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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall by Sims, Ronald R.
Diversity-Dimension Alter: Aktuelle Anforderungen an das Personalmanagement by Schmidt, Viviane
Training Practice by Hackett, Penelope
Latente Steuern nach US-GAAP im Konzernabschluss by Waterschek, Elke
Trainer Basics by Piskurich, George M.
You Can Go Bankrupt Without Going Broke by Duffy, James P., Reich, Lawrence R.
Communication of Information Technology Project Sponsors and Managers in Buyer-Seller Relationships by M]ller, Ralf
Building Team-Based Working: A Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation by Markiewicz, Lynn, West, Michael A.
New Technologies at Work: People, Screens and Social Virtuality by
New Technologies at Work: People, Screens and Social Virtuality by
Ps-101: one hundred and one phenomenal and stupendous life tactics you can trust to get ahead in business and life by Wysocki, Katherine a.
Hidden Knowledge: Organized Labour in the Information Age by Livingstone, D. W., Sawchuk, Peter
Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision by
Rumors and Rumor Control: A Manager's Guide to Understanding and Combatting Rumors by Kimmel, Allan J.
Responding to Crisis: A Rhetorical Approach to Crisis Communication by
Fun and Adventure in the Condo Lifestyle by Baughman, James Keir
Inside Intuit: How the Makers of Quicken Beat Microsoft and Revolutionized an Entire Industry by Taylor, Suzanne, Schroeder, Kathy
The Confidential Internet Intelligence Manuscript by Joyner, Mark
The Limits of Stabilization: Infrastructure, Public Deficits, and Growth in Latin America by
Ants, Galileo, and Gandhi: Designing the Future of Business Through Nature, Genius, and Compassion by
The Wto and the Doha Round: The Changing Face of World Trade by Buckley, Ross P.
A Nation Transformed by Information: How Information Has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present by
China Business: 20/20 Insight by Eng, Tony G., Eng, Joe Y.
Managing Projects in Organizations: How to Make the Best Use of Time, Techniques, and People by Frame, J. Davidson
The Vernor's Story: From Gnomes to Now by Rouch, Lawrence L.
Target Costing: Dargestellt am Beispiel eines Unternehmens der Personal Care Branche by Kampitsch, Michael
Die Besteuerung von Investmentfonds im Betriebs- und Privatvermögen by Seebauer, Michael
Mobbing: Eine Konzeption zur Prävention und Reduzierung by Schmid, Katinka
Konzeption einer Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse am Beispiel des Kunden VW/Audi by Geinitz, André
Sick Building Syndrome: Neue Erkenntnisse und Ihre Auswirkungen auf den Bau und Betrieb von RLT-Anlagen by Rudolph, Sven
Die Auswirkungen der Novellierung der Gruppenfreistellungsverordnung (GVO) auf die Distributionssysteme der Autohersteller in Deutschland: Eine kritis by Faber, Johannes P.
