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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2009

Opening Markets for Trade in Services by
Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand - A Series of Lessons in Isaac Pitmans s System of Phonography by Pitman, Isaac
Der Wertbeitrag der Kapitalstruktur bei der Bewertung von Unternehmen: Der Tax Shield im alten und im neuen Unternehmenssteuersystem by Fabian, Marco
So You Want to Sell Cars? Do it Right! by Woullard, John
Safe Money in Tough Times: Everything You Need to Know to Survive the Financial Crisis by Pond, Jonathan
Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Public Policy by
Neue Schuldenaufnahme nach dem Schuldenerlass - Chancen und Risiken für Entwicklungsländer by Beck, Bastian
Executing Innovation: Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges by
Putting the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Work: Reach New Levels of Career Success Using the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Murphy, Joseph
Fisher Investments on Energy by Fisher Investments, Teufel, Andrew, Azelton, Aaron
The HMO, Taking It All Apart, The End of a Dream by Gumbiner, Robert
Volatility Analysis and Asset Pricing of Stock Portfolios: an Empirical Approach in Applied Financial Econometrics by Grobys, Klaus
The Challenge of Establishing World Class Universities by Salmi, Jamil
Business-to-Business Markenführung im Web 2.0: Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme und Maßnahmen zur Gegensteuerung by Pötter, Annika
Grundzüge der Entscheidungslehre by Hagenloch, Thorsten
Start & Run Your Own Record Label: Winning Marketing Strategies for Today's Music Industry by Schwartz, Daylle Deanna
Supply Chain Controlling by Münch, Oliver
Krisenmanagement und Unternehmensethik by Kienast, Anita
Globale Trends in der Airportbranche: Flughäfen gehören zu den Top-Wachstumsbranchen des 21. Jahrhunderts by Bräuer, Alexander
Financial Statistics No 561, January 2009 by Na, Na
Selbstkonzepttheorie - Interdependenz zwischen Persönlichkeit (vor allem Selbstbild), Lebensstil und Konsum by Kozlova, Olga
Innovation Policies, Business Creation and Economic Development: A Comparative Approach by
Silver Parachutes by Thav, A. Otto
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Asia by Martin, Will
Analysis of Microdata by Boes, Stefan, Winkelmann, Rainer
Geschäfts- und Erlösmodelle im Internet: Eine Web 2.0 kompatible Erweiterung bestehender Konzepte by Buchheit, Stephan
Farm Mechanics by Crawshaw, Fred D.
Standortfaktoren für die deutsche Automobilindustrie bei der Entscheidung für den Zukunftsmarkt Indien, dargestellt am Automobilcluster' 'Pune' by Ritter, Tobias
Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years After The Feminine Mystique by Maxwell, Sarah
Building Routes to Customers: Proven Strategies for Profitable Growth by Malraison, Jean-Claude, Leboyer, Antoine, Raulerson, Peter
Your Guiding Genius: Building a World Class Team by LaBonte, Jay
Perils of Prosperity: Realities, Risks and Rewards of the Global Knowledge Economy by Sarno, John J.
Perils of Prosperity: Realities, Risks and Rewards of the Global Knowledge Economy by Sarno, John J.
The Business of Doing Business: A Handbook for Success in Business by Lane, Ken
Einkommensteuerliche Behandlung fremdüblicher Leistungsbeziehungen zwischen ausländischer Mutterkapitalgesellschaft und inländischer Kapital- oder Per by Pfeiffer, Robert
Exchange Traded Funds. Eine kritische Analyse by Habighorst, Marcus
Bismarcks Nationalokonomische Anschauungen (1901) by Brodnitz, Georg
Unterrichtsstunde: Ist die Bürgschaft eine geeignete Kreditsicherheit für die Dombank Fulda AG? by Goldbach, Thomas
Chancen und Risiken einer Unternehmensakquisition durch eine Zwischengesellschaft als Finanzierungsmodell: Dargestellt am Beispiel NewCo by Hauser, Christoph
Facts About The South: Promise Of Its Prosperity In The Light Of The Past Based On Limitless Resources (1907) by Edmonds, Richard Hathaway
Delle Teorie Economiche Nelle Provincie Napolitane Dal Secolo Tredicesimo Al 1734: Studii Storici (1882) by Fornari, Tommaso
Bewertung von Erbbaurechten: Verkehrswertermittlung by Aumiller, Christian
RFID im Rahmen des Supply Chain Management by Otto, Jan P.
