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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2018

Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Enhanced Edition by Stewart, James
Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway, Raymond, Jewett, John
Matrix Methods and Fractional Calculus by Mathai, Arak M., Haubold, Hans J.
Mathematical Tables: Chiefly to four figures. First Series by Peirce, James Mills
Dr. John Chung's Advanced Placement Calculus AB/BC: AP Calculus AB/BC designed to help Students get a Perfect Score. There are easy-to-follow worked-o by Chung, John
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences by Ziegler, Michael, Byleen, Karl, Barnett, Raymond
Fractional Diffusion Equations and Anomalous Diffusion by Evangelista, Luiz Roberto, Lenzi, Ervin Kaminski
Funktionentheorie Mehrerer Veränderlicher by Eschmeier, Jörg
Grundkurs Funktionalanalysis by Kaballo, Winfried
Analysis - Grundlagen Und Exkurse: Grundprinzipien Der Differential- Und Integralrechnung by Hirn, Adrian, Weiß, Christian
Sustainable Logistics and Transportation: Optimization Models and Algorithms by
Analysis - Grundlagen Und Exkurse: Mehrdimensionale Integralrechnung Und Ihre Anwendungen by Hirn, Adrian, Weiß, Christian
The Calculus Story: A Mathematical Adventure by Acheson, David
Explicit Block Diagonal Decomposition of Block Matrices Corresponding to Symmetric and Regular Structures of Finite Size by Dinkevich, Solomon
Efficient Parallel and Serial Approximate String Matching by Landau, Gad M., Vishkin, U.
Information Structures and Viable Price Systems by Huang, Chi-Fu
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Bounded Electron Beams by Parzen, Philip
The Electromagnetic Field Produced by a Helix by Phillips, Ralph S.
Magnetohydrodynamic Nozzle Flow With Three Transitions by Chu, C. K.
A Lagrangian Fractional Step Method for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations by Borgers, Christoph
An Artificial Viscosity Method for the Design of Supercritical Airfoils by McFadden, Geoffrey B.
An Asymptotic Solution of Linear Second-order Hyperbolic Differential Equations by Kline, Morris
The Application of an Explicit Numerical Method to a Reaction-diffusion System in Combustion by Reitz, Rolf D.
A Collection of Mathematical Computer Routines by Shapiro, Miriam S., Goldstein, Max
An Inverse-optimization-based Auction Mechanism to Support a Multi-attribute RFQ Process by Wein, Lawrence M., Beil, Damian
Matching Patterns in Strings Subject to Multi-linear Transformations by Tzoreff-Eliam, T., Vishkin, U.
Convergence Analysis of Block Implicit One-step Methods for Solving Differential/algebraic Equations by Mack, Iris Marie
Generalized Picard-Lindelf Theory by Mack, Iris Marie
Anomalous Transport Arising From Nonlinear Resistive Pressure-driven Modes in a Plasma by Hamaguchi, Satoshi
Indefinite Inner Product Spaces, Schur Analysis, and Differential Equations: A Volume Dedicated to Heinz Langer by
How to Integrate It by Stewart, Seán M.
Non-linear Deflections of Shallow Spherical Shells by Reiss, Edward L., Keller, Herbert
On the Formal Theory of Collision and Reaction Processes by Zumino, Bruno
Polymorphic Type Inference and Semi-unification by Henglein, Fritz
On the Complexity of Motion Planning for Multiple Independent Objects; Pspace Hardness of the "warehouseman's Problem" by Hopcroft, J. E., Schwartz, J. T., Sharir, M.
Calculus of Variations: An Introduction to the One-Dimensional Theory with Examples and Exercises by Kielhöfer, Hansjörg
The Propagation of Electromagnetic Plane Waves in Plane Parallel Layers by Luneberg, Rudolf K.
A Well Posed Boundary Value Problem in Transonic gas Dynamics by Sanz, Jose M.
Some Generalized Eigenfunction Expansions and Uniqueness Theorems by Peters, Arthur S.
