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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 1998

Teenage Pregnancy: The Interaction of Psyche and Culture by Dean, Anne L.
Brainstorms: Understanding and Treating Emotional Storms of ADHD from Childhood Through Adulthood by Horacek, Joseph H.
Redirecting Children's Behavior by Kvols, Kathryn
The Moral Intelligence of Children: How to Raise a Moral Child by Coles, Robert
Oneness and Separateness: From Infant to Individual by Kaplan, Louise
Cultural Psychology: A Once and Future Discipline by Cole, Michael
The World of the Autistic Child: Understanding and Treating Autistic Spectrum Disorders by Siegel, Siegel, Bryna
Human Development in Adulthood by Aiken, Lewis R.
Autism: Understanding the Disorder by Klinger, Laura G., Mesibov, Gary B., Adams, Lynn W.
A Handbook of Integrative Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents by Santostefano, Sebastiano
The Impact of Family Violence on Children and Adolescents by
Behavioural Approaches to Problems in Childhood by Howlin, Patricia
The Adolescent Psyche: Jungian and Winnicottian Perspectives by Frankel, Richard
Child's Play: Myth, Mimesis and Make-Believe by Goldman, Laurence R.
How Children Think and Learn by Wood, David
The Impact of Family Violence on Children and Adolescents by
Setting Limits, Revised & Expanded 2nd Edition: How to Raise Responsible, Independent Children by Providing CLEAR Boundaries by MacKenzie, Robert J.
The Company They Keep: Friendships in Childhood and Adolescence by
Language in Cognitive Development: The Emergence of the Mediated Mind by Nelson, Katherine
Intuition Is Not Enough: Matching Learning with Practice in Therapeutic Child Care by
Übergang Zur Vaterschaft: Auf Der Suche Nach Den "Neuen Vätern" by Werneck, Harald
Children as Consumers: A Psychological Analysis of the Young People's Market by Furnham, Adrian, Gunter, Barrie
Drug Use and Ethnicity in Early Adolescence by Vega, William A., Gil, Andres G.
The Development of Logic in Adulthood: Postformal Thought and Its Applications by Sinnott, Jan D.
Improving Competence Across the Lifespan: Building Interventions Based on Theory and Research by
Everyday Courage: The Lives and Stories of Urban Teenagers by Way, Niobe
Children Living in Temporary Shelters: How Homelessness Effects Their Perception of Home by Epps, Alice M.
Narcissistic Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Diagnosis and Treatment by
The Colors of Childhood: Separation-Individuation Across Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Diversity by Akhtar, Salman, Kramer, Selma
Loving Your Child Is Not Enough: Positive Discipline That Works by Samalin, Nancy, Jablow, Martha Moraghan
The Book of Learning and Forgetting by Smith, Frank
Gender in Early Childhood by
Personality Development In Adolescence: A Cross National and Lifespan Perspective by
Becoming Attached: First Relationships and How They Shape Our Capacity to Love by Karen, Robert
Adolescence: Biological and Psychosocial Perspectives by Wolman, Benjamin
Asperger Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism? by
Children with Autism: Diagnosis and Intervention to Meet Their Needs Second Edition by Aitken, Kenneth, Papoudi, Despina, Robarts, Jacqueline
Parental Descriptions of Child Personality: Developmental Antecedents of the Big Five? by
Parents as Therapeutic Partners: Are You Listening to Your Child's Play? by Kraft, Arthur, Landreth, Garry L.
Gender in Early Childhood by
Child Sexual Abuse and False Memory Syndrome by
Health Issues and Adolescents: Growing Up, Speaking Out by Hendry, Leo, Shucksmith, Janet
Learning Literate 2e by Garton, Alison F., Pratt, Chris
Making Decisions about Childre by Schaffer, H. Rudolph
Working in Children's Homes: Challenges and Complexities by Whitaker, Dorothy, Archer, Lesley, Hicks, Leslie
Biosocial Perspectives on Children by
Biosocial Perspectives on Children by
The Natural Limitations of Youth: The Predispositions That Shape the Adolescent Character by Mitchell, John J.
The Natural Limitations of Youth: The Predispositions That Shape the Adolescent Character by Mitchell, John J.
Exploring Adolescent Happiness: Commitment, Purpose, and Fulfillment by Magen, Zipora
Children's Adjustment to Adoption: Developmental and Clinical Issues by Brodzinsky, David M., Smith, Daniel W.
