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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2011

Fuel Cell Engineering by Winkler, Wolfgang, Williams, Mark
Petroleum Geochemistry by Satyanarayana, D.
Ubiquitinierung von Proteinen by Kesseler, Andreas
Acrylic Resins by Poth, Schwalm, Schwartz, Harvey Ed
Biomass Gasification by Karmakar, Malay, Chatterjee, P. K., Ahi Bhushan Datta
General Chemistry by Pauling, Linus
Mathematics of Bioinformatics: Theory, Methods and Applications by Petoukhov, Sergey, He, Matthew
Process Simplification by Malhotra, Girish K.
Coordination in Human and Primate Groups by
Long Non-Coding RNAs by
Principles and Applications of ESR Spectroscopy by Shimada, Shigetaka, Lund, Anders, Shiotani, Masaru
The Adam Family of Proteases by
Offene Quantensysteme: Die Primas Lectures by Amann, Anton, Müller-Herold, Ulrich
Ctbp Family Proteins by
The Ebro River Basin by
Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography: A Practical Survey by Poole, Colin F., Weins, Christel, Spangenberg, Bernd
Iron Catalysis: Fundamentals and Applications by
Mango Malformation by Chakrabarti, D. K.
Iridium Catalysis by
Funktionelle Koordinationspolymerfilme aus Polyiminoarylenen mit Terpyridin-Liganden by Maier, Anna
Pseudomorphe Synthese und isomorphe Substitution von mesoporösen MCM-41-Materialien by Patzsch, Julia
Waste Water Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region by
Chemical Identification and Its Quality Assurance by Milman, Boris L.
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 102 by
Essential Thermodynamics: An undergraduate textbook for chemical engineers by Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z.
Adhesion-Gpcrs: Structure to Function by
Metabolic Profiling: Methods and Protocols by
Calcium Binding Proteins by Kretsinger, Robert H., Permyakov, Eugene
Friendly Chemistry Teacher Edition Volume 1 by Hajda, Joey a., Hajda, Lisa B.
Friendly Chemistry Teacher Edition Volume 2 by Hajda, Joey a., Hajda, Lisa B.
Advanced Synthesis of Gold and Zirconia Nanoparticles and their Characterization by Dankesreiter, Stephan
Extremophiles Handbook by
Biological Functions for Information and Communication Technologies: Theory and Inspiration by
Routes to Cellulosic Ethanol by
Schneider - Arzneidrogen by Hiller, Karl, Schneider, Georg, Dingermann, Theo
Chirality and Life: A Short Introduction to the Early Phases of Chemical Evolution by Flügel, Rolf M.
Bild-DVD, Biochemie: Die Abbildungen Des Buches by Muller-Esterl, Werner, M. Ller-Esterl, Werner, Muller-Esterl, Werner E. G.
Zur Chemisch-Mineralogischen Erforschung Der Deutschen Kalisalzlagerstätten: Antrittsrede Gehalten in Der Aula Der Universität Am 20. November 1909 by Rinne, Fritz
Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering by
Entropies of Condensed Phases and Complex Systems: A First Principles Approach by Spickermann, Christian
Tabellen Zur Chemischen Analyse by
Logarithmische Rechentafeln Für Pharmazeuten, Mediziner Und Physiker by Küster, F. W.
Microbial Biosorption of Metals by
Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Transition Metal Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications [With CDROM] by Trautwein, Alfred X., Gütlich, Philipp, Bill, Eckhard
Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2007: An Annual Survey Covering the Literature Dated January to December 2007 by
Spectroscopy, Theory and Mechanism in Bioinorganic Chemistry: Faraday Discussions No 148 by
Redox-Mediated Signal Transduction: Methods and Protocols by
Rnai: Design and Application by
Chemistry of Opioids by
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 286 by
A Fertility Program for Growing Vegetables - With Information on Soil, Manures and Use of Chemicals by Watts, Ralph L.
