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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2016

Soil Fertility, Fertilizers and Agrochemicals by Jaga, Praveen Kumar &. Singh Bharat
Topological Modeling and Drug Designing by Dheeraj Mandloi
Handbook of Poly Acrylic Acids: (A guide for Polymer Chemists/Consultants) by Chatrabhuji, Parimal M., Patel, Mukesh C.
Manuel Opératoire de Chimie Organique by DuPont-J
Long Non-Coding Rnas: Methods and Protocols by
General Chemistry by Ebbing, Darrell, Gammon, Steven D.
Bundle: General Chemistry, Loose-Leaf Version, 11th + Owlv2, 4 Terms (24 Months) Printed Access Card by Ebbing, Darrell, Gammon, Steven D.
Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments by Masters, Katherine, Williamson, Kenneth
Chemical Principles by Zumdahl, Steven, DeCoste, Donald J.
Molecular Biology of RNA by Elliott, David, Ladomery, Michael
Molecular and Genome Evolution by Graur, Dan
Single-Molecule Microscopy and Spectroscopy: Faraday Discussion 184 by
Friendly Chemistry Teacher Edition (One Student) Vol 1 by Hajda, Joey a., Hajda, Lisa B.
Wasserstoff Und Alkalimetalle: Elemente Der Ersten Hauptgruppe: Eine Reise Durch Das Periodensystem by Sicius, Hermann
Carbon Dioxide Utilisation: Faraday Discussion 183 by
Friendly Chemistry Teacher Edition (One Student) Volume 2 by Hajda, Lisa B., Hajda, Joey a.
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy: Volume 87 by
Atome, Moleküle Und Optische Physik 2: Moleküle Und Photonen - Spektroskopie Und Streuphysik by Schulz, C. -P, Hertel, Ingolf V.
Rare-Earths and Actinides in High Energy Spectroscopy by Bonnelle, Christiane, Spector, Nissan
Polyolefin Compounds and Materials: Fundamentals and Industrial Applications by
A First Example of a Lyotropic Smectic C* Analog Phase: Design, Properties and Chirality Effects by Bruckner, Johanna R.
Experiences from Surface Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin District (Part I) by
The Rare Earth Elements: An Introduction by Voncken, J. H. L.
C-H Bond Activation and Catalytic Functionalization I by
Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: From Fundamentals to Green Applications by
Nanoscience: Volume 3 by
Der energetische Imperativ by Ostwald, Wilhelm
Pharmacological Assays of Plant-Based Natural Products by Parimelazhagan, Thangaraj
Experiences from Ground, Coastal and Transitional Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin by
Synthesis of Best-Seller Drugs by Hruby, Victor, Vardanyan, Ruben
Hydrogel Synthesis and Applications by M. Eid Marwa
Lives and Times of Great Pioneers in Chemistry (Lavoisier to Sanger) by Rao, Indumati, Rao, C. N. R.
Lives and Times of Great Pioneers in Chemistry (Lavoisier to Sanger) by Rao, C. N. R., Rao, Indumati
Supramolecular Photochemistry: Faraday Discussion 185 by
The Molecular Basis of Drug Addiction: Volume 137 by Rahman, Shafiqur
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 321 by
Isotope Labeling of Biomolecules - Applications: Volume 566 by
The Alkaloids: Volume 75 by
Insights from Imaging in Bioinorganic Chemistry: Volume 68 by
Dynamic Plasma Membranes: Portals Between Cells and Physiology: Volume 77 by
Balancing Chemical Equations Worksheets (Over 200 Reactions to Balance): Chemistry Essentials Practice Workbook with Answers by McMullen, Chris
Molecular characterization of CA125 in Benign and Malignant Ovarian Tumors: CA125 in Tumors by Al-Mudhaffar Dr, Sami a.
Drug-Like Properties: Concepts, Structure Design and Methods from Adme to Toxicity Optimization by Kerns, Edward H., Di, Li
Preventive Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals by
Venom Genomics and Proteomics by
Cyclische Verbindungen. - Naturstoffe, Teil 3: Heterocyclische Verbindungen, Abt. 1 by Meyer, Victor
Handbook by Villars, Pierre, Cenzual, Karin
Venom Genomics and Proteomics by
Die Resultate der Aetzmethode by Baumhauer, H.
