faith with Nature: Ecosystems, Democracy, and America's Public Lands by Keiter, Robert B.
Einarbeitung und Integration neuer Mitarbeiter am Beispiel der VEDA GmbH Alsdorf by Wilhelm, Antje
Managing Corporate Reputation and Risk by Neef, Dale
Business ER by Krempl, Stephen
Faith in Conservation: New Approaches to Religions and the Envi by Palmer, Martin, Finlay, Victoria
Russian-Eurasian Renaissance?: U.S. Trade and Investment in Russia and Eurasia by
Russian-Eurasian Renaissance?: U.S. Trade and Investment in Russia and Eurasia by
Will It Fly? How to Know If Your New Business Idea Has Wings...Before You Take the Leap by McKnight, Thomas
Social Foundations of Markets, Money and Credit by Lapavitsas, Costas
Chancen und Risiken alternativer Abwicklungsmodelle für die Vereinheitlichung des europäischen Zahlungsverkehrs: Eine vergleichende Analyse by Thiel, Andreas
Die Verbindung von Balanced Scorcard und Shareholder Value Management am Beispiel von Ryanair by Assion, René
Home Closing Checklist by Irwin, Robert
Einführung in Die Statistik Der Finanzmärkte by Hafner, Christian Matthias, Härdle, Wolfgang Karl, Franke, Jürgen
What's Next?: Exploring the New Terrain for Business by Gbn Network, Kelly, Eamonn, Leyden, Peter
Information Systems and Global Diversity by Avgerou, Chrisanthi
Lessons from the Edge: Survival Skills for Starting and Growing a Company by Dennis, Jeff, Matthews, Jana
International Trade and Developing Countries: Bargaining Coalitions in GATT and Wto by Narlikar, Amrita
Minnesota Eats Out: An Illustrated History by Strand Koutsky, Kathryn, Koutsky, Linda
A Better Way to Think about Business: How Personal Integrity Leads to Corporate Success by Solomon, Robert C.
Mondays Stink!: 23 Secrets to Rediscover Delight and Fulfillment in Your Work by Dierschow, Carl
Private Finanzplanung in Deutschland. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit by Preis, Christine
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003 / Band I: Medien - Markte - Mobilitat by
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003/Band II: Medien M Rkte Mobilit T by
Confused? Unemployed? No Money?: The Ultimate Survival Guide by Potter, Frederick
The Guide to Basic Cover Letter Writing by Public Library Association, VGM Career Books
The Future of Domestic Capital Markets in Developing Countries by
Konditionengestaltung in Franchiseorganisationen by Köstner, Jochen
Der Einfluss der Informationstechnologie auf den Wirtschaftsprüfungsprozess by Fabian, Klaus
Performancemessung von Investmentfonds: Neuere Methoden im Vergleich by Galli, Josef
Kooperationen als Folge des Strukturwandels im Automobilhandel by Russmeyer, Lars-Henrik
Kreditrating nach Basel II: Beratung und Begleitung von mittelständischen Unternehmen durch Steuerberater by Schmidt, Stefan
Incubando Nuevas Empresas by Lichtenstein, Gregg A., Lyons, Thomas S.
The Economics of European Agriculture by Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette
Leadership Through People Skills by Buzzotta, Victor, Lefton, R. E.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by Scott, David Logan
Chief Performance Officer: Measuring What Matters, Managing What Can Be Measured by Politano, Anthony L.
Creative Business: Achieving Your Goals Through Creative Thinking and Action by Bills, T., Genasi, C.
New Activism and the Corporate Response by
High Stakes Antitrust: The Last Hurrah? by
New Activism and the Corporate Response by
Produktionsmanagement by Lebefromm, Uwe
Research and Evaluation Methods in Special Education by Mertens, Donna M.
Research and Evaluation Methods in Special Education by Mertens, Donna M.
