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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Medicinal Plants and Their Bioactive Compounds in Human Health: Volume 1 by
Lysin entschlüsselt by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Lysine Decrypted by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La lisina decifrata by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Lisina decifrada by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Nanomedicines for Effective Cancer Therapy by
Contaminated Land and Water: Remediation and Management by
Lokale Quellen für die Herstellung von Nitrocellulose by Talballa, Mohamed, Abdulgalil, Mohammed
Sources locales de production de nitrocellulose by Talballa, Mohamed, Abdulgalil, Mohammed
Fonti locali per la produzione di nitrocellulosa by Talballa, Mohamed, Abdulgalil, Mohammed
Fontes locais para a produção de nitrocelulose by Abdulgalil, Mohammed, Talballa, Mohamed
Physical Metallurgy of Metals and Alloys II by
Dérivés du benzimidazole by Patel, Chirag, Rathod, Ajay
Derivati del benzimidazolo by Patel, Chirag, Rathod, Ajay
Derivados de Benzimidazol by Patel, Chirag, Rathod, Ajay
Photokatalysestudien an Nanopartikeln by Simon, Remya, Nl, Mary
Études de photocatalyse des nanoparticules by Simon, Remya, Nl, Mary
Studi di fotocatalisi delle nanoparticelle by Simon, Remya, Nl, Mary
Estudos de Fotocatálise de Nanopartículas by Nl, Mary, Simon, Remya
Lipidprofil und US-CRP in einem Ringversuch by Castro, V. P. P. Vania, Nogueira Neto, José Firmino
Lipid profile and US-CRP in an interlaboratory approach by Nogueira Neto, José Firmino, Castro, V. P. P. Vania
Profil lipidique et US-CRP dans une approche interlaboratoire by Castro, V. P. P. Vania, Nogueira Neto, José Firmino
Profilo lipidico e US-CRP in un approccio interlaboratorio by Nogueira Neto, José Firmino, Castro, V. P. P. Vania
Bioaktive Komponente: Saponin by Mostafa Mohamed, Tarek, Ragab El Barky, Amira, Mostafa Mohamed Ali, Ehab
Composant bioactif: Saponine by Ragab El Barky, Amira, Mostafa Mohamed Ali, Ehab, Mostafa Mohamed, Tarek
Componente bioattivo: Saponina by Mostafa Mohamed Ali, Ehab, Mostafa Mohamed, Tarek, Ragab El Barky, Amira
Componente bioativo: Saponina by Mostafa Mohamed, Tarek, Ragab El Barky, Amira, Mostafa Mohamed Ali, Ehab
Ätherisches Öl von Cinnamomun zeylanicum bei der Bekämpfung von R. microplus by Monteiro, Odair, Nogurira Monteiro, Ildenice, Mouchrek, Victor Elias
L'huile essentielle de Cinnamomun zeylanicum dans la lutte contre R. microplus by Monteiro, Odair, Nogurira Monteiro, Ildenice, Mouchrek, Victor Elias
Olio essenziale di Cinnamomun zeylanicum nel controllo di R. microplus by Nogurira Monteiro, Ildenice, Mouchrek, Victor Elias, Monteiro, Odair
Cinnamomun zeylanicum essential oil in the control of R. microplus by Mouchrek, Victor Elias, Monteiro, Odair, Nogurira Monteiro, Ildenice
Benzimidazol-Derivate by Patel, Chirag, Rathod, Ajay
Designing High Power Electrochemical Supercapacitors from Metal Hydroxychlorides by Sudhakar, Ranganatha
Design, Entwicklung und Bewertung eines auf mukoadhäsiven Nanoemulsionen basierenden Arzneimittelsystems by Mane, Dhananjay, Wagh, Mahesh
Conception, développement et évaluation d'un système d'administration de médicaments by Mane, Dhananjay, Wagh, Mahesh
Progettazione, sviluppo e valutazione di una nanoemulsione mucoadesiva basata su farmaci by Wagh, Mahesh, Mane, Dhananjay
Conceção, desenvolvimento e avaliação de um sistema de entrega de fármacos by Mane, Dhananjay, Wagh, Mahesh
Heritage Conservation and Restoration: Surface Characterization, Cleaning and Treatments by
Heterocyclic Compounds in Medicinal Chemistry by
Entmystifizierung der Spektraltechniken in der Bioinorganik by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Demystifying Spectral Techniques in Bioinorganics by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Demistificare le tecniche spettrali in bioinorganica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Desmistificar as técnicas espectrais em bioinorgânica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Adulterados em química alimentar by Chand, Shweta, Awasthi, D. K.