Illustriertes Rezepthandbuch der praktischen Destillation für Industrie, Land- und Hauswirtschaft by Hamm, Wilhelm
Concepts of Mathematical Physics in Chemistry: A Tribute to Frank E. Harris - Part B: Volume 72 by
Cyanobacteria for Bioremediation of Wastewaters by
Bioreactor Engineering Research and Industrial Applications I: Cell Factories by
Síntese de nanotubos de carbono empregando Co/CaCO3 como catalisador by Mululo Madela, Priscila
Intermediate Filament Proteins: Volume 568 by
Calorimetry: Volume 567 by
Intermediate Filament Associated Proteins: Volume 569 by
Anabole Steroide. Chemische Eigenschaften, Anwendungen, Missbrauch und Nebenwirkungen by Haala, Luca
Heat Shock Factor by
Pulp and Paper Industry: Energy Conservation by Bajpai, Pratima
Oxidative Stability and Shelf Life of Foods Containing Oils and Fats by
The Historiography of the Chemical Revolution: Patterns of Interpretation in the History of Science by McEvoy, John G.
Current US legislation on the environmental, health and safety impact of nanomaterials in coating products by Moschidis, Stavros
Toll-Like Receptors: Practice and Methods by
The Diffusion of Crude Petroleum Through Fuller's Earth by Bransky, Oscar Ellis
Die Kalidüngung in ihrem Wert für die Erhöhung und Verbilligung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion by Maercker, Max
Studies in Radioactivity by Bragg, W. H.
Silica Aerogel Composites: Novel Fabrication Methods by Sachithanadam, Mahesh, Joshi, Sunil Chandrakant
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 118 by
Electron Correlation in Molecules - AB Initio Beyond Gaussian Quantum Chemistry: Volume 73 by
Organic Chemistry by Wade, Leroy, Simek, Jan
Solar to Chemical Energy Conversion: Theory and Application by
Models and Algorithms for Biomolecules and Molecular Networks by Dasgupta, Bhaskar, Liang, Jie
New Materials for Catalytic Applications by Kemnitz, Erhard, Parvulescu, Vasile I.
Budding Yeast: A Laboratory Manual by
Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics by
Budding Yeast: A Laboratory Manual by
Singlet Oxygen: Applications in Biosciences and Nanosciences by
Sample Preparation Techniques for Soil, Plant, and Animal Samples by
Les Odeurs: Démonstrations Pratiques Avec l'Olfactomètre Et Le Pèse-Vapeur by Henry, Charles
Manuel de Chimie À l'Usage Des Candidats Au Baccalauréat Ès Sciences, Au Baccalauréat Ès Lettres by Pâquet, Em
Manuel de Chimie Agricole Et de Physiologie Végétale Et Animale Appliquée À l'Agriculture by Proost, Alphonse
Eléments de Chimie: Classe de Quatrième, Métalloïdes by Gabriel-Marie
Eléments de Chimie: Classe de Troisième, Métaux, Chimie Organique 3e Édition by A. Mame Et Fils
Cours de Chimie: Classe de Seconde, Métalloïdes Et Métaux by Gabriel-Marie
Manipulations de Chimie: Leçons À l'Usage Des Élèves Des Établissements d'Enseignement Spécial by LeBlanc, René
Précis de Chimie 25e Édition by Troost, Louis
Eléments de Chimie: Classe de Quatrième, Métalloïdes 3e Édition by Gabriel-Marie
Pratique de l'Art de Chauffer Par Le Thermosiphon: Avec Un Article Sur Le Calorifère À Air Chaud by Audot, Louis-Eustache
Notions de Chimie Applicables Aux Usages de la Vie 35e Édition by Regodt
Notes Et Documents de Chimie Générale by Oechsner de Coninck, William
Manuel de Chimie: Écoles Primaires Supérieures Jeunes Filles, Candidates Au Brevet 8e Éd by Gauthier-Échard
Manuel de Chimie: Écoles Primaires Supérieures Jeunes Filles, Cours Complémentaires 6e Éd by Gauthier-Échard
Cours de Chimie À l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires Supérieures 3e Éd by Perseil, Léon
La Dénaturation de l'Alcool En France Et Dans Les Principaux Pays d'Europe by Duchemin, René
Premiers Enseignements de Chimie 3e Éd by Focillon, Adolphe
La Chimie Est-Elle Une Science Française ? by Duhem, Pierre
Recherches Sur Les Colorants Dérivés Du Triphénylméthane: Conférence Faite À La Société Chimique de Paris, Le 28 Décembre 1891 by Nölting, Emilio
Analysis of Oceanic Waters and Sediments by Crompton, Thomas Roy
Ultrasonic Synthesis of Functional Materials by Ashokkumar, Muthupandian
A Study on Catalytic Conversion of Non-Food Biomass Into Chemicals: Fusion of Chemical Sciences and Engineering by Yabushita, Mizuho
The Zinc/Bromine Flow Battery: Materials Challenges and Practical Solutions for Technology Advancement by Vassallo, Anthony Michael, Rajarathnam, Gobinath Pillai
Organic Chemistry by Simek, Jan, Wade, Leroy
Personalized Medicine: Volume 102 by
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 322 by
The Alkaloids: Volume 76 by
Nonribosomal Peptide and Polyketide Biosynthesis: Methods and Protocols by
Wonder Woman: Marketing Secrets for the Trillion-Dollar Customer by Ellwood, I., Shekar, S.