Angebotskosten und Aufwand von Unternehmen in der Vorlaufphase von PPP-Projekten im öffentlichen Hochbau by Krzyzanek, Michael
A page from a CEO's Diary by Breen, Howard
A page from a CEO's Diary by Breen, Howard
Where To Go From Here: Reinventing -Your Career -Your Business -Your Working Life by Campbell III, Douglas
Die Bewertung von Kreditausfallrisiken by Pallmer, F., Leichum, M., Kirsten, B.
Anticipating Correlations: A New Paradigm for Risk Management by Engle, Robert
Open Innovation in the Financial Services: Growing Through Openness, Flexibility and Customer Integration by Fasnacht, Daniel
Networks for Learning and Knowledge Creation in Biotechnology by Oliver, Amalya Lumerman
Smile Southern California, You're the Center of the Universe: The Economy and People of a Global Region by Flanigan, James
The Art and Science of 360 Degree Feedback by Lepsinger, Richard, Lucia, Anntoinette D.
Probleme von Mehrfachorganschaften bei Bankenvertretern im Aufsichtsrat bankfremder Unternehmen by Pramboeck, Andrea
Ausgewählte Instrumente eines effizienten Risikomanagements am Beispiel des Commodity Trading by Schmid, Emanuel
Manufacturing Operations Strategy: Texts and Cases by Hill, Alex
Global Comparative Management: A Functional Approach by Edfelt, Ralph B.
Global Comparative Management: A Functional Approach by Edfelt, Ralph B.
Winning the Customer Loyalty Marathon: How to Achieve Sales and Service Excellence in the Beverage Business by Rosen, Darryl
Wissensmanagement. Potenziale und Grenzen von Social Software. by Schenkenbach, Jan Boris
Gesellschaftskritik im schwedischen Kriminalroman am Beispiel von Henning Mankell by Kutani, Kevin
Öko-Auditierung nach EMAS: Geeignetheitsprüfung für mittelständischen Hotelbetrieb by Schmidt, Sascha Nikolai
Staying Maasai?: Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands by
Freizeitverkehr in der "Freizeitgesellschaft" by Gräf, Sebastian
Bedeutung und Zukunft von RFID in der Supply Chain by Camargo, Osman, Henn
Palace Hotel by Harned, Richard
On leadership, salad, and the American Revolution by Triplett, James
Neukundengewinnung und -bindung im Internet: Schwerpunkt Automobilhandel by Mellmann, Stefan
Portfolio-, Asset- und Property Management by Rodewald, Kerstin
Empirisch-statistische Analyse von Kapitalstruktur und Steuerregime in Deutschland by Binder, Florian
Staff to Last!: For Financial Advisors Only: How to build a staff that makes your clients HAPPY, your peers JEALOUS, and your wallet F by Farasati, Lauren
Bedeutung der Messe im Business-to-Business-Bereich by Kreinhöffner, Petra
Stakeholder Politics: Social Capital, Sustainable Development, and the Corporation by Boutilier, Robert
The Economics of Natural Gas Storage: A European Perspective by
Global Capitalism Unbound: Winners and Losers from Offshore Outsourcing by
Zur Lehre von der Geschaeftsgrundlage nach altem und neuem Recht by Huang, Zhe
Class, Ethnicity, Gender and Latino Entrepreneurship by Verdaguer, María Eugenia
German Industry and Global Enterprise: Basf: The History of a Company by Johnson, Jeffrey Allan, Abelshauser, Werner, Von Hippel, Wolfgang
Interpretation of Double Taxation Conventions: General Theory and Brazilian Perspective by Rocha, Sergio André
National Cultures and International Competition: The Experience of Schering AG, 1851 1950 by Kobrak, Christopher
From Buildings and Loans to Bail-Outs: A History of the American Savings and Loan Industry, 1831 1995 by Mason, David L.
