• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Thermodynamics and Equilibria in Earth System Sciences: An Introduction by Middelburg, Jack J.
Изготовление желе из аце by Илидио Пи&#1, Лима, Луси&#, Буози, Лук&#
Making Acerola Jelly with Green Banana Biomass by Buosi, Lucas Otávio, Ilidio Pinheiro, Gleyce Kelle, Lima, Luciana Costa
Herstellung von Acerola-Gelee mit grüner Bananen-Biomasse by Buosi, Lucas Otávio, Ilidio Pinheiro, Gleyce Kelle, Lima, Luciana Costa
Fabrication de gelée d'acérola avec de la biomasse de banane verte by Buosi, Lucas Otávio, Ilidio Pinheiro, Gleyce Kelle, Lima, Luciana Costa
Produzione di gelatina di acerola con biomassa di banana verde by Buosi, Lucas Otávio, Ilidio Pinheiro, Gleyce Kelle, Lima, Luciana Costa
La résistance au cisplatine démystifiée par la Bioinorganique by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La Danse des Prions et les Maladies Neurodégénératives by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La Goutte et les Antioxydants: Les Antagonistes Invisibles by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Drug Development for Gene Therapy: Translational Biomarkers, Bioanalysis, and Companion Diagnostics by
Engineered 2D Materials for Electrocatalysis Applications by
Engineered 2D Materials for Electrocatalysis Applications by
Optimal Navigation in Active Matter by Piro, Lorenzo
Fungi Bioactive Metabolites: Integration of Pharmaceutical Applications by
A Themed Issue in Honor of Prof. Dr. Vicente Rives by
Quantum Chemistry Methods for Oncological Drugs by Albuquerque, Eudenilson L.
Cavity Dynamics and Splashing Mechanism in Droplets by Wang, Xiaoyu, Li, Zhaohao, Shen, Junwei
Possibile associazione di alcune carenze di minerali con l'infertilità by Fadlalla, Imad Mohamedtahir
Possível associação das carências de alguns minerais com a infertilidade by Fadlalla, Imad Mohamedtahir
Возможная связь дефицит& by Фадлалла, &#
Angiotensin verarbeitende Aktivitäten in Tiergiften by Da C. Marques, Maria E., B. de Souza, Cledson, Juarez Vieira Pereira, Hugo
Angiotensin Processing Activities in Animal Venoms by Da C. Marques, Maria E., B. de Souza, Cledson, Juarez Vieira Pereira, Hugo
Activités de transformation de l'angiotensine dans les venins d'animaux by B. de Souza, Cledson, Juarez Vieira Pereira, Hugo, Da C. Marques, Maria E.
Attività di elaborazione dell'angiotensina nei veleni animali by B. de Souza, Cledson, Juarez Vieira Pereira, Hugo, Da C. Marques, Maria E.