The Chemistry and Applications of Sustainable Natural Hair Products by Barve, Kalyani, Dighe, Apurva
Advanced Catalytic Materials: Photocatalysis and Other Current Trends by
Guide to Stereochemistry: In Detail by Baishya, Bishal
Qualitative Inorganic Analysis by Berry, A. J.
Energetic Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application by
Modification of Magnetic Properties of Iron Clusters by Doping and Adsorption: From a Few Atoms to Nanoclusters by Gutsev, Lavrenty G., Gutsev, Gennady L., Belay, Kalayu G.
Novel Catalysts in Advanced Oxidation of Organic Pollutants by Atalay, Süheyda, Ersöz, Gülin
Quantum Dynamics and Laser Control for Photochemistry by Sala, Matthieu
Strain Mechanisms in Lead-Free Ferroelectrics for Actuators by Acosta, Matias
Controlled Drug Delivery Systems: Towards New Frontiers in Patient Care by Masi, Maurizio, Rossi, Filippo, Perale, Giuseppe
Student Solutions Manual for Ebbing/Gammon's General Chemistry, 11th by Ebbing, Darrell, Gammon, Steven D.
Control and Prediction of Solid-State of Pharmaceuticals: Experimental and Computational Approaches by Bhardwaj, Rajni Miglani
Gaseous and Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg-Based Thin Films by Xin, Gongbiao
Mecánica Estadística de Dispersiones Coloidales Cargadas a Concentración Finita by Manzanilla Granados, Héctor Manuel
Wonder Woman: Marketing Secrets for the Trillion Dollar Customer by Shekar, S., Ellwood, I.
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXIV by
Leuchtstoffe, Lichtquellen, Laser, Lumineszenz by Justel, Thomas, Schwung, Sebastian
Fluorescence Studies of Polymer Containing Systems by
Wastewater Reuse and Current Challenges by
Transition Metal-Catalyzed Pyridine Synthesis: Transition Metal-Catalyzed Heterocycle Synthesis Series by Wu, Xiao-Feng
Ionic Liquids in Lipid Processing and Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges by
Radioaktive Umwandlungen by Rutherford, Ernest
Measuring Biological Impacts of Nanomaterials by
Quantitative Proteomics by Mass Spectrometry by
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Volume 47 by
Biomedical Chemistry by Vale, Nuno
Toxic Histories: Poison and Pollution in Modern India by Arnold, David
The Membranes of Cells by Yeagle, Philip L.
Metallothioneins in Normal and Cancer Cells by Pula, Bartosz, Kobierzycki, Christopher, Dziegiel, Piotr
Das Färben von Textilien (1772): Chemische Versuche und Bemerkungen zur Färbekunst by Poerner, Karl Wilhelm
Production Management of Chemical Industries by Golwalkar, Kiran R.
