• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Синтез соединений 2-амин&#1086 by М, Макесва&#, М Р, Ежилар&
Елементи квантової філо& by del Medico, Bruno
Viral Drug Delivery Systems: Advances in Treatment of Infectious Diseases by
Reservoir Ecotoxicology by Pei, De-Sheng, Hamid, Naima, Sultan, Marriya
Biopolymers in the Textile Industry: Opportunities and Limitations by
Recent Progress in Sustainability and Durability of Concrete and Mortar Composites by
Mathematical and Statistical Approaches for Anaerobic Digestion Feedstock Optimization by Moretta, Federico, Bozzano, Giulia
Инкапсулирование эвтек&# by Сари, Ахме&#, Алкан, Дже&#
Verkapselung von Fettsäureeutektika als Energiespeichermaterialien by Sarı, Ahmet, Alkan, Sarı
Encapsulation d'eutectiques d'acides gras comme matériaux de stockage d'énergie by Alkan, Sarı, Sarı, Ahmet
Incapsulamento di acidi grassi eutettici come materiali per l'accumulo di energia by Sarı, Ahmet, Alkan, Sarı
Eine Einführung in Feuerlöschmittel auf Wasserbasis by Wang, Shuai, Zhuang, Shuang
Introduction aux agents extincteurs à base d'eau by Wang, Shuai, Zhuang, Shuang
Un'introduzione agli agenti estinguenti a base d'acqua by Wang, Shuai, Zhuang, Shuang
Знакомство с огнетушащи& by Чжуан, Шуа&#, Ванг, Шуай
Introdução aos agentes extintores de incêndio à base de água by Wang, Shuai, Zhuang, Shuang
L'hydrogène: 100 fiches pratiques pour comprendre cet élément by Alecha, Max
Boranes and Beyond: History and the Man Who Created Them by Hawthorne, M. Frederick
Combustion Theory and Modelling: For Engineers by Cuenot, Bénédicte
Novel Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Catalysis by
Biomedical Engineering: Imaging Systems, Electric Devices, and Medical Materials by Kagechika, Hiroyuki, Miyauchi, Akihiro
Chemische Bestandteile von Süßwasser-Biomasse für die Biokraftstoffproduktion by Namadi, Muktar, Jimoh, Afeez
Prédiction de l'eau à l'échelle nanométrique by Guermit, Youcef
Constituants chimiques de la biomasse d'eau douce pour la production de biocarburants by Jimoh, Afeez, Namadi, Muktar
Costituenti chimici della biomassa d'acqua dolce per la produzione di biocarburanti by Jimoh, Afeez, Namadi, Muktar
Constituintes químicos da biomassa de água doce para a produção de biocombustíveis by Namadi, Muktar, Jimoh, Afeez
Химические составляющи&# by Джимох, Аф&#, Намади, Му&#
Ko-Kultivierung von Cyanobakterien mit Arabidopsis thaliana by Yavuz, Songül
Modelling of the Microfiltration Process by
Biomass-Based Clean Technologies for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Resources of Energy Production and Utilization by
Herstellung und Beschaffenheit von Nickeloxyd-Mineralien by Belahssen, Okba
Élaboration et caractérisation de couches minces d'oxyde de nickel by Belahssen, Okba
Development and characterization of thin nickel oxide films by Belahssen, Okba
Elaborazione e caratterizzazione di strati di ossido di nickel by Belahssen, Okba
Elaboração e caraterização de camadas minadas de óxido de níquel by Belahssen, Okba
Создание и описание горн by Белахссе&#10
Stress oxydatif et nitrosatif by Moutaouakkil, Adnane, Errafiy, Nadia
Food Quality: Part 2 of Food safety and Quality Management by Arumugam Pillai, Kanni Raj
Activation and Detoxification Enzymes: Functions and Implications by Chen, Chang-Hwei
Piezoelectric Sensors by
Qualitative Und Quantitative Analyse Von Phytochemikalien by Ram, Vijay, Soni, Mital
L'Analyse Qualitative Et Quantitative Des Substances Phytochimiques by Soni, Mital, Ram, Vijay
Analisi Qualitativa E Quantitativa Delle Sostanze Fitochimiche by Ram, Vijay, Soni, Mital
Análise Qualitativa E Quantitativa DOS Fitoquímicos by Soni, Mital, Ram, Vijay
КАЧЕСТВЕННЫЙ И КОЛИЧЕСТ& by Рам, Видже&#, Сони, Мита&#
La Esencia del Cristal by Pérez Sánchez, Angel
Chemical Process Synthesis: Connecting Chemical with Systems Engineering Procedures by Bezerra, Vanja Maria De Franca
Química General e Inorgánica by Bertero, Melisa
Спектрометрия физиолог&# by Усмонов, Д&#, Саидмуро&#10
Encapsulamento de eutécticos de ácidos gordos como materiais de armazenamento de energia by Sarı, Ahmet, Alkan, Sarı
Advanced Glasses and Glass-Ceramics by
Hierarchical Control and Optimization Strategies Applied to Solar Membrane Distillation Facilities by Gil, Juan D.
