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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2011

Shopping for a Shrink /Finding the Right Psychotherapist for You or Your Child /Sound Advice and Stories to Change Your Life by Goldstein, Stanley
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention by Huberty, Thomas J.
Innocence: A Novel of Innocence, Naivety and Love by Moring, Marcel
Innocence: A Novel of Innocence, Naivety and Love by Moring, Marcel
Kommunikationstrainings für Paare: EPL & KEK: Interventionen auf Familien- und institutioneller Ebene by Fuchs, Stefanie
Repair for Toddlers: A Children's Program for Recovery from Incest and Childhood Sexual Abuse by McKinnon, Margie, Marjorie, McKinnon
Coordination in Human and Primate Groups by
NurtureShock: New Thinking about Children by Merryman, Ashley, Bronson, Po
Adolescent Rationality and Development: Cognition, Morality, and Identity by Moshman, David
Handling Children's Aggression Constructively: Toward Taming Human Destructiveness by Parens, Henri
Childhood and Adolescence in Society: Selections From CQ Researcher by Cq Researcher
ADHD by Chandler, Chris
Evidence-Based School Mental Health Services: Affect Education, Emotion Regulation Training, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Macklem, Gayle L.
The Psychology of Children's Drawings - Form the First Stroke to the Coloured Drawing by Eng, Helga
Personal, Social and Emotional Development by Tobbell, Caroline, Broadhead, Pat, Johnston, Jane
Your Baby Is Speaking to You: A Visual Guide to the Amazing Behaviors of Your Newborn and Growing Baby by Nugent, Kevin
Troubled Children/Troubled Parents: The Way Out 2nd Edition by Goldstein, Stanley
Claire is Special Workbook by Basso, Michael R., Scarfone, Dororthy
Behind the Mask: Adolescents in Hiding by Rozema, Dennis
Behind the Mask: Adolescents in Hiding by Rozema, Dennis
Pediatricians and Pharmacologically Trained Psychologists: Practitioner's Guide to Collaborative Treatment by
The Educated Brain: Essays in Neuroeducation by
National Identity and Ingroup-Outgroup Attitudes in Children: The Role of Socio-Historical Settings: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Develo by
Latina and Latino Children's Mental Health: [2 Volumes] by Fitzgerald, Hiram E., Ph D., Francisco A. Villarruel, Cabrera, Natasha J.
Developing Teen Leadership: A Practical Guide for Youth Group Advisors, Teachers and Parents by Appleman, Dan
Becoming Bicultural: Risk, Resilience, and Latino Youth by Bacallao, Martica, Smokowski, Paul R.
Becoming Bicultural: Risk, Resilience, and Latino Youth by Smokowski, Paul R., Bacallao, Martica
Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Self-Injury at School by Miller, David N., Brock, Stephen E.
Becoming Who We Are: Temperament and Personality in Development by Rothbart, Mary K.
The Creation of Imaginary Worlds: The Role of Art, Magic and Dreams in Child Development by Golomb, Claire
A Short Introduction to Promoting Resilience in Children by Pearce, Colby
Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development by
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy by McNeil, Cheryl Bodiford, Hembree-Kigin, Toni L.
Achievement and Motivation: A Social-Developmental Perspective by
Cognitive Developmental Change: Theories, Models and Measurement by
The Development of Romantic Relationships in Adolescence by
Imitation in Infancy by
Werde der Du bist! Die Moderation der Entwicklungsregulation im Jugendalter durch personale Faktoren by Päplow, Sandra
Interparental Conflict and Child Development: Theory, Research and Applications by
Reading Winnicott by
Analyse von Familienbildern von Kindern by Schmidt, Friederike
Illegal Leisure Revisited: Changing Patterns of Alcohol and Drug Use in Adolescents and Young Adults by Williams, Lisa, Aldridge, Judith, Measham, Fiona
The Electrified Mind: Development, Psychopathology, and Treatment in the Era of Cell Phones and the Internet by
The Science of Adolescent Risk-Taking: Workshop Report by National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Board on Children Youth and Families
Engaging Boys in Treatment: Creative Approaches to the Therapy Process by
Child Psychology and Development for Dummies by Smith, Laura L., Elliott, Charles H.
