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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2009

Hotel Butlers, The Great Service Differentiators by Ferry, Steven
Strategische Allianzen Im Gesundheitssektor: Kooperation Und Koordination Zwischen Krankenhaus Und Industrie by Kray, Ralph
Babur and Humayun: Modern Learning Organisation by Gupta, Aditya
Management Von It-Architekturen: Leitlinien Für Die Ausrichtung, Planung Und Gestaltung Von Informationssystemen by Dern, Gernot
Risikomanagement in Verbänden: Module Einer Risikobewussten Verbandsführung by Heilmair, Astrid
Kundenakzeptanz Und Geschäftsrelevanz: Erfolgsfaktoren Für Geschäftsmodelle in Der Digitalen Wirtschaft by Kittl, Christian
Intermittierendes Deterministisches Chaos ALS Mögliche Erklärung Für Ein Langes Gedächtnis in Finanzmarktdaten by Webel, Karsten
Qualitätsfrühwarnsysteme Für Die Automobilindustrie by Czaja, Lothar
Growth Management: Two Hats Are Better Than One by Lester, A.
Engaging Leadership: Three Agendas for Sustaining Achievement by Parker, C., International, Mobilizing Teams, Marlier, D.
Aufmerksamkeit durch Emotionen: Der Kampf um ein knappes Gut im Informationszeitalter by Ahlemann, Karoline
Investitionsrelevante Grundlagen zur Durchführung von Bergbautätigkeiten in Südost- und Osteuropa by Heise, Thomas
Organizational Psychology Essays by Fontaine, Craig
Breaking from Taylorism: Changing Forms of Work in the Automobile Industry by Malsch, Thomas, Dohse, Knuth, Jurgens, Ulrich
What If by Waldron, Ronald L.
Building the Team: Reducing Costs and Increasing Employee Performance by Building a Team Using Military Principles by Brooks, Kenric T., Sr.
Building the Team: Reducing Costs and Increasing Employee Performance by Building a Team Using Military Principles by Brooks, Kenric T., Sr.
Parable Point Presentations: The Most Effective System For Winning More Clients In The Complex Sale by Ugboajah, Pelè Raymond
Konsumentenverhalten gegenüber Mobile Marketing: Akzeptanz und Reaktanz by Kizilok, Taner
Comparative Political Finance in the 1980s by
Merchants of Buenos Aires 1778 1810: Family and Commerce by Socolow, Susan Migden
Why Decisions Fail: Avoiding the Blunders and Traps that Lead to Debacles [Standard Large Print 16 Pt Edition] by Nutt, Paul C.
The Sage Handbook of Power by
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) als Integrationskonzept für Applikationsarchitekturen by Hoffmann, Dieter
Open Space Technology: A User's Guide (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Owen, Harrison H.
Bewertung asiatischer Optionen by Lahmann, Alexander
Tourism and National Parks: International Perspectives on Development, Histories and Change by
Maritime Containerlogistik: Leistungsvergleich Von Containerschiffen in Intermodalen Transportketten by Schönknecht, Axel
Managing Organizational Change in Public Services: International Issues, Challenges and Cases by
Business, Globalization and the Common Good by
Loss Mitigation Workout Book by Watkins, Mario W.
American Developer: A Practical Guide to Extending Business Internationally in a World that is Flat in Places by McGibben, Kevin G.
American Developer: A Practical Guide to Extending Business Internationally in a World that is Flat in Places by McGibben, Kevin G.
Business Bliss?: Ignorance: Liability or Bliss by McNeil, Tobi
Business Bliss?: Ignorance: Liability or Bliss by McNeil, Tobi
Make Money At Art Shows And Craft Fairs by Petrow, A. B.
Hemp For Victory: The Wonder Herb by Davis, Richard M.
Farmers on Welfare: The Making of Europe's Common Agricultural Policy by Knudsen, Ann-Christina L.
Institutions, Entrepreneurs, and American Economic History: How the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Shaped the Laws of Business from 1822 to 1929 by Hansen, B.
The Mantle: How To Dress For Success In Leadership by Biscardi, James
Police-Community Relations in Cincinnati by Ridgeway, Greg
Knowledge Governance: Processes and Perspectives by
Actitud 101 by Maxwell, John C.
