• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2020

Clinical Significance of C-Reactive Protein by
Quasicrystals: Fundamentals and Applications by Maciá-Barber, Enrique
Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives of Wheat Improvement by
Bio-Carrier Vectors: Methods and Protocols by
Introduction to Phase Equilibria in Ceramic Systems by Hummel
Design of Pressure Vessels by Gaddam, Subhash Reddy
Mathematical Methods in Chemical and Biological Engineering by Dutta, Binay Kanti
Modern Electrosynthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry by
Therapeutic Medicinal Plants: From Lab to the Market by
Membrane-Distillation in Desalination by Benyahia, Farid
Chromatography/Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Its Applications by White, Robert
Starch in the Bioeconomy by Wertz, Jean-Luc, Goffin, Bénédicte
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Chemicals, Volume IV by Howard, Philip H.
Separation and Purification Technology by Li, Norman
Organic Photochemistry by
Enamines: Synthesis: Structure, and Reactions, Second Edition, by
Tempature-Programmed Reduction for Solid Materials Characterization by Jones, Alan
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Volume 15: Zinc and its Role in Biology and Nutrition by
Oxide Surfaces by Wingrave, James A.
Chemical Graph Theory by Bonchev, D.
Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries: Trends and Progress in Electric Vehicles by
Pharmaceutical Extrusion Technology by
Process Safety: Key Concepts and Practical Approaches by Klein, James A., Vaughen, Bruce K.
Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements by Taylor, John K.
Philosophy of Molecular Medicine: Foundational Issues in Research and Practice by
Myelin: Basic and Clinical Advances by
Practical Statistics for Pharmaceutical Analysis: With Minitab Applications by de Muth, James E.
Bioprocessing of Biofuels by Sarangi, Prakash Kumar, Nanda, Sonil
Quantum Theory for Chemical Applications: From Basic Concepts to Advanced Topics by Autschbach, Jochen
The Temper of Herbs by Bartlett, Robert Allen
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 48: Pesticide Occurrence, Analysis and Remediation Vol. 2 Analysis by
Poisonous Plants and Phytochemicals in Drug Discovery by
Emulsions, Microemulsions and Foams by Langevin, Dominique
Funktions- Und Reglersynthese Auf Der Basis Lokaler Modellnetze by Clauß, Roland
Therapeutic Applications of Honey and Its Phytochemicals: Vol.1 by
Oil-In-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting by Shunmugaperumal, Tamilvanan
Drink?: The New Science of Alcohol and Health by Nutt, David
Molecular Pharmacognosy by
Advances of Spectrometric Techniques in Food Analysis and Food Authentication Implemented with Chemometrics by
Computational Biology and Chemistry by
Green Chemistry and Green Engineering: Processing, Technologies, Properties, and Applications by
How Fermented Foods Feed a Healthy Gut Microbiota: A Nutrition Continuum by
Phosphorus: Past and Future by Elser, Jim, Haygarth, Phil
Matière et éther, indication d'une méthode pour établir les propriétés de l'éther by Kretz-X
Les Parfums. Chimie Et Industrie: Avec Le Patronage de l'Union Des Industries Chimiques de France Et La Société de Chimie Industrielle by Jeancard-P
Sugar and Sugar Derivatives: Changing Consumer Preferences by
Les Douze Clefs de Philosophie: Traité alchimique illustré (Large Print Edition) by Valentin, Basile
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Molecular Infection Biology, Pathogenesis, Diagnostics and New Interventions by
Cytoskeleton Dynamics: Methods and Protocols by
Peptide Synthesis: Methods and Protocols by
How's That Human? CHEMISTRY by Claire, Rita
Exercises in Organic Synthesis Based on Synthetic Drugs by Nora de Souza, Marcus Vinícius
Watts' Manual Of Chemistry, Theoretical And Practical (Based On Fownes' Manual) (Volume Ii) Chemistry Of Carbon Compounds Or Organic Chemistry by A. Tilden, William
Trace Environmental Quantitative Analysis: Including Student-Tested Experiments by Loconto, Paul R.
The Case for Keto: Rethinking Weight Control and the Science and Practice of Low-Carb/High-Fat Eating by Taubes, Gary
Statistical Mechanics: From Thermodynamics to the Renormalization Group by Luscombe, James H.
Statistical Mechanics: From Thermodynamics to the Renormalization Group by Luscombe, James H.
Conversion of Carbon Dioxide Into Hydrocarbons Vol. 2 Technology by
Organometallic Magnets by
Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation: Finding a Methodological Common Denominator Through Probability, Statistics, and Physics by
Protomorphology by Hanson, William A., Lee, Royal
Microbial Proteomics: Development in Technologies and Applications by Sharma, Divakar
RNA Chaperones: Methods and Protocols by
Chiral Organic Pollutants: Monitoring and Characterization in Food and the Environment by
Physics of Cancer, The: Research Advances by
Cálculos químicos: Problemario de química analítica by Valencia Carmona, Oscar D.