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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2013

The foundation for an open source city by Hibbets, Jason
Beyond Agile: Tales of Continuous Improvement by Ho, Joanne, Benson, Jim, Van Den Heuvel, Maritza
The 20 Minute Business Analyst: a collection of short articles, humorous stories, and quick reference cards for the busy analyst by Monteleone, Mark A.
Board of Directors Governance & Rewards by Graham, Michael Dennis
Chindia Alert: You'll be living in their world, very soon by Zhang, Chiahou
Straight to the Top 2e by Smith, Gregory S.
Finanzplanung für Jugendliche: So kommen Sie von Anfang an gut mit Ihrem Geld aus ... by
Seeking Success in E-Business: A Multidisciplinary Approach by
The Small Business Guide to Online Marketing: A Step-By-Step Guide to Growing Your Business Online by Bailey, Lola
Latino Boom II: Catch the Biggest Demographic Wave Since the Baby Boom by Cartagena, Chiqui
Critical Conversations For Dummies by Schlachter, Christina Tangora
Global Fundraising: How the World Is Changing the Rules of Philanthropy by Cagney, Penelope, Ross, Bernard
US Energy Policy and the Pursuit of Failure by Grossman, Peter Z.
The Power of Consistency: Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and Business Professionals by Long, Weldon
Nachhaltiges Bauen als wirtschaftlicher Erfolg by Müller, Paul
Sind die Empfehlungen von Aktienanalysten profitabel? Vergleich der Profitabilität von Buyside, Sellside und unabhängigen Analysten by Tymoszuk, Max
Die neue E-Bilanz: Konzept und Problembereiche by Pohler, Judith
Key Facts on Cyprus: Essential Information on Cyprus by Nee, Patrick W.
Fondsbetas in der Baisse: Eine empirische Analyse by Liefke, Oliver
The Throw of the Dice: Book 1 of the Trilogy More Snakes Than Ladder by Craze, R. D.
WATCHMEN - Repräsentation von Körper und Sexualität im Spannungsverhältnis der Gewalt in Film und Graphic Novel by Blefgen, Carolin
Jugendliche als Zielgruppe von Zeitungen. Betrachtung der Kronen-Zeitung: Eine Inhaltsanalyse by Mayer, Jürgen
Effective NLP Skills by Youell, Christina, Youell, Richard
How to Deal with Stress by Palmer, Stephen, Cooper, Cary
Games in Operations Management: Ifip Tc5/Wg5.7 Fourth International Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Integrated Production Management Systems by
Solving the Social Media Puzzle Companion Workbook V.1 by Parcher, Apryl, Rose, Kathryn
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Strategic Views on the Need for Control by
Handel in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Prof. Dr. Dirk Möhlenbruch by
Green Organizations: Driving Change with I-O Psychology by
Informatics and Management Science VI by
An Introduction to Order Statistics by Nevzorov, Valery B., Ahsanullah, Mohammad, Shakil, Mohammad
Entrepreneurial Finance by Adelman, Philip, Marks, Alan
Getting Started with Business Analytics: Insightful Decision-Making by Hardoon, David Roi, Shmueli, Galit
Economics of Climate Change in the Arab World: Case Studies from the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, and the Republic of Yemen by
Tunisia in a Changing Climate: Assessment and Actions for Increased Resilience and Development by
The Art of the Sale: Learning from the Masters About the Business of Life by Broughton, Philip Delves
Develop Your Assertiveness by Bishop, Sue
Nothing In The Way: Clearing the Paths to Success & Fulfilment by Om, Kidest
Business and Financial Models by Marsh, Clive
Disney U: How Disney University Develops the World's Most Engaged, Loyal, and Customer-Centric Employees by Lipp, Doug
Working with Bitches: Identify the 8 Types of Office Mean Girls and Rise Above Workplace Nastiness by Fuller, Meredith
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Heath, Chip, Heath, Dan
Harness the Power of Exceptional Customer Service: Essential People Skills to Make Profits Soar by Williams, Gaylyn R.
The Ultimate Success Guide by From Around the World, Leading Experts, Tracy, Brian, Nanton, Nick Esq
Handbook of Hindu Economics and Business by Vinod, Hrishikesh D.
My Ebay Sales Suck!: How to Really Make Money Selling on Ebay by Vulich, Nick
Aktienfonds-Performance und Anreize für ein aktives Management by Koval, Andrej
Persönlichkeitstests: Eignung zur Personalauswahl in Management und Vertrieb by Höser, Olaf
Integration in globale Warenketten - eine Entwicklungschance für Haiti?: Die Exportproduktionszone von Ouanaminthe/Haiti und ihr Impact auf das Gefüge by Scherzinger, Christine
The Project Management Formula: The 5 Steps to Complete Your Projects on Time by Sinai, Yaron
Die ertrag- und umsatzsteuerliche Behandlung von Subventionen und Zuschuessen: Mit eingehender Analyse der steuersystematischen Erfassung von Investit by Mühlhaus, Gunter
The New Workforce Challenge: How Today's Leading Companies Are Adapting to the Future by Hatum, A.
