• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Определение гемагглюти&# by Бижанов, Г&#
Natural Polymeric Materials Based Drug Delivery Systems in Lung Diseases by
Light Metals 2023 by
Rare Metal Technology 2023 by
Wastewater from Olive Oil Production: Environmental Impacts, Treatment and Valorisation by
Neurotrophic Natural Products by
The Science of Antibiotic Plants: Unveiling Calendula and Myrrh's Secrets by P, Dipika
Friction Stir Welding and Processing XII by
Advances in Pyrometallurgy: Developing Low Carbon Pathways by
Feature Papers in Section Biosensors 2023 by
Химическая обработка пл& by Рамзи, Мах&#, Хосни, Раш&#
Chemische Behandlung von gefördertem Wasser zur Verringerung von Schäden an der Formation by Hosny, Rasha, Ramzi, Mahmoud
Traitement chimique de l'eau produite pour réduire les dommages à la formation by Hosny, Rasha, Ramzi, Mahmoud
Trattamento chimico dell'acqua prodotta per ridurre i danni alla formazione by Ramzi, Mahmoud, Hosny, Rasha
Tratamento químico da água de produção para reduzir os danos na formação by Ramzi, Mahmoud, Hosny, Rasha
Electro-Biological Chemistry by Kelode, Sandip R.
Oral Bioavailability and Drug Delivery: From Basics to Advanced Concepts and Applications by
Calixarene Complexes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications II by
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Transport- Und Gefahrenklassen Neu by
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Band 10: Merkblätter 3735-4135 by
Rheology of Wine by Stanciu, Ioana
Advanced Materials Production by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
A HandBook Of Chemistry Practical by Panchbhai, Dhanashri
Environmental Contaminants: Impact, Assessment, and Remediation by
Serum/Plasma Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Sustainable Manufacturing Practices in the Textiles and Fashion Sector by
Microstructure Engineering of Metals and Alloys by
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Experimental Book for Pharm.D by S, Amuthalakshmi
Модель для определения к by Ли, Джонни
Un modèle pour déterminer le coefficient de transfert de masse d'oxygène dans les bioréacteurs by Lee, Johnny
Un modello per determinare il coefficiente di trasferimento di massa dell'ossigeno nei bioreattori by Lee, Johnny
Um modelo para determinar o coeficiente de transferência de massa de oxigénio em bioreactores by Lee, Johnny
Essential Oils - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications by
Industrial Chemistry of Common Materials: A Handbook of Brief Introduction of How Chemical Materials are Made by Augustine, Kingsley
Heat Energy Recovery for Industrial Processes and Wastes by
Facilitated Transport Membranes (Ftms) for CO2 Capture: Overview and Future Trends by
Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products: Sources, Fate and Remediation by
Synthèse et activité biologique de nouveaux composés by Jabli, Dhiab
Biokomposite auf Nano-ZnO-Basis für biomedizinische Anwendungen by Das, Abinash, Ghosh, Sampad, Pramanik, Nabakumar
Biocomposites à base de Nano-ZnO pour applications biomédicales by Das, Abinash, Ghosh, Sampad, Pramanik, Nabakumar
Biocompositi a base di Nano-ZnO per applicazioni biomediche by Das, Abinash, Ghosh, Sampad, Pramanik, Nabakumar
Biocompósitos à base de nano-ZnO para aplicações biomédicas by Das, Abinash, Ghosh, Sampad, Pramanik, Nabakumar
Биокомпозиты на основе н by Дас, Абина&#, Гхош, Самп&#, Праманик, &#
Ein Modell zur Bestimmung des Sauerstoff-Massentransfer-Koeffizienten in Bioreaktoren by Lee, Johnny
Das Paradigma der Aldosteron-Diagnose durch 61Co-Markierung verändern by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Changing the Paradigm of Aldosterone Diagnosis by 61Co Labeling by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Cambiare il paradigma della diagnostica dell'aldosterone 61Co by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Mudança do paradigma do diagnóstico de aldosterona 61Co by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Изменение парадигмы диа& by Мимоуни, А&#