Starting Treatment With Children and Adolescents: A Process-Oriented Guide for Therapists by Tuber, Steven, Caflisch, Jane
Handbook of Adolescent Medicine and Health Promotion by Paperny, David Mn
Resilience in Deaf Children: Adaptation Through Emerging Adulthood by
Children's Early Thought: Developments in Classification by Sugarman, Susan
The Measurement of Moral Judgment 2 Volume Set by Colby, Ann, Kohlberg, Lawrence
Nerds: How Dorks, Dweebs, Techies, and Trekkies Can Save America and Why They Might Be Our Last Hope by Anderegg, David
Engaging Boys in Treatment: Creative Approaches to the Therapy Process by
Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology by
Preventing Lethal School Violence by Bradley, Mary C., Daniels, Jeffrey A.
Starting Treatment With Children and Adolescents: A Process-Oriented Guide for Therapists by Caflisch, Jane, Tuber, Steven
Psychotherapy with Infants and Young Children: Repairing the Effects of Stress and Trauma on Early Attachment by Lieberman, Alicia F., Van Horn, Patricia
The Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Casebook by Becker-Weidman, Arthur
Threads of Thinking: Schemas and Young Children's Learning by Nutbrown, Cathy
Threads of Thinking: Schemas and Young Children′s Learning by Nutbrown, Cathy
Kinderalltag: Kulturen Der Kindheit Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Bindung, Bildung Und Erziehung by Keller, Heidi
Karen Horneys Psychologie der Frau in ihrer Ablösung von Sigmund Freud by Ronowski, Heike
Childhood Psychological Disorders: Current Controversies by
Adler und Jung, die Abgrenzung zu Freud by Hartwig, Anke
Reading Winnicott by
Die Entwicklung von Bindungsverhalten und Bindungsstörungen aus der Sicht der Bindungstheorie by Maschack, Stefan
Social Understanding and Social Lives: From Toddlerhood through to the Transition to School by Hughes, Claire
Cognitive Development: An Advanced Textbook by
Social and Personality Development: An Advanced Textbook by
Entstehung von Gewalt und Aggression by Bärwald, Christoph
Living with Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Individuals and Familiesupdated Edition (Updated) by Knauz, Robert O., Otto, Michael W., Reilly-Harrington, Noreen A.
Unterschiedliche Sichtweisen des Selbstkonzepts und seiner Entstehung by Kokta, Kristina
Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential--And Endangered by Perry, Bruce D., Szalavitz, Maia
Parents Arise! Grandparents Arise! Book 2 Ten Actions to Take to Safeguard Our Children 1 by Malloy, Patricia, Erickson, Alvin
Berufsorientierung bei Grundschülern: Eine Erhebung zum Einfluss von Geschlechtersterotypen im Berufsorientierungsprozess by Lieder, Julia
Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding by Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer
Foundations of Play Therapy by
Einflussmöglichkeiten der Arbeit auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung aus endogenistischer und exogenistischer Entwicklungsperspektive by Patana, Andreas
Vygotsky in 21st Century Society: Advances in Cultural Historical Theory and Praxis with Non-Dominant Communities by
Black Fathers: An Invisible Presence in America, Second Edition by
Mothering Matters by Cook, Peter
Child Development: Perspectives in Developmental Psychology by Rutherford, M. D.
Working with Parents Makes Therapy Work by Novick, Jack, Novick, Kerry Kelly
When Touching Hurts by Wright, Caffee Lawrence Med Lpc Ncc
Emotional Resilience and the Expat Child: Practical Storytelling Techniques That Will Strengthen the Global Family by Simens, Julia
Children of Substance-Abusing Parents: Dynamics and Treatment by
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities in Children: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice by Davis, John M., Broitman, Jessica
Developmental Psychology by Upton, Penney
Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children by Ehrensaft, Diane
Defective Moral Reasoning In Delinquency: A Psychological Study by Betke, Mary Angela
Autismus: Was Betreuer Und Eltern Wissen Müssen by Dodd, Susan
Negotiating Adolescence in Times of Social Change by
Die Voraussetzungen für den Spracherwerb by Hagn, Christiane
Curious Lara Finds Her Feelings: Raising an Emotionally Healthy Child by Ellis, Ross F.
Pretending and Imagination in Animals and Children by
Nadia Revisited: A Longitudinal Study of an Autistic Savant by Selfe, Lorna
Not Just Spirited: A Mom's Sensational Journey With Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) by Laird, Chynna T.
Development and Causality: Neo-Piagetian Perspectives by Young, Gerald
International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders by
Zur Bedeutung von Spielen im Kindesalter by Kienast, Anika
Handbook of Identity Theory and Research Set by
Evidence-Based Practices and Treatments for Children with Autism by
Onderwijs in Bewegen: Basisthema's in Bewegingsonderwijs En Sport Op School by
Helping Teens Stop Violence, Build Community, and Stand for Justice by Kivel, Paul, Creighton, Allan
Trauma Myth: The Truth about the Sexual Abuse of Children; And Its Aftermath by Clancy, Susan A.
