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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2014

Les tableaux de bord RH: Construire, mettre en oeuvre et évaluer le système de pilotage by Imbert, Joëlle
Business leadership and motivation by Shrimali, Rajeshkumar a.
Business organisation and change management by Shrimali, Rajeshkumar a.
Penser Management: Pratiques et méthodes de déploiement d'une politique managériale by Lange, Alexandra, Houlière, Sébastien, Autissier, David
L'efficacité sans stress: Mobiliser ses ressources pour mieux réussir by Nivoix, Marie-Claude, Lebreton, Philippe
Le mix organisation: Et si l'enterprise mobilisait enfin l'énergie naturelle de l'autonomie ? by Lefèvre, Hervé, Jochem, Jacques
Ambitions of an Entrepreneur by Harris Jr, Greg
Le Responsable commercial et son Plan d'Actions Commerciales by Py, Pascal
Communication interpersonnelle by Josien, Michel
Comment la DRH fait sa révolution by Eyssette, François, Besseyre Des Horts, Charles-Henri
Appitalize on your Idea: Bringing Any Idea to Fruition by Esgar, Justin T.
Mas tiempo bueno, menos tiempo malo by Roman, Arquimedes
World Trade Organisation A Critical Evaluation by Nagabhushana, S.
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship for Agri-Business Management and Planning by Adhikary, Prof Manas Mohan
Industrial Biotechnology in Non Aligned and Other Developing Countries Current Status and Future Prospects by Nam &. Center
The Intelligent Organisation: Using Business Intelligence for Organisational Development and Better Performance by Van Beek, Daan
Make Me an Offer I Can't Refuse, street-smart "gangster" rules for your working life by Riehle, Susan
52 Killer Marketing Tips: Marketing demystified in 52 killer tips that your competition is probably forgetting about. by Hibbard, Sandy L.
Sahara: The Untold Story by Bandyopadhyay, Tamal
Mad Money Journey: A Financial Adventure by Irani, Mehrab
Le pouvoir dans les organisations by Mintzberg, Henri
Self-Coaching Essentials: A handbook for achieving exceptional results by Cochran, R. Sean
The Creative Process in the Individual by Troward, Thomas
The Book on How to Sell Online EBay & Amazon: How To Make A Profit 24/7 Using The "PROPEL" Technique by Whitfield, Andrew
Chanakya's 7 Secrets of Leadership by Pillai, Radhakrishnan, Sivanandhan, D.
How Numbers Rule the World: The Use and Abuse of Statistics in Global Politics by Fioramonti, Doctor Lorenzo
Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Finance and Economics by Stamatis, D. H.
Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy by Kostakis, V., Bauwens, M.
Corporate Governance in the European Insurance Industry by Ricci, O.
The Lottery Mindset: Investors, Gambling and the Stock Market by Fong, W.
The Book On How To Sell On Amazon: You Want To Make Money Online You Need To Be There by Whitfield, Andrrew
Success Reframe: 6 Steps to a 6 Figure Income in Superman Tights by Billson, Shirley
Practical Revenue Management in Passenger Transportation by Parker, Gary Lloyd
Risk Profiling of Organizations by Banasiewicz, Andrew D.
The Management Shift: How to Harness the Power of People and Transform Your Organization for Sustainable Success by Hlupic, V.
The Worldwide Workplace: Solving the Global Talent Equation by Johnson, M.
Coaching for Innovation: Tools and Techniques for Encouraging New Ideas in the Workplace by Steele, Maureen, Bianchi, Cristina
Social Media and the Politics of Reportage: The 'arab Spring' by
Internet Governance and the Global South: Demand for a New Framework by Bhuiyan, A.
Governance, Regulation and Bank Stability by
States, Markets and Education: The Rise and Limits of the Education State by Weymann, A.
From Capitalistic to Humanistic Business by Steinvorth, Ulrich, Largacha-Martinez, Carlos
Determinants of FDI Flows Within Emerging Economies: A Case Study of Poland by Mironko, A.
Creative Labour Regulation: Indeterminacy and Protection in an Uncertain World by
Higher Education in Ireland: Practices, Policies and Possibilities by Walsh, John, Loxley, Andrew, Seery, Aidan
Mindful Leadership Coaching: Journeys Into the Interior by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Capability Approach: From Theory to Practice by
The Family Business Map: Assets and Roadblocks in Long Term Planning by Bennedsen, M., Fan, J.
The Handbook of Global Agricultural Markets: The Business and Finance of Land, Water, and Soft Commodities by Nijs, L.
Political Elites in the Transatlantic Crisis by
Analysing Economic Data: A Concise Introduction by Mills, T.