The Adolescent in Turmoil by Schwartzberg, Allen Z.
Exploring Adolescent Happiness: Commitment, Purpose, and Fulfillment by Magen, Zipora
Antisocial Behavior and Mental Health Problems: Explanatory Factors in Childhood and Adolescence by Stouthamer-Loeber, Magda, Loeber, Rolf, Farrington, David P.
Waging Peace in Our Schools by Lantieri, Linda, Patti, Janet
Studying Minority Adolescents: Conceptual, Methodological, and Theoretical Issues by
Boy Crazy: Remembering Adolescence, Therapies and Dreams by Sayers, Janet
Late-Talking Children by Sowell, Thomas
Children Solving Problems by Thornton, Stephanie
Child Development Within Culturally Structured Environments, Volume 4: Construction of Psychological Processes in Interpersonal Communication by Lyra, Maria C. D. P., Valsiner, Jaan
Understanding Children's Drawings by Malchiodi, Cathy A.
Developmental Psychology: A Reader by David Messer, David
Growing Up Sad: Clindhood Depression and Its Treatment by Cytryn, Leon, McKnew, Donald H.
Motor Coordination Disorders in Children by Wright, Helen C., Sugden, David A.
Child Development Within Culturally Structured Environments, Volume 4: Construction of Psychological Processes in Interpersonal Communication by Lyra, Maria, Valsiner, Jane, Unknown
Children in a Violent Society by
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child by Gottman, John
A Primer on Integrating Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents by Santostefano, Sebastiano
Clinical and Practice Issues in Adoption: Bridging the Gap Between Adoptees Placed as Infants and as Older Children by
The Romance of Risk: Why Teenagers Do the Things They Do by
Test Anxiety: The State of the Art by Zeidner, Moshe
Words, Thoughts, and Theories by Meltzoff, Andrew N., Gopnik, Alison
Methods for Assessing Children's Syntax by
Divergent Realities: The Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents by
Patterns of Artistic Development in Children: Comparative Studies of Talent by Milbrath, Constance
New Perspectives on Adolescent Risk Behavior by
Children in Danger: Coping with the Consequences of Community Violence by Kostelny, Kathleen, Dubrow, Nancy, Garbarino, James
Coercion and Punishment in Long-Term Perspectives by
New Perspectives on Adolescent Risk Behavior by
Using Interactive Imagework with Children: Walking on the Magic Mountain by Plummer, Deborah
I'm Two Years Old by Wolfe, Jerri
Medical Art Therapy with Children by
I'm Three Years Old by Wolfe, Jerri
Counselling and Supporting Children in Distress by Sharp, Sonia, Cowie, Helen
Development and Disabilities: Intellectual, Sensory and Motor Impairments by Hodapp, Robert M.
Development and Disabilities by Hodapp, Robert M.
Violence in American Schools by
Verbal Interaction and Development in Families with Adolescents by
Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child by Miller, Alice
Verbal Interaction and Development in Families with Adolescents by Hofer, Manfred, Youniss, James
Children Surviving Persecution: An International Study of Trauma and Healing by
Children of Depressed Mothers: From Early Childhood to Maturity by Marian, Radke-Yarrow, Radke-Yarrow, Marian
Emerging Minds: The Process of Change in Children's Thinking by Siegler, Robert S.
The Revised Neo Personality Inventory: Clinical and Research Applications by Piedmont, Ralph L.
Speciaal Spel Voor Speciale Kinderen by Niet Royalty-Plichtig
Making Research Work: Promoting Child Care Policy and Practice by
Roots of Civic Identity by
Adolescent Gangs: Old Issues, New Approaches by
The Nature of School Bullying: A Cross-National Perspective by
Learning to See What a Child's Handwriting Shows and Tells by Namm, Edith
Putting Risk in Perspective: Black Teenage Lives in the Era of AIDS by White, Renée T.
Autismustherapien: Grundhaltungen in der psychotherapeutischen Praxis im Zusammenhang mit der Therapie von autistischen Kindern und Jugen by Von Taysen, Caroline
Psychoanalysis and Developmental Therapy by Hurry, Anne
Child-Focused Practice: A Collaborative Systemic Approach by Wilson, Jim
Crossroads: The Quest for Contemporary Rites of Passage by