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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2009

Ivory and Slaves: Changing Pattern of International Trade in East Central Africa to the Later Nineteenth Century by Alpers, Edward A.
Global Unions. Global Business: Global Union Federations and International Business by Croucher, Richard, Cotton, Elizabeth
Futurewise: The Six Faces of Global Change by Dixon, Patrick
Diamond Arthshastra Shabdkosh by Prof Godbole, V. J.
Maharashtratil Garibi by Mayee, Sunil
Maharashtratil Sheti by Prof Mulani, M. U.
Le surmoi: Il faut, je dois... by Tomasella, Saverio
Manager au quotidien: Les attitudes et comportements du manager efficace by Brouard, Stéphanie
Le DRH Stratège: Le mix stratégique des ressources humaines by Dufour, Bruno, Réale, Yves
Créer un nom de marque et un nom de domaine by Lalanne-Gobet, Catherine
SNCF un scandale français: Retards, emplois détruits, manque à gagner, dette secrète, subventions déguisées... by Perri, Pascal
Réussir un projet Intranet 2.0: Écosystème Intranet, innovation managériale... by Créplet, Frédéric, Jacob, Thomas
Gérer une marque enfants by Llorca, Annie, Urvoy, Jean-Jacques
Investir sans criser: Bourse: saisir les opportunités by Kabbaj, Thami
Manager Avec l'Approche Herrmann: L'art de conjuguer les intelligences individuelles by Demilly, Stéphane
Conflicting Agendas by Welch, D. Don
Le conseil: Le livre du consultant et du client by Bouchez, Jean-Pierre, Simonet, Jean
L'intelligence économique: Techniques et outils by Jakobiak, François
Les 7 Points Clés Du Diagnostic Stratégique: Avec la Méthode des Cas by Brulhart, Franck
Dictionnaire commenté du coaching by Cardon, Alain
La révolution antillaise: Quelle place pour l'outre-mer dans la République ? by Giraud, Michel, Laventure, Luc, Durpaire, François
L'intelligence sportive: Au service du manager by Bournois, Frank, Inzirillo, Chritophe
Marketing anatomy: Les nouvelles tendances marketing passées au scanner by Riou, Nicolas
Le storytelling en action: Transformer un politique, un cadre d'entreprise ou un baril de lessive en héros de saga ! by Chétochine, Georges, Clodong, Olivier
Manager en temps de crise by Thévenet, Maurice
Rebondir en temps de crise: 50 bons réflexes au quotidien by Bommelaer, Hervé
Le réveil de l'Europe ! by Bédier, Jérôme
Déployer et exploiter Lean Six Sigma by Volck, Nicolas
Guide pratique de l'intelligence économique: La méthode MADIE by Coutenceau, Christian
Conduire avec succès un entretien d'évaluation by Malassingne, Pascaline
Prospection commerciale by Moulinier, René
La GPEC: Une question de vie ou de mort by Michelet, Isabelle
Stratégie de fidélisation by Lehu, Jean-Marc
Le Designer: De la conception à la mise en place du projet by Sanchez, Sophie, Urvoy, Jean-Jacques
Tout pour bien communiquer à l'oral by Bénatar, Laurence, Harache, Christine
Tout pour bien manager votre boss by DuBois, Marie-Luce, Launet, Martine-Eva
Tous talentueux: Développer les talents et les potentiels dans l'entreprise by Peretti, Jean-Marie
Krach financier: Emploi, crédits, impôts: ce qui va changer pour vous by Bouzou, Nicolas
Mesurer la performance des ressources humaines by Simonin, Blandine, Autissier, David
Marketing Phrase Book by Hamilton, Gail
Digital Body Language by Woods, Steven
The Gigantic Casino: Reflections on the World Financial Crisis by Castro, Fidel
Medical Billing Networks and Processes - Profitable and Compliant Revenue Cycle Management in the Internet Age by Lirov, Yuval
La projection: A chacun son film by Megglé, Virginie
Business and Management Research: Paradigms and Practices by Priest, Jan, Hallebone, Erica
The Tao of Motivation: Inspire Yourself and Others by Landsberg, Max
Good Governance in China - A Way Towards Social Harmony: Case Studies by China's Rising Leaders by
Rethinking Reward by
The Economics of Benchmarking: Measuring Performance for Competitive Advantage by Raa, Thijs Ten
International Comparative Research: Theory, Methods and Practice by Hantrais, Linda
International Comparative Research: Theory, Methods and Practice by Hantrais, Linda
Can We Afford the Future?: The Economics of a Warming World by Ackerman, Frank
Theories of International Trade by Klug, Adam
Empires of Oil: Corporate Oil in Barbarian Worlds by Clarke, Duncan
Piloter les risques d'un projet: Mettre en oeuvre un Dispositif de Maîtrise des Risques (DMR) by Masselin, Jean-Luc, Maders, Henri-Pierre
India's New Economy: Industry Efficiency and Growth by Neogi, C., Sengupta, J. K.