Botanical Miracles: Chemistry of Plants That Changed the World by Cooper, Raymond, Deakin, Jeffrey John
Transglutaminases: Multiple Functional Modifiers and Targets for New Drug Discovery by
50 Schlüsselideen Chemie by Birch, Hayley
Gas Phase NMR by
Permeability of Biological Membranes by Banfalvi, Gaspar
Molecular Science of Fluctuations Toward Biological Functions by
Snow, Ice and Other Wonders of Water: A Tribute to the Hydrogen Bond by Olovsson, Ivar
Snow, Ice and Other Wonders of Water: A Tribute to the Hydrogen Bond by Olovsson, Ivar
Abhandlung über die Constitution der organischen Säuren by Liebig, Justus
Advanced Treatment Technologies for Urban Wastewater Reuse by
Transposons and Retrotransposons: Methods and Protocols by
Versuch einer Methode, die Massen der Elementarmolekeln der Stoffe und die Verhältnisse, nach welchen sie in Verbindungen eintreten, zu bestimmen by Avogadro, Amedeo
Lanthanides Series Determination by Various Analytical Methods by Faridbod, Farnoush, Ganjali, Mohammad Reza, Gupta, Vinod Kumar
Progress in Medicinal Chemistry: Volume 55 by
The Alkali Metal Ions: Their Role for Life by
Der Effekt unterschiedlicher Taurinkonzentrationen auf aktivierte B-Zellen by Gansel, Martin
Qualitative Analyse von Energy Drinks by Gansel, Martin
Catalysis: Volume 28 by
Industrial Oil Crops by
Surface Chemistry of Nanobiomaterials: Applications of Nanobiomaterials by
Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets, Part a: Volume 103 by
Domino and Intramolecular Rearrangement Reactions as Advanced Synthetic Methods in Glycoscience by
The role of Ca125 in clinical chemistry: Tumor Marker by Al-Mudhaffar Dr, Sami a., Karboon, Majid a., Al-Jeboori, Enas Ghazi
Spectral Methods in Transition Metal Complexes by Sridharan, K.
Chemische Grundlagen. Eine Überblicksdarstellung by Hons, Christoph
Modernization of Traditional Food Processes and Products by
Praktikumsbericht Analysentechnik. Fluoridbestimmung in Mineralwasser by Hendel, Antonia
Titangruppe: Elemente Der Vierten Nebengruppe: Eine Reise Durch Das Periodensystem by Sicius, Hermann
School chemistry elementary: Balancing chemical equations by Iqbal, Mazhar
Myths and Verities in Protein Folding Theories by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Myths and Verities in Protein Folding Theories by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Smart Materials for Advanced Environmental Applications by
Hormones and the Endocrine System: Textbook of Endocrinology by Kleine, Bernhard, Rossmanith, Winfried G.
Injectable Hydrogels for Regenerative Engineering by
Understanding Macrocycle Effects by Durepo, Arthur
Electrochemische Untersuchungen by Davy, Humphry
Principles of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry by
Application, Purification, and Recovery of Ionic Liquids by
My Revision Notes: Edexcel as Chemistry by Facer, George
Marine and Freshwater Toxins by
Charakterisierung der Komplexbildung zwischen Zellpenetrierenden Peptiden und Oligonukleotiden: Eine transientenkinetische Analyse by Sjuts, Hanno
Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers for Environmental and Biomedical Applications by Kalia, Susheel, Avérous, Luc
Solutions to Chemistry Test Banks by Pandian, Sivarajan
Berichte Zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2014: Monitoring 2014 by
Organic Chemistry Practicals and Important Reagents by Chaudhary, Darshan V.
Compostable Polymer Materials by Rudnik, Ewa
Notice Sur La Vie Et Les Travaux by Davanne, Alphonse
Dictionnaire d'Analyse Des Substances Organiques Industrielles Et Commerciales by Renard, Adolphe
Traité de Chimie Avec La Notation Atomique: À l'Usage Des Élèves de l'Enseignement Primaire by Serres
Manuel d'Analyse Chimique: Appliqué À l'Essai Des Combustibles, Minerais, Métaux, Alliages, Sels by Prost
Récréations Chimiques 5e Édition by Castillon, A.
L'Air, l'Acide Carbonique Et l'Eau by Dumas, Jean-Baptiste
Vins Sophistiqués: Sophistications Les Plus Usuelles Et Surtout La Coloration Artificielle by
Sur La Répartition de la Potasse Et de la Soude Dans Les Végétaux by Peligot, Eugène-Melchior
Cours de Physique Et de Chimie, Nouveaux Programmes 31 Mai 1902 Chimie: Mathématiques A, B by Drincourt-C
Cours de Physique Et de Chimie, Nouveaux Programmes 31 Mai 1902 Chimie: Philosophie A. B by Drincourt-C
Essai Analytique Sur La Détermination Des Fonctions: Chimie Organique by Chastaing, Paul
Étude Sur La Part de la Lumière Dans Les Actions Chimiques by Chastaing, P.
Chimie Générale, Baccalauréat Scientifique Et Écoles Du Gouvernement by Revoy, P.
Tableaux d'Analyse Des Sels by Richard
Cours de Physique Et de Chimie, Nouveaux Programmes 31 Mai 1902 Chimie: Première C. D by Drincourt-C
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