Strategien zur Optimierung der Logistikqualität unter Budgetrestriktion by Eckert, Thorsten
Finanzinstrumente mit Kapitalgarantie by Gelbmann, Andreas
Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und ihre rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen by Heyn, Markus
Leasing nach Basel II: Eine Untersuchung der Eigenkapitalunterlegungen von Leasinggesellschaften und ein Vergleich Leasing gegen Kredit by Vallon, Herbert
Krisenmanagement im Mittelstand: Herausforderung für KMU und Banken by Döllner, Michael
PRAXIS Der Montagetechnik: Produktdesign, Planung, Systemgestaltung by Konold, Peter, Reger, Herbert
Juran Institute's Six SIGMA Breakthrough and Beyond: Quality Performance Breakthrough Methods by Juran Institute, de Feo, Joseph, Barnard, William
The Weekend Millionaire's Secrets to Investing in Real Estate: How to Become Wealthy in Your Spare Time: How to Become Wealthy in Your Spare Time by Dawson, Roger, Summey, Mike
Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004, Volume 1 by
Government Policy and Farmland Markets: The Maintenance of Farmer Wealth by Schmitz, Andrew, Moss, Charles
Supply Chain Controlling in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Aktuelle Konzepte Und Unternehmensbeispiele by
Business Wisdom: Handbook and Guide for Civil Engineers and Architects by Sehnaoui, Elie Antoine
Das Europäische System Volkswirtschaftlicher Gesamtrechnungen by Nissen, Hans-Peter
Finding Profit: The Lean Manufacturing Journey to Profit for the Job Shop by Don Tapping, Cynthia Guy, John Macchia
Vorbereitung auf das Rating: Ein Leitfaden für KMU by Buday, Annamaria
Coalitions in Oligopolies: An Introduction to the Sequential Procedures by
Household Behaviour, Equivalence Scales, Welfare and Poverty by
Discover True North: A Program to Ignite Your Passion and Activate Your Potential by Bruce, Anne
Erfolgs- Und Umweltorientierte Produktionstheorie by Rosenberg, Otto, Dinkelbach, Werner
Globalization and Development: A Latin American and Caribbean Perspective by Ocampo, Jose Antonio, Martin, Juan
Feedbackorientierte Ausgestaltung interner Assessment Center zur Leistungsstimulierung von Führungskräften: Konzept - Empirisches Schlaglicht - Gestal by Paczkowski, Annika
Studying Management Critically by
Literaturanalyse zur Frage angeblicher typischer Teamentwicklungsphasen unter Berücksichtigung neuerer Forschungsergebnisse by Mausberg, Kerstin
Employee Stock Options in Germany: An exploratory study of employees' perceptions on their use and effectiveness by Dirks, Nadia
Wardens' Accounts and Court Minute Books of the Goldsmiths' Mistery of London, 1334-1446 by
Industrial Security in Nigeria: Challenges & Prospects for the 21th Century by Akingbade, Tunde, Keku, Patrick
The Product Is You!: Position Yourself for Success as an Advisor by Magnacca, Mark
The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting on What Matters by Block, Peter
Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für die finanzielle Absicherung von Pensionszusagen und ihre bilanzielle Behandlung by Krause, Andreas
Die Vermögensübertragung im Wege der vorweggenommenen Erbfolge im Lichte des BMF-Schreibens vom 26.08.02: Eine kritische Analyse by Gentner, Florian
Die Möglichkeiten der Verhältnisprävention im Rahmen der Betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung by Müller, Andreas
Bilanzierung von Mitarbeiter-Aktienoptionen nach US-GAAP, IAS und HGB: Vergleichende Gegenüberstellung der Bilanzierungsansätze, Betrachtung der zukün by Heer, Melanie
Evaluating real options as a means for investment appraisal under uncertainty and its degree of utilisation by companies by Würfel, Andreas
Free Trade Today by Bhagwati, Jagdish N.
Evaluation von Internet-Marktplätzen: Methodik und Beispiel by Korz, Robert
The Recurrent Crisis in Corporate Governance by MacAvoy, P., Millstein, I.
Crimes and Punishments: Retaliation Under the Wto by Lawrence, Robert
Steuerrechtliche Problematik von Asset-backed Securitisations unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gewerbesteuer by Quensel, Bernhard K.
Die Handelsverträge zwischen der EU und den CAN-Staaten und ihre Auswirkungen auf die kolumbianische Volkswirtschaft: Eine kritische Analyse für den Z by Braza, Roland
Business Intelligence Techniques: A Perspective from Accounting and Finance by
Ownership and Governance of Enterprises: Recent Innovative Developments by Sun, Laixiang
Leadership in International Business Education and Research by
Superintendent's Handbook of Financial Management by Schmidgall, Raymond S.
The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses by Bhide, Amar V.
Teaching Inclusive Mathematics to Special Learners, K-6 by Sliva Spitzer, Julie A.
Résoudre les problèmes par la créativité: La méthode CPS by Dorval, Brian, Isaksen, Scott, Treffinger, Don
Ermittlung der Pauschalwertberichtigung von Kreditinstituten nach Maßgabe des Expected Loss Konzeptes by Kammerer, Stefan
Elements of Economics of Industry by Marshall, Alfred
Making Dough: The 12 Secret Ingredients of Krispy Kreme's Sweet Success by Kazanjian, Kirk, Joyner, Amy
Evolve or Die by LaBadie, Timothy
Evolve or Die by LaBadie, Timothy
Modern Project Finance: A Casebook by Esty, Benjamin C.