Laplace's Equation and the Dirichlet-Neumann map in Multiply Connected Domains by Greenbaum, Anne
A Non-linear Shell Theory Compared With the Classical Three Dimensional Theory of Elasticity by Sensenig, Chester B.
Engineering Applications Of Higher Mathematics: Problems On Thermodynamics by Karapetoff, Vladimir
Verhandlungen Des Ersten Internationalen Mathematiker-Kongresses in Zurich Vom 9. Bis 11. August 1897 by Rudio, Ferdinand
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications: Energy, Vibrations, and Modern Applications by
Papers Upon Analysis Situs; Volume 6 by Rutt, Norman Eby, Moore, Robert Lee
Crash Course in Calculus over Banach Algebra (Russian Edition) by Kleyn, Aleks
Crash Course in Calculus over Banach Algebra by Kleyn, Aleks
On Shape Optimizing the Ratio of the First two Eigenvalues of the Laplacian by Haeberly, Jean-Pierre A.
Numerical Studies of Frontal Motion in the Atmosphere by Isaacson, E., Kasahara, A., Stoker, Jj
Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation by Chorin, Alexandre Joel
On Finite-difference Approximations and Entropy Conditions for Shocks by Hyman, J. M., Lax, P. D., Harten, A.
On the Growth of Solutions of Quasi-liner Parabolic Equations by Kaplan, Stanley
Multiple Scatterings of Waves by a Volume Distribution of Parallel Cylinders by Twersky, Vic
On Systems of Ordinary, Non-linear Differential Equations Involving Periodic Goven Functions With a Small Period by Franklin, Joel
On the Piano Movers' Problem: IV. Various Decomposable Two-dimensional Motion Planning Problems by Ariel-Sheffi, Elka, Sharir, Micha
Third Order Difference Methods for Hyperbolic Equations by Burstein, Samuel Z., Mirin, Arthur
Short Range Anti-correlation of Electrons in the Hydrogen Molecule by Lakin, W.
Singular and Nonuniform Limits of Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation by Grad, Harold
Studies in Domain Decomposition: Multilevel Methods and the Biharmonic Dirichlet Problem by Zhang, Xuejun
Engineering Applications Of Higher Mathematics, Part 5 by Karapetoff, Vladimir
Complements of Higher Mathematics by Marin, Marin, Öchsner, Andreas
New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models by
The Sparse Fourier Transform by Hassanieh, Haitham
Geometrical Themes Inspired by the N-Body Problem by
The Sparse Fourier Transform by Hassanieh, Haitham
Correspondance d'Hermite Et de Stieltjes. Tome 2 by Hermite-C
C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke. Band 6 (Éd.1881-1891) by Jacobi C G J
Data Structure Choice / Formal Differentiation. By Ssu-cheng Liu and Robert Paige by Liu, Ssu-Cheng, Paige, Robert
Constraint Propagation on Real-valued Quantities by Davis, Ernest
Construction of Steady-state Hydrodynamic Dynamos. I. Spatially Periodic Fields by Childress, Stephen
Continuous Time Stopping Games by Huang, Chi-Fu, Li, Lode
Continuous Time Stopping Games With Monotone Reward Structures by Huang, Chi-Fu, Li, Lode
Event-Triggered Sliding Mode Control: A New Approach to Control System Design by Behera, Abhisek K., Bandyopadhyay, Bijnan
Instabilities and Growth Rate of Guiding Center Diffuse Pinches by Pao, Young-Ping
Eigenfunction Expansions Associated With the Laplacian for Certain Domains With Infinite Boundaries by Goldstein, Charles Irwin
High Frequency Sound According to the Boltzmann Equation by Grad, Harold
Genuinely Polynomial Simplex and Non-simplex Algorithms for the Minimum Cost Flow Problem by Orlin, James B.
Green's Function Techniques for the Solution of Time-dependant Potential Flows With a Free Surface in a Bounded Domain by Chung, Y. K., Harten, A.
