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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

FILMI BIODEGRADABILI a base di Hedychium coronarium by de Souza Moura, Wellington, P. R. Ascheri, Diego
Stereochemistry-Three Dimensional Chemistry by Singh, Ranjit
Bismuth Oxyhalides: Synthesis and photocatalytic applications by Ikram, Muhammad, Bari, Muhammad Ahsaan
Magnetic Tweezers for the Study of Protein Structure and Function: Volume 694 by
Immunity Boosting Medicinal Plants of the Western Himalayas by
Minerals and Waste by
Structures and Dynamics of Interfacial Water by Cao, Duanyun
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Phytochemicals by Ram, Vijay, Soni, Mital
Zusammenfassung Und Bewertung by Faska, Zaid
Summary and Valuation by Faska, Zaid
Gewinnung von ätherischen Ölen und Pektin aus Valencia-Orangen by Dávila Torres, Jaime Luis, Villero B., Luis Felipe, Durán Barón, Ricardo
Sintesi E Valutazione by Faska, Zaid
Obtenção de óleos essenciais e de pectina a partir de laranjas de Valência by Durán Barón, Ricardo, Dávila Torres, Jaime Luis, Villero B., Luis Felipe
Получение эфирных масел by Дюран Бар&#1, Давила То&#1, Вильеро Б, &
Resumo E Avaliação by Faska, Zaid
РЕЗЮМЕ И ОЦЕНКА by Фаска, Заи&#
Obtaining essential oils and pectin from Valencia orange. by Dávila Torres, Jaime Luis, Villero B., Luis Felipe, Durán Barón, Ricardo
Obtention d'huiles essentielles et de pectine à partir d'oranges Valencia by Villero B., Luis Felipe, Durán Barón, Ricardo, Dávila Torres, Jaime Luis
Ottenere oli essenziali e pectina dalle arance Valencia by Dávila Torres, Jaime Luis, Villero B., Luis Felipe, Durán Barón, Ricardo
Silicon and Nanotechnology for Coatings by Groß, Frank, Frenzer, Gerald, Sepeur, Stefan
Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics: Selected Articles from Im3f 2023, 7-8 August, Pekan, Malaysia by
Environmental Toxicology: Non-Bacterial Toxins by
Carbon for Micro and Nano Devices by Sharma, Swati
Nanomaterials for Chemical Engineering (Volume II) by
Soft Magnetic Materials and Their Application by
Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2020 by
Rare-Earth Elements: Solid State Materials: Chemical, Optical and Magnetic Properties by Höppe, Henning
Organic Chemistry: 25 Must-Know Classes of Organic Compounds by Elzagheid, Mohamed
Idrolisi della bagassa di anacardi per ottenere bioetanolo by Dantas de Carvalho, João Paulo
Гидролиз жома кешью с по&#1083 by Дантас де &#
Moringa oleifera Lam.: применение в медиц&#10 by Соуза Вер&#1, Кунья Лим&#1
Moringa oleifera Lam.: medizinische Anwendungen und Nährstoff-Zusammensetzung by Sousa Veras, Maxmiliano, Cunha Lima, José Roberto
Moringa oleifera Lam.: applications médicinales et composition nutritionnelle by Sousa Veras, Maxmiliano, Cunha Lima, José Roberto
Moringa oleifera Lam.: applicazioni medicinali e composizione nutrizionale by Sousa Veras, Maxmiliano, Cunha Lima, José Roberto
Moringa oleifera Lam.: medicinal applications and nutritional composition by Cunha Lima, José Roberto, Sousa Veras, Maxmiliano
Hydrolyse von Cashew-Bagasse zur Gewinnung von Bioethanol by Dantas de Carvalho, João Paulo
Hydrolysis of cashew bagasse to obtain bioethanol by Dantas de Carvalho, João Paulo
Hydrolyse de la bagasse de cajou pour obtenir du bioéthanol by Dantas de Carvalho, João Paulo
Plasmonic Nanomaterials: Characterization and Applications in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis by Queffélec, Clémence, Knight, D. Andrew
Materials under High Pressure by
Artificial Chemistries by Yamamoto, Lidia, Banzhaf, Wolfgang
Organic Radicals by
Maionese reológica by Stanciu, Ioana
Rheologie Mayonnaise by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie Mayonnaise by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia Maionese by Stanciu, Ioana
Реологический майонез by Станциу, И&#
Eine Einführung in die Elemente der Seltenen Erden by M. de Almeida, Delia D. P., Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo
An Introduction to Rare Earth Elements by Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo, M. de Almeida, Delia D. P.