Fire Officer Coaching by Gaston, James M., Harvill, Riley
The New Workforce Challenge: How Today's Leading Companies Are Adapting to the Future by Hatum, A.
Relational Leading by Hersted, Lone, Gergen, Kenneth J.
European Business Cycle Convergence; Portfolio Similarity and a Declining Home Bias of Private Investors by Schneider, Jennifer
Außenwirtschaft by Rübel, Gerhard
Green Organizations: Driving Change with I-O Psychology by
Anonymous Agencies, Backstreet Businesses, and Covert Collectives: Rethinking Organizations in the 21st Century by Scott, Craig
Corporate Responsibility Coalitions: The Past, Present, and Future of Alliances for Sustainable Capitalism by Nelson, Jane, Grayson, David
The Art of the Brief by Beatty, Spencer
How to Write a Business Plan by Finch, Brian
The 90 Day Author: Your Business in a Book by Sherrod, Valerie
Restaurant Dealmaker: An Insider's Trade Secrets For Buying a Restaurant, Bar or Club by Zimmerman, Steve D.
The Serious Money Train: Conversations About Managing Your Money Seriously by Ross, Jeffrey David
Fallen Sports Heroes, Media, & Celebrity Culture by
Make Money with a Microbusiness by Hilb, Anthony
Prestashop 1.5 Beginner's Guide by Antonio Tizon Caro, Jose, Horton, John
Intelligent Policing: How Systems Thinking Methods Eclipse Conventional Management Practice by Guilfoyle, Simon
Pragmatic Environmentalism by Ralston, Shane J.
Small Business Bootstrapping: And Other Alternative Ways to Finance Your Small Business by Foster, Bob
The Sociology and Politics of Development: A Theoretical Study by Varma, Baidya Nath
Third World Industrialization in the 1980s: Open Economies in a Closing World by
Aid and Dependence: British Aid to Malawi by Morton, Kathryn
A Short Guide to Contract Risk by Haapio, Helena, Siedel, George J.
Underdevelopment and Development in Brazil: Volume I: Economic Structure and Change, 1822-1947 by Leff, Nathaniel H.
Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment by Kay, Cristóbal
The Politics of United States Foreign Aid by Guess, George M.
Towards Economic Recovery in Sub-Saharan Africa: Essays in Honour of Robert Gardiner by
Underdevelopment and Development in Brazil: Volume II: Reassessing the Obstacles to Economic Development by Leff, Nathaniel H.
Urbanisation in the Developing World by
Beyond the Sociology of Development: Economy and Society in Latin America and Africa by
Capital Formation and Economic Development: Studies in the Economic Development of India by
The Third World in Soviet Military Thought by Katz, Mark
Theories of Development by Preston, Peter
Urban Social Movements in the Third World by
Luxury Talent Management: Leading and Managing a Luxury Brand by Auguste, G., Gutsatz, M.
Will Not Work for Food - 9 Big Ideas for Effectively Managing Your Business in an Increasingly Dumb, Distracted & Dishonest America by Clark, Clay
The role of the international financial centres in underdeveloped countries by Prochazka, Vivianne, Gorostiaga, Xabier, Alcorta, Ludovico
Strategies for Sustainability: Asia by Carew-Reid, Jeremy
Multi-objective Decision Analysis: Managing Trade-offs and Uncertainty by Brownley, Clinton W.
Markov Chains: Models, Algorithms and Applications by Ng, Michael K., Ching, Wai-Ki, Huang, Ximin
Luxury Talent Management: Leading and Managing a Luxury Brand by Auguste, G., Gutsatz, M.
Operations Research and Health Care Policy by
Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation by
Financial Transmission Rights: Analysis, Experiences and Prospects by
Home Business Startup Bible by Christine, Renae
Advances in Business and Management Forecasting by
Reliability and Risk Evaluation of Wind Integrated Power Systems by
Planning in Practice: Essays in Aircraft Planning in War-Time by Devons, Ely
Agricultural Fluctuations in Europe: From the Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries by Abel, Wilhelm
By the Sweat of Their Brow: Women Workers at Victorian Coal Mines by John, Angela V.
Threats Without Enemies: Facing Environmental Insecurity by Prins, Gwyn
Dam the Rivers, Damn the People: Development and Resistence in Amazonian Brazil by Cummings, Barbara J.