Advances in Liquid Crystal Optical Devices by
Advanced Materials Design and Manufacturing Technologies of Nonferrous Metals by
Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials: Selected Papers from CCMR by
Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials: Selected Papers from CCMR - Volume II by
The Poetry of Fermium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Mendelevium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Nobelium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Lawrencium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Rutherfordium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Dubnium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Berkelium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Californium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Einsteinium by Walter the Educator
Reologia do iogurte by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология йогурта by Станчу, Ио&#
Reologia dello yogurt by Stanciu, Ioana
Высокоэффективные мета&# by Абдуллае&#10
Rheologie des Joghurts by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie du yaourt by Stanciu, Ioana
Application of Sewage Sludge in Industrial Wastewater Treatment by
Current Advanced Technologies in Catalysts/Catalyzed Reactions by
The Poetry of Seaborgium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Bohrium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Hassium by Walter the Educator
Introduction to Food Chemistry by Kontogiorgos, Vassilis
Les intérêts nutritionnels des huiles d'argan et d'olive by Aidoud, Aziouz
Nutrition and Metabolism of Dogs and Cats by
Synthesis and Applications in Chemistry and Materials (in 4 Volumes) by
Refinery Products and Product Improvement Processes by Speight, James G.
The 1st International Conference of the Red CYTED ENVABIO100 "Obtaining 100% Natural Biodegradable Films for the Food Industry" by
The Poetry of Meitnerium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Darmstadtium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Roentgenium by Walter the Educator
Реакции циклоприсоедин&# by Деб, Мохит &, Баруах, Би&#
Cycloaddition-Reaktionen: Synthese von stickstoffkondensierten Heterocyclen by Baruah, Biswajita, Deb, Mohit Lal
Réactions de cycloaddition: Synthèse d'hétérocycles fusionnés à l'azote by Baruah, Biswajita, Deb, Mohit Lal
Reazioni di cicloaddizione: Sintesi di eterocicli fusi con l'azoto by Baruah, Biswajita, Deb, Mohit Lal
Reacções de cicloadição: Síntese de heterociclos fundidos com azoto by Deb, Mohit Lal, Baruah, Biswajita
Исследование смачиваем&# by Манрике, В&#
Eine Studie über die Benetzbarkeit eines dünnen Films einer ionischen Flüssigkeit by Manrique, Victor
Étude de la mouillabilité d'un film mince de liquide ionique by Manrique, Victor
Studio sulla bagnabilità di un film sottile di liquido ionico by Manrique, Victor
Um estudo sobre a molhabilidade de uma película fina de líquido iónico by Manrique, Victor
Schlaganfallrisiko und Kalzium by Sharmin, Nazia
Risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral et calcium by Sharmin, Nazia
Rischio di ictus e calcio by Sharmin, Nazia
Риск инсульта и кальций by Шармин, На&#
Risco de AVC e cálcio by Sharmin, Nazia
Korrosion scharakterisierung von hybriden Metall-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffen aus AL356 by Krupakara, P. V., S, Kusuma, Bheemaraju, V.
