• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean, Latin American & South American Art in 2022

Maternidades Puertorriqueñas En El Arte Y La Literatura: Esclavitud, Colonialismo Y Diáspora (1898-2013) by M. Guzmán Zavala, Ivette
The Formation of Latin American Nations: From Late Antiquity to Early Modernity by Ward, Thomas
Jamaica Making: The Theresa Roberts Art Collection by
Image Encounters: Moche Murals and Archaeo Art History by Trever, Lisa
Cannibalizing Queer: Brazilian Cinema from 1970 to 2015 by Nemi Neto, João
Cannibalizing Queer: Brazilian Cinema from 1970 to 2015 by Nemi Neto, João
The King of Jamaica: King Josiah Art Book by
Diego Rivera and Juan Rulfo: Post-Revolutionary Body Politics 1922-1965 by O'Sullivan, Lucy
De Margarita a El Cumbanchero: Vida musical, imaginación racial y discurso histórico en la sociedad puertorriqueña (1898-1940) by Allende Goitia, Noel
Traitor, Survivor, Icon: The Legacy of La Malinche by
Visual and Plastic Poetics: From Brazilian Concretism to the Chilean Neo-Avant-Garde by Robinson, Rachel Elizabeth
Life Between Islands: Caribbean-British Art 1950s - Now by Bailey Mbe, David A., Farquharson, Alex
Brendan Fernandes: Re/Form by
Pòtoprens: The Urban Artists of Port-Au-Prince by
Kishio Suga: Writings: 1969-1979 by
Frida Kahlo: The Masterworks by Velásquez, Roxana
Jamaican Ceramics: A Historical and Contemporary Survey by Rodney Harrack, Norma
Con voz de mujer: Entrevistas by Gutiérrez, Virgen
El Arte Y Yo En Tiempos de Pandemia En El Salvador: Antología de Narraciones by Deras, Dacxilia S.
Wifredo Lam: The Imagination at Work by
Human Rights in Colombian Literature and Cultural Production: Embodied Enactments by
Fragments of Epic Memory by
Caribbean Art by Poupeye, Veerle
Lake Chapala: A postcard history by Burton, Tony
Taking Form, Making Worlds: Cartonera Publishers in Latin America by Flynn, Alex Ungprateeb, O'Hare, Patrick, Bell, Lucy
Poetics of Race in Latin America by
Tomás Saraceno: Particular Matter(s) by
The Portable Universe/El Universo En Tus Manos: Thought and Splendor of Indigenous Colombia by
Archive of the World: Art and Imagination in Spanish America, 1500-1800: Highlights from Lacma's Collection by
La virgen de Monserrate en la tradición puertorriqueña by Mediavilla Piñero, Nitza
Sabotage Art: Politics and Iconoclasm in Contemporary Latin America by
Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future by Garrido Castellano, Carlos
Lo Poético Cinematográfico: La Imagen Luciérnaga de Gustavo S. Fontán by Martins, Laura M.
Feliza Bursztyn: Welding Madness by
The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas, and Plant Spirits by Charing, Howard G.
This Must Be the Place: An Oral History of Latin American Artists in New York, 1965-1975 by Lukin, Aime Iglesias
Federico del Campo: The Complete Works by Kappe, Eelco
Jamaican Diaspora: Outlier by Maxwell, Janice
Constructing Latin America: Architecture, Politics, and Race at the Museum of Modern Art by del Real, Patricio
Jamaican Diaspora: Reparation Edition by Maxwell, Janice
Punk! Las Américas Edition by
Jorge Tacla: The Jorge Tacla Archives by
Keeping the Mystery Alive: Jewish Mysticism in Latin American Cultural Production by Huberman, Ariana
Frida Kahlo: The Painter and Her Work by Prignitz-Poda, Helga
Lygia Pape: The Skin of All by
Porneia by Kac, Eduardo
Diego Rivera. the Complete Murals by Rivera, Juan Rafael Coronel, Lozano, Luis-Martín
Other Americans: The Art of Latin America in the Us Imaginary by Bush, Matthew
Nia vortaro por latinamerikanoj: Español-Esperanto; Esperanto-Hispana by Hernández Marín, Guido, García Fumero, Alberto
Hurvin Anderson by Martin, Courtney J., Robinson, Roger, Lampert, Catherine
Frida Kahlo and Arte Popular by
Los Caminos de la Música: Géneros populares andinos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX by Landa Vásquez, Ladislao
Jonathas de Andrade: Com O Coração Saindo Pela Boca by
Puerto Rico & Mandalas by Alduen, Christian
Alfredo Volpi: Between the Modern and the Popular by
Ione Saldanha: The Invented City by
Abdias Nascimento: A Panamefrican Artist by
Luiz Zerbini: The Same Story Is Never the Same by
Lives of the Gods: Divinity in Maya Art by
A Revolution in Movement: Dancers, Painters, and the Image of Modern Mexico by Snow, K. Mitchell
Diego Rivera. Obra Mural Completa by Lozano, Luis-Martín, Rivera, Juan Rafael Coronel
Non-Literary Fiction: Art of the Americas Under Neoliberalism by Gabara, Esther
Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art by