ITIL Lifecycle Essentials by It Governance, Agutter, Claire
Communication: Motivation, Knowledge, Skills / 3rd Edition by Morreale, Sherwyn P., Spitzberg, Brian, Barge, Kevin
Adoption von Innovationen - Die Einführung der RFID - Technologie: Der Einfluss von strategischen und institutionellen Beziehungen by Schwemmer, Markus
Der Gigaliner - Chancen, Risiken und Zukunftspotenziale in Deutschland und Europa by Heidmann, Mark
Crisis Management at the Speed of the Internet: Trend Report by Hayes, Bob, Kotwica, Kathleen
From One Winning Career to the Next: Transitioning Public Sector Leadership and Security Expertise to the Business Bottom Line by Quilter, J. David
Nine Practices of the Successful Security Leader: Research Report by Hayes, Bob, Kotwica, Kathleen
Bring Your Own Device (Byod) to Work: Trend Report by Kotwica, Kathleen, Hayes, Bob
Analyse der Ingredient-Branding-Strategie von Intel (Desk-Research) by Anonym
The Power of Strategy Innovation: A New Way of Linking Creativity and Strategic Planning to Discover Great Business Opportunities by Bate, J. Douglas, Johnston, Robert E.
Standortübergreifende Programmplanung in Flexiblen Produktionsnetzwerken Der Automobilindustrie by Wittek, Kai
Modern Labour Economics by O'Leary, Nigel, Sloane, Peter, Latreille, Paul
Who Will Provide the Next Financial Model?: Asia's Financial Muscle and Europe's Financial Maturity by
Competition and Entrepreneurship by Kirzner, Israel M.
Obstacles to Ethical Decision-Making by Hartman, Laura Pincus, Archer, Crina, Werhane, Patricia H.
Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight by Pachirat, Timothy
Mining Your Client's Metaphors: A How-To Workbook on Clean Language and Symbolic Modeling, Basics Part Ii: Facilitating Change by Campbell, Gina
Individuelle Vermögensverwaltung oder aktives Wertpapiermanagement im Private Banking: Eine Analyse der Erfolgsfaktoren und Risiken aus Bank- und Kund by Hetzel, Arno
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von derivativen Finanzinstrumenten: Optimierung des Rendite-Risiko-Profils von Aktieninvestments für Privatanleger by Niesmann, Holger
The Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America by Shreve, Earl O.
Buffalo Forge, 1877-1952: World Wide Name in Industrial Equipment by Wendt, Henry W., Wendt, Edgar F.
Reform of the Federal Budget by Galloway, George Barnes
Management and Financial Controls for Retail Hardware Stores: Indiana Business Information Bulletin, No. 44 by Yoder, Wallace Omer, Vincent, Clarence Eugene
The Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association by Wike, J. Roffe
A Bench Mark: Bibb Manufacturing Company Macon, Georgia, U.S.A. by Anderson, William Dickson
A Survey of Core Research in Information Systems by Torres, Russell, Sidorova, Anna, Evangelopoulos, Nicholas
Developing & Managing Your Career: What It Takes To Get That Promotion by Kingma, Graham R.
Fallen Sports Heroes, Media, & Celebrity Culture by
Rischi psicosociali e benessere organizzativo by Caporaso, Vincenzo, Casiraghi, Luigi
The Brain Behind The Business by Taylor, Shawn
Managing Customer Trust, Satisfaction, and Loyalty through Information Communication Technologies by
Digital Democracy and the Impact of Technology on Governance and Politics: New Globalized Practices by
Intellectual Capital Strategy Management for Knowledge-Based Organizations by
Sociotechnical Enterprise Information Systems Design and Integration by
Technology, Sustainability, and Rural Development in Africa by
Managing Information Resources and Technology: Emerging Applications and Theories by
E-Commerce for Organizational Development and Competitive Advantage by
None Dare Call It Treason Book 14: Illegally Importing Slave Made Goodies! by Pelton, Robert W.
Hair Artist Lifestyle Magazine by Howard, Charlotte
12 Power Principles for Administrative Professionals by Goodson, Amanda H.
Súper Mamás, S.A. / Super Moms Inc.: ¡Trabaje desde casa, cree un negocio provechoso en su hogar y encuentre tiempo para su familia cuando tiene hijos by Woods, Carolyn
Thought Force in Business and Life by Atkinson, William Walker
Independence and the Death of Employment by Phillips, Ken
Time to Move on by Fonluce, Albert B.
Growth and Crises in the Asian Pacific Rim (Revised Edition) by
Rare Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurs by Sireau, Nicolas
Prospect Research (AFP) by Brown, Helen E., Filla, Jennifer J.
