• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Peptidomics: Methods and Strategies by
Cisplatin-Resistenz durch Bioinorganik entmystifiziert by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorganics demystifies cisplatin resistance by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La bioinorganica demistifica la resistenza al cisplatino by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
A bioinorgânica desmistifica a resistência à cisplatina by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Биоорганика раскрывает & by Мимуни, Аб&#
Aktivkohle aus männlichen und weiblichen Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Charbon actif dérivé de Phoenix Dactylifera L. mâle et femelle by Ram, Vijay, Thacker, Hency
Carbone attivo derivato da maschi e femmine di Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Carvão ativado derivado de machos e fêmeas de Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Активированный уголь, по by Рам, Вияы, Тхацкер, Х&#
Tenside: Chemie und Anwendungen by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Surfactants: Chimie et applications by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Surfactantes: Química e Aplicações by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Поверхностно-активные в& by Ахмад Вар&#1
Tensioattivi: Chimica e applicazioni by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Caracterização e funcionalização de resíduo de microfibras de celulose by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Triazole, Indol-Pyrimidine and Trione by Kumar, B. Ashok
Männliche und weibliche Blätter von Phoenix Dactylifera L. aus der Region Kachchh by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Feuilles mâles et femelles de Phoenix Dactylifera L. de la région de Kachchh by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Foglie maschili e femminili di Phoenix Dactylifera L. della regione di Kachchh by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Folhas masculinas e femininas de Phoenix Dactylifera L. da região de Kachchh by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Мужские и женские листья by Тхацкер, Х&#, Рам, Вияы
Nanocristais de celulose de resíduo de algodão by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Allele Mining for Genomic Designing of Fruit Crops by
Friction and Wear in Metals by Al-Douri, Yarub, Al-Samarai, Riyadh A.
Multi-Dimensional Vibrational Circular Dichroism by Yamagishi, Akihiko, Yoshida, Jun, Sato, Hisako
Machine Learning Applications in Medicine and Biology by
Elusive Phenomena, Unwieldy Things: Historical Perspectives on Experimental Control by
Biosynthese, Charakterisierung und antimikrobielle Aktivität von AgNPs by Patel, Hitesh, Patel, Jatin, Verma, Dolly
Caractérisation de la biosynthèse et activité antimicrobienne des AgNPs by Patel, Jatin, Verma, Dolly, Patel, Hitesh
Caratterizzazione della biosintesi e attività antimicrobica delle AgNPs by Patel, Jatin, Verma, Dolly, Patel, Hitesh
Biossíntese, caraterização e atividade antimicrobiana de AgNPs by Verma, Dolly, Patel, Hitesh, Patel, Jatin
Характеристика биосинт&# by Патель, Дж&#, Верма, Дол&#, Патель, Хи&#
Synergie von PCC-NPs: Antioxidativ und antibakteriell by Verma, Dolly, Patel, Hitesh, Patel, Mansi
Synergie des PCC-NP: Antioxydant et antibactérien by Patel, Mansi, Verma, Dolly, Patel, Hitesh
Sinergia di PCC-NPs: Antiossidante e antibatterico by Patel, Hitesh, Patel, Mansi, Verma, Dolly
Синергия PCC-NPs: Антиоксидант by Верма, Дол&#, Патель, Хи&#, Патель, Ма&#
Sinergia de PCC-NPs: Antioxidante e antibacteriano by Patel, Mansi, Verma, Dolly, Patel, Hitesh
Bakterielle Biosurfactants: Die Ölreiniger der Natur entschlüsseln by Verma, Dolly, Patel, Jatin, Mahida, Dharmaraj
Biosurfactants bactériens: Les nettoyants pétroliers de la nature by Mahida, Dharmaraj, Verma, Dolly, Patel, Jatin
Biosurfattanti batterici: Sbloccare i detergenti petroliferi della natura by Mahida, Dharmaraj, Verma, Dolly, Patel, Jatin
Biossurfactantes bacterianos: Desvendando os limpadores de óleo da natureza by Mahida, Dharmaraj, Verma, Dolly, Patel, Jatin
Бактериальные биосурфа&# by Махида, Дх&#, Верма, Дол&#, Патель, Дж&#
Ammonia and Hydrogen for Green Energy Transition by