Methods of Operations Research by Morse, Philip M., Kimball, George E.
The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security by Mitnick, Kevin D., Simon, William L.
Outsorcing der Wertpapierabwicklung: Eine Untersuchung aus der Sicht einer Direktbank by Nesnov, Roman
Einführung der Maut in Deutschland: Auswirkung auf das Speditions- und Transportgewerbe sowie die verladende Wirtschaft by Heinke, Marcus
Strategische Analyse der Qualitätswissenschaft im Hinblick auf eine Reformulierung ihrer Kernkompetenzen by Sigaroudi, Alireza
Public Private Partnerships for Development: A critical look at water and sanitation by Kühne, Tatjana
Goodwill-Bilanzierung nach HGB, US-GAAP und IAS by Stöver, Martina
Made in the U.S.A.: The History of American Business by Dibacco, Thomas V.
Der Markt des Spielwaren-Einzelhandels in Nürnberg by Wagner, Marco
Die Entwicklung von MBO-Unternehmen by Mehrer, Christian
Learning to Read Critically in Teaching and Learning by
Designing a new industry award for service excellence competition in retailing by Schachner, Tobias, Merle, Lars
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel: A Guide to Outwitting Your Boss, Your Coworkers, and the Other Pants-Wearing Ferrets in Your Life by Adams, Scott
Conversations with Teen Entrepreneurs: Success Secrets of the Younger Generation by Cathers, Ben
Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide by Jackson, Peggy M., Herman, Melanie L., Head, George L.
Special Events: Proven Strategies for Nonprofit Fundraising by Wendroff, Alan L.
Developing a Tough-Minded Climate for Results by Batten, Joe D.
Face to Face in Dialogue: Emmanuel Levinas and (the) Communication (of) Ethics by Murray, Jeffrey W.
Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problem, Varying Strategies by Skjaerseth, Jon, Skodvin, Tora, Skjaerseth, Jon Birger
Encyclopedia of Tourism by
Riskmanagement Im Immobilienbereich: Technische Und Wirtschaftliche Risiken by
Religion, Education and Post-Modernity by Wright, Andrew
Working Knowledge: Work-Based Learning and Education Reform by Hughes, Katherine L., Moore, David Thornton, Bailey, Thomas R.
Competition Policy in Europe by
Urban Land Economics by Jowsey, Ernie, Harvey, Jack
Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaints: A Practical Guide by Dominick, Bobbi Killian, Salisbury, Jan C.
Global It Management: A Practical Approach by Barton, Robert
Working Knowledge: Work-Based Learning and Education Reform by Hughes, Katherine L., Moore, David Thornton, Bailey, Thomas R.
BOT-Modell am Beispiel des Wasserkkraftwerks Birecik by Leichter, Therese
Wright Way: 7 Problem-Solving Principles from the Wright Brothers That Can Make Your Business Soar by Eppler, Mark
Finanzwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen in der insolvenzabwendenden Unternehmenssanierung: Zivilrechtliche Möglichkeiten und steuerrechtliche Auswirkungen by Möller, Nadja
Prognose von Aktienmärkten: Methoden zur Ermittlung der relevanten Inputparameter in der Strategischen Asset Allocation by Philipp, Marc
Logistik-Benchmarking: Praxisleitfaden Mit Logibest by
Taming Regulation: Superfund and the Challenge of Regulatory Reform by Nakamura, Robert T., Thomas W Church
Decision Analysis, Location Models, and Scheduling Problems by Sandblom, Carl-Louis, Eiselt, H. A.
