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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2009

Unternehmenswertorientierung im Mittelstand: Instrumente zur zielgerichteten Beeinflussung von Werttreibern by Waltermann, Hanno
Umsetzungs- und Akzeptanzprobleme von Road Pricing in Ballungsräumen: Eine Analyse bisheriger Erfahrungen by Dorenkamp, Christian
Game Theory and its application to strategic management by Höller, Verena, Jäger, Clemens
The Encyclopedia of Business Letters, Faxes, and E-Mail, Revised Edition: Features Hundreds of Model Letters, Faxes, and E-Mails to Give Your Business by Bly, Robert W., Kelly, Regina Ann
Archaeological Displays and the Public: Museology and Interpretation by
Museum Careers: A Practical Guide for Students and Novices by Schlatter, N. Elizabeth
Supply Chain Management: An Introduction to Logistics by Waters, Donald
Introduction to Game Theory in Business and Economics by Webster, Thomas J.
Coordinating Internet Sales with Other Channels: A Performance Measurement Model by Pinterits, Andreas
Innovation Offshoring: From Cost to Growth: Analysis of Innovation Offshoring Strategies with Evidence from European Sponsors and Asian Contr by Plankenhorn, Simon
Efficient Consumer Response: Supply Chain Management Für Die Ernährungswirtschaft by Obersojer, Thomas
Free Revealing: How Firms Can Profit from Being Open by Alexy, Oliver
Auftragsbezogene Planung Bei Variantenreicher Serienproduktion: Eine Untersuchung Mit Fallstudien Aus Der Automobilindustrie by Volling, Thomas
Adaptive Steuerung Flexibler Werkstattfertigungssysteme: Nutzung Moderner Informations- Und Kommunikationstechnologien Zur Effizienten Produktionssteu by Van Brackel, Thomas
Organized Uncertainty: Designing a World of Risk Management by Power, Michael
Controlling in mittelständischen Unternehmen by Mund, André
The Return of the State? by Eppler, Erhard
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Well Being by
Contractual Certainty in International Trade: Empirical Studies and Theoretical Debates on Institutional Support for Global Economic Exchanges by
Contractual Certainty in International Trade: Empirical Studies and Theoretical Debates on Institutional Support for Global Economic Exchanges by
The Metaphysics of Capitalism by Micocci, Andrea
Rethinking Capitalism: Community and Responsibility in Business by Buchholz, Rogene
Nanomaterials: Risks and Benefits by
Economics in Film and Fiction by Bookman, Milica Z., Bookman, Aleksandra S.
Economics in Film and Fiction by Bookman, Milica Z., Bookman, Aleksandra S.
Erfolgsfaktoren einer Mitarbeiterentsendung ins Ausland: Auswahl, Vorbereitung, Einsatz und Reintegration by Kriens, Julia
When Smart People Fail by Gottlieb, Linda, Hyatt, Carole
Blue Ocean Strategy for small and mid-sized companies in Germany by Siegemund, Carsten
Optimization in the Energy Industry by
Politics and Trade in Mexico 1750 1821 by Hamnett, Brian R.
Das ambivalente Verhältnis von Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation: Entstehungspfade und Determinanten von Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen in der deutschen Auto by Dieckmann, Daniel
The IPO of HHLA - A Case Study by Hollank, Dirk, Walter, Sarah
Zur Aktualität Joseph A. Schumpeter: "Schöpferischer" Vater des Entrepreneurs und Prophet einer unheilvollen, "zerstörerischen" Entwicklung? by Marnitz, Philipp
Soziokulturelle Veränderungen in Entwicklungsländern durch den Tourismus: Die Frage nach der "Kulturverträglichkeit" des Dritte-Welt-Tourismus by Kolb, Joachim
E-Commerce - Eine Betrachtung des B2C-Bereichs by Schmidgall, Jörn
E-Procurement - Ein Überblick by Mohr, Stephan
Systemtheoretische Betrachtungen zum modernen Symphonieorchester: op. 14a by Simetsberger, Johannes
Mediation und Unternehmensethik - Eine Integration des Mediationsverfahrens in die Unternehmensethik by Trost, Florian
PreMBA Analytical Primer: Essential Quantitative Concepts for Business Math by Trevino, Regina
IT-Investitionen in der Hotellerie by Fydrich, Antje
Regionale Unterschiede in der deutschen Gesundheitsversorgung by Gabriel, Jens
Controlling in deutsch-chinesischen Gemeinschaftsunternehmen by Liu, Qiongna
Der interne Logistikprozess eines Produktionsbetriebes: Modellieren und Beschreiben des Prozesses am praktischen Beispiel by Bosse, Enrico
Siemens - wohin?: Dokumentation und Gedanken zum Korruptionsskandal by Hoeth, Lutz
Premba Analytical Primer: Essential Quantitative Concepts for Business Math by Trevino, Regina
Teenagerschwangerschaften. Wenn Mädchen Mütter werden: Wie kann es jungen Müttern gelingen ihr Leben mit Kind zu meistern? by Hartmann, Ina
Women in Family Business: What Keeps You up at Night? by Harrison Ed D., Cynthia Adams, Annino J. D., Patricia M.