Die Bewertung von Sachanlagevermögen nach HGB, IAS und US-GAAP by Brandt, Claudia
Globalization and Technology: Interdependence, Innovation Systems and Industrial Policy by Narula, Rajneesh
Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility by
Service Engineering: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Korz, Robert
Agile Documentation: A Pattern Guide to Producing Lightweight Documents for Software Projects by Rüping, Andreas
The Management of International Acquisitions by Faulkner, David, Child, John, Pitkethly, Robert
China's Economic Growth: A Miracle with Chinese Characteristics by Wu, Yanrui
Early Warning: Using Competitive Intelligence to Anticipate Market Shifts, Control Risk, and Create Powerful Strategies by Gilad, Benjamin
Contracting for Project Management by
What It Takes to Be #1: Vince Lombardi on Leadership by Lombardi, Vince
Issues and Options for Goverment Intervention in the Market for Terrorism Insurance by Dixon, Lloyd
The Basic George B. Dantzig by
Theoretische und empirische Analyse von Determinanten zur Erklärung von Investitionstätigkeit by Kittler, Daniel
Secondary Privatization in Transition Economies: The Evolution of Enterprise Ownership in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia by Hoshi, Iraj, Woodward, Richard
Anforderungsmanagement: Formale Prozesse, Praxiserfahrungen, Einführungsstrategien Und Toolauswahl by Versteegen, Gerhard, Heßeler, Alexander
Corporate Capitalism in Contemporary South Asia by
Corporate Capitalism in Contemporary South Asia: Conventional Wisdoms and South Asian Realities by
Work, Status, and Self-Esteem: A Theory of Selective Self Investment by Faunce, William A.
Creating with Others: The Practice of Imagination in Life, Art, and the Workplace by McNiff, Shaun
The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy by Hertz, Noreena
The Successful Investor: What 80 Million People Need to Know to Invest Profitably and Avoid Big Losses by O'Neil, William J.
Unternehmensberatung als Sortiereinrichtungen im Humankapitalmarkt: Auswirkungen auf die Karriereverläufe Schweizer Top-Manager by Vetsch, Manuel
Neue Managementkonzepte im Bereich der Materialwirtschaft unter dem besonderen Blickwinkel der Globalisierung by Modes, Katja
Geographies of Agriculture: Globalisation, Restructuring and Sustainability by Robinson, Guy
Empirical Modeling of the Economy and the Environment by
Employment Impacts of Cleaner Production by
The Foundations of Management Knowledge by
Workflow Management with Sap(r) Webflow(r): A Practical Manual by Pargmann, Hergen, Fletcher, Andrew N., Brahm, Markus
Mindestwärmeschutz Und Jahresheizwärmebedarf: Praktische Beispiele Nach Din 4108-2 by Usemann, Klaus W.
The SMS Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Capabilities: Emergence, Development, and Change by
The 11th Element: The Key to Unlocking Your Master Blueprint for Wealth and Success by Scheinfeld, Robert
Managing Projects in Organizations: How to Make the Best Use of Time, Techniques, and People by Frame, J. Davidson
Tracking- und Tracingsysteme der Transportlogistik by Wolfond, Elisabeth
Umstellung der Rechungslegung von HGB auf IAS/IFRS by Baum, Markus
The Portable Mentor: Your Anywhere, Anytime Career Coach and Problem Solver by Charney, Cy
Optimization Principles: Practical Applications to the Operation and Markets of the Electric Power Industry by Rau, Narayan S.
Couponing im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel by Knümann, Michaela
Guiding the Journey to Collaborative Work Systems: A Strategic Design Workbook by Beyerlein, Michael M., Harris, Cheryl
Make a Difference: America's Guide to Volunteering and Community Service by Blaustein, Arthur I.
Everyday Business Etiquette by Pincus, Marilyn
Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide by Babcock, Linda, Laschever, Sara
Multi-Criteria- Und Fuzzy-Systeme in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Lösungsansätze Für Entscheidungsprobleme Mit Komplexen Zielsystemen by
Innovatives Engagement: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zum Phänomen Des Bootlegging by Michalik, Claudia
Kombination Künstlicher Neuronaler Netze: Zur Prognose Von Wechselkursen by Richter, Frank
Technologiefrühaufklärung Mit Data Mining: Informationsprozessorientierter Ansatz Zur Identifikation Schwacher Signale by Zeller, Andreas
Die Entsorgungsquote Und Marktmacht Auf Dem Entsorgungsmarkt by Mommer, Lutz
Qualität Und Quantität in Symbiose: Zur Theorie Der Qualität in Der Produktions- Und Kostentheorie by Lücke, Wolfgang
Tragfähigkeit Von Geschäftsmodellen Der New Economy: Das Beispiel Elektronische B-To-B-Märkte by Deinlein, Joachim
Culture matters: "Cultural, political, and economic influences on the formation of public entrepreneurship." by Ozminkowski, Mariusz
Statistische Datenanalyse Mit SPSS Für Windows by Martens, Jul
The Transparency Edge: How Credibility Can Make or Break You in Business by Pagano, Elizabeth, Pagano, Barbara, Lundin, Stephen C.