Introduction aux terres rares by M. de Almeida, Delia D. P., Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo
Introduzione agli elementi delle terre rare by Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo, M. de Almeida, Delia D. P.
Введение в редкоземельн& by &#1052. &#1076&#1077 &#1040&#1083&#1084&#1077&#1081&#1076&#1, Барселло&#10
Élaboration et caractérisation de couches minces d'oxyde de nickel by Belahssen, Okba
Aquatic Ecotoxicology: Understanding Pollutants, Aquatic Organisms, and Their Environments by
Modeling Neural Circuits Made Simple with Python by Rosenbaum, Robert
Laboratory Guide to Enzymology by Turberville, Antonia, Lanne, Alice, Holdgate, Geoffrey A.
Groundwater Quality and Geochemistry in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions by
Recent Research on Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Tectonics, and Petroleum Geology: Proceedings of the 2nd Medg by
Environmental Nanotoxicology: Combatting the Minute Contaminants by
Fatigue and Corrosion in Metals by Milella, Pietro Paolo
Coded Optical Imaging by
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (Fish): Methods and Protocols by
Novel Nanoparticles and Their Enhanced Polymer Composites by
An Introduction to Chemistry by Kelter, Paul, Mosher, Michael
Ascorbic Acid - Biochemistry and Functions by
Photocatalysts for Energy and Environmental Sustainability by
Advanced Technologies for Protein Complex Production and Characterization: Volume II by
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment: Proceedings of Wre2023 by
Smart Nanocarrier for Effective Drug Delivery by
Computergestützte Untersuchung von Chinolin-4-Carbonsäure und Anwendung by Patel, Siddharth S., Patel, Hitesh D., Patel, Dhaval B.
Étude computationnelle de l'acide quinoléine-4-carboxylique et application by Patel, Hitesh D., Patel, Dhaval B., Patel, Siddharth S.
Вычислительное исследо&# by Патель, Хи&#, Патель, Дх&#, Патель, Си&#
Studio computazionale dell'acido chinolinico-4-carbossilico e sua applicazione by Patel, Dhaval B., Patel, Siddharth S., Patel, Hitesh D.
Estudo computacional do ácido quinolina-4-carboxílico e aplicação by Patel, Hitesh D., Patel, Dhaval B., Patel, Siddharth S.