Electronic-Banking: soziale Wirklichkeit by Romanko, Roman
Die Existenzvernichtungshaftung nach dem Urteil des BGH vom 16.07.2007 by Thorn, Gerrit
Berufsausbildung in der DDR: Einflüsse der sozialistischen Ideologie auf die Berufspädagogik by Schäfer, Christian
Van Kiem Tot Kracht: Een Waarderend Perspectief Voor Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling En Organisatieverandering by Tjepkema, S., Verheijen, L.
Moskau lesen - Annäherung an eine unter dem Einfluss der sowjetischen Ideologie stehende Stadt. Mechanismen zur semiotischen Umdeutung urbaner Signifi by Kempmann, Michael
Corporate Social Responsibility and Urban Development: Lessons from the South by Werna, E., Keivani, R., Murphy, David
Corporate Social Responsibility and Urban Development: Lessons from the South by Werna, E., Keivani, R., Murphy, David
Phone Sex Manual: How To Get Started And Operate A Profitable Home Business by Shoveen, Nick
Make Your Husband a Millionaire in 365 Days by Jansen, Christopher
Bilanzierung von Zweckgesellschaften: unter Berücksichtigung des Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetzes by Holzgethan, Michael
The Mocha Manual to Turning Your Passion Into Profit: How to Find and Grow Your Side Hustle in Any Economy by Seals-Allers, Kimberly
Storytelling for Grantseekers: A Guide to Creative Nonprofit Fundraising by Clarke, Cheryl A.
Technische Lagersysteme und Strategien im Kommissionierbereich zur Verbesserung der Distributionslogistik by Hölker, Karl
Risikoprüfung in der Lebensversicherung by Wieser, Wolfgang
Bestimmung der Regelenergie zum Ausgleich der Windenergie by Sauer, Andreas
WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions by
Protracted Refugee Situations: Political, Human Rights and Security Implications by
Die Bewertung von Betriebs- und Grundvermögen im Rahmen der Erbschaftsteuer- und Schenkungsteuerreform 2008 by Kaiser, Sebastian
Inequality, Polarization and Poverty: Advances in Distributional Analysis by Chakravarty, Satya R.
The Effects of Adult Women Education - Impact Evaluation of a Program in Chiapas by Schuster, Monica
Moderne slavernij in het systeem by Baselmans, John
San Diego's Fishing Industry by Cesarini, Thomas J., Italian Historical Society of San Diego, Quinney, Kimber M.
Trading for Wealth by Robinson, W.
The Business Command Center: The Ultimate Strategic Weapon by Lewandowski, Roger
Venture Capital and Private Equity Contracting: An International Perspective by Cumming, Douglas J., Johan, Sofia A.
Kidnap for Ransom: Resolving the Unthinkable by Wright, Richard P.
Identificación, análisis y aprovechamiento de la administración del conocimiento para la empresa y organización mexicana del siglo XXI by Trejo Medina, Daniel
Handelsmarken von Discountern: Konzepte und Strategien by Köhler, Corinna
Qualitätssicherung in der Altenpflege by Barthel, Philipp
The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Failla, Don
Internationalisation of German Higher Education: A Case Study on the Opportunities and Threats of Internationalisation Processes at the University of by Schwan, Stefan
Energiesparende Maßnahmen für Mehrfamilienhäuser: Sanierung von Gebäuden im Bestand by Oerzen, Jörn
Wake Up, Wise Up, Win! by Zimmermann, L. F.
Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn (16pt Large Print Edition) by Thatchenkery, Tojo
Verkehrswertermittlung von Shopping-Centern by Aumiller, Christian
The Maxims of Politics: Making Government Work by Mullikin, Thomas S.
The Maxims of Politics: Making Government Work by Mullikin, Thomas S.
Sparen ohne Opfer: Mit Alltagsentscheidungen gewinnen by Lietz, Kai-Jürgen
Zambia Health Sector Public Expenditure Review by Picazo, Oscar, Zhao, Feng
Modern Fruit Marketing by Brown, Bliss S.
Waves of Change by Ohlson, Clu Raymond J.
Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen by March, James G.