The Kohn-Hulthen Variational Procedure for the Scattering Operator and the Reactance Operator; Part II: Procedure Independent of the Normalization of by Moses, Harry Elecks
Lecture Notes in Lattices, Bases and the Reduction Problem (expository Notes) by Mishra, Bud
Exact Solution of the First-order Perturbed Percus-Yevick Equation for K. Percus and Sheldon Shanack by Percus, Jerome K.
Excitation of the Traveling Wave Tube by Friedman, Bernard, Malin, Henry
Tutorium Höhere Analysis: Mathematik Von Studenten Für Studenten Erklärt Und Kommentiert by Kreh, Martin, Modler, Florian, Goertz, René
A Special Hill's Equation With Discontinuous Coefficients by Hochstadt, Harry
Propagation of Strong Blast in an Atmosphere of Varying Density by Austern, Norman, Austern, N., Percus, J. K.
Projective Transformations for Interior Point Methods by Freund, Robert Michael
Diffraction of a High-frequency Plane Electromagnetic Wave by a Perfectly Conducting Circular Disc by Jones, Douglas S.
Lectures On The Theory Of Functions Of Real Variables Vol I by Pierpont, James
Solitary Waves in Compressible Media by Shen, M. C.
Stability of Hydromagnetic Equilibria Bifurcated From a Straight Sheet Pinch by Yeh, Tyan
On the Kinetic Theory of Steady gas Flows by Sirovich, Lawrence
On Intertemporal Preferences With a Continuous Time Dimension II: The Case of Uncertainty by Huang, Chi-Fu, Hindy, Ayman
A Syntax-directed FORTRAN Statement Checker, by Goldstein, Max, Hoffberg, Susan S.
Propagation of a Pulse in an Inhomogenous Medium by Friedlander, F. G.
The Collected Mathematical Papers of Arthur Cayley: 6 by Cayley, Arthur
Kurzweil - Henstock Integral in Riesz Spaces by Vrábelová, Marta, Riecan, Beloslav, Boccuto, Antonio
Prüfungstrainer Analysis: Mehr ALS 1000 Fragen Und Antworten Für Bachelor Mathematik Und Physik, Auch Bestens Geeignet Für Lehramtsstudierende by Epp, Thomas, Busam, Rolf
Old School Advanced Calculus by Fite, William Benjamin, Maestro, Karo
Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications I: Mean Field Fbsdes, Control, and Games by Carmona, René, Delarue, François
Kaleidoscope Coloring Book: 30 Kaleidoscope Coloring Pages For Adults. Relaxing Patterns To Help You De-Stress. by Crystal Coloring Books
Single Variable Calculus: A First Step by Zou, Yunzhi
Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications II: Mean Field Games with Common Noise and Master Equations by Delarue, François, Carmona, René
A Variational Approach to Nonsmooth Dynamics: Applications in Unilateral Mechanics and Electronics by Adly, Samir
An Introduction to Analysis by Gunning, Robert C.
enginering mathematics second empression: Differentiation and Integration by Sello Tv, Thapelo Vincent
Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms by Korte, Bernhard, Vygen, Jens
Mathematik für Ingenieure 1: Lineare Algebra und eindimensionale Analysis by Härterich, Jörg
Multivariable Calculus with Applications by Terrell, Maria Shea, Lax, Peter D.
Numerical Calculus: Differentiation and Integration by Benton, D. James
Introduction to Calculus and Classical Analysis by Hijab, Omar
Gems of Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms by
Simulation-Driven Modeling and Optimization: Asdom, Reykjavik, August 2014 by
Operations Research and Optimization: Fota 2016, Kolkata, India, November 24-26 by
Funktionalanalysis by Werner, Dirk
Nonlinear Eigenproblems in Image Processing and Computer Vision by Gilboa, Guy
Spear Operators Between Banach Spaces by Merí, Javier, Kadets, Vladimir, Martín, Miguel
Interpolation Theory by Lunardi, Alessandra
Elementary Introduction to the Lebesgue Integral by Krantz, Steven G.