Vermont's Marble Industry by Miglorie, Catherine
The New American Millionaires: Secrets the Self-Made Millionaires Use to Achieve Massive Levels of Success by Odiwe, Ken
Growth and Crises in the Asian Pacific Rim by Malixi, Margaret
Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy, + Website: A Guide to Ethical Decision Making and Regulation for Nonprofit Organizations by
A Brand Identity for the Frisian Wadden Sea. Destination Branding on the Basis of Destination Image Analysis by Schmaus, Stefanie
Time to Move on by Fonluce, Albert B.
ReVision: 13 Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization, and Your Life by Bowling, John C.
Crude Domination: An Anthropology of Oil by
Dressing Modern Maternity: The Frankfurt Sisters of Dallas and the Page Boy Label by Goldman, Kay
Conversations That Sell: Collaborate with Buyers and Make Every Conversation Count by Bleeke, Nancy
My Mommy Works from Home, Does Yours? by Bremner, Melanie
Transparency in International Trade and Investment Dispute Settlement by
Take Two and Call Me in the Morning: Prescriptions for a Leadership Headache Pain-Free in 30 Days by Czarnecki, Gerald M.
On Target Living: Your Guide to a Life of Balance, Energy, and Vitality by Johnson, Chris
Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies by Kaeufer, Katrin, Scharmer, Otto
Start Your Own Information Marketing Business: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Success by Skrob, Robert, Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur
Project Management and Sustainable Development Principles by Huemann, Martina, Martinuzzi, André, Gareis, Roland
Kosher: Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food by Lytton, Timothy D.
Dynamics of Innovation: The Expansion of Technology in Modern Times by Caron, François, Mitchell, Allan
Novel Ecosystems: Intervening in the New Ecological World Order by Hall, Carol, Hobbs, Richard J., Higgs, Eric S.
Make Your Job Great: How to Step Up, Own Your Space and Get Your Boss Off Your Back by Eckton, Joanne
The Little Book of Likes: Social Media for Small (and Very Small) Nonprofits by Hanberg, Erik
In Letters of Blood and Fire: Work, Machines, and the Crisis of Capitalism by Caffentzis, George
The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company in the Civil War by Burke, James C.
Modern Pastoralism and Conservation: Old Problems, New Challenges by
Manuel Théorique Et Pratique Des Fabricans de Draps, Ou Traité Général de la Fabrication Des Draps by Bonnet
Manuel Pratique Des Plantations, d'Après Les Principes Les Plus Clairs Sur La Nature Des Terrains by Calvel, Étienne
Profitable Consultant by Niblick, Jay
The Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup by Wasserman, Noam
Strangest Secret by Nightingale, Earl
How to Influence People: Make a Difference in Your World by Dornan, Jim, Maxwell, John C.
The Welcomer Edge: Unlocking the Secrets to Repeat Business by Shapiro, Richard R.
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team by Maxwell, John C.
The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth about Extraordinary Results by Keller, Gary, Papasan, Jay
Iscontour 2013: Proceedings of the International Student Conference in Tourism Research by
Rohstoffinvestments: Einfluss der Rohstoffspekulation auf die Lebensmittelpreise und den weltweiten Hunger by Schönfelder, Stephanie Isabella
Absicherung von Währungsrisiken mit derivativen Finanzinstrumenten by Kaiser, Ralf
Direct Selling FUNdamentals: 30 Easy Ways to Create Wealth in Your Networking Business by Knox, Charlene Schuster, Soper, Angela E.
Gas Pipeline Hydraulics by Menon, Shashi, Menon, Pramila
Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: Ifip Tc3 / Wg3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of by
Negotiating Against the Odds: A Guide for Trade Negotiators from Developing Countries by Secretariat, Commonwealth, Jones, E.
Coming Home to New Orleans: Neighborhood Rebuilding After Katrina by Seidman, Karl F.
Risk Intelligent Supply Chains: How Leading Turkish Companies Thrive in the Age of Fragility by Haksöz, Çağrı
Tourism, Poverty and Development by Holden, Andrew
Public Administration in Africa: Performance and Challenges by
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Communication (with Featured Article the Necessary Art of Persuasion, by Jay A. Conger) by Cialdini, Robert B., Review, Harvard Business, Morgan, Nick
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Collaboration (with Featured Article Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership, by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis) by Review, Harvard Business, Goleman, Daniel, Boyatzis, Richard E.
The Organizational Survival Code: Seven Capabilities To Get The Results You Want by Hanna, David P.
Just Blow It Up: Firepower for Living an Unlimited Life by Gillaspie, Dixie
See More