Education for Citizenship in Europe: European Policies, National Adaptations and Young People's Attitudes by Keating, Avril
Sustainable Civilization by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Credit Ratings and Sovereign Debt: The Political Economy of Creditworthiness Through Risk and Uncertainty by Paudyn, B.
China's Economic Development by Yang, Dennis
The Garment Industry in Low-Income Countries: An Entry Point of Industrialization by
The Frugal Innovator: Creating Change on a Shoestring Budget by Leadbeater, C.
The Political Economy of Agro-Food Markets in China: The Social Construction of the Markets in an Era of Globalization by
Another State of Mind: Perspectives from Wisdom Traditions on Management and Business by Van Hoof, Bertine
Monetary Policies, Banking Systems, Regulatory Convergence, Efficiency and Growth in the Mediterranean by Ayadi, R., Mouley, S.
The Influence Agenda: A Systematic Approach to Aligning Stakeholders in Times of Change by Clayton, M.
Moving to the Cloud Corporation: How to Face the Challenges and Harness the Potential of Cloud Computing by Venters, W., Willcocks, L., Whitley, E.
Safe to Fail: How Resolution Will Revolutionise Banking by Huertas, T.
Stress in the Spotlight: Managing and Coping with Stress in the Workplace by Claridge, B., Cooper, C.
Liquidity Risk: Managing Funding and Asset Risk by Banks, E.
The Executive Guide to Enterprise Risk Management by Chappell, C.
Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Contemporary Debates by
Interest Rate Modelling in the Multi-Curve Framework: Foundations, Evolution and Implementation by Henrard, M.
The Political Process of Policymaking: A Pragmatic Approach to Public Policy by Zittoun, P.
Microcredit Guarantee Funds in the Mediterranean: A Comparative Analysis by Leone, P., Porretta, P.
Bioscience, Governance and Politics by Gillott, J.
South Asia in Transition: Democracy, Political Economy and Security by
A Sociology of the World Rally Championship: History, Identity, Memories and Place by Naess, H.
Cluster-Based Industrial Development:: Kaizen Management for Mse Growth in Developing Countries by Sonobe, T., Otsuka, K.
The Eurozone Crisis and the Future of Europe: The Political Economy of Further Integration and Governance by
Patrons, Curators, Inventors and Thieves: The Storytelling Contest of the Cultural Industries in the Digital Age by Wheeldon, Jonathan
Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity by
Breaking Through: Implementing Disruptive Customer Centricity by Vandermerwe, S.
Uberpreneurs: How to Create Innovative Global Businesses and Transform Human Societies by Andrews, Peter, Wood, Fiona
Governance in Family Enterprises: Maximising Economic and Emotional Success by Koeberle-Schmid, A., Kenyon-Rouvinez, D., Poza, E.
NGOs Under Pressure in Partial Democracies by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Rural Women's Power in South Asia:: Understanding Shakti by Obeng, P.
Crisis and Embodied Innovations: Fluctuating Trend Vs Fluctuations Around Trend, the Real Vs the Financial, Variety Vs Average by Ryaboshlyk, V.
Seven Moralities of Human Resource Management by Klikauer, T.
Mental Illness at Work: A Manager's Guide to Identifying, Managing and Preventing Psychological Problems in the Workplace by Race, M., Furnham, A.
Industrial Clusters, Migrant Workers, and Labour Markets in India by
The Political Economy of Renewable Energy and Energy Security: Common Challenges and National Responses in Japan, China and Northern Europe by
Export Credit Insurance and Guarantees: A Practitioner's Guide by Salcic, Z.
Regulating Banks in Central and Eastern Europe: Through Crisis and Boom by Spendzharova, A.
Digitizing Government: Understanding and Implementing New Digital Business Models by Fishenden, J., Brown, A., Thompson, M.
Future Work: Changing Organizational Culture for the New World of Work by Thomson, P., Maitland, A.
The Political Economy of Arab Food Sovereignty by Harrigan, J.
Learning from the South Korean Developmental Success: Effective Developmental Cooperation and Synergistic Institutions and Policies by Mkandawire, Thandika, Yi, Ilcheong
Towards Better Work: Understanding Labour in Apparel Global Value Chains by
Lewisian Turning Point in the Chinese Economy: Comparison with East Asian Countries by
The Growth of Biofuels in the 21st Century: Policy Drivers and Market Challenges by Ackrill, R., Kay, A.
Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Transformation of Learning and Society by
Planning and the Case Study Method in Africa: The Planner in Dirty Shoes by Andreasen, Jørgen, Lerise, Fred, Duminy, James
The Moral Responsibilities of Companies by Chapple, C.
Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies by
Global Risk Governance in Health by Brender, N.
Transnational Corporations from the Standpoint of Workers by Räthzel, N., Mulinari, D., Tollefsen, A.