Межлабораторная програ&# by Силва, Мар&#
Sidnonas: propriedades químicas e antitumorais by Pereira Da Silva, Ana Paula, Borges Barreto Bezerra, Mariana
Programme interlaboratoire et préparation des matériaux de référence by Silva, Marcos Moura
Ringversuchsprogramme und die Vorbereitung von Referenzmaterialien by Silva, Marcos Moura
Programma interlaboratorio e preparazione di materiali di riferimento by Silva, Marcos Moura
Interlaboratory program and the preparation of reference materials by Silva, Marcos Moura
Пчелиная пыльца by &#1043.&#1057. &#1054&#1083&#1080&#1074&#1077&#1081&#1088&#1, &#1043.&#1052. &#1060&#1088&#1077&#1081&#1090&#1072&#1089, &, &#1069. &#1040&#1083&#1074&#1077&#1089 &#1076&#1077 &#1052&#
Bienenpollen by Elizabeth Alves de Magalhães, Bárbara, G. S. Oliveira, Fernanda, G. M. Freitas, Alexandre
Pollen d'abeille by G. S. Oliveira, Fernanda, G. M. Freitas, Alexandre, Elizabeth Alves de Magalhães, Bárbara
Polline d'api by Elizabeth Alves de Magalhães, Bárbara, G. S. Oliveira, Fernanda, G. M. Freitas, Alexandre
Bee pollen by G. S. Oliveira, Fernanda, G. M. Freitas, Alexandre, Elizabeth Alves de Magalhães, Bárbara
The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet (Large Print Edition) by Goodell, Jeff
Glycosignals in Cancer: Molecular Assembly and Recognition by
Primary Exploration of Hydrogen Metallurgy by Li, Kejiang, Liu, Zhengjian, Zhang, Jianliang
Introduction to Enzyme Technology by
Tau Protein: Methods and Protocols by
Antioxidatives Potenzial der Juçara-Frucht by Dias, Natália Caroliny Da Silva
Potentiel antioxydant du fruit de Juçara by Dias, Natália Caroliny Da Silva
Potenziale antiossidante del frutto di Juçara by Dias, Natália Caroliny Da Silva
Антиоксидантный потенц&# by Диаш, Ната&#
Chitosan-Filme mit Eizellmembranen eingearbeitet by Cardoso, Márcio, Santos, Kleilton, Fook, Marcus
Хитозановые пленки с мем by Фук, Марку&#, Кардозу, М&#, Сантос, Кл&#
Films de chitosane incorporés à la membrane des ovules by Fook, Marcus, Cardoso, Márcio, Santos, Kleilton
Film di chitosano incorporato con la membrana delle cellule uovo by Cardoso, Márcio, Santos, Kleilton, Fook, Marcus
Chitosan Films Incorporated with Egg Cell Membrane by Santos, Kleilton, Fook, Marcus, Cardoso, Márcio
Marine Bivalve Mollusks and Emerging Pollutants by
10th Anniversary of Inorganics: Inorganic Materials by
Fracture Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Materials by Linzhi, Wu, Guo, Licheng, Hongjun, Yu
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Potential of Cyanobacteria by
Analyse des Naturprodukts by Krishnaveni, Marimuthu, Govindhan, Kavitha
Analyse des produits naturels by Krishnaveni, Marimuthu, Govindhan, Kavitha
Analisi del prodotto naturale by Krishnaveni, Marimuthu, Govindhan, Kavitha
Análise de produtos naturais by Krishnaveni, Marimuthu, Govindhan, Kavitha
Анализ натурального про& by Говиндха&#10, Кришнаве&#10
Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers: Design, Mechanisms and Performance by Yan, Dongming, Chen, Shikun, Liu, Yi
Frontiers of Performability Engineering: In Honor of Prof. K.B. Misra by
Flavor-Associated Applications in Health and Wellness Food Products by
Mathematics for Natural Scientists II: Advanced Methods by Kantorovich, Lev
HPLC Skill-10X: Elevating HPLC Proficiency: A Beginner's Visual Guide by Yadav, Smrati
Post-Secondary Chemistry Education in Developing Countries: Advancing Diversity in Pedagogy and Practice by Uzzi, Medeba, Fox, Dawn I., Murray, Jacqueline
Toxicologic Pathology: A Primer by
Mxenes: Next-Generation 2D Materials: Fundamentals and Applications by
Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks: Structural Design, Synthesis and Properties by
Smart Nanomaterials for Infectious Diseases by
Smart Protective Coatings for Corrosion Control by Ma, Lingwei, Zhang, Dawei
Akute Toxizität von Ethanol- und N-Hexan-Samenextrakt aus "Annona muricata" by Idih, F. M., Chidozie, V. O.
Toxicité aiguë de l'éthanol et de l'extrait de graines de N-hexane de "Annona muricata". by Idih, F. M., Chidozie, V. O.