Organic Chemistry Problems and Solutions by Vijayagopal, G. R., K, V. Raman
Multiple Choice Questions on Chemistry: 1000 Questions and Answers for Entrance Exams by Augustine, Kingsley
New Directions in Mineral Processing, Extractive Metallurgy, Recycling and Waste Minimization: An Epd Symposium in Honor of Patrick R. Taylor by
XIII General Meeting of the Russian Mineralogical Society and the Fedorov Session by
Electric ARC Furnace Steelmaking with Submerged Mixed Injection by Zhu, Rong, Wei, Guangsheng
Residual Dipolar Couplings: Principles and Applications by
Analyzes of extracts and essential oils of aromatic and medicinal by Fliou, Jamila, Elhourri, Mohammed, Amechrouq, Ali
The rise of Cisplatin by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Aufschwung von Cisplatin by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
A ascensão da cisplatina by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Возникновение цисплати&# by Мимуни, Аб&#
L'ascesa del cisplatino by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Guidebook to Real Time Electron Dynamics: Irradiation Dynamics from Molecules to Nanoclusters by Reinhard, Paul-Gerhard, Stella, Lorenzo, Kohanoff, Jorge
Emerging Contaminants and Plants: Interactions, Adaptations and Remediation Technologies by
The Independent Homesteader: A handbook for off-grid living success by Johson, Jordan
Living Free and Green: A practical guide to off-grid independence by Lawson, Morgan
Fish Waste to Valuable Products by
Thermal Engineering: Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer by Feng, Yanhui, Qiu, Lin
Green Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Stemodia Viscosa by V, Priya
Occlusal impacts in a Natural Nanocomposite by Biswas, Nilormi
Bewertung von systemischen Pestizidrückständen in Kakaobohnen by Baah, Alex
Évaluation des résidus de pesticides systémiques dans les fèves de cacao by Baah, Alex
Valutazione dei residui di pesticidi sistemici nei semi di cacao by Baah, Alex
Avaliação de resíduos de pesticidas sistémicos em sementes de cacau by Baah, Alex
Оценка остатков системн& by БААХ, АЛЕК&#
Aqueous-Mediated Synthesis: Bioactive Heterocycles by
It Solutions for Sustainable Living by
Natural Poisons and Venoms: Plant Toxins: Polyketides, Phenylpropanoids and Further Compounds by Teuscher, Eberhard, Lindequist, Ulrike
Advanced Dental Metallic Materials by Majerič, Peter, Lazic, Vojkan, Rudolf, Rebeka
Grundwissen Immunologie by Fleischer, Bernhard, Bröker, Barbara M.
Molecular Techniques for Studying Viruses: Practical Notes by Hassan, Zubaida, Khan, Gulfaraz
Modulation des lipides membranaires par le sel by David, Sanni, Oluwasegun, Omotoyinbo
Modulazione salina dei lipidi di membrana by Oluwasegun, Omotoyinbo, David, Sanni
Modulação dos lípidos das membranas pelo sal by Oluwasegun, Omotoyinbo, David, Sanni
Солевая модуляция мембр& by Дэвид, Сан&#, Олувасег&#10
Применение молочных пеп& by Лейте, Уго &
Verwendung von Milchpeptidasen zur Herstellung von Labkäse by Leite, Hugo de Brito
Application des peptidases laitières à la production de fromage présure by Leite, Hugo de Brito
Applicazione delle peptidasi lattiero-casearie per la produzione di formaggi a caglio by Leite, Hugo de Brito
Application of dairy peptidases to produce rennet cheese by Leite, Hugo de Brito
Bioengineered Gold Nanoparticles for Dye Degradation by Rastogi, Shweta
Pollution des ressources en eau Kazakhstan by Zhanbekov, Khairulla
Verschmutzung der Wasserressourcen Kasachstan by Zhanbekov, Khairulla
Загрязнение водных ресу& by Жанбеков, &#
Poluição dos recursos hídricos Cazaquistão by Zhanbekov, Khairulla
Inquinamento delle risorse idriche Kazakistan by Zhanbekov, Khairulla
Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes by
Artificial Intelligence in Process Fault Diagnosis: Methods for Plant Surveillance by Fickelscherer, Richard J.
Band Structure of Cubic Hydrides by Papaconstantopoulos, Dimitrios A.