Caractérisation de la corrosion des composites à matrice métallique hybride en AL356 by S, Kusuma, Bheemaraju, V., Krupakara, P. V.
Caratterizzazione della corrosione di compositi ibridi a matrice metallica di AL356 by Bheemaraju, V., Krupakara, P. V., S, Kusuma
Caracterização da corrosão de compósitos híbridos de matriz metálica de AL356 by Bheemaraju, V., Krupakara, P. V., S, Kusuma
Коррозионная характери&# by Крупакар&#10, С, Кусума, Бхимарад&#10
Mineralienverteilung in einigen Pflanzen des Amazonas by Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo
Distribution des minéraux dans quelques plantes d'Amazonie by Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo
Distribuzione dei minerali in alcune piante amazzoniche by Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo
Распределение минерало&# by Барселло&#10
Distribuição de minerais em algumas plantas da Amazónia by Barcellos Da Rosa, Marcelo
Surface Chemical Modification by
The Poetry of Copernicium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Nihonium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Flerovium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Moscovium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Livermorium by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Tennessine by Walter the Educator
The Poetry of Oganesson by Walter the Educator
Metalloproteins deciphered by XANES spectroscopy by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Metalloproteine durch XANES-Spektroskopie entschlüsselt by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Metaloproteínas decifradas por espetroscopia XANES by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Металлопротеины, расшиф& by Мимуни, Аб&#
Le metalloproteine decifrate dalla spettroscopia XANES by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Stochastic dynamics mass spectrometry of caffeine metabolites by Ivanova, Bojidarka
Antibody-Drug Conjugates and Cellular Metabolic Dynamics by
Analyse des PIBID in der Erstausbildung von Chemielehrern by Da Silva Capistrano, Karinny
Analysis of PIBID in the initial training of chemistry teachers by Da Silva Capistrano, Karinny
Analyse du PIBID dans la formation initiale des professeurs de chimie by Da Silva Capistrano, Karinny
Analisi del PIBID nella formazione iniziale degli insegnanti di chimica by Da Silva Capistrano, Karinny
Анализ ПИБИД в начальной by да Силва К&#
Auswirkung von Stickstoffoxiden auf die Alterungsprozesse von Zellulosematerialien by Mikala, Ondřej, Filipi, Michaela, Milichovský, Miloslav
Effet des oxydes d'azote sur les processus de vieillissement des matériaux cellulosiques by Mikala, Ondřej, Filipi, Michaela, Milichovský, Miloslav
Effetto degli ossidi di azoto sui processi di invecchiamento dei materiali cellulosici by Filipi, Michaela, Milichovský, Miloslav, Mikala, Ondřej
Efeito dos óxidos de azoto nos processos de envelhecimento de materiais celulósicos by Filipi, Michaela, Milichovský, Miloslav, Mikala, Ondřej
Влияние оксидов азота на by Микала, Он&#, Филипи, Ми&#, Милиховс&#10
Reconstituted Sodium Pump: A Historical Account by Anner, Beatrice Maier
Übergewicht und kardiovaskuläres Risiko by Aksas, Kahina
Excess weight and cardiovascular risk by Aksas, Kahina
Eccesso di peso e rischio cardiovascolare by Aksas, Kahina
Excesso de peso e risco cardiovascular by Aksas, Kahina
Избыточный вес и сердечн by АКСАС, Ках&#
Biorationals and Biopesticides: Pest Management by
Polyphenol Oxidases: Function, Wastewater Remediation, and Biosensors by
Converging Pharmacy Science and Engineering in Computational Drug Discovery by
Converging Pharmacy Science and Engineering in Computational Drug Discovery by
Environmental Interface Chemistry and Pollution Control by
Complex Heterogeneous Systems: Thermodynamics, Information Theory, Composites, Networks, and Electrochemistry by Schmuck, Markus
Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors: Volume 1, Materials and Technology by
Nutraceuticals: A Holistic Approach to Disease Prevention by
Комплексообразование п&# by Сетхи, Рав&#
Metallkomplexierung von Pyrazolin by Sethi, Ravi
Complexation métallique de la pyrazoline by Sethi, Ravi
Complessazione metallica della pirazolina by Sethi, Ravi
From Atoms to Waves by Zarshenas, Pourya
Complexação metálica de pirazolina by Sethi, Ravi
Rubber Products: Technology and Cost Optimisation by
Safeguarding Arctic Marine Ecosystems: Toxicology, Climate Change Impacts and Restoration Strategies by
Superhydrophobic and Icephobic Coatings as Passive Ice Protection Systems for Aeronautical Applications by
From Coal to Hydrogen: A Long Journey of Energy Transition by Zhuang, Qianlin
Experimente Im Chemieunterricht Band 2: Didaktisch Begründet Auswählen Und Sicher Durchführen by Böhm, Dominic, Sieve, Bernhard, Struckmeier, Sabine
Some Experiments Concerning Mercury by Boerhaave, Herman
Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry by Ubic, Rick
Traité élémentaire de chimie (Tome 1); Présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes; avec Figures by Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
Environmental Technology and Sustainability: Physical, Chemical and Biological Technologies for Environmental Protection by
Case Studies in the Virtual Physical Chemistry Laboratory by Duben, Anthony J.