Maintenance Strategy for a Railway Infrastructure by Juntti, Ulla, Juntti Ulla
Governing Sustainability by
Governing Sustainability by
Life on the Factory Floor (1962-1994) by Griffiths, Hughie
Personalgewinnung: Externe und interne Rekrutierungsmethoden - Eine Analyse aus Sicht zweier Theorien by Rozwadowski, Magdalena
Carbon Finance - CO2-Emissionsrechte als Anlageklasse? by Chromik, Paul
Kennzahlenbasierte Führung in Dienstleistungsunternehmen: Kennzahlenermittlung im Rahmen der Balanced Scorecard by Kühhirt, Jens
Managing Working Capital; it depends upon the type of retail business? by Grosch, Geraldine
Große Netze Der Logistik: Die Ergebnisse Des Sonderforschungsbereichs 559 by
Corporate Governance Accountability & Social Responsibility by Zhao, Jing
Direct Store Delivery: Concepts, Applications and Instruments by
Managing Organizational Change in Public Services: International Issues, Challenges and Cases by
Grant Management: Funding for Public and Nonprofit Programs: Funding for Public and Nonprofit Programs by Hall, Jeremy L.
Algorithmic Trading: Analyse der Transaktionskosten by Bauert, Stefan, Kopp, Christian
Einsatz von Projektmanagement bei Sportgroßveranstaltungen by Stern, Martin
Data Warehouse. Komponente der Business Intelligence und Qualitätsfaktor des Reportings by Schäfer, Simon
Sneaker Wars: The Enemy Brothers Who Founded Adidas and Puma and the Family Feud That Forever Changed the Business of Sports by Smit, Barbara
The 16 % Solution, Revised Edition: How to Get High Interest Rates in a Low-Interest World with Tax Lien Certificates by Moskowitz
Rural Tourism Development: Localism and Cultural Change by Reid, Donald G., Mair, Heather, George, E. Wanda
From Fear To Faith: 10 Steps On The Spiritual Path Of The Entrepreneur by Rencher, Marlo
Rural Tourism Development: Localism and Cultural Change by Mair, Heather, Reid, Donald G., George, E. Wanda
Make Money at Craft Shows: A Guide for Crafters by Searle, Russ, Searle, Shirley
Wirtschaftsbürger-Taschenbuch: Wirtschaftliches Und Rechtliches Grundwissen by May, Hermann
on the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Karl Marx by Boyes, Nicholas Jay
Chase the Championship: Kicking Ass, Taking Names, and Becoming a Dealmaker - The Philosophy and Principles of a Sales Champion by Rosenberg, Lawrence
The Everything Guide to Working with Animals: From Dog Groomer to Wildlife Rescuer - Tons of Great Jobs for Animal Lovers by Hollow, Michele C., Rives, William P.
Industriemoderne in Der Provinz by Schlemmer, Thomas
Key Concepts in Radio Studies by Chignell, Hugh
Cross-Cultural Leadership by Grisham, Thomas
Wellness Tourism as an active Method for individual Health Promotion by Steppeler, Lucia
Operations Research: Fallstudie zu genetischen und evolutionären Algorithmen: Optimierung der Losgrößen und der Auftragsreihenfolge eines A by Jauss, D., Joos, M., Hommel, M.
Neue Chancen der Gesundheitswirtschaft - Das Zusammenspiel von Krankenkassen und touristischen Leistungsanbietern auf dem zukunftsträchtigen Gebiet de by Tucholka, A., Stahnke, S., Schulz, K.
Analyse der Preisbildung und der steuerlichen Behandlung von börsengehandelten Fonds by Nadolny, Björn
Philosophical Issues in Tourism by
The King Rat and His Court: Lessons in Corporate Greed by Bruno, William Arthur
Rethinking Growth: Social Intrapreneurship for Sustainable Performance by Baets, W., Oldenboom, E.
The Theory of Earned and Unearned Incomes by Brown, Harry Gunnison
Philosophical Issues in Tourism by
Die Selektivität der Rezipienten: Methode und Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Selektivität von Zeitungslesern von Wolfgang Donsbach by Kietzmann Et Al, Jan
Rethinking Growth: Social Intrapreneurship for Sustainable Performance by Oldenboom, E., Baets, W.
Marketing-Ansätze in öffentlichen Musikschulen: Verdeutlicht am Beispiel der Musikschule Marbach-Bottwartal e.V. by Otterbach, Claus
Regional Development in Knowledge Economy by Mongkhonvanit, Jomphong
Rethinking Performance Measurement: Beyond the Balanced Scorecard by Meyer, Marshall W.
The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation and French Agriculture, 1700 1860 by Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent
Public Enterprise in Less Developed Countries by Jones, Leroy P.
The Underdraining of Farmland in England During the Nineteenth Century by Phillips, A. D. M.
Enterprise and Technology: The German and British Steel Industries, 1897 1914 by Wengenroth, Ulrich
An Economic History of the Silk Industry, 1830 1930 by Giovanni, Federico, Federico, Giovanni
The Elusive Granary: Herder, Farmer, and State in Northern Kenya by Little, Peter D.