Metal Phosphates and Phosphonates: Fundamental to Advanced Emerging Applications by
Sustainable Food Waste Management: Anti-Corrosion Applications by
Materials Informatics and Catalysts Informatics: An Introduction by Takahashi, Lauren, Takahashi, Keisuke
Синтез, характеристика п by Патель, Ри&#, Бханотар, &#, Чаудхари, &#
Síntese, Caracterização de Derivados de Aminoácidos com Nucleobases by Patel, Rinkal, Chaudhari, Manishbhai Haribhai, Bhanotar, Dhaval
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di derivati aminoacidici con nucleobasi by Chaudhari, Manishbhai Haribhai, Bhanotar, Dhaval, Patel, Rinkal
Synthèse, caractérisation de dérivés d'acides aminés avec des nucléobases by Bhanotar, Dhaval, Patel, Rinkal, Chaudhari, Manishbhai Haribhai
Synthese, Charakterisierung von Aminosäurederivaten mit Nukleobasen by Chaudhari, Manishbhai Haribhai, Bhanotar, Dhaval, Patel, Rinkal
Biologische Chemie by Kelode, Sandip
Chimie biologique by Kelode, Sandip
Chimica biologica by Kelode, Sandip
Química Biológica by Kelode, Sandip
Биологическая химия by Келоде, Са&#
Complexometric Titration in Analytical Chemistry by Kotecha, Jalpa
Chemically Deposited Metal Chalcogenide-Based Carbon Composites for Versatile Applications by
Heads of Lectures on a Course of Experimental Philosophy Particularly Including Chemistry by Priestley, Joseph
Water Resources Management: Innovative and Green Solutions by Brears, Robert C.
Biologische Zersetzung von organischen Haushaltsabfällen in einem geschlossenen Reaktor by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Biodécomposition de déchets organiques ménagers en réacteur fermé by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Biodecomposizione di rifiuti organici domestici in un reattore chiuso by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Biodecomposition of organic household waste in a closed reactor by Ressetti, Rolan Roney
Биоразложение органиче&# by Рессетти, &#
Биоактивный гексеноатн&# by Гарба, Сул&#
Ein bioaktiver Hexenoat-Ester, produziert vom endophytischen Pilz F. Oxysporum by Garba, Suleiman Abubakar
Un ester d'hexénoate bioactif produit par le champignon endophyte F. Oxysporum by Garba, Suleiman Abubakar
Un estere esenoato bioattivo prodotto dal fungo endofita F. Oxysporum by Garba, Suleiman Abubakar
Um Éster Hexenoato Bioativo Produzido pelo Fungo Endofítico F. Oxysporum by Garba, Suleiman Abubakar
Bewertung des wässrigen Extrakts aus der Rinde von Allium sativum L. by Nhanombe, Julião, Nhamussua, Roberto
Évaluation de l'extrait aqueux de l'écorce d'Allium sativum L. by Nhanombe, Julião, Nhamussua, Roberto
Оценка водного экстракт& by Нхамуссу&#10, Нханомбе, &#
Valutazione dell'estratto acquoso della corteccia di Allium sativum L. by Nhanombe, Julião, Nhamussua, Roberto
Physikalische Chemie Kapieren: Quantenmechanik - Spektroskopie - Statistische Thermodynamik by Seiffert, Sebastian, Schärtl, Wolfgang
Physikalische Chemie Kapieren: Thermodynamik - Kinetik - Elektrochemie by Schärtl, Wolfgang, Seiffert, Sebastian
Science and Engineering of Polyphenols: Fundamentals and Industrial Scale Applications by
Sustainable Energy Production Using Solid Materials by Montagnaro, Fabio
New Developments in Boron Chemistry: From Oxidoborates to Hydrido(hetero)borane Derivatives - in Celebration of Professor John D. Kennedy's 80th Birth by
Food Analysis in the 21st Century: Challenges and Possibilities by
Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Carbazole Derivatives by Tiwari, Archita, Gupta, Sujeet, Mishra, Bharat
Evaluation of the aqueous extract of the bark of Allium sativum L. by Nhamussua, Roberto, Nhanombe, Julião
Igec Transactions, Volume 1: Energy Conversion and Management: Proceedings of the 15th International Green Energy Conference (Igec-XV) by
Sodium Pump Regulated Phosphate Transport: A Historical Account by Anner, Beatrice Maier
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (4th Edition): Proceedings of 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conf by
Laktat-Biosensor auf Graphenbasis by Pundir, Chandra S., Narwal, Vinay
Biocapteur de lactate à base de graphène by Pundir, Chandra S., Narwal, Vinay
Biosensore di lattato a base di grafene by Narwal, Vinay, Pundir, Chandra S.