Verfälschungen in der Lebensmittelchemie by Awasthi, D. K., Chand, Shweta
Adulterates dans la chimie alimentaire by Awasthi, D. K., Chand, Shweta
Adulterati nella chimica degli alimenti by Awasthi, D. K., Chand, Shweta
Anwendungen supramolekularer Ensembles mit heterozyklischem Ring by Valand, Nikunj N., Patidar, Anshul P., Patel, Manish B.
Applications des ensembles supramoléculaires à cycle hétérocyclique by Patel, Manish B., Valand, Nikunj N., Patidar, Anshul P.
Applicazioni degli insiemi supramolecolari con anello eterociclico by Valand, Nikunj N., Patidar, Anshul P., Patel, Manish B.
Aplicações de conjuntos supramoleculares com anéis heterocíclicos by Patel, Manish B., Valand, Nikunj N., Patidar, Anshul P.
Fortgeschrittene KI und Bioinorganik by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
AI and Advanced Bioinorganics by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
IA e bioinorganica avanzata by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
IA e bioinorgânica avançada by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Photocatalytic Degradation of Pesticide Residues in Different Soils by Kota, Pavan Kumar, Tentu, Nageswara Rao
Superheated Steam Drying: Technology for Improved Sustainability and Quality by Bade, Mukund Haribhau, Mujumdar, Arun S., Jangam, Sachin Vinayak
Dégénération oxydative de l'huile de moutarde: Chimie et nutrition by de, Banani
Use the Sun and fiber optics to provide 24 hours' work of bomb shelters by Shoikhedbrod, Michael, Shoikhedbrod, Irina
Design and Applications of Self-Assembly Aggregates - From Micelles to Nanoemulsions by
A Raphael Madonna and Child Oil Painting: A Forensic Analytical Evaluation by Edwards, Howell G. M.
Forensic Science: The Science Behind the Truth by Shaw, Ian, Sandiford, Anna
Rearrangements with Migration to Electrophilic Heteroatomic Centers: Timeless Classics in Organic Synthesis by Chandrasekhar, Sosale
Modifica e utilizzo dell'oro nanoporoso by Al-Badri, Ibtisam
Modification et utilisation de l'or nanoporeux by Al-Badri, Ibtisam
Modifizierung und Nutzung von nanoporösem Gold by Al-Badri, Ibtisam
Oxidative Degeneration von Senföl: Chemie und Ernährung by de, Banani
Degenerazione ossidativa dell'olio di senape: Chimica e nutrizione by de, Banani
Degeneração oxidativa do óleo de mostarda: Química e Nutrição by de, Banani
Étude photocatalytique des couches minces d'oxydes de métaux de transition by Namitha, R., Kiran, T., Surendra, B. S.
Studio fotocatalitico di film sottili di ossido di metalli di transizione by Namitha, R., Kiran, T., Surendra, B. S.
Estudo Fotocatalítico de Filmes Finos de Óxidos de Metais de Transição by Namitha, R., Kiran, T., Surendra, B. S.
Photokatalytische Untersuchung von Übergangsmetalloxid-Dünnschichten by Kiran, T., Surendra, B. S., Namitha, R.