Industrial Organisation and Location by McDermott, P. J., Taylor, Michael, McDermott, Philip
Biodieseleinsatz bei Baumaschinen by Maschl, Johannes
Memorie Storico-Critiche Sullo Stato Fisico Ed Economico Antico E Moderno (1816) by Siani, Nicol Andrea
Millionaire Households And Their Domestic Economy: With Hints Upon Fine Living (1903) by Carter, Mary Elizabeth
Investment Counsel (1922) by Scudder Stevens and Clark
Supply Chain Planning: Quantitative Decision Support and Advanced Planning Solutions by
Absolutely Vulnerable, the Crisis of Strategic Business Planning in America by Malm, Thomas
Miscellanea Economica (1879) by Millet, Henrique Augusto
His Version Of It (1905) by Ford, Paul Leicester
Manuel D'Eonomie Sociale (1883) by Malon, Benoit
Memorias Economicas V5: Da Academia Real Das Sciencias De Lisboa (1791) by Balsemao, Pelo Visconde De, Siqueira, Joaquim Pedro Gragoso De, Trigobo, Sebastiao Francisco Mendo
Take the Money and Run: Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Demise of American Prosperity by Anderson, Eric
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Raising Capital by Nour, David
Die kommunikative Unternehmensethik und ihr Beitrag zur Vermittlung von ökonomischer Rationalität und ethischer Reflexion by Koch, Christian
International Finance: Theory Into Practice by Sercu, Piet
Ertrags- und Rentabilitätsentwicklung österreichischer Tochterbanken in Mittel- und Osteuropa by Ackerl, Philipp
Start your business with very little money: Over 40+ businesses you can start from home by Condit, Rod
The Rule of Law: Perspectives on Legal and Judicial Reform in West Virginia by Sobel, Russell S.
Finding Far Away by Wade, Lisa
Human Capital and Regional Development by Langworthy, A.
Driving the Career Highway: 20 Road Signs You Can't Afford to Miss by Ellig, Janice Reals
Multilateralizing Regionalism by
Live Your Life Insurance by Butler, Kim D. H.
Power and Interdependence in Organizations by
Humanism in Business by
Power and Interdependence in Organizations by
Humanism in Business by
Power Markets and Economics: Energy Costs, Trading, Emissions by Murray, Barrie
Achievable Wealth: Retire Young Using Income Replacement by Smith, Jeff
The Small Business Self-Starter Handbook: How to Manage Pitfalls of a Small Business Start-up by Henderson, John Philip
The Small Business Self-Starter Handbook: How to Manage Pitfalls of a Small Business Start-up by Henderson, John Philip
Breaking Barriers: Your Guide to Personal Mastery by Leif Manchester Becker, Leif Manchester Becker, Manchester Becke
Financial Statistics No 563, March 2009 by Na, Na
Institutions and Sustainability: Political Economy of Agriculture and the Environment - Essays in Honour of Konrad Hagedorn by
Social Innovation and Territorial Development by Haddock, Serena Vicari, MacCallum, Diana
Food and Fuel: Solutions for the Future by
The Go Point: When It's Time to Decide--Knowing What to Do and When to Do It by Useem, Michael
Existenzgründer-Rating: Die Person im Mittelpunkt by Becker, Jörg
Behavior Modeling Training for Developing Supervisory Skills - Trainee Manual (PB) by Fox, William M.
Justice, Ethics and Morals in Switzerland and Abroad: Version 2008 by Zumbuehl, Martin
Erfolgsfaktoren der Strategieimplementierung im Strategischen Management: Forschungsstand und Entwicklungstendenzen by Müller-Nedebock, Stefan
Der Wandel von arbeitsintensiver zu kapitalintensiver Wirtschaft in China by Woogt, Sven
Personalentwicklung in der Fitness- und Wellnessbranche: Eine betriebspädagogische Betrachtung am Beispiel der Unternehmensgruppe Pfitzenmeier by Streng, Olaf
Beratung mittelständischer Unternehmen durch Banken: Anlayse eines vernachlässigten Geschäftsmodells by Kursatzky, Benjamin
Remaking Regional Economies: Power, Labor and Firm Strategies by Clark, Jennifer, Christopherson, Susan
You Gotta Have Wa by Whiting, Robert
Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office: Essential Wisdom from the Twentieth Century's Greatest Entrepreneurs by Buchholz, Todd G.