Key Issues in Organizational Communication by
Key Issues in Organizational Communication by
Das einfache Abzahlungsgeschäft in Österreich und in der Europäischen Union by Macek, Maria
Insurrection: Citizen Challenges to Corporate Power by Danaher, Kevin, Mark, Jason
Chinese Business in Southeast Asia by
The Voluntary Sector: Comparative Perspectives in the UK by Kendall, Jeremy
The Voluntary Sector: Comparative Perspectives in the UK by Kendall, Jeremy
The Second Information Revolution by Brock, Gerald W.
Clermont de Lodeve 1633 1789: Fluctuations in the Prosperity of a Languedocian Cloth-Making Town by Thomson, J. K. J.
Guts: 8 Laws of Business from One of the Most Innovative Business Leaders of Our Time by Lutz, Robert A.
Software Metrics: A Guide to Planning, Analysis, and Application by Pandian, C. Ravindranath
Making Time to Lead: How Principals Can Stay on Top of It All by Newman, James F., Simon, Richard A.
Goodwill-Bilanzierung nach internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards: Eine Analyse der aktuellen Literaturdiskussion by Bretthauer, Christoph
Quartalsberichterstattung börsennotierter Unternehmen by Frahnert, Jan
Marketing für technologische Innovationen in Forschungseinrichtungen by Weichert, Christina
The Cambridge History of Western Textiles 2 Volume Hardback Boxed Set by
Risikoprämien zweier Assetklassen eines Unternehmens by Guendling, Tina
Critical Incident Management by Sterneckert, Alan B.
Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics by
The Girls' Guide to Power and Success by Solovic, Susan
Conceptual Modeling for Novel Application Domains: Er 2003 Workshops Ecomo, Iwcmq, Aois, and Xsdm, Chicago, Il, Usa, October 13, 2003, Proceedings by
Land and Estate Management by Nix, J. S.
Business History Around the World by
International Business Negotiations by
Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience, and the Global Justice Movement by Smythe, Ted
High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization by
Defizite beruflicher Bildung und Ansätze zu ihrer Beseitigung: Dargestellt auf der Grundlage neuerer empirischer Untersuchungen by Wamser, Markus
Balanced Scorecard bei Banken by Landvogt, Andreas
Risk Science and Sustainability: Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of Society by
Second Language Teaching: A View from the Right Side of the Brain by Danesi, Marcel
Complex Systems and Evolutionary Perspectives on Organisations by
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research by
International Business Negotiations by
U.S. Manufacturing: The Engine for Growth in a Global Economy by
Scalable Enterprise Systems: An Introduction to Recent Advances by
An Empirical Investigation of Stock Markets: The Ccf Approach by Hamori, Shigeyuki
Second Language Teaching: A View from the Right Side of the Brain by Danesi, Marcel
Risk Science and Sustainability: Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of Society by
The Power of Habit: Harnessing the Power to Establish Routines That Guarantee Success in Business and in Life by Hodge, Jack D.
A Theory of the Firm: Governance, Residual Claims, and Organizational Forms by Jensen, Michael C.
Decision Modelling and Information Systems: The Information Value Chain by Mitra, Gautam, Koutsoukis, Nikitas-Spiros
Scapegoats at Work: Taking the Bull's-Eye Off Your Back by Dyckman, John M., Cutler, Joseph A.
Dialogicality in Development by Josephs, Ingrid
Assisting the Invisible Hand: Contested Relations Between Market, State and Civil Society by Dubbink, W.
See More