• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2017

Peptides and Peptide-Based Biomaterials and Their Biomedical Applications by
Advances in Dye Removal Technologies by Purkait, Mihir Kumar, de, Sirshendu, Mondal, Sourav
Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Technologies: Fundamentals and Applications by
Development of Chemistry-Based Screening Platform for Access to Mirror-Image Library of Natural Products by Noguchi, Taro
DNA Nanotechnology for Bioanalysis: From Hybrid DNA Nanostructures to Functional Devices by
Protein Reviews: Volume 18 by
Contrast Agents for MRI: Experimental Methods by
Organic Synthesis: State of the Art, 2013-2015 by Lambert, Tristan, Taber, Douglass F.
High-Temperature H2s Removal from Igcc Coarse Gas by Zhou, Weiguo, Wu, Jiang, Liu, Dongjing
Frontiers of Quantum Chemistry by
Chemistry Workbook (1st Semester): Honeycutt Science by Honeycutt, John A.
Biophysical Techniques in Drug Discovery by
Nanostructured Materials for Type III Photovoltaics by
Computational Materials System Design by
Crystal Structure of Electroceramics by
Time doesn't exist. And many other things (Big Bang, Black matter, Black holes, ...) by Viel, Didier
Phage Display: Methods and Protocols by
Studies on Antioxidant and Cryoprotective Flavonoids from the Stem bark of Semecarpus anacardium by Kumar, Naveen
Acute Brain Impairment: Scientific Discoveries and Translational Research by
Molecular Technologies for Detection of Chemical and Biological Agents by
Drinking Water Disinfection Techniques by Kishen Kumar, Jyoti, Pandit, Aniruddha Bhalchandra
Plant Responses to Hyperarid Desert Environments by Hongyan, Liu, Abd El-Ghani, Monier M., Huerta-Martínez, Francisco Martín
Atome, Moleküle Und Optische Physik 1: Atome Und Grundlagen Ihrer Spektroskopie by Schulz, C. -P, Hertel, Ingolf V.
Anticoagulant Rodenticides and Wildlife by
Mass Spectrometry in Chemical Biology: Evolving Applications by
Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery: Revised and Expanded by Mahato, Ram I., Narang, Ajit S.
Endophytes: Biology and Biotechnology: Volume 1 by
Self-Assembled Molecules - New Kind of Protein Ligands: Supramolecular Ligands by
Multi-Component Crystals: Synthesis, Concepts, Function by
Nanocellulose: From Nature to High Performance Tailored Materials by DuFresne, Alain
Syngas Production: Status and Potential for Implementation in Russian Industry by Meyer, Bernd, Litvinenko, Vladimir
Security Risk Assessment: In the Chemical and Process Industry by
Mechanism and Theory in Food Chemistry, Second Edition by Wong, Dominic W. S.
Chemische Elemente Und Ihre Spezies: Mobilität, Bioverfügbarkeit, Toxizität Und Analytik by Schwedt, Georg
A Better Way to Learn Redox Chemistry Part 1: Summarized Principles and Over 250 Answered Questions and Problems: Electrochemistry Part 1: Summarized by Ammam, Malika
Chaperones: Methods and Protocols by
Spin Chemical Physics of Graphene by
Poison and Poisoning in Science, Fiction and Cinema: Precarious Identities by
Biomass and Green Chemistry: Building a Renewable Pathway by
Plasma Nanoengineering and Nanofabrication by
s-Block Metal Complexes by
Isolierung und Charakterisierung von hochmolekularer DNA und Chromatin: Versuch zum Biochemischen Grundpraktikum für Chemiker by Greinke, Anita
One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences by
Coupling and Decoupling of Diverse Molecular Units in Glycosciences by
Tctp/Tpt1 - Remodeling Signaling from Stem Cell to Disease by
Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules by
Mechanisms of Primary Energy Transduction in Biology by
Counting Moles: Simple Solutions in Chemistry by Freestone, Nigel
Foundations of the Atomic Theory by Wollaston, William Hyde, Thomson, Thomas, Dalton, John
Nanotechnology Applied to Pharmaceutical Technology by
Protein Phosphorylation by
Solubility of Polysaccharides by
Analytical Affinity Chromatography by Chaiken, Irwin M.
Chemometrics: Chemical and Sensory Data by Burgard, David R.
Heterogenous Photochemical Electron Transfer by Gratzel, Michael
Hormones and Metabolism in Insect Stress by Ivanovic, Jelisaveta
Bioaccumulation of Xenobiotic Compounds by Connell, Des W.
Cell-Cell Junctions, Second Edition by Yap, Alpha S.
Endophytes: Crop Productivity and Protection: Volume 2 by
Membrane Biophysics: New Insights and Methods by
Thermal Analysis in Practice: Fundamental Aspects by Wagner, Matthias
Epigenetic Landscapes: Drawings as Metaphor by Squier, Susan Merrill
Epigenetic Landscapes: Drawings as Metaphor by Squier, Susan Merrill
Low Carbon Energy Transitions: Turning Points in National Policy and Innovation by Araújo, Kathleen
Principles of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry by Rao, Nadendla Rama
Dj-1/Park7 Protein: Parkinson's Disease, Cancer and Oxidative Stress-Induced Diseases by
Biotechnology of Natural Products by
Informatorium Voor Voeding En Diëtetiek: Dieetleer En Voedingsleer - Supplement 97 - December 2017 by
Irreducible Cartesian Tensors by Snider, Robert F.