Активность переработки & by &#1076&#1072 &#1050. &#1052&#1072&#1088&#1082&#1077&#1089, &, &#1041. &#1076&#1077 &#1057&#1086&#1091&#1079&#1072, К, Хуарес Ви&#1
Reologia do gelado by Stanciu, Ioana
Rheologie von Speiseeis by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie de la crème glacée by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia del gelato by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология мороженого by Станциу, И&#
Rheological Analysis of Cultured Meat by Stanciu, Ioana
General industrial practice by Kachhot, Kanji, Bhola, Pravin
Synthese einiger biologisch aktiver Verbindungen by Mane, Dhananjay
Synthèse de certains composés biologiquement actifs by Mane, Dhananjay
Sintesi di alcuni composti biologicamente attivi by Mane, Dhananjay
Síntese de alguns compostos biologicamente activos by Mane, Dhananjay
Синтез некоторых биолог& by Мане, Дхан&#
Mundgesundheit von Personen, die mit dem HTLV-1-Virus infiziert sind by Tosta Xavier, Márcia
Oral health of individuals infected with the HTLV-1 virus by Tosta Xavier, Márcia
Santé bucco-dentaire des personnes infectées par le virus HTLV-1 by Tosta Xavier, Márcia
Salute orale dei soggetti infettati dal virus HTLV-1 by Tosta Xavier, Márcia
Здоровье полости рта у л&#1102 by Тоста Кса&#1
Association possible de certaines carences en minéraux avec l'infertilité by Fadlalla, Imad Mohamedtahir
Möglicher Zusammenhang zwischen einigen Mineralstoffdefiziten und Unfruchtbarkeit by Fadlalla, Imad Mohamedtahir
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Volume 80 by
Transglutaminase: Fundamentals and Applications by
Process Engineering: Numerical Methods with MATLAB by Nazari, Behzad
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology by
Graphene-Bearing Polymer Composites: Applications to Electromagnetic Interference Shielding and Flame-Retardant Materials by Temane, Lesego Tabea, Ray, Suprakas Sinha, Orasugh, Jonathan Tersur
Local Drug Delivery System by
Elementos: Tabela Periódica e o Detalhamento dos Átomos by Artificial, Inteligência, Fiori, André Carlos
The History of Natural Stone in Saint-Petersburg by
Advances in Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Planetary Sciences: 75th Anniversary of the Vernadsky Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences by
Advances in Fabrication and Investigation of Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications by
Electrochemical Water Splitting: Fundamentals, Challenges and Advances by Haq, Tanveer Ul, Haik, Yousef
Mass Transfer Dynamics of Contaminants in Fractured Media by Wang, Jinguo, Dou, Zhi, Zhou, Zhifang
Modern Optical Spectroscopy: From Fundamentals to Applications in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics by Parson, William W., Burda, Clemens
Protein-Based Therapeutics by
Low-Dimensional Chalcohalide Nanomaterials: Energy Conversion and Sensor-Based Technologies by Mistewicz, Krystian
Analyseverfahren für die Bewertung von Pestiziden im Boden by Tamrakar, Gaurav, Gupta, Priyanka
Environment in a Magnet: Applications of NMR Techniques to Environmental Problems by
Water at Interfaces: Faraday Discussion 249 by
Kitchen Chemistry Of Food Science And Nutrition: Explaining The Alchemy Of Cooking Techniques And Recipes by Soughtout, David
Nlo Phthalate Crystals by Palanivelu, Malliga
Analisi chimica e attività biologica del Carum carvi Sudanese L by Abdalaziz, Mohamed Nasraldaan
Physicochemical Aspects of Metal-Organic Frameworks: A New Class of Coordinative Materials by
The Chemistry of Human Life by Carey, George W.
Удаление лактозы с помощ by Силва да С&#, Батиста, К&#, Фернанде&#10
Laktoseentfernung mit Lektin aus Papayasamen by Batista, Karla, Fernandes, Kátia Flávia, Silva Da Silva, Cassio Nazareno
Élimination du lactose à l'aide de la lectine des graines de papaye by Silva Da Silva, Cassio Nazareno, Batista, Karla, Fernandes, Kátia Flávia
Rimozione del lattosio mediante lectina dai semi di papaya by Batista, Karla, Fernandes, Kátia Flávia, Silva Da Silva, Cassio Nazareno
Lactose removal using lectin from papaya seeds by Silva Da Silva, Cassio Nazareno, Batista, Karla, Fernandes, Kátia Flávia