Assessing and Treating Low Incidence/High Severity Psychological Disorders of Childhood by Mrazik, Martin, Dombrowski, Stefan C., Gischlar, Karen L.
Mmpi-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology by Graham, John R.
Causal Thinking in the Child: A Genetic and Experimental Approach by Pinard, Adrian, Laurendeau, Monique
Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 40 by
Handbook of Children and the Media by Singer, Jerome L., Singer, Dorothy G.
Integrative Play Therapy by Schaefer, Charles E., Drewes, Athena A., Bratton, Sue C.
Hypnose Beim Kinder-Zahnarzt: Verhaltensführung Und Kommunikation. Mit Online-Video by Kossak, Hans-Christian, Zehner, Gisela
The Map Workbook: Test of Ego & Cognitive Development by Smoot, Skipi Lundquist
The Map Workbook: Test of Ego & Cognitive Development by Smoot, Skipi Lundquist
Young Homicide Offenders and Victims: Risk Factors, Prediction, and Prevention from Childhood by Loeber, Rolf, Farrington, David P.
Letting Go with Love and Confidence: Raising Responsible, Resilient, Self-Sufficient Teens in the 21st Century by Ginsburg, Kenneth, Fitzgerald, Susan
Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls by Simmons, Rachel
Lernermerkmale, Lernertypen, Lernverhalten: Aspekte der differentiellen Lernpsychologie fuer Lehrende und Lernende by Quast, Ulrike
Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research by Kirsh, Steven J.
Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research by Kirsh, Steven J.
Guiding the Child on the Principles of Individual Psychology by Adler, Alfred
Billy Had To Move: A Foster Care Story by Fraser, Theresa Ann
Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Problems: There Is Always a Reason by Cross, Melanie
Sibling Relationships in Childhood and Adolescence: Predictors and Outcomes by Milevsky, Avidan
Sibling Relationships in Childhood and Adolescence: Predictors and Outcomes by Milevsky, Avidan
Kinder Und Jugendliche Im Gefühlschaos: Grundlagen Und Praktische Anleitungen Für Den Umgang Mit Psychischen Auffälligkeiten Und Erkrankungen by Sendera, Martina, Sendera, Alice
Supervision Can Be Playful: Techniques for Child and Play Therapist Supervisors by
Profiles in Emergent Biliteracy: Children Making Meaning in a Chicano Community by Connery, M. Cathrene
Gefuehle und Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Der Einfluss von Gefuehlen auf das Lernen by Ogasa, Nicole
What Parents Need to Know about Teen Risk Taking: Strategies for Reducing Problems Related to Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Internet Use by Ballon, Bruce, Wolfe, David A., Chaim, Gloria
Ce Que Les Parents Doivent Savoir Sur Les Comportements À Risque Des Adolescents: Stratégies Pour Réduire Les Problème Á l'Alcool, Aux Drogues, Aux Je by Ballon, Bruce, Wolfe, David a., Chaim, Gloria
Making Sense (Routledge Revivals): The Child's Construction of the World by
Family Restructuring Therapy: Interventions with High Conflict Separations and Divorces by Carter, Stephen
Kids on Meds: Up-To-Date Information about the Most Commonly Prescribed Psychiatric Medications by Kalikow, Kevin
Deprivation and Delinquency by Winnicott, D. W.
Oxford Handbook of Reciprocal Adult Development and Learning by
Conducting Multi-Generational Qualitative Research in Education: An Experiment in Grounded Theory by Collins, Donald R.
Trust and Wonder: a Waldorf Approach to Caring for Infants and Toddlers by Paulsen, Eldbjørg Gjessing
The Little Brown Horse by Revere, John J.
Body Image as a correlate of generalized anxiety and depression among South African adolescents by Elliott, Gary
Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Young People: An Attachment and Trauma-Informed Model for Practice by Gonzalez, Rudy, Barton, Susan, Tomlinson, Patrick
The Imitative Mind: Development, Evolution and Brain Bases by
Beyond Individual Differences: Organizing Processes, Information Overload, and Classroom Learning by Ahern, Charles A., De Kirby, Kenton
The Many Faces of Youth Crime: Contrasting Theoretical Perspectives on Juvenile Delinquency Across Countries and Cultures by Junger-Tas, Josine, Marshall, Ineke Haen, Enzmann, Dirk
Adolescent Vulnerabilities and Opportunities: Developmental and Constructivist Perspectives by
Development of Long-Term Retention by
Your Brain on Childhood: The Unexpected Side Effects of Classrooms, Ballparks, Family Rooms, and the Minivan by Principe, Gabrielle
Nurturing Morality by Thorkildsen, Theresa A., Walberg, Herbert J.