Биосенсор лактата на осн by Нарвал, Ви&#, Пундир, Ча&#
Biossensor de lactato à base de grafeno by Pundir, Chandra S., Narwal, Vinay
Rheology of Cheese Products by Stanciu, Ioana
Kras: Methods and Protocols by
The Poetry of Astatine by Walter the Educator
Folhas masculinas e femininas de Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Мужские и женские листья by Тэккер, Хе&#, Рам, Виджа&#
Foglie maschili e femminili di Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Ram, Vijay, Thacker, Hency
Erforschung natürlicher Flockungsmittel zur Lösung der globalen Wasserkrise by Nasim, Tanbir
Exploration des floculants naturels pour résoudre la crise mondiale de l'eau by Nasim, Tanbir
Exploração de floculantes naturais para resolver a crise mundial da água by Nasim, Tanbir
Исследование природных & by Насим, Тан&#
Esplorare i flocculanti naturali per risolvere la crisi idrica globale by Nasim, Tanbir
Männliche und weibliche Blätter von Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Feuilles mâles et femelles de Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Ram, Vijay, Thacker, Hency
Structural Science of Crystalline Polymers: Microscopically-Viewed Structure-Property Relationship by Tashiro, Kohji
Spin-While-Burn: The New Approach for Tiny Medical Device Fabrication by Zakaria, Muhammad Akmal Bin Mohd, Mohamed, Saiful Bahri Bin, Kasim, Mohd Shahir Bin
Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Ageing by
The Poetry of Mercury by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Thallium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Lead by Walter the Educator
Size-Dependent Effects in Materials for Environmental Protection and Energy Application by
Group Theory Applied to Chemistry by Ceulemans, Arnout Jozef
Exfoliation Korrosion by Chattree, Amit, D'Souza, Renita, Rajendran, Susai
Exfoliation Corrosion by D'Souza, Renita, Rajendran, Susai, Chattree, Amit
Esfoliazione Corrosione by D'Souza, Renita, Rajendran, Susai, Chattree, Amit
Esfoliação Corrosão by D'Souza, Renita, Rajendran, Susai, Chattree, Amit
Отшелушивание Коррозия by Чаттри, Ам&#, Д'Соуза, Ре&, Раджендр&#10
Giftige Schwere von Schwermetallen by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Peso tóxico dos metais pesados by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Токсическая масса тяжел& by Мимуни, Аб&#
Peso tossico dei metalli pesanti by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds (Azoles) by Jagadhani, Sunil Gangadhar
The Scientific Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth by Helliwell, John R.