Essays on Several Curious and Useful Subjects, in Speculative and Mix'd Mathematicks. Illustrated by a Variety of Examples. By Thomas Simpson by Simpson, Thomas
Real Analysis by Dibenedetto, Emmanuele
Optimal Control of a Double Integrator: A Primer on Maximum Principle by Locatelli, Arturo
Mathematical Memoirs Respecting a Variety of Subjects; With an Appendix Containing Tables of Theorems for the Calculation of Fluents. ... By John Land by Landen, John
Fractional Dynamic Calculus and Fractional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales by Georgiev, Svetlin G.
A Level Mathematics: Lesson on C4-Integration by Ioannou, G. C.
The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician. In it is Examined Whether the Object, Principles, and Inferences of the Modern Ana by Berkeley, George
Advanced Calculus of a Single Variable by Geveci, Tunc
Measure and Integration by Brown, Arlen, Pearcy, Carl, Bercovici, Hari
Principles of Analysis: Measure, Integration, Functional Analysis, and Applications by Junghenn, Hugo D.
Cálculo Integral: Ejercicios Resueltos Por Técnicas de Integración by Mora Ferreras, Francis
Taylor Coefficients and Coefficient Multipliers of Hardy and Bergman-Type Spaces by Vukotic, Dragan, Arsenovic, Milos, Jevtic, Miroljub
An Introduction to Linear Ordinary Differential Equations Using the Impulsive Response Method and Factorization by Camporesi, Roberto
Optimal Control by Dolgy, Dmitriy V., Kim, Taekyun, Aschepkov, Leonid T.
Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications I-II by Carmona, René, Delarue, François
Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces by Bauschke, Heinz H., Combettes, Patrick L.
Konzepte Der Funktionentheorie: Reelle Und Komplexe Analysis Einer Variablen by Müller, Jürgen
Hadamard-Type Fractional Differential Equations, Inclusions and Inequalities by Ntouyas, Sotiris K., Ahmad, Bashir, Alsaedi, Ahmed
Multivariable Dynamic Calculus on Time Scales by Bohner, Martin, Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Calculus Workbook for Dummies with Online Practice by Ryan, Mark
Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics by
Algorithms for Solving Common Fixed Point Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Nonlinear Potential Theory of Degenerate Elliptic Equations by Heinonen, Juha, Kipelainen, Tero, Martio, Olli
Fuzzy Dual Numbers: Theory and Applications by Nunes Cosenza, Carlos Alberto, Mora-Camino, Felix
101 Problems in Calculating Derivatives Using the Chain Rule with Solutions by Shedenhelm, Richard
Differential Equations: Theory and Current Research by
Finite Approximations in Discrete-Time Stochastic Control: Quantized Models and Asymptotic Optimality by Saldi, Naci, Linder, Tamás, Yüksel, Serdar
Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory: Cetraro, Italy 2014 by Figalli, Alessio, Peral, Ireneo
Ultrametric Pseudodifferential Equations and Applications by Khrennikov, Andrei Yu, Kozyrev, Sergei V., Zúñiga-Galindo, W. A.
An Introduction to Optimal Control of Fbsde with Incomplete Information by Xiong, Jie, Wang, Guangchen, Wu, Zhen
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications: Advanced Analysis of Vehicle Related Technologies by
Integral Operators in Non-Standard Function Spaces: Volume 1: Variable Exponent Lebesgue and Amalgam Spaces by Rafeiro, Humberto, Kokilashvili, Vakhtang, Meskhi, Alexander
An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases by Christensen, Ole
Real Analysis by Loeb, Peter a.
Variable-Structure Approaches: Analysis, Simulation, Robust Control and Estimation of Uncertain Dynamic Processes by
Numerical Optimization with Computational Errors by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Feedback Control: A Lyapunov-Based Approach by Walters, Patrick, Rosenfeld, Joel, Kamalapurkar, Rushikesh
Unbounded Weighted Composition Operators in L²-Spaces by Budzyński, Piotr, Jabloński, Zenon, Jung, Il Bong
Topics in Banach Space Theory by Albiac, Fernando, Kalton, Nigel J.