Ras Drug Discovery: Past, Present and Future by
Method Development in Analytical HPLC by Moldoveanu, Serban C., David, Victor
Les grandes contradictions du tableau périodique by Settouti, Nadéra
Advances in Space Radiation Detection: Novel Nanomaterials and Techniques by Nagaswarupa, H. P., Darukesha, B. H. M., Naik, Ramachandra
Brainworms: and other surprises at the margin of the impossible by Driedger, Albert
Porous Materials for Energy and Environment Applications by
Importanti marcatori molecolari di precancerosi e cancro orale: una panoramica by Kumar, Madhuresh
Marcadores moleculares importantes de pré-cancro e cancro orais: uma visão geral by Kumar, Madhuresh
Wichtige molekulare Marker für orale Präkanzerosen und Krebs: Ein Überblick by Kumar, Madhuresh
Marqueurs moléculaires importants du précancer et du cancer de la bouche: un aperçu by Kumar, Madhuresh
Lithium-Ion Batteries and Li-Ion Capacitors: From Fundamentals to Practical Applications by
Bioinorganik entschlüsselt den Gefäßzustand by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorganics deciphers the vascular state by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La bioinorganica decodifica lo stato vascolare by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
A bioinorgânica descodifica o estado vascular by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Polydimethylsiloxan-Nanokomposit zur Abdichtung by Vadakkekara, Anoop, N. L., Mary
Nanocomposite de polydiméthylsiloxane pour des applications d'étanchéité by N. L., Mary, Vadakkekara, Anoop
Nanocomposito di polidimetilsilossano per applicazioni di sigillatura by Vadakkekara, Anoop, N. L., Mary
Nanocompósito de polidimetilsiloxano para aplicações em selantes by Vadakkekara, Anoop, N. L., Mary
Cadmium: toxicité et solutions by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Microwave Chemical and Materials Processing: A Tutorial by Schiffmann, Robert F., Horikoshi, Satoshi, Catalá-Civera, José M.
Brainworms: and other surprises at the margin of the impossible by Driedger, Albert
Cardiovascular Nanomedicine by
Biocatalysis: Faraday Discussion 252 by
Green Flotation Depressants by Wonyen, Darius, Chehreh Chelgani, Saeed, Neisiani, Ali Asimi
Coade Stone: A History and Analysis by Brooke, Christopher J., Edwards, Howell G. M.
C10H15N Exploring the Chemistry and Culture of a Revolutionary Compound Meth: Harnessing Earth's Elements for Innovation in Methamphetamine by Shah, Nik, Yingyongsuk, Nanthaphon
The Zinc-Sulfur Battery: The Next Frontier in Energy Storage Technology by Shahali, Hossein, Polycarpou, Andreas A., Amiri, Ahmad
Allgemeine Chemie by Omanov, Behruzjon
Chimie Générale by Omanov, Behruzjon
Chimica Generale by Omanov, Behruzjon
Química Geral by Omanov, Behruzjon
Heterologous Protein Production in Cho Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Sustainable Development and Application of Renewable Chemicals from Biomass and Waste II by
Design of Polymeric Hydrogels Biomaterials by
Bio-Inorganische Herausforderungen und Innovationen by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bio-Inorganic Challenges and Innovations by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Sfide e innovazioni bio-organiche by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Desafios e inovações bio-inorgânicos by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chemistry and Contamination: Pesticides in Action by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chimica e contaminazione: i pesticidi in azione by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Química e Contaminação: Pesticidas em Ação by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chemie und Kontamination: Pestizide in Aktion by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Wernicke-Korsakoff: Bioinorganische Vision by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Wernicke-Korsakoff: Bioinorganic Vision by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Wernicke-Korsakoff: visione bioinorganica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Wernicke-Korsakoff: visão bioinorgânica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Aufbau und Leistung eines bioelektrochemischen Reaktionssystems by Zheng, Yan, Zhang, Yuxia, Zhang, Kang
Construction et performance d'un système de réaction bioélectrochimique by Zheng, Yan, Zhang, Yuxia, Zhang, Kang
Costruzione e prestazioni del sistema di reazione bioelettrochimica by Zheng, Yan, Zhang, Yuxia, Zhang, Kang
Construção e desempenho de um sistema de reação bioelectroquímico by Zheng, Yan, Zhang, Yuxia, Zhang, Kang
Development and Validation of HPTLC and RP-UHPLC Method for Analysis by Rajput, Jaykumar, Patel, Vansh, Rajput, Sudarshan
Chemistry for Beginners 2025: The Ultimate Handbook for Students to Effortlessly Understand and Master the Study of Elements and Compounds with Clar by D. Needleman, Ethan
Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Sustainable and Technological Applications by Madkour, Loutfy H.