Nanopartículas de ouro obtidas por bioengenharia para a degradação de corantes by Rastogi, Shweta
Биоинженерные наночаст&# by Растоги, Ш&#
Nanoparticules d'or issues de la bio-ingénierie pour la dégradation des colorants by Rastogi, Shweta
Biotechnologisch hergestellte Gold-Nanopartikel für den Farbstoffabbau by Rastogi, Shweta
Nanoparticelle d'oro bioingegnerizzate per la degradazione dei coloranti by Rastogi, Shweta
Oxidative alterations of the erythrocyte. by Rodríguez Alonso, Ivett, Llanes García, Llanuris, Pérez Ramírez, Alejandro
Oxidative Veränderungen der Erythrozyten. by Llanes García, Llanuris, Pérez Ramírez, Alejandro, Rodríguez Alonso, Ivett
5-nitro isatin heterocyclic derivatives and study some applications by Al-Majidi, Prof Suaad, Ayad Mohammed Rasheed, Hala
Male and Female Phoenix Dactylifera L. leaves of Kachchh region by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Altérations oxydatives de l'érythrocyte. by Rodríguez Alonso, Ivett, Llanes García, Llanuris, Pérez Ramírez, Alejandro
Alterações oxidativas do eritrócito. by Pérez Ramírez, Alejandro, Rodríguez Alonso, Ivett, Llanes García, Llanuris
Окислительные изменени&# by Лланес Га&#1, Пéрез Рамíр&, Родрíгуез &#
Alterazioni ossidative dell'eritrocita. by Pérez Ramírez, Alejandro, Rodríguez Alonso, Ivett, Llanes García, Llanuris
Electrocoagulation and eggshells against chromium pollution by Elabbas, Saliha, Ouazzani, Naaila
Elektrokoagulation und Eierschalen gegen Chromverschmutzung by Elabbas, Saliha, Ouazzani, Naaila
A eletrocoagulação e as cascas de ovo para combater a poluição pelo crómio by Ouazzani, Naaila, Elabbas, Saliha
Электрокоагуляция и яич& by ЕЛАББАС, С&#, ОУАЗЗАНИ, &#
Elettrocoagulazione e gusci d'uovo per combattere l'inquinamento da cromo by Elabbas, Saliha, Ouazzani, Naaila
Poly(milchsäure)-Nanokompositen by Fattahi, Farnaz Sadat
Nanocomposites à base de poly(acide lactique) by Fattahi, Farnaz Sadat
Nanocompósitos de poli(ácido lático) by Fattahi, Farnaz Sadat
Нанокомпозиты из поли(мо by ФАТТАХИ, Ф&#
Nanocompositi di poli(acido lattico) by Fattahi, Farnaz Sadat
Avaliação do extracto aquoso das cascas de Allium sativum L. by Nhamussua, Roberto, Nhanombe, Julião
Fundamentals of Surface Thermodynamics: Phase Behavior and Its Related Properties by Dos Santos, Ronaldo Gonçalves
Выбросы углекислого газ& by Кастелла&#10, Гастманс, &#
Émissions de dioxyde de carbone par le sol dans la forêt tropicale atlantique by Castellano, Gabriel, Gastmans, Didier
Carbon dioxide emissions from the soil in the Atlantic Forest by Gastmans, Didier, Castellano, Gabriel
Emissioni di anidride carbonica dal suolo nella foresta pluviale atlantica by Castellano, Gabriel, Gastmans, Didier
Kohlendioxidemissionen aus dem Boden des Atlantischen Regenwaldes by Castellano, Gabriel, Gastmans, Didier
Reologia do vinho by Stanciu, Ioana
Rheologie des Weins by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie du vin by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia del vino by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология вина by Станциу, И&#
Auswirkungen von Aminophyllin in Kombination mit Ethanol auf neurochemische Tests by Vasconcelos, Silvânia, Matias Soares, Paula
Effets de l'aminophylline combinée à l'éthanol sur les tests neurochimiques by Matias Soares, Paula, Vasconcelos, Silvânia
Effetti dell'aminofillina combinata con l'etanolo sui test neurochimici by Matias Soares, Paula, Vasconcelos, Silvânia
Влияние аминофиллина в с by Матиас Со&#1, Васконсе&#10
Effects of aminophylline combined with ethanol on neurochemical tests by Matias Soares, Paula, Vasconcelos, Silvânia
CRISTALLOGRAPHIE pour Classes Préparatoires by Badri, Abdessalem
Toxicology of Fishes by
Translational Bioinformatics: Volume 139 by
Life Sciences Research to Product Development: Regulatory Requirement Transforming, Volume 1 by Chattopadhyay, Pronobesh, Goyary, Danswrang
State-of-the-Art and Progress in Metal-Hydrogen Systems by
Chemical characterization and biological properties of extracts by Elhourri, Mohammed, Riffi, Ouassima, M'Hamdi, Zakya
Food Engineering Principles and Practices: A One-Semester Course by Rizvi, Syed S. H.