American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Mental Health: Development, Context, Prevention, and Treatment by Farrell, Patricia, Sarche, Michelle C., Spicer, Paul
Positive Youth Development: Volume 41 by
Infant Crying: Theoretical and Research Perspectives by
The Truth about Girls and Boys: Challenging Toxic Stereotypes about Our Children by Rivers, Caryl, Barnett, Rosalind
Evolutionary Playwork: Reflective Analytic Practice by Hughes, Bob
Themes in Motor Development by
Infant Previewing: Predicting and Sharing Interpersonal Outcome by Trad, Paul V.
Loneliness Among Children with Special Needs: Theory, Research, Coping, and Intervention by Margalit, Malka
Sensory-Motor Organizations and Development in Infancy and Early Childhood: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Sensory-Motor Organi by
Narrative Development in Adolescence: Creating the Storied Self by
Relationship Pathways: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood by Laursen, Brett, Collins, W. Andrew
The Psychology of Adolescents - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Analysis of the Young Mind by Various
From the History of an Infantile Neurosis - A Classic Article on Psychoanalysis by Freud, Sigmund
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Siegel, Daniel J., Bryson, Tina Payne
Future Directions in Infant Development Research by
Attention and Cognitive Development by
Youth Violence: Theory, Prevention, and Intervention by Seifert, Kathryn
Klassische Theorien, aktuelle empirische Befunde und pädagogische Implikationen zu zentralen Aspekten der sozialen und kognitiven Entwicklung im Kinde by Prietzel, Claudia
Paediatric Biomechanics and Motor Control: Theory and Application by
Emerging Themes in Cognitive Development: Volume II: Competencies by
Emerging Themes in Cognitive Development: Volume I: Foundations by
Friendship and Other Weapons: Group Activities to Help Young Girls Aged 5-11 to Cope with Bullying by Whitson, Signe
Delinquent Girls: Contexts, Relationships, and Adaptation by
Causal Thinking in the Child: A Genetic and Experimental Approach by Pinard, Adrian, Laurendeau, Monique
Personality And The Cultural Pattern by Plant, James Stuart
African American Girls: Reframing Perceptions and Changing Experiences by Belgrave, Faye Z.
Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Case-Based Approach by Shreeve, Daniel F.
The Gifted Child in Peer Group Perspective by Schneider, Barry H.
Sexual Abuse: Therapy for Children and Adolescents by Oppawsky, Jolene
Sexual Abuse: Therapy for Children and Adolescents by Oppawsky, Jolene
Exceptional Life Journeys: Stories of Childhood Disorder by
Trauma-Informed Practices With Children and Adolescents by Steele, William, Malchiodi, Cathy A.
Motives in Children's Development: Cultural-Historical Approaches by
Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology Vol 7 by
Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex by Schalet, Amy T.
Introducing Child Psychology: A Practical Guide by Cullen, Kairen
Development in Adolescence: Psychological, Social and Biological Aspects by
Child Nurturance: Studies of Development in Nonhuman Primates by
A Dynamic Systems Approach to Adolescent Development by
Origin of Intelligence in the Child: Selected Works vol 3 by
Through the Unknowable: Family Life with Mental Illness, Alcohol, Loss, and Love by Campion, Elsa
Music and Child Development by
Child Abuse and Neglect: Research and Innovation by
Mindfulness and Rumination. How meditation may reduce depressive symptoms by Ulrich, Benjamin
Brief Counselling in Schools: Working with Young People from 11 to 18 by Lines, Dennis
Principles of Genetic Epistemology: Selected Works vol 7 by Piaget, Jean
Positive Relationships: Evidence Based Practice Across the World by
Cyber Bullying No More: Parenting a High Tech Generation by Kenley, Holli
Reflective Network Therapy In The Preschool Classroom by Kliman, Gilbert
The Acquisition of Symbolic Skills by Rogers, Don, Sloboda, John A.
The Bravehearts Toolbox for Practitioners Working with Sexual Assault by McKillop, Nadine
Human Development in the Twenty-First Century: Visionary Ideas from Systems Scientists by
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