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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2013

Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean by
ADHS im Klassenzimmer: Eine Diagnose und ihre Folgen für die Lehrkraft by Neumann, Katja
Letters from Lost Prairie by McKinnon, Rosemary
Sibling Relationships Across the Life Span by Cicirelli, Victor
Conducting Student-Driven Interviews: Practical Strategies for Increasing Student Involvement and Addressing Behavior Problems by Murphy, John J.
Children's Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about Nations and National Groups by Barrett, Martyn
Clinical Work with Traumatized Young Children by
Starving the Stress Gremlin: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Stress Management for Young People by Collins-Donnelly, Kate
Starving the Anxiety Gremlin: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Anxiety Management for Young People by Collins-Donnelly, Kate
Never Assume: Getting to Know Children Before Labeling Them by McGuire, Patricia
Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy by
Love, Sex, and Your Heart by Lowen, Alexander
Understanding Families: Supportive Approaches to Diversity, Disability, and Risk by Hanson, Marci, Lynch, Eleanor
Conducting Student-Driven Interviews: Practical Strategies for Increasing Student Involvement and Addressing Behavior Problems by Murphy, John J.
International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders by
Clinical and Educational Child Psychology: An Ecological-Transactional Approach to Understanding Child Problems and Interventions by Wilmshurst, Linda
Clinical and Educational Child Psychology by Wilmshurst, Linda
Implementing Response-to-Intervention to Address the Needs of English-Language Learners: Instructional Strategies and Assessment Tools for School Psyc by Conroy, Mary Lou, Hudspath-Niemi, Holly S.
Implementing Response-to-Intervention to Address the Needs of English-Language Learners: Instructional Strategies and Assessment Tools for School Psyc by Hudspath-Niemi, Holly S., Conroy, Mary Lou
Handbook of Disruptive Behavior Disorders by
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean by
Early Childhood Education: A Practical Guide to Evidence-Based, Multi-Tiered Service Delivery by Ray-Subramanian, Corey E., Schanding Jr, G. Thomas, Coffee, Gina
Early Childhood Education: A Practical Guide to Evidence-Based, Multi-Tiered Service Delivery by Ray-Subramanian, Corey E., Schanding Jr, G. Thomas, Coffee, Gina
Autismus: Struktur und Verlauf Tiefgreifender Entwicklungsstoerungen- Eine systemtheoretische Betrachtung by Bach, Stefan
Executive Function & Child Development by Yeager, Marcie, Yeager, Daniel
Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Translating Science Into Practice by
Handbook of Research on Student Engagement by
From Orthography to Pedagogy: Essays in Honor of Richard L. Venezky by
Teenage Citizens: The Political Theories of the Young by Flanagan, Constance A.
Bébé Day by Day: 100 Keys to French Parenting by Druckerman, Pamela
Language and Thought of the Child: Selected Works vol 5 by Piaget, Jean
Child's Conception of Number: Selected Works vol 2 by
School-Based Multisystemic Interventions for Mass Trauma by Cohen, Esther, Klingman, Avigdor
Please Explain Anxiety to Me!: Simple Biology and Solutions for Children and Parents by Zelinger, Laurie E., Zelinger, Jordan
Child's Conception of Geometry by Piaget
Child's Conception of Space: Selected Works Vol 4 by Piaget, Jean
Parenting Made Easy - The Middle Years: A Bag of Tricks Approach to Parenting the 6-12 Year Old by Cohen, Anna
Parenting Made Easy - The Middle Years: A Bag of Tricks Approach to Parenting the 6-12 Year Old by Cohen, Anna
An Empirical Study Of Children's Interests In Spiritual Reading: Catholic University Of America by Kealy, Mary Eugenia
Your Child's Path: Unlocking the Mysteries of Who Your Child Will Become by Engel, Susan
The Development of Thinking and Reasoning by
The Development of Thinking and Reasoning by
The Construction Of Reality In The Child by Piaget, Jean
Attachment Play: How to solve children's behavior problems with play, laughter, and connection by Solter, Aletha Jauch
Treating Nvld in Children: Professional Collaborations for Positive Outcomes by
Resilience and Development: Positive Life Adaptations by
Primera Infancia: La Construccion Psicosocial De Un Ser Humano by Hoffmann, Miguel
Toddler Discipline by Hart, Rhonda
The Uses of Psychoanalysis in Working with Children's Emotional Lives by
Using Theatrical Stage Magic to Assess Cognitive Development: Exploring Fundamental Building Blocks in Childhood Development with Conjuring, Comedy an by Saldan, Rick
An Empirical Study of the Development of Religious Thinking in Boys from Twelve to Sixteen Years Old: Catholic University of America by Nagle, Urban
Premarital Prediction of Marital Quality or Breakup: Research, Theory, and Practice by Holman, Thomas B.
Globalization and Children: Exploring Potentials for Enhancing Opportunities in the Lives of Children and Youth by
Integration and Inequality in Educational Institutions by
Therapeutic Conversations with Queer Youth: Transcending Homonormativity and Constructing Preferred Identities by Tilsen, Julie
Handbook of Treating Variants and Complications in Anxiety Disorders by
Gambling Problems in Youth: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives by
Drug Use and Ethnicity in Early Adolescence by Vega, William A., Gil, Andres G.
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Alcohol and Violence - Epidemiology, Neurobiology, Psychology, Family Issues by
The Addiction-Prone Personality by Patton, David, Barnes, Gordon E., Murray, Robert P.
Handbook of Assessing Variants and Complications in Anxiety Disorders by
Always the Fat Kid by Warren, Jacob
Identifying and Assessing Students with Emotional Disturbance by Tibbetts, Terry
Adolescents, Crime, and the Media: A Critical Analysis by Ferguson, Christopher J.