It's Time to Learn about How to Pass College Chemistry by Walter the Educator
Biomarker für die Proteinoxidation bei Kindern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung by Ezz El-Dine, Nermine
Biomarqueurs d'oxydation des protéines chez les enfants atteints de troubles du spectre autistique by Ezz El-Dine, Nermine
Biomarcatori di ossidazione proteica nei bambini con disturbo dello spettro autistico by Ezz El-Dine, Nermine
Biomarcadores de oxidação de proteínas em crianças com perturbação do espetro do autismo by Ezz El-Dine, Nermine
Pharmakologisches Profil von Imperative Purine Nucleoside by Kapadiya, Khushal
Profil pharmacologique d'Imperative Purine Nucleoside by Kapadiya, Khushal
Profilo farmacologico del nucleoside purinico imperativo by Kapadiya, Khushal
Perfil farmacológico do nucleósido de purina Imperative by Kapadiya, Khushal
Bewertung der Wirksamkeit natürlicher entzündung-shemmender Stoffe by Mane, Dhananjay, Naikwadi, Pankaj
Valutazione della potente efficacia di composti anti-infiammatori naturali by Mane, Dhananjay, Naikwadi, Pankaj
Évaluation de l'efficacité des composés anti-inflammatoires naturels by Naikwadi, Pankaj, Mane, Dhananjay
Avaliação da eficácia potente de compostos anti-inflamatórios naturais by Mane, Dhananjay, Naikwadi, Pankaj
Corrosion Inhibitors and their Performance Evaluation by S, Ranganatha
Handbook of the Chemical Elements by Sicius, Hermann
Renewable Energy's Broken Promises: Large-Scale Renewable Energy Project Failures and Success of Rooftop Solar by Sims, Douglas B.
Modificação e utilização de ouro nanoporoso by Al-Badri, Ibtisam
Chitosane, chitosane modifié et ses applications by Ara, Tabassum, Bashir, Rafia, Chisti, Hamida
Chitosano, chitosano modificato e sue applicazioni by Bashir, Rafia, Chisti, Hamida, Ara, Tabassum
Quitosano, quitosano modificado e suas aplicações by Ara, Tabassum, Bashir, Rafia, Chisti, Hamida
Funktionelles Material auf Basis von photoschaltbarem Hexaarylbiimidazol by Liu, Jun, Yin, Hong, Xiang, Shi-Li
Matériau fonctionnel à base d'hexaarylbiimidazole photosensible by Xiang, Shi-Li, Liu, Jun, Yin, Hong
Materiale funzionale basato sull'esaarilbiimidazolo fotoswittabile by Xiang, Shi-Li, Liu, Jun, Yin, Hong
Material funcional baseado em hexa-arilbiimidazol foto-comutável by Liu, Jun, Yin, Hong, Xiang, Shi-Li
Energie und Vergänglichkeit: Die Reise nach dem Tod by Graeve, Drake
ТОКСИКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ХИМИ&# by Байкулов, &#, Ташанов, &#1054. &
Introduction to Organic and Medicinal Chemistry by Keighley, Nathan
Challenges and Solutions in the Hydrogen Value Chain: State of the Art Perspectives on Decarbonization and the Green Energy Transition by
Oxydativer Stress in oralen Streptococcus by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Oxidative stress in Streptococcus buccale by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Stress ossidativo nello Streptococcus buccale by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Stress oxidativo em Streptococcus buccale by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chitosan, modifiziertes Chitosan und seine Anwendungen by Ara, Tabassum, Bashir, Rafia, Chisti, Hamida
Eintauchen der XAS-Spektroskopie in die Bioinorganik by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
XAS immersion in bioinorganics by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Immersione della spettroscopia XAS nella bioinorganica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioakkumulation von essenziellen und Schwermetallen in pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln by Balabanova, Biljana, Stafilov, Trajče