Tossicità acuta dell'estratto di semi di "Annona muricata" in etanolo e N-esano by Idih, F. M., Chidozie, V. O.
Острая токсичность этан& by Идих, &#1060.&#1052., Чидози, &#1042.&#1054.
Toxicidade aguda do extrato de sementes de "Annona muricata" em etanol e N-hexano by Chidozie, V. O., Idih, F. M.
Odyssée Quantique by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Les métalloprotéines décryptées par la spectroscopie XANES by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Advances in Smart and Tough Hydrogels by
Software and Programming Tools in Pharmaceutical Research by Singh, Dilpreet
Carbohydrate-Based Drugs Discovery by
Mass Spectrometry for Biomedical and Food Analysis by
Industrial Strategies and Solutions for 3D Printing: Applications and Optimization by
The Poetry of Osmium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Platinum by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Rhenium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Gold by Walter the Educator
Microbiology-2.0 Update for a Sustainable Future by
The Poetry of Iridium by Walter the Educator
Rheology of Yogurt by Stanciu, Ioana
Et si l'endométriose était une affaire de protéases by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Curcumin entschlüsselt: Illustration seiner biochemischen Rolle by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bürgerliche Chemie by P. Sarmento, Juliana, T. G. Mendonca, Maria Lucia, Petinatti Da Cruz, Rosana
Curcumin decoded: Illustrating its biochemical role by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Citizen Chemistry by P. Sarmento, Juliana, T. G. Mendonca, Maria Lucia, Petinatti Da Cruz, Rosana
La curcumina decodificata: illustrazione del suo ruolo biochimico by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chimie citoyenne by P. Sarmento, Juliana, T. G. Mendonca, Maria Lucia, Petinatti Da Cruz, Rosana
Curcumina descodificada: Ilustração do seu papel bioquímico by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chimica del cittadino by P. Sarmento, Juliana, T. G. Mendonca, Maria Lucia, Petinatti Da Cruz, Rosana
Гражданин Химия by P. &#1057&#1072&#1088&#1084&#1077&#1085&#1090&#1086, Д, &#1058. &#1043. &#1052&#1077&#1085&#1076&#1086&#1085&#1082&#, Петинатт&#10
Куркумин расшифрован: ил by Мимуни, Аб&#
Myokarditis entschlüsselt durch bioinorganische Chemie by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Myocarditis deciphered by bioinorganic chemistry by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La miocardite decifrata dalla chimica bioinorganica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
A miocardite decifrada pela química bioinorgânica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Миокардит, расшифрованн& by Мимуни, Аб&#
Forensic Science Laboratory Benchmarking: The Foresight Manual by Houck, Max M., Speaker, Paul J.
Forensic Science Laboratory Benchmarking: The Foresight Manual by Speaker, Paul J., Houck, Max M.
Thermodynamics of Crystalline Materials: From Nano to Macro by Tedenac, Jean-Claude
Botanical Curses and Poisons: The Shadow-Lives of Plants by Inkwright, Fez
Essenswert - Werte ALS Multidisziplinärer Sammelbegriff Im Kontext Von Ernährung: Eine Literaturarbeit by Lichtenstein, Silke, Höhl, Karolin, Dreyer, Jana
Fundamentals of Orthopedic Design with Non-Parametric Optimization by Al Ali, Musaddiq
Basic Mathematics for Students of Air Pollutants by Maynard, Robert, Atkinson, Richard
Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications in Drug Formulation and Delivery by
Catalysis: Volume 35 by
Studie über einen thermochemischen Weg zur H2-Produktion mit Solarenergie by Szurkalo, Margarida, Rodrigo Bento, Eduardo Cesar, Borazanian, Tatyana
Study of a Thermochemical Route for H2 Production Using Solar Energy by Szurkalo, Margarida, Rodrigo Bento, Eduardo Cesar, Borazanian, Tatyana
Étude d'une voie thermochimique pour la production de H2 à l'aide de l'énergie solaire by Borazanian, Tatyana, Szurkalo, Margarida, Rodrigo Bento, Eduardo Cesar
Studio di una via termochimica per la produzione di H2 con l'energia solare by Rodrigo Bento, Eduardo Cesar, Borazanian, Tatyana, Szurkalo, Margarida
Исследование термохими&# by Сзуркало, &#, Родриго Б&#1, Боразаня&#10
Physikalisch-chemische Analyse von gefrorenen handwerklich hergestellten Pulpen aus der Murici-Frucht by Da Luz, Djavania Azevêdo, Coelho, Wilson R., M. Azevedo, Lorena C.