Private Equity Unchained: Strategy Insights for the Institutional Investor by Meyer, T.
The Luxury Market in Brazil: Market Opportunities and Potential by Diniz, C.
Self-Regulation and Legalization: Making Global Rules for Banks and Corporations by Flohr, Annegret
Keeping Cool in Southeast Asia: Energy Consumption and Urban Air-Conditioning by Sahakian, M.
The Rise of the New East: Business Strategies for Success in a World of Increasing Complexity by Simpfendorfer, B.
The Pillars of Finance: The Misalignment of Finance Theory and Investment Practice by Fraser-Sampson, G.
The Brand Strategist's Guide to Desire: How to Give Consumers What They Actually Want by Simpson, A.
The Trend Management Toolkit: A Practical Guide to the Future by Kjaer, A.
Comparing Institution-Building in East Asia: Power Politics, Governance, and Critical Junctures by Yoshimatsu, H.
The International Corporate Governance System: Audit Roles and Board Oversight by Lessambo, F.
Child Sponsorship: Exploring Pathways to a Brighter Future by
Capital Requirements, Disclosure, and Supervision in the European Insurance Industry: New Challenges Towards Solvency II by Starita, M., Malafronte, I.
The European Commission's Energy and Climate Policy: A Climate for Expertise? by Dreger, J.
China and the EU in Context: Insights for Business and Investors by Brown, Kerry
You Said What?: Effective Communication Skills by Sutton, Wayne
Time For You!: Effective Time Management That Works! by Sutton, Wayne
The Psychosocial and Organization Studies: Affect at Work by Fotaki, Marianna
Disruptive Tourism and Its Untidy Guests: Alternative Ontologies for Future Hospitalities by Veijola, S., Molz, J. Germann, Pyyhtinen, Olli
Conflict, Commerce and Franco-Scottish Relations, 1560-1713 by Talbott, Siobhan
Priorities and Pathways in Services Reform - Part II: Political Economy Studies by
Energy Security and Sustainable Economic Growth in China by
The Political Costs of the 2009 British Mps' Expenses Scandal by
The 10 Principles of Open Business: Building Success in Today's Open Economy by Cushman, D.
The Power of Customer Misbehavior: Drive Growth and Innovation by Learning from Your Customers by Abbott, M., Fisher, M.
Social Impact Finance by Trullols, Cristina
Macroprudential Supervision in Insurance: Theoretical and Practical Aspects by
Contemporary Challenges in Risk Management: Dealing with Risk, Uncertainty and the Unknown by
The Road to Success by Merritt, Mia
21 Ways to Build Your Dental Practice with a Book: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market and Dramatically Differentiate Yourself as the Authority, Cele by Witty, Adam
Et si on travaillait autrement ?: La Méthode Haute Qualité Humaine(R) en pratique by Bénichoux, Florence
Arthasasthiram_Kzk by R. Trautmann, Thomas
Innovation On two Wheel by Firodia, Arun
Foreign Direct Investment, Governance, and the Environment in China: Regional Dimensions by Zhang, J.
100 Day Tear-Off Diet Countdown Calendar (Large Print Edition) by Buy Countdown Calendar
Power of the Spoken Word by Shinn, Florence Scovel
Discover Your Sweet Spot: The 7 Steps to Create a Life of Success and Significance by Fay, Scott M.
Frontiers in Evolutionary Economics: Themenheft 2+3/Bd. 234(2014) Jahrbücher Für Nationalökonomie Und Statistik by
Bildung Zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft by
The Great Recession and Its Aftermath: Evidence from Micro-Data: Themenheft 6/Bd. 234(2014) Jahrbücher Für Nationalökonomie Und Statistik by
M29 Water Utility Capital Financing, Fourth Edition by Awwa
From Social Movement to Moral Market: How the Circuit Riders Sparked an IT Revolution and Created a Technology Market by McInerney, Paul-Brian
How Numbers Rule the World by Fioramonti, Doctor Lorenzo
How to Measure Digital Marketing: Metrics for Assessing Impact and Designing Success by Flores, L.
The Seven Sins of Innovation: A Strategic Model for Entrepreneurship by Richards, D.
360 Degrees of Success: Money, Relationships, Energy, Time: The 4 Essential Ingredients to Create Personal and Professional Success in Your Li by Weber, Ana
Revealed: Using Remote Personality Profiling to Influence, Negotiate and Motivate by Furnham, A., Breeze, Janet, Taylor, J.
Acts of God and Man: Ruminations on Risk and Insurance by Powers, Michael
Models at Work: A Practitioner's Guide to Risk Management by Farid, J.