Philantrophy and Social Progress: Seven Essays by Addams, Jane
Agents' and Inspectators Pocket-Book of Fire Protection by Steeb, George Velten
Web Mining Applications in E-Commerce and E-Services by
Branch-and-Bound-Techniken zur Lösung von BIP-Problemen by Privenau, Raoul
Cross-Cultural Business Communication: Intercultural Competence as a universal Interculture by Rosenhauer, Sven
Benchmarking und dessen Anwendbarkeit zur Messung der Dienstleistungsqualität mit Hilfe von Mystery Shopping am Beispiel Nationalpark Kalkalpen by Ostermann, Egon
Knowledge Management & Information Technology: Goals / Problems, Practical Approaches, and Proposal Solution by Hüttenegger, Georg
Making Cities Work: Prospects and Policies for Urban America by
Was ist wichtig an Unternehmenskultur? - Eine Analyse wichtiger Kulturmerkmale anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung by Schwanke, Roswitha
Comptabilite Agricole (1904) by Convert, Francois
Implementing the Four Levels: A Practical Guide for Effective Evaluation of Training Programs (Easyread Large Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Kirkpatrick, Donald L.
The Green and Virtual Data Center by Schulz, Greg
How to become a better executive recruiter... by Palumbo, Michael
Della Condizione Economica Delle Nazioni (1840) by Parisi, Girolamo
Le Parfait Negociant V2: Ou Instruction Generale Pour Ce Qui Regarde Le Commerce Des Marchandises De France Et Des Pays Etrangers (1753) by Savary, Jacques
Analysis Of American And Canadian Securities: For The Use Of English Investors (1874) by Bellairs, Kenneth Ffarington
Book of Bankruptcy: The Simple Guide to Bankruptcy and Other Remedies to Debt by Meynell, Robin
Der Fall WorldCom aus unternehmensethischer Perspektive by Falk, Matthias
Die Theorie des Change Managements sowie deren Bezüge zur betrieblichen Praxis by Höfgen, Simone
Mobile Qualifizierte Elektronische Signaturen: Analyse Der Hemmnisfaktoren Und Gestaltungsvorschläge Zur Einführung by Roßnagel, Heiko
Business Nlp for Dummies by Cooper, Lynne
Strategic Communications for Nonprofit Organizations: Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Plan by Radtke, Janel M., Patterson, Sally J.
Existenzgründung Konkret! by Dassler, Stefan
Global Auteurs; Politics in the Films of Almodóvar, von Trier, and Winterbottom by Goss, Brian Michael
State of the World 2009: Confronting Climate Change by Institute, Worldwatch
Der Genrebegriff in der Journalistik der DDR: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme by Arnhold, Ulrike
Building a High-Performance Team by Cook, Sarah
Doggone Loyalty: Building a Loyal Following by Osbourn, Paul
Hemp For Victory: A Global Warming Solution by Davis, Richard M.
Coaching for High Performance: How to develop exceptional results through coaching by Cook, Sarah
Organization of the Future 2 Pod by
Ask for It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want by Babcock, Linda, Laschever, Sara
Simulation-Based Case Studies in Logistics: Education and Applied Research by
Demons in the Financial World and How to Spot Them by Wright, Alexander J.
Mathematik: Grundlagen Für Ökonomen by Senger, Jürgen
GoodEnoughGov by Watson, Vincent
Tarot for Business People by Jacobovitz, Irma Myrl K.
Leadership from Below by Undheim, Trond Arne
An Assessment of the Sbir Program by National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Committee for Capitalizing on Science Technology and Innovat
Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years After The Feminine Mystique by Maxwell, Sarah
Programmazione e Controllo: Applicazioni nelle Aziende Turistiche by Asquer, Alberto
Making the Media Connection Topic Timing Type of Media: Using the T-Connector Formula for Marketing and Public Relations by Faulhaber, Patricia
India: Nation on the Move: An Overview of India's People, Culture, History, Economy, IT Industry, & More by Chary, Manish Telikicherla
Know What You Don't Know: How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before They Happen by Roberto, Michael
Methoden der Performanceanalyse bei Aktienfonds und deren Umsetzung unter Berücksichtigung der Performance Presentation Standards by Kontogiannis, Christof T.