Computational Phytochemistry by
Glycosphingolipids in the Central Nervous System: Diversity in Structure, Metabolism, Distribution, and Function by Guo, Zhongwu
The Absolute Guide to DMT Extraction: Sources, Methods of Extraction, and Potential Therapeutic Benefits by Ashford, Simon
Biogas Technology in Southeast Asia by Nitayavardhana, Saoharit, Aggarangsi, Pruk, Koonaphapdeelert, Sirichai
Dear Parents: What's Really Going On Behind The Classroom Doors? by Gray, Wendy
El Déjà Vu Cuántico: Datos Curiosos de la Física Clásica y Física Cuántica by Quimica, Ingenieria, de la Cruz, Juan M.
Z-DNA: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Diabetes Research and Management by
Artrite reumatoide e cellule staminali by E. El Toukhy, Safinaz, Refaat, Eman
Artrite reumatoide e células estaminais by E. El Toukhy, Safinaz, Refaat, Eman
Ревматоидный артрит и ст by &#1069. &#1069&#1083&#1100-&#1058&#1091&#1093&#1080, С, Рефаат, Эм&#
Rheumatoide Arthritis und Stammzellen by E. El Toukhy, Safinaz, Refaat, Eman
Arthrite rhumatoïde et cellules souches by Refaat, Eman, E. El Toukhy, Safinaz
Morphological Design and Synthesis of Nanoparticles by
Springer Handbook of Aerogels by
Production and Properties of Starch: Current Research by
Male and Female Phoenix Dactylifera L. Leaves by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Exploring Natural Flocculants in Solving the Global Water Crisis by Nasim, Tanbir
Phénomènes de Surfaces et Interfaces by Zdiri, Khmais, Elamri, Adel
24/7 water electrolysis process under the influence of light energy by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Nouvelle voie de synthèse de 1,2,4-oxadiazin-5-ones chirales by Tka, Najeh
Synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux aminohydrazides chiraux by Tka, Najeh
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders: Volume 12 by Amtul, Zareen
Nanocarrier Vaccines: Biopharmaceutics-Based Fast Track Development by
Recycling and Resource Recovery from Polymers II by
Sustainability Engineering for Enhanced Process Design and Manufacturing Profitability: Balancing the Environment Through Renewable Resources by Perl, Jeffery P.
Pesanteur toxique des métaux lourds by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Organic Chemistry as a Second Language: Second Semester Topics by Klein, David R.
Flavorama: A Guide to Unlocking the Art and Science of Flavor by Johnson, Arielle
Basic Immunology and Its Clinical Application by
Machine Learning and Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Production by
Applying Multiple-Reaction Stoichiometry to Chemical Reactor Modelling by Barreto, Guillermo Fernando, Luzi, Carlos Daniel
Green Hydrogen in Power Systems by
Sustainable Modelling, Processes and Applications for Societal Development by
Commemorating 150 Years of Justus von Liebig's Legacy by
The Poetry of Lutetium by Walter the Educator
Strukturelle, elektrische und magnetische Eigenschaften von Spinell-Ferrit by Shinde, Vishnu S.
Propriétés structurelles, électriques et magnétiques de la ferrite spinelle by Shinde, Vishnu S.
Proprietà strutturali, elettriche e magnetiche della ferrite spinello by Shinde, Vishnu S.
Propriedades estruturais, eléctricas e magnéticas da ferrite espinélio by Shinde, Vishnu S.