Physicochemical Study of Frozen Artisanal Pulps from the Murici Fruit by Da Luz, Djavania Azevêdo, Coelho, Wilson R., M. Azevedo, Lorena C.
Étude physicochimique des pulpes artisanales congelées du fruit de Murici by C. M. Azevedo, Lorena, Da Luz, Djavania Azevêdo, R. Coelho, Wilson
Studio fisico-chimico delle polpe artigianali congelate del frutto di Murici by R. Coelho, Wilson, M. Azevedo, Lorena C., Da Luz, Djavania Azevêdo
Физико-химическое иссле& by &#1052. &#1040&#1079&#1077&#1074&#1077&#1076&#1086, Л&, Де Луз, Джа&, &#1056. &#1050&#1086&#1101&#1083&#1100&#1086, Уи
Gewinnung Von Komplexbildenden Ioniten Und Deren Anwendung by Khayit, Turaev, Gulshoda Khushbok Kizi, Toirova
L'Obtention d'Ionites Générateurs de Complexes Et Leur Application by Khayit, Turaev, Gulshoda Khushbok Kizi, Toirova
Ottenimento Di Ioniti Generatrici Di Complessi E Loro Applicazione by Gulshoda Khushbok Kizi, Toirova, Khayit, Turaev
Obtenção de Ionitos Geradores de Complexos E Sua Aplicação by Khayit, Turaev, Gulshoda Khushbok Kizi, Toirova
ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ КОМПЛЕКСООБР&# by Гулшода К&#1, Кхаыит Кх&#1
Development of new quinolines against colorectal carcinoma by El-Mernissi, Reda, Ajana, Mohammed Aziz, Bouachrine, Mohammed
Der Tanz der Prionen und neurodegenerative Erkrankungen by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
The Prion Dance and Neurodegenerative Diseases by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La danza dei prioni e le malattie neurodegenerative by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
A dança dos priões e as doenças neurodegenerativas by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Танец прионов и нейродег by Мимуни, Аб&#
Marine Greens: Environmental, Agricultural, Industrial and Biomedical Applications by
Chemical Theory and Multiscale Simulation in Biomolecules: From Principles to Case Studies by Li, Guohui
Advances in CO2 Utilization: From Fundamentals to Applications by
Adme Processes in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Dosage, Design, and Pharmacotherapy by
Bioprospecting of Natural Sources for Cosmeceuticals by
Challenges and Prospects in Organic Photonics and Electronics: Faraday Discussion 250 by
Cristaux de Phtalate Nlo by Palanivelu, Malliga
Cristalli Di Ftalato Nlo by Palanivelu, Malliga
Cristais de Ftalato Nlo by Palanivelu, Malliga
Nlo-Phthalat-Kristalle by Palanivelu, Malliga
Mixed-Anion Compounds by
Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites, Nanostructure Surfaces, and Their Applications: Selected Proceedings of the IX International Conference Nanotechnolo by
Pseudotyped Viruses by
Photochemical and Electrochemical Activation Strategies of C(sp3)-Based Building Blocks for Organic Synthesis by Go, Su Yong
Feature Papers to Celebrate the Inaugural Issue of Standards by
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