Steeples and Stacks: Religion and Steel Crisis in Youngstown, Ohio by Fuechtmann, Thomas G.
Tangling with Tyrants: Managing the Balance of Power at Work: Effective Communication and Behavior Management for the Toxic Workplace Bad Bos by Deblauwe, Tony
Professional Nomad by Marwood, Maurice E.
Build Your Beverage Empire by Lopez, Carlos, Olson, Jorge S.
Divas Doing Business: What The Guidebooks Don't Tell You About Being A Woman Entrepreneur by Hayward, Monique
Faith Legacies: Program And Development Guide For Faith-Based Nonprofits by Jamal, Margaret
How to Make a Boring Subject Interesting: 52 Ways Even a Nerd Can Be Heard by Whitehouse, Geni
The Principles and Practice of Change by Price, Deborah
Making a Difference: Progressive Values in Public Administration: Progressive Values in Public Administration by Box, Richard C.
Designing Clothes: Culture and Organization of the Fashion Industry by Manlow, Veronica
Highly Effective Networking: Meet the Right People and Get a Great Job by Pierson, Orville
Caribou Inuit Traders of the Kivalliq Nunavut, Canada by Walls, Matthew
Current Topics in Management: Volume 13, Global Perspectives on Strategy, Behavior, and Performance by
Planning Successful Museum Building Projects by Crimm, Walter L., Morris, Martha, Wharton, Carole L.
Bewerbung marktorientiert vorbereiten by Becker, Jörg
Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust by Black, Edwin
The Palace Hotel by Harned, Richard
Der Markt für Bio-Lebensmittel in Japan: Eine Branchenstrukturanalyse im Hinblick auf Chancen und Risiken für deutsche Anbieter by Krebs, Stephanie
Marketingstrategien von Sportartikelkonzernen im Fußball: Auswirkungen auf den Markenwert by Märzendorfer, Klaus
Commerce Of The Lakes, And Erie Canal (1851) by Barton, James L.
L'Art De Senrichir Promptement Par L'Agriculture (1763) by Despommiers, Matthieu Auroux
Systematizing The Factory: Steps By Which A Rundown Factory Was Put On A Paying Basis (1913) by Coapman, John
The Stock Price of the ThyssenKrupp AG - A Time Series Analysis Using the Box Jenkins Approach by Schmidt, Peter
Innovative Design Firm; Client and Resource Management for Troubled Times-A Balanced Approach to People and Processes by Moser, Cliff
Management Der Filiallogistik Im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel: Gestaltungsempfehlungen Zur Vermeidung Von Out-Of-Stocks by Hofer, Florian
Die Diffusion Komplexer Produkte Und Systeme: Ein Systemdynamischer Ansatz by Schmidt, Sabine
Koordination Im Reverse Logistics: Konzepte Und Verfahren Für Recyclingnetzwerke by Schmid, Eberhard
Going Green by
Conversations With Entrepreneurs by Comm, Joel, Gunderson, Garrett, Woodward, Woody
Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey by Mitra, Pradeep K., Zaidi, Salman, Alam, Asad
Two Billion Dollars in Nickels: Reflections on the Entrepreneurial Life by Orfalea, Paul, Zatkowsky, Dean
Giving Great Presentations in Easy Steps by Provan, Drew
Personalpolitik in Indien: Strategien zur erfolgreichen Personalpolitik aus deutscher Sicht by Süß, Kathrin
UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology (UMM) 1.0 by Zapletal, Marco, Liegl, Philipp, Schuster, Rainer
What Would Google Do? (Large Print Edition) by Jarvis, Jeff
Discovery-Driven Growth: A Breakthrough Process to Reduce Risk and Seize Opportunity by McGrath, Rita Gunther, MacMillan, Ian C.