Структурные, электричес& by Шинде, Виш&#
Phytochemical Screening of Male & Female Phoenix Dactylifera L. Leaves by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Fortschrittliche Materialproduktion by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Production de matériaux avancés by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Produzione di materiali avanzati by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Produção de Materiais Avançados by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Производство передовых & by Шоикхедб&#10
Rheology of Beer by Stanciu, Ioana
L'adsorption des effluents chargés de métaux lourds et de colorants by Bouzidi, Aicha
The Plastic Paradox - How the Material that Changed the World is Now Threatening It by Shivan, Viruti
Advanced Technology in Environmental Remediation and Resource Utilization by
The Poetry of Hafnium by Walter the Educator
Particulate and Granular Magnetism: Nanoparticles and Thin Films by Hirohata, Atsufumi, O'Grady, Kevin, Fernandez, Gonzalo Vallejo
Transmembrane β-Barrel Proteins: Methods and Protocols by
ZnO/P3AT-Hybrid-Photovoltaiksysteme by Arielo Rodrigues Maia, Guilherme
ZnO/P3ATs hybrid photovoltaic systems by Arielo Rodrigues Maia, Guilherme
Systèmes photovoltaïques hybrides ZnO/P3ATs by Arielo Rodrigues Maia, Guilherme
Sistemi fotovoltaici ibridi ZnO/P3ATs by Arielo Rodrigues Maia, Guilherme
Гибридные фотоэлектрич&# by Ариэло Ро&#1
Bioabfallmanagement auf dem Batetela-Markt, Stadt KIKWIT by Ndungi, Adingite, Mukuwa, Sylvie
Bio-waste management at Batetela market, KIKWIT by Ndungi, Adingite, Mukuwa, Sylvie
Gestione dei rifiuti organici al mercato di Batetela, KIKWIT by Ndungi, Adingite, Mukuwa, Sylvie
Gestão dos bio-resíduos no mercado de Batetela, KIKWIT by Ndungi, Adingite, Mukuwa, Sylvie
Утилизация биоотходов н& by Ндунги, Ад&#, Мукува, Си&#
Synthese neuer heterozyklischer Monomere und Vitalität der Polymere by Yahia Mohammed, Intisar
Synthèse de nouveaux monomères hétérocycliques et vitalité des polymères by Yahia Mohammed, Intisar
Sintesi di nuovi monomeri eterociclici e vitalità dei polimeri by Yahia Mohammed, Intisar
Síntese de Novos Monómeros Heterocíclicos e Vitalidade dos Polímeros by Yahia Mohammed, Intisar
Синтез новых гетероцикл& by Яхья Моха&#1
General Introduction of Carica Papaya L. and Mangifera Indica L. by Vaghela, Foram
Flow Chemistry for Pharmaceuticals: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Synthesis by Continuous-Flow Technology by Mendonca Alves de Souza, Rodrigo Octavio
Computer Aided Engineering of Batteries by
Spin: From Basic Symmetries to Quantum Optimal Control by Kuprov, Ilya
Mems and Microfluidics in Healthcare: Devices and Applications Perspectives by
Valorization of Biomass Wastes for Environmental Sustainability: Green Practices for the Rural Circular Economy by
Advances in Thin Film Fabrication by Magnetron Sputtering by
Adsorption & Colligative Properties of Solutions by Ram, Vijay, Thacker, Hency
Биоразлагаемые пленки и& by де Соуза М&#, &#1055. &#1056. &#1040&#1089&#1082&#1077&#1088&#1080, &#1044
BIODEGRADABLE FILME aus Hedychium coronarium by P. R. Ascheri, Diego, de Souza Moura, Wellington
Films biodégradables fabriqués à partir d'Hedychium coronarium by P. R. Ascheri, Diego, de Souza Moura, Wellington
BIODEGRADABLE FILMS OF Hedychium coronarium by P. R. Ascheri, Diego, de Souza Moura, Wellington
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