An Introductory Course in Lebesgue Spaces by Castillo, Rene Erlin, Rafeiro, Humberto
Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Optimal Control by
A Fixed-Point Farrago by Shapiro, Joel H.
Approximate Solutions of Common Fixed-Point Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis and Fixed Point Theory by Pathak, Hemant Kumar
The Early Period of the Calculus of Variations by Freguglia, Paolo, Giaquinta, Mariano
Delays and Networked Control Systems by
Cálculo I: Libro de Trabajo by Ketelaar, Christiaan
Finite Blaschke Products and Their Connections by Ross, William T., Garcia, Stephan Ramon, Mashreghi, Javad
Fault Diagnosis Inverse Problems: Solution with Metaheuristics by Camps Echevarría, Lídice, Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de, Llanes Santiago, Orestes
Analysis Einer Veränderlichen: Analytische Funktionen, Differenziation Und Integration by Storch, Uwe, Wiebe, Hartmut
Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction by Le Dret, Hervé
Estimation and Control of Dynamical Systems by Bensoussan, Alain
Mathematical Analysis, Approximation Theory and Their Applications by
Innovative Numerical Approaches for Multi-Field and Multi-Scale Problems: In Honor of Michael Ortiz's 60th Birthday by
Linear Functional Analysis for Scientists and Engineers by Limaye, Balmohan V.
Cálculo Diferencial: Cuaderno de Trabajo by Ketelaar, Christiaan
Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics: Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov by
Multivariate Prediction, de Branges Spaces, and Related Extension and Inverse Problems by Arov, Damir Z., Dym, Harry
Fractional Order Crowd Dynamics: Cyber-Human System Modeling and Control by Cao, Kecai, Chen, Yangquan
Research on Ship Design and Optimization Based on Simulation-Based Design (Sbd) Technique by Zhang, Bao-Ji, Zhang, Sheng-Long
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic Pde's: Gppepdes, Palinuro, Italy, May 2015 by
Integral Operators in Non-Standard Function Spaces: Volume 2: Variable Exponent Hölder, Morrey-Campanato and Grand Spaces by Rafeiro, Humberto, Kokilashvili, Vakhtang, Meskhi, Alexander
Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making: Essays in Honor of Richard F. Hartl by
Ordered Structures and Applications: Positivity VII (Zaanen Centennial Conference), 22-26 July 2013, Leiden, the Netherlands by
Convex Analysis and Global Optimization by Tuy, Hoang
Dynamics of Mathematical Models in Biology: Bringing Mathematics to Life by
Hardy Type Inequalities on Time Scales by Agarwal, Ravi P., O'Regan, Donal, Saker, Samir H.
Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis: In Honor of Haim Brezis and Louis Nirenberg by
Satellite Formation Flying: Relative Dynamics, Formation Design, Fuel Optimal Maneuvers and Formation Maintenance by Poh, Eng Kee, Wang, Danwei, Wu, Baolin
Functional Analysis: An Introductory Course by Ovchinnikov, Sergei
Calculus of Variations by Rindler, Filip
Slice Hyperholomorphic Schur Analysis by Sabadini, Irene, Alpay, Daniel, Colombo, Fabrizio
Calculus and Analysis in Euclidean Space by Shurman, Jerry
Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering: Mathematical Challenges for the Aerospace of the Future by
Optimal Trajectory Tracking of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Löber, Jakob
Space Engineering: Modeling and Optimization with Case Studies by
The Variable-Order Fractional Calculus of Variations by Torres, Delfim F. M., Almeida, Ricardo, Tavares, Dina
Undergraduate Analysis: A Working Textbook by McCluskey, Aisling, McMaster, Brian
Undergraduate Analysis: A Working Textbook by McMaster, Brian, McCluskey, Aisling
Advances in Energy System Optimization: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Energy System Optimization by
How To Manage Your Kindle: The Ultimate Guide for Complete Novice On How to Manage Your Kindle Including Manage Books and Docs, Manage Subscripti by Hale, James R.
A Course of Pure Mathematics: Third Edition by Hardy, G. H.
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