The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams: New and Revised Edition by Blanchard, Ken, Parisi-Carew, Eunice, Carew, Donald
Verschluss-Sache Pkv: Profitieren Vom Neuen Wechselrecht by
Structuring the Information Age: Life Insurance and Technology in the Twentieth Century by Yates, Joanne
Dokumentenlogistik in Der Öffentlichen Verwaltung by Eiermann, Lars
Kapitalkosten Von Versicherungsunternehmen: Fundamentale Betafaktoren ALS Erklärungsbeitrag Zur Erfassung Der Renditeforderungen Der Eigenkapitalgeber by Jähnchen, Sven
Kompetenzorientierte Erweiterungspotenziale Für Das Filmproduktionslogistik-Management: Strategische Probleme Und Tools by Grapp, Jörn
Koordination Von Zuliefernetzwerken: Integrierte Losgrößenmodelle Zur Kostenorientierten Steuerung Von Zulieferer-Abnehmer-Beziehungen by Glock, Christoph
Doppik in Der Öffentlichen Verwaltung: Grundlagen, Verfahrensweisen, Einsatzgebiete by Raupach, Björn, Stangenberg, Katrin
The Top-Dollar Mindset: 12 Secrets for Selling Your House by Moore, Jamie Lee
Total Integrated Marketing: Breaking the Bounds of the Function by Capon, Noel, Hulbert, James, Piercy, Nigel F.
Selecting, Buying, Installing and Using a Modern Warehouse Management System by Young, Jan
Carvel Ice Cream by McGowen, Lauren, Dempsey, Jennifer
Delivering Quality Service by Zeithaml, Valarie a.
Chicano Millionaires by Onesimo C. Vigil, Onesimo C. Vigil, C. Vigil
The Other Side of Success: ...and all its empty promises by Draper, Robert E.
The Other Side of Success: ...and all its empty promises by Draper, Robert E.
Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Strategic Management Perspective by John O. Ogbor
Building an International Financial Services Firm: How Successful Firms Design and Execute Cross-Border Strategies by Venzin, Markus
Making Essential Choices with Scant Information: Front-End Decision Making in Major Projects by
No More Real Estate Secrets by Pearsall, Sandra
Making Essential Choices with Scant Information: Front-End Decision Making in Major Projects by
Waste and Environmental Policy by
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 5th International Conference, Emo 2009, Nantes, France, April 7-10, 2009, Proceedings by
The Rise of the Anti-Corporate Movement: Corporations and the People Who Hate Them by Osborne, Evan
New Industries from New Places: The Emergence of the Hardware and Software Industries in China and India by Gregory, Neil, Nollen, Stanley, Tenev, Stoyan
New Industries from New Places: The Emergence of the Software and Hardware Industries in China and India by Gregory, Neil, Nollen, Stanley, Tenev, Stoyan
The Compleat Biz: The Business Model for the 21st Century by Wherrett, Rob
All about Fire Alarms: A Guide for Owners & Property Managers by Morawski, Ed
Hippie Bob & the Chocolate Factory: a true fairytale by Bob, Hippie
The Psychology of Investing by Kinarthy, Elior
The Psychology of Investing by Kinarthy, Elior
MBA in a Book: Fundamental Principles of Business, Sales, and Leadership by Pockell, Leslie, Avila, Adrienne
Socialist China, Capitalist China: Social tension and political adaptation under economic globalization by
The Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy by
Optimal Design of Queueing Systems by Stidham Jr, Shaler
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa by
The Changing Governance of Renewable Natural Resources in Northwest Russia by
Efficiency Instead of Justice?: Searching for the Philosophical Foundations of the Economic Analysis of Law by Mathis, Klaus
Project Governance by Muller, Ralf
Top Secret Tips for Successful Humor in the Workplace by Berk, Ronald A.
Roadmaps and Revelations: Finding the Road to Business Success on Route 101 by Niven, Paul R.
Dive Into ACTION! Find Your Niche in Times of Uncertainty by Lim, Gary
Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life (Easyread Large Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Oshry, Barry
Excellence in Supplier Management by Emmett, Stuart, Crocker, Barry
Nachfragemacht im Lebensmittelhandel by Stollowsky, Florian
No More Risky Business: A Guide to Writing Bar Policies to Keep Customers Safe and Avoid Liability by Grand, Larry
International Tourism by Reisinger, Yvette, Dimanche, Frederic
Ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft by Berndt, Andreas
Scenario Planning - Revised and Updated: The Link Between Future and Strategy by Lindgren, Mats, Bandhold, H.
European Employment Models in Flux: A Comparison of Institutional Change in Nine European Countries by
Breaking the Code of Project Management by Laufer, A.
Handbook of Research on Knowledge-Intensive Organizations by
Information Communication Technologies and Globalization of Retailing Applications by Rajagopal
Electronic Constitution: Social, Cultural, and Political Implications by
Customer Knowledge Management: People, Processess, and Technology by Al-Shammari, Minwir
Building Organizational Memories: Will You Know What You Knew? by
Knowledge Ecology in Global Business: Managing Intellectual Capital by
Breaking the Code of Project Management by Laufer, A.
Pan-Asian Integration: Linking East and South Asia by Rana, Pradumna Bickram, Francois, Joseph F., Wignaraja, Ganeshan
Strategic Information Technology and Portfolio Management by
Power Brainstorming: Great Ideas at Lightning Speed by Wagner, Hazel A.
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