Kann die Unternehmergesellschaft den Gründungsboom englischer Limiteds in Deutschland stoppen? by Seifert, Albrecht
Die Innenhaftung des Vorstands einer AG und die D&O-Versicherung by Tomurko, Dennis
Der aktive Rezipient: Illusion, Realität oder Wunschvorstellung by Lenssen, Matthias
Work-Life-Balance. Konzept für betriebliche Kinderbetreuungsmaßnahmen by Hüttner, Katja
Talent Management: Cases and Commentary by Blass, Eddie
Multiobjective Programming and Goal Programming: Theoretical Results and Practical Applications by
Talent Management: Cases and Commentary by Blass, Eddie
China - The New Developmental State?: An Empirical Analysis of the Automotive Industry by Meier, Nicola
Innovation, Technology and Hypercompetition: Review and Synthesis by Gottinger, Hans-Werner
The Adam Smith Review: Volume 1 by
The Puritan Gift: Reclaiming the American Dream Amidst Global Financial Chaos by Hopper, Kenneth, Hopper, William
Einführung der DRGs in der Schweiz: Bedeutung für das Controlling by Bednarek, Susanne
Selected Impacts of Documentary Standards Supported by NIST 2008 Edition by National Institute of Standards and Tech
Information and Communication Technologies Management in Turbulent Business Environments by Koh, S. C. Lenny, Maguire, Stuart
Handbook of Research on Enterprise Systems by
Created in China: The Great New Leap Forward by Keane, Michael
The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet by Foster, John Bellamy
The Battle for Barrels: Peak Oil Myths & World Oil Futures by Clarke, Duncan
World Religions and Norms of War by
The Origins of Europe's New Stock Markets by Posner, Elliot
Discovering Leadership by
Value Management: Creating Competitive Advantage by Kaufman, J. Jerry
Regional Trade Integration and Conflict Resolution by
Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the Wto: An Interdisciplinary Assessment by
E-Prescribing: The Electronic Transformation of Medicine: The Electronic Transformation of Medicine by Fincham, Jack E.
The Race to Success by Clausen, Cheryl A.
Work and Organization: The Aesthetic Dimension by
10 Steps to Successful Meetings by ASTD Press
Business in Black and White: American Presidents & Black Entrepreneurs in the Twentieth Century by Weems, Robert E.
The Principles of Sustainability by Dresner, Simon
Whaddaya Mean I Gotta Be Lean? Building the Bridge from Job Satisfaction to Corporate Profit by Hajek, Jeff
Guerrilla Business Secrets: 58 Ways to Start, Build, and Sell Your Business by Levinson, Jay Conrad, Savage, Steve
Understanding Organizational Change by Helms-Mills, Jean, Dye, Kelly, Mills, Albert J.
Unconcealed: The International Network of Conceptual Artists 1967-77: Dealers, Exhibitions and Public Collections by Richard, Sophie
Natural Resource Conservation: Management for a Sustainable Future by Chiras, Daniel, Reganold, John
The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet by Foster, John Bellamy
Wake Me Up When the Data Is Over: How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results by
Howto Secure and Audit Oracle 10g and 11g by Ben-Natan, Ron
Managing Project Ending by Havila, Virpi, Salmi, Asta
Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way by Offstein, Evan
The One Page Business Plan: The Fastest, Easiest Way to Write a Business Plan by Horan, Jane
Government by Contract: Outsourcing and American Democracy by
Fundraiser's Phrase Book by Hamilton, Gail
Images of America: A Political, Industrial and Social Portrait by
Executive Power: Use the Greatest Collection of Psychological Strategies to Create an Automatic Advantage in Any Business Situation by Lieberman, David J.
The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade by Jeffreys, Sheila
Where in the World Is My Team?: Making a Success of Your Virtual Global Workplace by Brake, Terence
Capitalism: With a New PostScript on the Financial Crisis and Its Aftermath by Ingham, Geoffrey
CFO Guide to Doing Business in by Ching, Mia Kuang
Fisher Investments on Materials by Teufel, Andrew, Pyles, Brad, Fisher Investments
Toy Monster: The Big, Bad World of Mattel by Oppenheimer, Jerry
Marketing to the Social Web: How Digital Customer Communities Build Your Business by Weber, Larry
Spin-Outs by Graham Richards
Strategic Innovation: New Game Strategies for Competitive Advantage by Afuah, Allan
The Fearless Fish Out of Water: How to Succeed When You're the Only One Like You by Fisher Roffer, Robin
On Becoming a Leader by Bennis, Warren G.
Event Planning: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Meetings, Corporate Events, Fundraising Galas, Conferences, Conventions, Incentives a by Allen, Judy
The Three Laws of Performance by Zaffron, Steve, Logan, Dave
Design Is the Problem: The Future of Design Must Be Sustainable by Shedroff, Nathan
The Story Of Gamer Zone: A Business From Birth To Death by Sickmon Jr, Davis Ray
You Developed It: Can your training program survive the reality test? by Jones, Edward William
Catapult Your Business to New Heights: Sure-Fire Strategies to Increase Profit by Borgeson, Glory
The Fearless Fish Out of Water: How to Succeed When You're the Only One Like You by Fisher Roffer, Robin
The Media and Development: What's the Story? by Locksley, Gareth
Investment Matters: The Role and Patterns of Investment in Southeast Europe by Handjiski, Borko
Lawn Care Business Guide by Cash, Patrick
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