Financial Statistics No 562, February 2009 by Na, Na
Business of Sustainable Development in Africa: Human Rights, Partnerships, Alternative Business Models by
Rollover Trucker: Recipes to Prevent Disaster by Weir, R. Dawn
Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism by Akerlof, George A., Shiller, Robert J.
Authentic Conversations: Moving from Manipulating to Truth and Commitment (Easyread Large Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Showkeir, Jamie
Service Science: Design for Scaling and Transformation by Hsu, Cheng K.
500 Tips For Marketing Your Crafts by Petrow, A. B.
APT und Renditeschätzung - Eine Untersuchung des deutschen Kapitalmarktes by Meyer, Roman
Expect Success: How To Accomplish Anything In Life Using Your Inner Circle Of Success by Laughlin, Drew
Humanitarian Logistics by Wassenhove, L. Van, Tomasini, R.
Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy by
Humanitarian Logistics by Wassenhove, L. Van, Tomasini, R.
Citylogistik, ein Instrument zur Verringerung des städtischen Güterverkehrs by Stephan, Mandy
Land, Poverty and Livelihoods in an Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Developing and Transition Countries by Kay, Cristóbal, Borras Jr, Saturnino M., Akram-Lodhi, A. Haroon
Value Selling Business Solutions: For Everyone from Project Managers to Sales by Turek, Bob
Mathematical Interest Theory by Daniel, James, Vaaler, Leslie
The Simple Answer and Solution to our Housing and Economic Crisis: Are You Spending Money You Don't Have? by Abbitt, Wyatt
VVG-Reform und Lebensversicherung: Beweggründe, Zustandekommen und Novationen des Versicherungsvertragsgesetzes 2008. Gesetzestexte VVG und VVG-InfoV by Kappenstein, Heinz Jürgen
All You Need To Know About SBA Loans... from a Lender... by Wyszkowski, Eric P.
Profits in the Long Run by Mueller, Dennis C.
NANDA-Pflegediagnosen - Ein taugliches Konzept für Deutschland? by Thiel, Christine
Zins- und Wechselkursmanagement in Kommunen - Teil 1: Einführung in die Theorie der Finanzintermediation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Produkt by Becker, Carsten, Kann, Johann Sebastian
Zins- und Wechselkursmanagement in Kommunen - Teil 2: Einführung in die Theorie der Finanzintermediation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Produkt by Becker, Carsten, Kann, Johann Sebastian
Erweiterung des Euro-Währungsgebietes: Konvergenzkriterien der WWU by Wellmann, Sebastian
Costing of Health Care Services in Developing Countries: A Prerequisite for Affordability, Sustainability and Efficiency by Fleßa, Steffen
Complexity Perspectives in Innovation and Social Change by
Addictive Entrepreneurship by Katz, Allan J.
Essentials of Operations Management by Young, Scott T.
Data Mining als Wissensbilanz-Zubringer: Fragen und Rückbesinnung in der Krise by Becker, Jörg
In the Company of Sacred Cows: A True Story of Organizational Change by Quesnelle, Stephen, Smith, Geoff
In the Company of Sacred Cows: A True Story of Organizational Change by Smith, Geoff, Quesnelle, Stephen
You Sold What to Whom? by Carpenter, Ken
You Sold What to Whom? by Carpenter, Ken
Innovation & Strategy of Online....(V14) by Wi, Jong Hyun
Practical Public Relations for the Small Business: Tools and Tactics for Competitive Advantage by Skocik Ma Apr, David
Reviewing a Biography of Each of Us: The Ghost in Near-Death Experiences Presses for Self-Management to Enjoy Work, Life and Society by Bhikharie, Roy
Reviewing a Biography of Each of Us: The Ghost in Near-Death Experiences Presses for Self-Management to Enjoy Work, Life and Society by Bhikharie, Roy
New Challenges to International Marketing by Sinkovics, Rudolf R., Cavusgil, Tamer, Ghauri, Pervez N.