The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy: Governance, Start-Ups, and Growth in the U.S. Knowledge Economy by
Neuronale Netze als Basis für fortgeschrittenes Human Ressource Management: Am Beispiel von Teams und Jobpools by Faustmann, Michael
Stakeholder Management: Wertorientierte Steuerung als strategische Herausforderung für Kreditgenossenschaften by Stützer, Thomas
Gruppenstrukturen und Gruppenprozesse als Einflussfaktoren auf die Bereitschaftsbarrieren zur Wissensteilung: Aktivierung und Förderung der intrakolle by Jahn, Mathias
Dynamic Stochastic Optimization by
Beschaffungsmarketing by Koppelmann, Udo
Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaft by
Tax Avoidance and Anti-Avoidance Measures in Major Developing Economies by Mo, Phyllis
The Human Journalist: Reporters, Perspectives, and Emotions by Willis, Jim, Willis, William James
Supply Chain Champions: Was Sie Tun Und Wie Sie Einer Werden by Thonemann, Ulrich, Behrenbeck, Klaus, Diederichs, Raimund
Four Steps To Building A Profitable Coaching Practice: A Complete Marketing Resource Guide for Coaches by Brown-Volkman, Deborah
Horizontale Transportlogistik-Kooperationen: Synergiepotenzial Für Hersteller Kurzlebiger Konsumgüter by Bahrami, Kourosh
Der Mobilfunkmarkt Im Umbruch: Eine Innovationsökonomische Und Unternehmensstrategische Analyse by Gerum, Elmar, Sjurts, Insa, Stieglitz, Nils
Planung Von Logistiknetzen: Modellierung Und Optimierung Verteilter Produktionssysteme by Junge, Karsten
Strategic Restructuring for Nonprofit Organizations: Mergers, Integrations, and Alliances by Kohm, Amelia, La Piana, David
Financing Small Business in America: Debt Capital in a Global Economy by Lyons, Thomas, Hamlin, Roger
Jahrbuch Zur Mittelstandsforschung 1/2003 by
Nichtlineare Abhängigkeiten Bei Finanzwirtschaftlichen Zeitreihen: Aktuelle Testverfahren Am Beispiel Einer Wechselkursanalyse by Möller, Ingo
Governing Knowledge-Processes by
Breakthrough Management for Not-for-Profit Organizations: Beyond Survival in the 21st Century by Ruhl, Donald, Brown, Howard
New Corporate Cultures That Motivate by Haasen, Adolf, Shea, Gordon F.
Forging America by Bezis-Selfa, John
The Human Journalist: Reporters, Perspectives, and Emotions by Willis, Jim
Werte Schaffen: Perspektiven Einer Stakeholderorientierten Unternehmensführung by
Proprietary Capitalism: The Textile Manufacture at Philadelphia, 1800 1885 by Scranton, Philip
Launching Your First Principalship: A Guide for Beginning Principals by Brock, Barbara L., Grady, Marilyn L.
Powerful Classroom Stories from Accomplished Teachers by Mack-Kirschner, Adrienne M.
Rags To Riches: Motivating Stories of How Ordinary People Acheived Extraordinary Wealth by Lavine, Alan, Liberman, Gail
Systemic Change Through Praxis and Inquiry by Collen, Arne
Capital Campaigns from the Ground Up: How Nonprofits Can Have the Buildings of Their Dreams by Weinstein, Stanley
Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations: Ifip Tc5 / Wg5.5 Fourth Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (Pro-Ve'03) October 29-31, 2003 by
Applied System Simulation: Methodologies and Applications by
E-Manufacturing: Business Paradigms and Supporting Technologies: 18th International Conference on Cad/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future (Cars&f by
Analyzing Rational Crime -- Models and Methods by Dahlbäck, Olof
Issues in the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Agriculture: Applications to the Southeastern United States by
A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation by
Freight Information Real-Time System for Transport (FIRST): Evaluation Final Report by U. S. Department of Transportation
The Great Reclothing of Rural England: Petty Chapman and Their Wares in the Seventeenth Century by Spufford, Margaret
Money, Myths, and Change: The Economic Lives of Lesbians and Gay Men by Badgett, M. V. Lee
How to Design a Training Course by Taylor, Peter
Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Venturing Abroad in the Age of Globalization by
True to Our Roots: Fermenting a Business Revolution by Dolan, Paul
Strategic Decision Making in Modern Manufacturing by Jagdev, Harinder S., Brennan, Attracta, Browne, Jimmie
The Game Makers: The Story of Parker Brothers from Tiddledy Winks to Trivial Pursuit by Orbanes, Philip E.