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 52 by
Rheology Mayonnaise by Stanciu, Ioana
Physico-chimie des suspensions et matériaux granulaires by Fatimi, Ahmed
Alchemy by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Alchemie by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Алхимия by Рессетти, &#
Alchimie by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Alchimia by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Hidrólise Do Bagaço Do Caju Para Obtenção de Bioetanol by Dantas de Carvalho, João Paulo
Betting Against the Crowd: A Complex Systems Approach by Neuman, Yair
The Discovery of the Cellular Sodium Pump in the 20th Century: A Historical Account by Anner, Beatrice Maier
Covid-19 Metabolomics and Diagnosis: Chemical Science for Prevention and Understanding Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases by
Scale Formation in Heat Exchangers by Peyghambarzadeh, Seyed Mohsen, Varnaseri, Mohammad
Chemistry of Natural Products by Solomon, K. Anand
Manufacturing, Heat Treatment and Forming of Advanced Metallic and Ceramic Materials by
Advanced Science and Technology of Polymer Matrix Nanomaterials by
Clinical and Laboratory Medicine Textbook by
A Holistic Approach to Organic Synthesis by Garner, Philip
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry by
Cork-Based Materials in Engineering: Design and Applications for Green and Sustainable Systems by
Nanocarbon: A Wonder Material for Energy Applications: Volume 1: Basics to Advanced Applications for Energy Production by
Perspectives on Molecular Materials-A Tribute to Professor Peter Day by
Chronobiology and Chronomedicine: From Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to Whole Body Interdigitating Networks by
Metabolomics in Health and Disease Biology: Volume 104 by
Adrenal Gland: Volume 124 by
Electrosynthesis: Faraday Discussion 247 by
The Journey of a Whisper: The CO2 and O2 Cycle by Diamond, Steven
Экстракция и характерис& by Тот Ферна&#1
Extraktion und Charakterisierung von Brodifacoum in einem kommerziellen Rodentizid by Toth Fernandes, Lana Andressa
Extraction et caractérisation du brodifacoum dans un rodenticide commercial by Toth Fernandes, Lana Andressa
Extraction and Characterization of Brodifacoum in Commercial Rodenticide by Toth Fernandes, Lana Andressa
Estrazione e caratterizzazione del brodifacoum in un rodenticida commerciale by Toth Fernandes, Lana Andressa
Biomarcadores del petróleo by Tomas, Germán, Acuña, Adrián
Optimierung von Kongorot- und Rhodamin-B-Farbstoff by Ohikere, Hussaina Ize
Optimisation du colorant rouge Congo et du colorant Rhodamine B by Ohikere, Hussaina Ize
Ottimizzazione del colorante rosso Congo e del colorante Rodamina B by Ohikere, Hussaina Ize
Otimização do corante vermelho Congo e do corante Rodamina B by Ohikere, Hussaina Ize
Оптимизация красителя К& by Охикере, Х&#
Polythiophen/MMTs-Nanokomposite mit quaternären Thiophensalzen by Souto Maior, Rosa Maria, de Castro Macedo F., Juliana
Polythiophene/MMTs nanocomposites with quaternary thiophene salts by Souto Maior, Rosa Maria, de Castro Macedo F., Juliana
Nanocomposites de polythiophène/MMTs avec des sels de thiophène quaternaires by de Castro Macedo F., Juliana, Souto Maior, Rosa Maria
Nanocompositi di politiofene/MMTs con sali quaternari di tiofene by de Castro Macedo F., Juliana, Souto Maior, Rosa Maria
Нанокомпозиты политиоф&# by Соуто Май&#1, де Кастро &#
Synthesis and Photocatalytic activity of Fe-Cu-NiMoO4 nanoflakes by Hameed K., Shahul, S, Sivakumar, G, Arivalagan
Chipless Wood Cutting in Forestry by Kuvik, Tomás, Melicherčík, Ján, Kováč, Ján
A Holistic Approach to Organic Synthesis by Garner, Philip
Electrospun Nanofibrous Separator for Enhancing Capacity of Lithium-Ion Batteries by Li, Yifu
Topological Approaches to the Chemical Bond by Martín Pendás, Ángel, Contreras-García, Julia
Molecular Characterization of Listeria Proteins by Ojha, Debika
Unkonventionelle Wege zur Durchführung einiger spektrometrischer Analysen by Dakashev, Anastas
Angewandte Chemie im Bildungswesen by T. G. Menonça, Maria Lucia, P. Da Cruz, Rosana, P. Sarmento, Juliana
Chemistry Applied to Education by T. G. Menonça, Maria Lucia, P. Da Cruz, Rosana, P. Sarmento, Juliana
Chimie appliquée à l'éducation by P. Da Cruz, Rosana, P. Sarmento, Juliana, T. G. Menonça, Maria Lucia
Méthodes non conventionnelles d'exécution de certaines analyses spectrométriques by Dakashev, Anastas