Production Management for Television by Mitchell, Leslie
Nichttarifäre Handelshemmnisse in der Rechtsprechung des europäischen Gerichtshofs am Beispiel des freien Kapital- und Zahlungsverkehrs by Schneider, Robert
Zur Problematik einer Positionierung von Stadtkernen am Beispiel Hameln by Spieß, Franziska
Owner's Manual for Landlords and Property Managers: A Complete Legal Survival Guide to Help You Make and Keep More of Your Rental Housing Income by Moorhead J. D., Thomas E.
Credit Derivatives by Wagner, Andreas
Ocean Energy: Tide and Tidal Power by Charlier, R. H., Finkl, Charles W.
Records Retention Made Simple by Crabtree, Dee Armstrong
Opening Markets for Trade in Services by
Ursachen und Ablauf der Subprime-Krise by Ulm, Alexander
OPEC vs. Diamantenkartell / "Gas-OPEC" by Rusche, Christian
Manufacturing Interoperability Program, a Synopsis by U. S. Department of Commerce, Kemmerer, Sharon J.
One From Many: VISA and the Rise of Chaordic Organization (16pt Large Print Edition) by Hock, Dee
Untersuchung der Verständlichkeit von Patientenverfügungen im Hinblick auf die Ermöglichung einer autonomen Entscheidung by Fischer, Daniel
Project Governance: A Practical Guide to Effective Project Decision Making by Garland, Ross
Changing How the World Does Business: FedEx's Incredible Journey to Success - The Inside Story (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Frock, Roger
Production Management for Television by Mitchell, Leslie
Community: The Structure of Belonging (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Block, Peter
The Sunken Billions: The Economic Justification for Fisheries Reform by World Bank
Iconic Freedom: Living Your Life At No Cost To Others Without Their Consent by Wirth, Gregory
Think Big, Grow Big, in Business and in Life! by Muhammad, Malik S.
The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited: Real-life Lessons in Word-of-Mouth Marketing by Rosen, Emanuel
Die Honorierung von Planungsleistungen: 6. Novellierung der HOAI by Stockhammer, Florian
The Death of the Playground: How the loss of 'Free-Play' has affected the Soul of Corporate America by Kurt Philip Behm
The Death of the Playground: How the loss of 'Free-Play' has affected the Soul of Corporate America by Kurt Philip Behm
Trade Options Online 2e by Fontanills, George a.
Private Equity Acquisitions of Bankrupt Firms in the United States and Germany by Gans, Elmar
The Change Cycle: How People Can Survive and Thrive in Organizational Change (16pt Large Print Edition) by Brock, Lillie
Living in Britain: General Household Survey Results for 2007 by Na, Na
The Management of Meaning in Organizations by Magala, S.
Corruption, Development and Institutional Design by
How Managers Have Learnt to Lead: Exploring the Development of Leadership Practice by Kempster, S.
Die Immobilie als Kapitalmarktprodukt by
From Growth to Convergence: Asia's Next Two Decades by
How Managers Have Learnt to Lead: Exploring the Development of Leadership Practice by Kempster, S.
Wissenschaft und Publikum? Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Gesundheitsberichterstattung in Schweizer Tageszeitungen by Gabathuler, Michael
The Politics of Organizational Decision-Making by Pettigrew, Andrew M.
Themenwelten Im Tourismus by Steinecke, Albrecht
The Age of Conversation 2: Why Don't They Get It? by Heaton, Gavin, McLellan, Drew
From Inkwell to Internet: 90 Years of Teaching Business Administration at Johns Hopkins University (1916-2006) by Petersen, Peter B.
From Inkwell to Internet: 90 Years of Teaching Business Administration at Johns Hopkins University (1916-2006) by Petersen, Peter B.
Maxwell Motor and the Making of the Chrysler Corporation by Yanik, Anthony J.
Future of Bioethics by Brody, Howard
Game Theory in International Economics by McMillan, J.
Meinungen als Forschungskonstrukt in den Kommunikationswissenschaften: Themen und Trends by Kutani, Kevin
Kundenintegration: Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement by
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