Solutions Manual to Accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7e by Smith, David
Boron Isotopes: The Fifth Element by
LC-MS/MS Method for Mycotoxin Analysis by
Painting on Glass and Porcelain and Enamel Painting by Hermann, Felix
Cobalt by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 42 by
Ernährung Im Alter: Praxishandbuch Mit Checklisten Für Pflege Und Betreuung by Pleyer, Brigitte, Raidl, Alexandra
Stryer Biochemie by Tymoczko, John L., Gatto Jr, Gregory J., Berg, Jeremy M.
Agromining: Farming for Metals: Extracting Unconventional Resources Using Plants by
Chemical Compound Structures and the Higher Dimension of Molecules: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Zhizhin, Gennadiy Vladimirovich
An Introduction to the Gas Phase by Vallance, Claire
An Introduction to the Gas Phase by Vallance, Claire
Handbook of Supernovae by
Handbook of Supernovae by
Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules by
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Band 5: Merkblätter 1613-2071 by Baum, Eckhard
Physikalische Chemie I: Thermodynamik Und Kinetik by Elstner, Marcus
Experimental Approaches of NMR Spectroscopy: Methodology and Application to Life Science and Materials Science by
Hazardous Reagent Substitution: A Pharmaceutical Perspective by
Natural Bioactive Compounds from Fruits and Vegetables As Health Promoters Part 1 by Silva, Branca Maria, Da Silva, Luís Rodrigues
Natural Bioactive Compounds from Fruits and Vegetables As Health Promoters Part 2 by Da Silva, Luís Rodrigues, Silva, Branca Maria
God's Brain by Tiger, Lionel, McGuire, Michael
Materials Development for Active/Passive Components of a Supercapacitor: Background, Present Status and Future Perspective by Samantara, Aneeya K., Ratha, Satyajit
Prospects of Alternative Transportation Fuels by
Environmental Contaminants: Measurement, Modelling and Control by
Dynamical Astrochemistry by Hartquist, Thomas W., Rawlings, Jonathan M. C., Williams, David A.
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Chemical and Biological Approaches Volume 43 by
Cold Chemistry: Molecular Scattering and Reactivity Near Absolute Zero by
Production of Plant Derived Natural Compounds Through Hairy Root Culture by
Cyclic Peptides: From Bioorganic Synthesis to Applications by
Einführung in Die Chemie Nachwachsender Rohstoffe: Vorkommen, Konversion, Verwendung by Behr, Arno, Seidensticker, Thomas
Skin Permeation and Disposition of Therapeutic and Cosmeceutical Compounds by
Volatiles and Food Security: Role of Volatiles in Agro-Ecosystems by
A Mathematical Approach to Protein Biophysics by Scott, L. Ridgway, Fernández, Ariel
Tissue Engineering and Nanotheranostics by
Inorganic Trace Analytics: Trace Element Analysis and Speciation by
Highlights in Applied Mineralogy by
Physikalische Systeme und ihre Beschreibung by Strunk, Christoph
Quantenstatistik aus experimenteller Sicht by Strunk, Christoph
Electro-Fenton Process: New Trends and Scale-Up by
Progress in Botany Vol. 79 by
Wonders of Water: The Hydrogen Bond in Action by Olovsson, Ivar
Photosynthesis and Bioenergetics by
Cardioprotective Natural Products: Promises and Hopes by
Wonders of Water: The Hydrogen Bond in Action by Olovsson, Ivar
Cementitious Materials: Composition, Properties, Application by
Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Disposal Guide by Armour, Margaret-Ann
Geochemistry of Silicon Isotopes by Li, Yanhe, Ding, Tiping, Jiang, Shaoyong
Die Verwandlung Der Stoffe by Geiß, Ralf
Membrane Organization and Dynamics by
Electricity-Based Fuels by Tremel, Alexander
Mass Spectrometry by Thompson, James M.
250 Years of Industrial Consumption and Transformation of Nature: Impacts on Global Ecosystems and Life by Engelbrecht, Hubert
Bioequivalence Requirements in Various Global Jurisdictions by
Die Reaktivität Von Hüttensand ALS Betonzusatzstoff: Eine Thermogravimetrische Systemstudie by Weise, Kira
Modern Problems of Molecular Physics: Selected Reviews from the 7th International Conference "Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems", Kyiv, Ukrain by
Functional Electrodes for Enzymatic and Microbial Electrochemical Systems by
Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage by
Metabolitos Secundarios Activos: Los medicamentos que nos proporciona la Naturaleza by Cortes, Diego
Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology by
Biological Small Angle Scattering: Techniques, Strategies and Tips by
Energetic Materials Research, Applications, and New Technologies by
Fundamental and Research Frontier of Atmospheric Corrosion by
Progress in Science, Progress in Society by
The rise and development of the liquefaction of gases by Hardin, Willett Lepley
A manual of sugar analysis: including the applications in general of analytical methods to the sugar industry by Tucker, J. H.