Advanced Protocols in Oxidative Stress I by
Epitope Mapping Protocols by
Pocket Guide to Biomolecular NMR by Crane, Nicole J., Doucleff, Michaeleen, Hatcher-Skeers, Mary
Int Assess of Res & Develop in Catal .. by
The Chemistry of Soils - Including Information on Acidity, Nitrification, Lime Requirements and Many Other Aspects of Soil Chemistry by Various Authors
Pseudocereals and Less Common Cereals: Grain Properties and Utilization Potential by
Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium Held in Bergen, Norway, 20 - 25 June 2004 by
The Supporting Roots of Trees and Woody Plants: Form, Function and Physiology by
Organic Chemistry of Isotopic Labelling by Hanson, James R.
Radiative Decay Engineering by
Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids: Volume 3 - Normal, Broken-Symmetry, and Correlated Systems by Sólyom, Jenö
Pumps, Transporters, and Ion Channels by
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chiral Molecules and Supramolecular Architectures by
Ordered Porous Nanostructures and Applications by
Nanostructured Silica Aerogel by Taik Kim, Hee, Sarawade, Pradip B.
Toll-Like Receptors: Methods and Protocols by
Protein Blotting and Detection: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 53 by
Easy Coating: Grundlagen Und Trends Beim Coating Pharmazeutischer Produkte by
Mathematik Im Labor: Ein Arbeitsbuch Für Molekularbiologie Und Biotechnologie by Stephenson, Frank H.
Seafoods: Quality, Technology and Nutraceutical Applications by
Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems: A Time/Space Separation Based Approach by Li, Han-Xiong, Qi, Chenkun
Bioavailability of Organic Xenobiotics in the Environment: Practical Consequences for the Environment by
The Fundamentals of Electron Density, Density Matrix and Density Functional Theory in Atoms, Molecules and the Solid State by
Bacterial Growth and Form by Koch, A. L.
Multicomponent Interfacial Transport: Described by the Square Gradient Model During Evaporation and Condensation by Glavatskiy, Kirill
Synthesis of Polyols from Cardanol by Pandaram, Palanisamy
Synergized Middle School Chemistry: Matter's Phases and Properties by Johnson Ph. D., Sharon F., Smith M. a., Joanne J.
Anorganische Chemie by Riedel, Erwin, Janiak, Christoph
Heat Transfer: Theoretical Analysis, Experimental Investigations and Industrial Systems by
Single-Sided NMR by
Mixture and Chemical Combination: And Related Essays by Duhem, Pierre
Leitlinien der Chemie by Ostwald, Wilhelm
Die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der analytischen Chemie by Ostwald, Wilhelm
Elementary Scattering Theory: For X-Ray and Neutron Users by Sivia, D. S.
Aromatic Hydroxyketones: Preparation and Physical Properties: Vol.1: Hydroxybenzophenones Vol.2: Hydroxyacetophenones I Vol.3: Hydroxyacetophenones II by Martin, Robert
Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials, the - Volume II by
Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials, the - Volume II by
Copper-Catalyzed Multi-Component Reactions: Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Polycyclic Compounds by Ohta, Yusuke
3000 Slvd Prbl Chemistry REV by Goldberg
Chemometrics with R: Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural Sciences and Life Sciences by Wehrens, Ron
Transient Receptor Potential Channels by
Pick Your Poison: How Our Mad Dash to Chemical Utopia Is Making Lab Rats of Us All by Rossol, Monona
Interfacial Nanochemistry: Molecular Science and Engineering at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces by
Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Active Materials, Nanoscale Materials, Composites, Glass, and Fundamentals by
Tetrapyrroles: Birth, Life and Death by
Targeting Functional Centers of the Ribosome by Davidovich, Chen
Materials Fundamentals of Gate Dielectrics by
Regulation of Biological Control Agents by
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, the Silvertree Hotel and Snowmass Conference Center, Snowmass, Color by
Compounds with 20 to 136 Carbon Atoms: Supplement to Subvolumes C, F and I by Bauhofer, C., Peters, G.
Analysis for Healthcare Diagnostics and Theranostics: Faraday Discussions No 149 by
Concise Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics by Finkel, Robert W.
Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications by
Mycotoxins and Their Metabolites in Humans and Animals by Weidenbörner, Martin
Glassy Materials and Disordered Solids: An Introduction to Their Statistical Mechanics (Revised Edition) by Kob, Walter, Binder, Kurt
Bio-Inspired Materials and Sensing Systems by Hiltz, John A., Biggins, Peter D. E., Kusterbeck, Anne
Analog Circuit Design: Robust Design, SIGMA Delta Converters, RFID by
Is There a Temperature?: Conceptual Challenges at High Energy, Acceleration and Complexity by Biró, Tamás Sándor
Nobel Chemists by Badge, Peter
Technische Methanolsynthese im Versuchsstand: Heterogene Katalyse bei der Herstellung von Methanol by Müller, Karsten
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Struktur und Eigenschaften am Beispiel der Kunststoffe: Eine Unterrichtsstunde in der Klassenstufe 11 by Schulz, Angelina
Fermentation by Schützenberger, P.
Biotechnological Applications of Photosynthetic Proteins: Biochips, Biosensors and Biodevices by Piletska, Elena, Giardi, Maria Teresa
Protein Movement Across Membranes by
Open Source Development, Communities and Quality: Ifip 20th World Computer Congress, Working Group 2.3 on Open Source Software, September 7-10, 2008, by
Reviews in Fluorescence 2005 by
3D Qsar in Drug Design: Volume 1: Theory Methods and Applications by
Cronobacter Testreihe - Ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Nachweismethoden für Cronobacter sakazakii in einem Mittelständischen Unternehmen by Gensel, Steffi
RNA and DNA Editing: Methods and Protocols by
Signal Transduction Immunohistochemistry: Methods and Protocols by
Introducing Proteomics by Lovric, Josip
Thermal Physics: Entropy and Free Energies (2nd Edition) by Lee, Joon Chang
Heat Transfer: Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods and Information Technology by
Pharmaceutical Process Chemist by Harrington, Peter J.
Herbal Medicines Research by
Small-Scale Synthesis of Laboratory Reagents with Reaction Modeling by Lerner, Leonid
Chemie im Kontext - ein innovatives Konzept für den Chemieunterricht? by Schulz, Angelina
The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements (Set Vol.1-6): Volumes 1-6 by
Genomic Imprinting: Causes and Consequences by
Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (Hilic) and Advanced Applications by
Density Functional Theory: An Advanced Course by Engel, Eberhard, Dreizler, Reiner M.
Crystallization of Polymers: Volume 1, Equilibrium Concepts by Mandelkern, Leo
The Computation of Chemical Equilibria by S. H., Storey, Van Zeggeren, F., F, Van Zeggeren
Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry: Vol. 1: Basics of Nuclear Science; Vol. 2: Elements and Isotopes: Formation, Transformation, Distribution; Vol. 3: Che by
Introduction to Food Process Engineering by Smith, P. G.
Advanced Topics in Mass Transfer by
Green Chemistry and Engineering: A Practical Design Approach by Constable, David J. C., Jiménez-González, Concepción
Deactiv & Regener of Zeolite Cataly (V9) by
Biophysical Chemistry by Cooper, Alan
Chemie Der Elemente: Chemie-Basiswissen IV by Latscha, Hans Peter, Mutz, Martin
Radiation Physics for Nuclear Medicine by
How Do Spores Select Where to Settle?: A Holographic Motility Analysis of Ulva Zoospores on Different Surfaces by Heydt, Matthias
Catalysis, Volume 23 by
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications: Vol. 1: Isolated C by Zhou, Jiaju, XIE, Guirong, Yan, Xinjian
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications: Vol. 2: Isolated C by Zhou, Jiaju, XIE, Guirong, Yan, Xinjian
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications: Vol. 5: Isolated C by Zhou, Jiaju, XIE, Guirong, Yan, Xinjian
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications: Vol. 6: Indexes by Zhou, Jiaju, XIE, Guirong, Yan, Xinjian
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications: Vol. 4: Isolated C by XIE, Guirong, Yan, Xinjian, Zhou, Jiaju
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications: Vol. 3: Isolated C by Yan, Xinjian, Zhou, Jiaju, XIE, Guirong
Higher Oxidation State Organopalladium and Platinum Chemistry by
Challenges in Analytical Quality Assurance by Reichenbächer, Manfred, Einax, Jürgen W.