Leadership Discourse at Work: Interactions of Humour, Gender and Workplace Culture by Schnurr, S.
Women's Leadership by Stead, V., Elliott, C.
Scenario Planning - Revised and Updated: The Link Between Future and Strategy by Lindgren, Mats, Bandhold, H.
New Drivers of Performance in a Changing World by
Re-thinking Intellectual Property: The Political Economy of Copyright Protection in the Digital Era by Tian, Yijun
Places of Pain and Shame: Dealing with 'Difficult Heritage' by
Places of Pain and Shame: Dealing with 'Difficult Heritage' by
Customer Satisfaction Planning: Ensuring Product Quality and Safety Within Your Mrp/Erp Systems by Hirata, Thomas T.
The Power of the Platform: Speakers on Success by Tracy, Brian, Brown, Les, Canfield, Jack
Working the Room: Networking for Professionals by Ray, Stevie
Le guide de la microfinance: Microcrédit et épargne pour le développement by Poursat, Christine, Boyé, Sébastien, Hajdenberg, Jérémy
Luck by Design: Certain Success in an Uncertain World by Goldman, Richard E.
Success Principles for Leaders: 7 Steps on How to Lead with Love by Czarnecki, Gerald M.
Ethical Dilemmas in Management by Hernes, Tor, Garsten, Christina
Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe Since 1870 by
Engineering for Business: Theory and Cases by Benjamin, Colin O.
Labormetrics: Sonderausgabe Heft 5+6/Bd. 228 (2008) Jahrbücher Für Nationalökonomie Und Statistik by
Labour Economics: Sonderausgabe Heft 2+3/Bd. 229 (2009) Jahrbücher Für Nationalökonomie Und Statistik by
Ethical Dilemmas in Management by Garsten, Christina, Hernes, Tor
Water Basics for Decision Makers: Local Officials' Guide to Water & Wastewater Systems, First Edition by Frederick Bloetscher
Maritime Economics 3e by Stopford, Martin
Stakeholder Politics: Social Capital, Sustainable Development, and the Corporation by Boutilier, Robert
Leading The Collaborative Way: Overcoming the Seven Most Common Pitfalls by Fickett, Jason, Fickett, Lloyd
The Dog Walker's Startup Guide: Create Your Own Lucrative Dog Walking Business in 12 Easy Steps by Antell, J. D.
To Live to Work: Factory Women in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945 by Kim, Janice C. H.
The Vital Spark: The British Coastal Trade, 1700-1930 by Armstrong, John
Navigating African Maritime History by
Sell Without Selling: Lessons from the Jungle for Sales Success by Levine, Terri
Cains: The Story of Liverpool in a Pint by Routledge, Christopher
Milton Friedman by Ebenstein, Lanny
The Boomer's Guide to a Great Retirement: You Can Do It! by Pond, Jonathan D.
The Truth Shall Make You Rich: The New Road Map to Radical Prosperity by Gray, Farrah
How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too!: The Complete Insider's Guide to Making Millions with Your Internet Business by Chia, Ewen
Lasers and Light Therapy by Hill, Pamela
Velocity by Pollak, Dale
International Project Management by Porter, Brian E.
Oil 101 by Downey, Morgan Patrick
Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary China by
The Pollyanna Principles: Reinventing "Nonprofit Organizations" to Create the Future of Our World by Gottlieb, Hildy
Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World by Koeppel, Dan
Critical Representations of Work and Organization in Popular Culture by Rhodes, Carl, Westwood, Robert
Neurosciences et management by Lecerf-Thomas, Bernadette
Managing Writers: A Real World Guide to Managing Technical Documentation by Hamilton, Richard L.
Fundraising Basics: A Complete Guide: A Complete Guide [With CDROM] by Jacob, Jeanne, Ciconte, Barbara L.
Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill) by Johnston, David Cay
The Art of Woo: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas by Moussa, Mario, Shell, G. Richard
Portefeuille de projets by Marchat, Hugues
Evolutionary Leadership by Merry, Peter
Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century by Arrighi, Giovanni
Little Book of Healthy Organizations: Tools for Understanding and Transforming Your Organization by Hoover Zimmerman, Ruth, Brubaker, David
The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential...in Business and in Life by Babauta, Leo
Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung: Eine Einführung by Fertig, Michael, Schmidt, Christoph M., Bauer, Thomas K.
Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism by Chang, Ha-Joon
Financial Statistics Explanatory Handbook 2009 Edition by Na, Na
Made it in China by Simon, Cann, Graham, Jeal
The Real Life 101 Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to the World After High School by Duralia, Mike
Financial Statistics No 560, December 2008 by Na, Na
Basho Management: New Japanese Philosophy of Manufacturing and Empowerment by Maekawa, Masao
Organizing Words: A Critical Thesaurus for Social and Organization Studies by Gabriel, Yiannis
Reinvention: How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life by Tracy, Brian
Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2009-2010 by
Principles of Mass and Flow Production by Woollard, Frank G.
Rich Like Them: My Door-To-Door Search for the Secrets of Wealth in America's Richest Neighborhoods by D'Agostino, Ryan
Basho Management: New Japanese Philosophy of Manufacturing and Empowerment by Maekawa, Masao
Die rechtlichen Verhältnisse der englischen Private Company Limited by Shares by Schmidbauer, Katja
Retention Strategies for Epidemiologists in Taiwan by Hsu, Ya-Ti
Using Biometrics in Customer Relationship Management by Bohnet, Alexandra
Corporate Governance, Auditor Choice and Auditor Switch - Evidence from China by Liu, Ming, Lin, Z. Jun
Compliance Competence - A Life Assurance Sector Case Study by Edwards, Jonathan
Status Consumption and Poverty in Developing Countries by Van Kempen, Luuk
Investigation of Monetary Policy Preference Evolution - The Case of Small Open Economies by Atoyan, Ruben
The Chief Marketing Officer Journal - Volume I by Koleszar, William L.
Think Again: Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions and How to Keep It from Happeining to You by Finkelstein, Sydney, Whitehead, Jo, Campbell, Andrew
The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall, and Deadly Persistence of the Product That Defined America by Brandt, Allan M.
Der Mittelstand im Prozess der Globalisierung: Eine Bestandsaufnahme im Sommer 2008 by Götz, Matthias Georg
How to Say It on Your Resume: A Top Recruiting Director's Guide to Writing the Perfect Resume for Every Job by Karsh, Brad, Pike, Courtney
A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do by Moore, Thomas
The Star Machine by Basinger, Jeanine
The Perfect Scent: A Year Inside the Perfume Industry in Paris and New York by Burr, Chandler
Personalbedarfsplanung im Rahmen des Personal- und Organisationsentwicklungskonzeptes einer Stadtverwaltung by Zemke, Thomas
Branchenrotation als Anlagemethode by Hlava, Steffen
Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism by Yunus, Muhammad
Five Minds for the Future by Gardner, Howard
Investitionsstandorte Russland und Polen im Vergleich: Risiken und Chancen by Becker, Corinna
Zeitarbeit in Österreich: Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick by Lamprecht, Christoph
Voice and Silence in Organizations by
Museum Informatics: People, Information, and Technology in Museums by Marty, Paul F., Jones, Katherine
Permission Marketing: Entwicklung und Perspektiven des E-Mail-Marketings by Wieland, Daniel
Der Betriebsübergang (§ 613 a BGB) als Dealbreaker?: Rechtsentwicklung und gestalterische (Sanierungs-)möglichkeiten by Pfefferle, Markus
Tarifeinheit im Betrieb - Ein Auslaufmodell?: Spartengewerkschaften auf der Überholspur by Wittenburg, Olaf
Die Einrichtung moderner interner Kontrollsysteme in Unternehmen mit US-amerikanischem Listing: Politische und betriebliche Rahmenbedingungen und Beso by Frugier, Florian
Ifrs 5: Die Bilanzierung zur Veräußerung gehaltener Vermögenswerte und aufgegebener Geschäftsbereiche by Respondek, René
Unlocking The Power Of Information Technology: Operational Excellence Is The Competitive Advantage by Hamilton, James
Visions of Reality: New Ways of Conceiving Old Problems by Nyquist, Greg
The Skipping Stone by Fodale, John
The Skipping Stone by Fodale, John
Technology and Vocational Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Individuals for the Future by Pavlova, Margarita
The Discipline of Teams by
Intellectual Property in Asia: Law, Economics, History and Politics by
Stock Management for Sustainable Urban Regeneration by
Think and Grow Rich by Hill, Napoleon
After The Ball by Beard, Patricia
After the Ball by Beard, Patricia
The Discipline of Teams by Katzenbach, Jon R., Smith, Douglas K.
Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders by Nelson, Carl A.
US-Hypothekenkrise in Deutschland: Auswirkungen im Fall IKB by Schöneberger, Dominik
Start Saving Now by Spiewak, Jim, II
Feasibility Study and Future Projections of Suborbital Space Tourism at the Example of Virgin Galactic by Otto, Matthias
India as Destination for Western Retailers by Riger, Janine, Rossiger, Janine
Chasing Change: Building Organizational Capacity in a Turbulent Environment by Webster, Douglas W., Thames, Bob
Managing Markets and Customers Revised Edition by Elearn
Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage by Esty, Daniel C., Winston, Andrew
Getting Started with Policy Governance: Bringing Purpose, Integrity and Efficiency to Your Board's Work by Oliver, Caroline
Business Plan Analysis For "Chemical Industries": Brief Guide Business Plan by Zaharuddin, Harmaizar
Nuclear Commerce: Its Control Regime and the Non-Proliferation Treaty by Berndorfer, Thomas
Shopping-Paradies Flughafen: Entwicklungen und Trends im Non-Aviation-Bereich deutscher Flughäfen by Preilowski, Nina M.
Land and Labour in Latin America: Essays on the Development of Agrarian Capitalism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by
Analyse des Tourismusmarktes in Taiwan by Fydrich, Antje
Analyse von Kundenbindungsprogrammen der Hotellerie by Schlochow, S., Biegerl, D., Patrovsky, C.
Wertermittlung von Hotelimmobilien. Branchenspezifische Besonderheiten und internationale Wertermittlungsverfahren by Bethke, Mbc Giancarlo
Von der Neuigkeit zu den Nachrichten - Eine kritische Untersuchung der Nachrichtenwert-Theorie auf deren Relevanz für die Medienberichterstattung der by Baudenbacher, Catherine
Get Motivated For Success In Your Business!: A Motivational Business Quote For Every Morning And Every Afternoon Of Every Day Of The Year by Orben, Jessica
Sustainable Development and the Limitation of Growth: Future Prospects for World Civilization by Losev, K. S., Reyf, Igor E., Danilov-Danil'yan, Victor I.
Development of an Assessment-Tool for Procurement Business Process Outsourcing by Trojahn, Mathias
The Finish Rich Dictionary: 1001 Financial Words You Need to Know by
Scrumban - Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development by Ladas, Corey
The Executive's Guide to Cost Optimization by Smith, Nicole
How to Start a Home-based Wedding Planning Business by Moran, Jill S.
Alcune Osservazioni Economico-Politiche Sull' Isola Di Malta (1825) by Michallef, Giovanni Antonio
A Treatise On Gold And Silver: To Show A Chief Cause Of Present Depression In Trade, And Shrinkage In Value Of All Produce And Property (1884) by O'Brien, George Augustine T.
Accounts In Theory And Practice: Principles (1920) by Saliers, Earl Adolphus
A Handy Guide To Safe Investments: Forming A Popular And Practical Treatise Upon The Nature And Character Of Public Securities (1860) by Omnium, Gresham
A. J. Carnes' Manual On Opening And Closing The Books Of Joint Stock Companies (1884) by Carnes, A. J.
Knowledge Sharing Among Scientists: Why Reputation Matters for R&D in Multinational Firms by Ensign, P.
Knowledge Sharing Among Scientists: Why Reputation Matters for R&D in Multinational Firms by Ensign, P.
Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure by
Global Auteurs; Politics in the Films of Almodóvar, von Trier, and Winterbottom by Goss, Brian Michael
Total Management for Your Vacation Rental - An Organizer, Bookkeeping System & Tax Preparer by Ferguson, Marie R.
Basic Applied Reservoir Simulation: Textbook 7 by Abou-Kassem, Jamal H., King, Gregory R., Ertekin, Turgay
Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock Potential in Yourself and Your Organization by Kegan, Robert, Lahey, Lisa Laskow
Cracking the Personality Code by Borowka Ma, Ellen, Borowka Ma, Dana
Game Theory and its application to strategic management by Höller, Verena, Jäger, Clemens
Internationales Handbuch Für Die Brauerei-Industrie Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Zoll- Und Handelsverhältnisse Für Bier by Werner, B.
Digital Engagement: Internet Marketing That Captures Customers and Builds Intense Brand Loyalty by Harden, Leland, Heyman, Bob
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