Imersão da espetroscopia XAS em Bioinorgânica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bio-accumulation de métaux essentiels et lourds dans les aliments végétaux by Balabanova, Biljana, Stafilov, Trajče
Bioacumulação de metais essenciais e pesados em alimentos vegetais by Stafilov, Trajče, Balabanova, Biljana
Bioaccumulo di metalli essenziali e pesanti negli alimenti vegetali by Stafilov, Trajče, Balabanova, Biljana
Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse von 1,4-Dihydropyridinen by Patel, Ruchita, Gauni, Bhagwati
Estudo de 1,4-Dihidropiridinas por Raios X de Cristal Único by Patel, Ruchita, Gauni, Bhagwati
Studio ai raggi X su cristallo singolo di 1,4-diidropiridine by Patel, Ruchita, Gauni, Bhagwati
Étude par rayons X de monocristaux de 1,4-dihydropyridines by Patel, Ruchita, Gauni, Bhagwati
Síntese e atividade antimicrobiana de pirazolinas à base de quinolina by Jadeja, Upendrasinh, Joshi, Vivek, Rajpara, Kiran
Sintesi e attività antimicrobica di pirazoline a base di chinoline by Joshi, Vivek, Rajpara, Kiran, Jadeja, Upendrasinh
Synthèse et activité antimicrobienne de pyrazolines à base de quinoléine by Joshi, Vivek, Rajpara, Kiran, Jadeja, Upendrasinh
Synthese und antimikrobielle Aktivität von Pyrazolin auf Chinolinbasis by Joshi, Vivek, Rajpara, Kiran, Jadeja, Upendrasinh
Síntese de nanotubos de carbono (CNTs) e sua aplicação by T. El-Bassyouni, Gehan
Sintesi dei nanotubi di carbonio (CNT) e loro applicazione by T. El-Bassyouni, Gehan
Synthèse des nanotubes de carbone (NTC) et leurs applications by T. El-Bassyouni, Gehan
Synthese von Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren (CNTs) und ihre Anwendung by T. El-Bassyouni, Gehan
Evolution der Materialwissenschaft-Neue Konzepte und Forschungsanwen-dungen by Chopra, Kamal Nain
Évolution de la science des matériaux - Nouveaux concepts et applications de recherche by Chopra, Kamal Nain
Evoluzione della scienza dei materiali - Concetti nuovi e applicazioni di ricerca by Chopra, Kamal Nain
Evolução da Ciência dos Materiais - Novos conceitos e aplicações de investigação by Chopra, Kamal Nain
Protokoll zur Synthese von Cobalaminen by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Cobalamin Synthesis Protocol by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Protocollo di sintesi della cobalamina by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Protocolo de síntese de cobalamina by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Spectroscopie moléculaire Tome 1 by Koubachi, Jamal
Quand le proton entre en action by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
High Power Aqueous Supercapacitors by S, Ranganatha
Essential Oil Chemistry: Unlocking The Secrets Of Aromatic Compounds by Totilo, Rebecca Park
Imaging Tools for Chemical Biology by
Biorenewable Solvents for Organic Synthesis by Zhang, Wei, Gao, Xiao, Yi, Wen-Bin
Introduction to Organic and Medicinal Chemistry by Keighley, Nathan
Rapid Sensors for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology: Volume 107 by
Toxicology of Essential and Xenobiotic Metals by
Progress in Iron Smelting: A Critical Review by Warren, James R.
L'hyperglycémie et ses complications by El-Banna, Mona, Abdel Latif, Yasmin, Hussein, Jihan
L'iperglicemia e le sue complicanze by El-Banna, Mona, Abdel Latif, Yasmin, Hussein, Jihan
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