Chimica applicata all'educazione by P. Da Cruz, Rosana, P. Sarmento, Juliana, T. G. Menonça, Maria Lucia
Химия, применяемая в обр&#1072 by &#1058. &#1043. &#1052&#1077&#1085&#1076&#1086&#1085&#1089&#, &#1055. &#1076&#1072 &#1050&#1088&#1091&#1079, Р&#1086, &#1055. &#1057&#1072&#1088&#1084&#1077&#1085&#1090&#1086, &#
Modi non convenzionali di eseguire alcune analisi spettrometriche by Dakashev, Anastas
Formas não convencionais de efetuar algumas análises espectrométricas by Dakashev, Anastas
Нетрадиционные способы & by Дакашев, А&#
Wirkung von Pterocarpus santalinus-Extrakten auf Diabetes by Josthna, Penchalaneni, Sony, Gurja
Effet des extraits de Pterocarpus santalinus sur le diabète by Sony, Gurja, Josthna, Penchalaneni
Effetto degli estratti di Pterocarpus santalinus sul diabete by Sony, Gurja, Josthna, Penchalaneni
Efeito dos extractos de Pterocarpus santalinus na Diabetes by Josthna, Penchalaneni, Sony, Gurja
Влияние экстрактов Pterocarpus santalinus &#1085 by Сони, Гурд&#, Джостна, П&#
Entwicklung eines optimalen Emissionsgrades für feuerfeste Materialien by de F. Cabral, Ricardo, de Paula Pereira, Joaquim
Development of an optimum emissivity composite for refractories by de Paula Pereira, Joaquim, de F. Cabral, Ricardo
Développement d'un composite d'émissivité optimale pour les réfractaires by de F. Cabral, Ricardo, de Paula Pereira, Joaquim
Разработка композиции с by де Паула П&#, &#1076&#1077 &#1060. &#1050&#1072&#1073&#1088&#1072&#1083, &
Sviluppo di un composito ad emissività ottimale per i refrattari by de F. Cabral, Ricardo, de Paula Pereira, Joaquim
Rechargeable Battery Electrolytes: Electrochemical Energy Storage from Liquids to Solids by Lu, Zhouguang, Ma, Jianmin, Ren, Yurong
Design and Optimization of Pharmaceutical Gels by
Advanced Self-Cleaning Surfaces by
Mechanical, Corrosive and Tribological Degradation of Metal Coatings and Modified Metallic Surfaces by
Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors: Selected Papers from ICANS 29 by
Untersuchung der Gesamtmenge an Polyphenolen by Aivodji, Christelle Elvira Vioutou, Ahyi, Virgile
Study of total polyphenol levels by Aivodji, Christelle Elvira Vioutou, Ahyi, Virgile
Studio della quantità di polifenoli totali by Aivodji, Christelle Elvira Vioutou, Ahyi, Virgile
Estudo da quantidade de polifenóis totais by Aivodji, Christelle Elvira Vioutou, Ahyi, Virgile
Исследование количеств&# by АИВОДЖИ, К&#, АХУИ, Вирг&#
ALUMINUM OXIDE NANOPARTICLES Preparation, Properties, Application by Beilin, Dmitry, Kudryavtsev, Pavel
Exploit des Ressources Naturelles by Jabli, Mahjoub, Sebeia, Nouha
Прогресс в области тепло by Мигахед, M. A., Фараг, Ахм&#, Заки, Эльс&#
Avanços nos permutadores de calor by Zaki, Elsayed, Migahed, M. A., Farag, Ahmed A.
Progressi negli scambiatori di calore by Migahed, M. A., Farag, Ahmed A., Zaki, Elsayed
Progrès dans les échangeurs de chaleur by Farag, Ahmed A., Zaki, Elsayed, Migahed, M. A.
Fortschritt bei Wärmetauschern by Migahed, M. A., Farag, Ahmed A., Zaki, Elsayed
Biopolymers in Sustainable Corrosion Inhibition by
Plant Food Phytochemicals and Bioactive Compounds in Nutrition and Health by
Elusive Phenomena, Unwieldy Things: Historical Perspectives on Experimental Control by
Artificial Intelligence-Based State-of-Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries by
10th Anniversary of Coatings: Invited Papers in "Surface Characterization, Deposition and Modification" Section by
Maniok by Randrianantenaina, Antoni, Razafimahefa, -., Fenoradosoa, A. Taratra
The manioc by Randrianantenaina, Antoni, Razafimahefa, -., Fenoradosoa, A. Taratra
Manioca by Razafimahefa, -., Fenoradosoa, A. Taratra, Randrianantenaina, Antoni
A mandioca by Razafimahefa, -., Fenoradosoa, A. Taratra, Randrianantenaina, Antoni
Касава by Разафима&#10, Фенорадо&#10, Рандриан&#10
Sidnonas: Uma Revisão sobre suas Propriedades Químicas e Antitumorais by Borges Barreto Bezerra, Mariana, Pereira Da Silva, Ana Paula
Organic Micropollutants in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments by
Mass Spectrometry-Based Approaches for Treating Human Diseases and Diagnostics by
Applied EPR Spectroscopy by
Nanocarbon: A Wonder Material for Energy Applications: Volume 2: Fundamentals and Advancement for Energy Storage Applications by
Photosynthesis-Assisted Energy Generation: From Fundamentals to Lab Scale and In-Field Applications by
See More