Electroacoustic Waves in Piezoelectric Layered Composites by Avetisyan, Ara Sergey
The Nature of Ultralong C-C Bonds by Shimajiri, Takuya
Nanomaterials for Biomedical and Bioengineering Applications by
Synthesis of Medium-Sized Cycloalkenes Via Fused-Cyclobutenes by Ito, Tomohiro
The Poetry of Bismuth by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Polonium by Walter the Educator
Rheologie von Bäckereiprodukten by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie des produits de boulangerie by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia dei prodotti da forno by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia de produtos de panificação by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология хлебобулочных & by Станчу, Ио&#
Diabetes Mellitus by N, Kannikaparameswari, T, Indhumathi, K, Rajathi
Diabetes Mellitus by N, Kannikaparameswari, T, Indhumathi, K, Rajathi
Diabète sucré by N, Kannikaparameswari, T, Indhumathi, K, Rajathi
Diabete mellito by N, Kannikaparameswari, T, Indhumathi, K, Rajathi
Сахарный диабет by &#1053., Канника&#, &#1058., Индхума&#, &#1050., Раятхи
Rheologie von Bier by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie de la bière by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia della birra by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia da Cerveja by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология пива by Станциу, И&#
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology by
Proceedings of the 3rd International Euromagh Conference 2020: Sustainability and Biobased Materials on the Road of Bioeconomy by
The Poetry Radon by Walter the Educator
Advances in the Processing and Application of Polymer and Its Composites II by
Phytochemisches Screening von männlichen und weiblichen Blättern von Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Ram, Vijay, Thacker, Hency
Criblage phytochimique des feuilles mâles et femelles de Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Screening fitochimico delle foglie maschili e femminili di Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Ram, Vijay, Thacker, Hency
Фитохимический скринин&# by Рам, Виджа&#, Тхакер, Хе&#
Rastreio fitoquímico das folhas masculinas e femininas de Phoenix Dactylifera L. by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
World of Phosphates, Phosphoric Acids, and Fuel Cells by Mira, Hamed, Mahmoud, Karima, Soliman, Fouad
Adsorption und kolligative Eigenschaften von Lösungen by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Proprietà di adsorbimento e colligazione delle soluzioni by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Adsorption et propriétés colligatives des solutions by Thacker, Hency, Ram, Vijay
Propriedades de adsorção e coligativas das soluções by Ram, Vijay, Thacker, Hency
Адсорбционные и коллига& by Тхацкер, Х&#, Рам, Вияы
Food Science: Part 1 of Food Safety and Quality Management by Arumugam Pillai, Kanni Raj
Bioresources and Bioprocess in Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future by
Bioactive Compounds in the Storage Organs of Plants by
Finn's Thermal Physics by Finn, C. B. P., Rex, Andrew
The Poetry of Radium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Francium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Actinium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Protactinium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Uranium by Walter the Educator
Finn's Thermal Physics by Rex, Andrew, Finn, C. B. P.
The Poetry of Thorium by Walter the Educator
Systematische Identifizierung von organischen Verbindungen by Kumar, Parvin
Identification systématique des composés organiques by Kumar, Parvin
Identificazione sistematica dei composti organici by Kumar, Parvin
Систематическая иденти&# by Кумар, Пар&#
Identificação Sistemática de Compostos Orgânicos by Kumar, Parvin
Les Liens Métalliques de la SLA: Exploration en Bioinorganique by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Adsorção de efluentes contendo metais pesados e corantes by Bouzidi, Aicha
Die Adsorption von mit Schwermetallen und Farbstoffen belasteten Abwässern by Bouzidi, Aicha
Adsorption of effluents loaded with heavy metals and dyes by Bouzidi, Aicha
Adsorbimento di effluenti contenenti metalli pesanti e coloranti by Bouzidi, Aicha
Адсорбция сточных вод, с&#1086 by Боузиди, А&#
Polymeric Micelles: Principles, Perspectives and Practices by
Harnessing Microbial Potential for Multifarious Applications by
The Poetry of Neptunium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Plutonium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Americium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Curium by Walter the Educator
Advanced Inorganic Semiconductor Materials by
Introduction to Quality by Design (Qbd): From Theory to Practice by
Качество масел из семян &#1086 by Ахмад Вар&#1
Qualität von Ölen aus Samen ausgewählter Kultursorten in Nigeria by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Qualité des huiles de graines de cultivars sélectionnés cultivés au Nigeria by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Qualidade dos óleos de sementes de cultivares seleccionadas cultivadas na Nigéria by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Qualità degli oli da semi di cultivar selezionate coltivate in Nigeria by Ahmad Warra, Aliyu
Анализ биокаталитическ&# by Вайшнав, В&#
Synthese von 2-Aminopyrimidin-Acetat-Verbindungen by M. R., Ezhilarasi, M, Makeswari
Synthèse de composés d'acétate de 2-aminopyrimidine by M, Makeswari, M. R., Ezhilarasi
Sintesi di composti acetati di 2-amminopirimidina by M. R., Ezhilarasi, M, Makeswari
Síntese de compostos de acetato de 2-aminopirimidina by M, Makeswari, M. R., Ezhilarasi
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