Water and Wastewater Engineering, Volume 1: Hydraulics, Hydrology and Management by Wang, Lawrence K., Wang, Mu-Hao Sung, Shammas, Nazih K.
Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis, 2e Set by Zhang, Chunlong
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry: Basics and Applications by Jordan, Robert B.
Toxic weight of heavy metals by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bestandsaufnahme der Wasserpflanzen im MPEM & DJIM Nationalpark by Pierrette Rita, Donfack
Inventory of aquatic plants in MPEM & DJIM National Park by Pierrette Rita, Donfack
Inventario delle piante acquatiche nel Parco Nazionale MPEM e DJIM by Pierrette Rita, Donfack
Inventário das plantas aquáticas do MPEM e do Parque Nacional DJIM by Pierrette Rita, Donfack
Инвентаризация водных р& by Пьеретта &#1
Cellulose nanocrystals from cotton waste by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Cellulose-Nanokristalle aus Baumwollabfällen by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Nanocristaux de cellulose à partir de déchets de coton by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Нанокристаллы целлюлоз&# by Лима, Маил&#
Nanocristalli di cellulosa da rifiuti di cotone by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Traité élémentaire de chimie (Tome 2); Présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes; avec Figures by Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
Databook of Solvents by Wypych, George
High Pressure Physics: A Treatise by Sharma, Surinder M., Chidambaram, Rajagopala
Mechanical Behavior of Metallic Materials under Different Loading Conditions by
Advances in Heterojunction Photocatalysts by
Handbook of Solvents, Volume 1: Volume 1: Properties by
Microplastics and Pollutants: Interactions, Degradations and Mechanisms by
Databook of Curatives and Crosslinkers by Hanson, Malgorzata, Wypych, Anna
Partielle Beschattung von Photovoltaiksystemen by Cheikh Ahmed, Cheikhne
Partial shading of photovoltaic systems by Cheikh Ahmed, Cheikhne
Ombreggiamento parziale di impianti fotovoltaici by Cheikh Ahmed, Cheikhne
Sombreamento parcial de sistemas fotovoltaicos by Cheikh Ahmed, Cheikhne
Частичное затенение фот& by Шейх Ахме&#1
Verpackungsanwendungen für die verschiedenen Polymer-Nanokomposite by El-Naggar, Mehrez E., Youssef, Ahmed
Application d'emballage pour les différents nanocomposites polymères by Youssef, Ahmed, El-Naggar, Mehrez E.
Applicazioni di imballaggio per i diversi nanocompositi polimerici by Youssef, Ahmed, El-Naggar, Mehrez E.
Aplicações de embalagem para os diferentes nanocompósitos poliméricos by Youssef, Ahmed, El-Naggar, Mehrez E.
Применение различных по& by Юссеф, Ахм&#, Эль-Нагга&#1
Encyclopedia of Polymer and Rubber Additives by Wypych, George
Graphene: Important Results and Applications by Wypych, George
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