Collisional Line Broadening and Shifting of Atmospheric Gases: A Practical Guide for Line Shape Modelling by Current Semi-Classical Approaches by Starikov, Vitaly I., Buldyreva, Jeanna, Lavrentieva, Nina N.
Heme Biology: The Secret Life of Heme in Regulating Diverse Biological Processes by
Water Specialists' Package by
Desalination: Trends and Technologies by
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications by Zhou, Jiaju, XIE, Guirong, Yan, Xinjian
Life from an RNA World: The Ancestor Within by Yarus, Michael
Suspension Acoustics: An Introduction to the Physics of Suspensions by Temkin, Samuel
Molecular Chaperones and Cell Signalling by
Studies on Veterinary Medicine by
Protein Microarray for Disease Analysis: Methods and Protocols by
Organic Photochemistry by Coxon, James Morriss, Halton, Brian, Coxon, J. M.
Biochemistry Applied to Malting and Brewing by Hopkins, R. H.
Sounding Out Food Quality: Ultrasonic Evaluation of Complex Biological Materials by Page, J., Scanlon, M.
Matrizen Und Ihre Anwendungen 1: Grundlagen Für Ingenieure, Physiker Und Angewandte Mathematiker by Zurmühl, Rudolf, Falk, Sigurd
Light-Induced Processes in Optically-Tweezed Aerosol Droplets by Knox, Kerry J.
Advanced Methods of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling by Milewski, Jaroslaw, Świrski, Konrad, Santarelli, Massimo
Prokaryotic Antimicrobial Peptides: From Genes to Applications by
Mikrobereichsanalytik an marinen Biomineralisationsprodukten: Copepoden des Südpolarmeeres und der Nordsee by Schwartze, Gregor Christoph
Modeling of Evanescent wave Optical Fiber Biosensor by Shaikh Anwar, Mohd Sadique
Fundamentals of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy by Smith, Brian C.
Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction, Volume 20: A Series of Advances by
Cellular Effects of Heavy Metals by
Investigations in the field of carbene-boron chemistry: Untersuchungen zur Chemie von Carbene-Bor-Addukten by Steinhof, Oliver
Micro Reaction Technology in Organic Synthesis by Watts, Paul, Wiles, Charlotte
The Dose Makes the Poison: A Plain-Language Guide to Toxicology by Frank, Patricia, Ottoboni, M. Alice
Establishing Precompetitive Collaborations to Stimulate Genomics-Driven Product Development: Workshop Summary by Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health
Chemical Biomarkers in Aquatic Ecosystems by Bianchi, Thomas S., Canuel, Elizabeth A.
Protein Purification: Principles, High Resolution Methods, and Applications by
Biochemistry Applied to Beer Brewing - General Chemistry of the Raw Materials of Malting and Brewing by Hopkins, R. H.
Progress in Physical Chemistry Volume 4: Ionic Motion in Materials with Disordered Structures - From Elementary Steps to Macroscopic Transport by
Terapia Genica by Giacca, Mauro
Linear-Scaling Techniques in Computational Chemistry and Physics: Methods and Applications by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data: Subvolume D: Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Carbon-13: Part 6: Organic Metalloid Compounds by Mikhova, Bozhana
Advanced Rubber Composites by
Gleichgewichtsthermodynamik: Grundlagen Und Einfache Anwendungen by Heintz, Andreas
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 103 by
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, Updated Version by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, National Research Council
Coulombic Fluids: Bulk and Interfaces by Freyland, Werner
Conversion Concepts for Commercial Applications and Disposal Technologies of Energetic Systems by
A Dissertation Report on Tuberculosis Immunology by Sharma, Gaurav, Beenu Joshi
Catalytic Microreactors for Portable Power Generation by Karagiannidis, Symeon
Process Analytical Chemistry: Control, Optimization, Quality, Economy by Koch, Karl H.
Concepts and Methods of 2D Infrared Spectroscopy by Zanni, Martin, Hamm, Peter
Membrane Reactors for Hydrogen Production Processes by
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 287 by
Computational Studies of Transition Metal Nanoalloys by Borbón, Lauro Oliver Paz
Soft Matter: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made of by Piazza, Roberto
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