360 Degrees of Success: Money, Relationships, Energy, Time: The 4 Essential Ingredients to Create Personal and Professional Success in Your Li by Weber, Ana
Capitalism and the Social Relationship: An Organizational Perspective by
Jobless Cash: How To Make Money If You're Unemployed Or Just Plain Tired Of Working For Someone Else by Johnson, Omar
The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade by Shumway, Rebecca
The Leadership Triangle: The Three Options That Will Make You a Stronger Leader by Tucker, Ken, Ford, Kevin
Economics for the Curious: Inside the Minds of 12 Nobel Laureates by
Metallic Modern: Everyday Machines in Colonial Sri Lanka by Wickramasinghe, Nira
Building Biotechnology: Biotechnology Business, Regulations, Patents, Law, Policy and Science by Friedman, Yali
Rule the Room: A Unique, Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Making a Successful Presentation by Teteak, Jason
Multiplatform Publishing Strategy: 60 Digital Publishing Secrets for Making Millions Online by Coburn, Ed, Van Doren, Mary, MacArthur, Amanda
Building Biotechnology: Biotechnology Business, Regulations, Patents, Law, Policy and Science by Friedman, Yali
Télétravail: Travailler en vivant mieux by Planterose, Philippe
Economics of Motorized Crafts in Fishery by Raju, S. Surapa
Role of Management Training and Development in Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness by Das, Pradeep Kumar
Criminal Law and Procedure: An Overview by Bacigal, Ronald, Tate, Mary
The Elements of Building: A Business Handbook for Residential Builders & Tradesmen by Kerson, Mark Q.
Dissolve the Box by Sharma, Santosh
Entrepreneurship: A Very Short Introduction by Wright, Mike, Westhead, Paul
Fundamentals of Environmental Economics by Kumar, A.
Job Stress Among Police Personnel by Naik, Kalpesh Dhirubhai &. Dangarwala
The Ten Truths for Raising a Healthy Bouncy Business by Hanekroot, Roland L.
Making Sense of Coaching by Du Toit, Angelique
Intellectual Property Rights and their Importance in Research, Business and Industry by Singh, Ram Pratap &. Tomar Vinayak Sin
Financial Matrix by Jhajra, Anil Kumar &. Jhajra Sant
Work Happy: What Great Bosses Know by Geisler, Jill
The Book On How To Sell On eBay: What It Really Takes To Make Serious Money On eBay by Whitfield, Andrew
How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget: Affordable ways to make money with earthworms by Kloppert, Stephan
Performance-Driven Thinking: A Challenging Journey That Will Encourage You to Embrace the Greatest Performance of Your Life by Kipper, Bobby, Hancock, David L.
Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!) by Schiffman, Stephan
Money. Wealth. Life Insurance.: How the Wealthy Use Life Insurance as a Tax-Free Personal Bank to Supercharge Their Savings by Thompson, Jake
Computer & IT Policies and Procedures Manual by
Human Resources Policies and Procedures Manual by
Exogenous versus Endogenous Governance of Open Collaborative Innovation Communities: An Experimental Investigation by Störmer, Niclas
The Coffee Break Guide to Business Plans for Writers: The Step-By-Step Guide to Taking Control of Your Writing Career by Denim, Amy
Erfolgreiche Fachkräfte in der sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe: Eine Untersuchung zur adäquaten Personalauswahl und -qualifizierung by Hülsermann, Oliver
Der Betriebsübergang im Arbeitsrecht by Gross, Johann
Economic and Social Development in Qatar by Nafi, Zuhair Ahmed
Teaching Business Ethics in the Uk, Europe and the USA: A Comparative Study by Mahoney, Jack
Law and Economics of Contingent Protection in International Trade by
The Law, Economics and Politics of Retaliation in Wto Dispute Settlement by
Ressorts Im Zeitalter Von Medienwandel Und Boulevardjournalismus: Themenwahl ALS Qualitätskriterium by Rankl, Dagmar
Innovation Network Functionality: The Identification and Categorization of Multiple Innovation Networks by Bentivegna, Thomas
Corporate Social Responsibility - Mythen Und Maßnahmen: Unternehmen Verantwortungsvoll Führen, Regulierungslücken Schließen by
Diversity Ideologies in Organizations by
Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity by
Workplace Learning: Integrierte Kompetenzentwicklung Mit Kooperativen Und Kollaborativen Lernsystemen by Sauter, Simon, Sauter, Werner
Mittelständische Unternehmen by
The Nonprofit Guide to Social Enterprise: Show Me The (Unrestricted) Money! by McCuistion, Niki Nicastro, Block, Jean
Reflexiones by Ferrer, Domingo
The Perfect Revolution: The Moral Imperative for Perfecting Life by Lambert, The Very Revd Stuart W.
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