People Before Profit: The New Globalization in an Age of Terror, Big Money, and Economic Crisis by Derber, Charles
BLAST Your Way To Megabuck$ with my SECRET Sex-Power Formula: ...and other reflections upon the spiritual path by Dukes, Ramsey
Media Economics: Theory and Practice by
Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Venturing Abroad in the Age of Globalization by
Corporate Governance: An Institutionalist Approach: An Institutionalist Approach by Cobbaut, Robert, Lenoble, Jasques
Verlagerung des innerdeutschen Luftverkehrs auf die Schiene: Anforderungen und Chancen by Chromy, Alexander
Neuer Markt - Das Scheitern eines Kapitalmarktexperimentes? by Lenk, Susanne
Zahlungsmöglichkeiten im Internet by Schaible, René
Optimierungsmöglichkeiten bei der Lerntransfersicherung für betriebliche Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen von Führungskräften der Sparkasse by Opitz, Frank
Organisationstypspezifische Kernkompetenzen genossenschaflticher Unternehmen und deren Nutzung im Wettbewerb by Albers, Florian
Basel II und die Auswirkungen auf die Immobilien-Projektentwicklungsunternehmen by Jacobi, Jens J.
Betriebliche Altersversorgung: Durchführungswege und die steuerliche Behandlung by Gusinde, Isabell
Organisationsstrukturen des kommunalen Immobilienmanagements by Daube, Dirk
Distributionssysteme und Versorgungsmanagement im freien Kfz-Ersatzteile-Handel: Analyse und Bewertung der branchenspezifischen Anforderungen an EDV-L by Vlach, Sebastian
The Multinational Subsidiary: Management Economic Development and Public Policy by Hood, N.
Gesellschaftsformen in Europa und den USA im Vergleich. by Neuberger, Jürgen
Breakthrough: How Great Companies Set Outrageous Objectives and Achieve Them by Davidson, Bill
Zeichnungen blinder und sehender Kinder im Vergleich. by Berg, Imke
The Nonprofit Leadership Team: Building the Board-Executive Director Partnership by Howe, Fisher
The Servant-Leader Within: A Transformative Path by Greenleaf, Robert K.
Subsidiarität und Harmonisierungspotentiale zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit in Europa by Lau, Christian Benjamin
The Siberian Curse: How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold by Hill, Fiona, Gaddy, Clifford G.
Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Comparative Policy and Performance--Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica by Mesa-Lago, Carmelo
Silver, Trade, and War: Spain and America in the Making of Early Modern Europe by Stein, Barbara H., Stein, Stanley J.
The Military as an Economic Actor: Soldiers in Business by
Investitionsmarkt Polen: Eine Analyse aus immobilienwirtschaftlicher Sicht by Schaefer, Rafael
Variation Risk Management: Focusing Quality Improvements in Product Development and Production by Thornton, Anna C.
Integrierte Produktstrukturierung in den frühen Phasen der Produktentstehung: Eine Methode zur Modularisierung variantenreicher mechatronischer Produk by Riepe, Bernd
Every Move Must Have a Purpose: Strategies from Chess for Business and Life by Pandolfini, Bruce
Start Your Own Construction and Land Development Business by Starchild, Adam
Professionals Real Estate: Anforderungen an Fach- und Führungskräfte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Personalrekrutierung by Schacks, Annegret
Die Auswirkungen der erfolgswirksamen Marktbewertung von Finanzinstrumenten auf die Produktgestaltung von Lebensversicherungsunternehmen by Fuchs, Nicoletta
Beitrag der Financial Due Diligence zur Risikoeinschätzung beim Ertragswertverfahren by Schlögl, Tanja
Democratic Learning: The Challenge to School Effectiveness by
Service Worlds: People, Organisations, Technologies by Bryson, John, Daniels, Peter, Warf, Barney
Service Worlds: People, Organisations, Technologies by Daniels, Peter, Warf, Barney, Bryson, John
1001 Financial Words You Need to Know by
Encyclopedia of Distributed Learning by
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