Patterns and Problems of Development by Child, Charles Manning
Youth, Education, and Marginality: Local and Global Expressions by
Emotional Literacy for Adolescent Mental Health: Experiential counselling by Sherwood, Patricia
Are You My Mother?: A Comic Drama by Bechdel, Alison
It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Stories of Evolving Child and Parent Development by Johnston, Janis Clark
Handbook of Crisis Intervention and Developmental Disabilities by
Neighbourhood Structure and Health Promotion by
Snatched By the Devil by Hawkins, Jeana
A Mindfulness-Based Approach to Working with High-Risk Adolescents by Himelstein, Sam
Swimming Against the Tide; The New Independent Christian Schools and their Teenage Pupils by Baker, Sylvia G.
Primera Infancia: Presentacion De La Coleccion by Hoffmann, Miguel
Young People and the Care Experience: Research, Policy and Practice by Shaw, Julie, Frost, Nick
Young People and the Care Experience: Research, Policy and Practice by Shaw, Julie, Frost, Nick
Toby the Tiger Tamer by Reamer, Amy Johnson
Paediatric Biomechanics and Motor Control: Theory and Application by
Die Relevanz der visuellen Entwicklung bei der frühkindlichen Entwicklung der Sinnesmodalitäten by Nestmann, Miriam
The Care and Development of the Human Senses: Rudolf Steiner's Work on the Significance of the Senses in Education by Aeppli, Willi
Walking with Jason by Hunt, John F.
Walking with Jason by Hunt, John F.
The Behavior of Human Infants by
Oxford Handbook of Child Psychological Assessment by
Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments: A Guide for Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth and Families by
Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments: A Guide for Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth and Families by
A Mindfulness-Based Approach to Working with High-Risk Adolescents by Himelstein, Sam
Young Homicide Offenders and Victims: Risk Factors, Prediction, and Prevention from Childhood by Loeber, Rolf, Farrington, David P.
Preventing Lethal School Violence by Daniels, Jeffrey A., Bradley, Mary C.
The Nervous Child, V4, No. 4, July, 1945: Tics in Children by
The Nervous Child, V3, No. 1-4, 1943-1944 by
The Nervous Child, V10, No. 1, 1952: Our Present Knowledge of Schizophrenia in Childhood by
The Nervous Child, V4, No. 4, July, 1945: Tics in Children by
The Nervous Child, V3, No. 1-4, 1943-1944 by
Handbook of Resilience in Children of War by
Action in Social Context: Perspectives on Early Development by
The Truth about Girls and Boys: Challenging Toxic Stereotypes about Our Children by Rivers, Caryl, Barnett, Rosalind
Test Anxiety: The State of the Art by Zeidner, Moshe
Assessing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Anastopoulos, Arthur D., Shelton, Terri L.
Vulnerable Children: Global Challenges in Education, Health, Well-Being, and Child Rights by
Handbook of Adolescent Health Psychology by
Understanding and Addressing Girlsa Aggressive Behaviour Problems: A Focus on Relationships by
Adolescent Romantic Relations and Sexual Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practical Implications by
Parenting Beliefs, Behaviors, and Parent-Child Relations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective by
Up and Down the Worry Hill: A Children's Book about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and its Treatment by Wagner, Aureen Pinto
Children's Drawings: Iconic Coding of the Environment by Krampen, Martin
Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: Implications for Typical and Atypical Development by
The Electrified Mind: Development, Psychopathology, and Treatment in the Era of Cell Phones and the Internet by
Deep Secrets: Boys' Friendships and the Crisis of Connection by Way, Niobe
The Anatomy of Adolescence (Psychology Revivals): Young People's Social Attitudes in Britain by Furnham, Adrian, Gunter, Barrie
Child's Construction of Quantities: Selected Works vol 8 by
The Practitioner's Guide to Child Art Therapy: Fostering Creativity and Relational Growth by Shore, Annette
The Practitioner's Guide to Child Art Therapy: Fostering Creativity and Relational Growth by Shore, Annette
Progressive Counting Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment by Greenwald, Ricky
Asperger Syndrome: A Guide for Professionals and Families by
Progressive Counting Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment by Greenwald, Ricky
Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers by Omer, Haim, Lebowitz, Eli R.
Handbook of Youth Mentoring by
Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology Vol 8 by
Child and Adult Development: A Psychoanalytic Introduction for Clinicians by Colarusso, Calvin a.
Understanding Schemas and Young Children: From Birth to Three by Atherton, Frances, Nutbrown, Cathy
Advances in Clinical Child Psychology: Volume 20 by
Children in Jeopardy: Can We Break the Cycle of Poverty? by Harris, Irving B.
The Developing Child in the 21st Century: A global perspective on child development by Smidt, Sandra
How to Dissolve Childhood Pain: A Simple Guide to Understanding Childhood Conditioning and Releasing Negative Beliefs by King, Sarah
How to Dissolve Childhood Pain: A Simple Guide to Understanding Childhood Conditioning and Releasing Negative Beliefs by King, Sarah
Optimal Learning Environments to Promote Student Engagement by Shernoff, David J.
Experimental Slips and Human Error: Exploring the Architecture of Volition by
Understanding Psychological Testing in Children: A Guide for Health Professionals by Gabel, Stewart, Oster, G. D., Butnik, S. M.
Current Societal Concerns about Justice by
Successful Prevention Programs for Children and Adolescents by Durlak, Joseph A.
Fifty Years of Personality Psychology by
Developmnt Conscience Ils 242 by
Theoretische Aspekte zur Entwicklung von Dyskalkulie by Houy, Lisa
Social Skills Assessment and Training with Children: An Empirically Based Handbook by Michelson, Larry, Sugai, Don P., Wood, Randy P.
Lay Epistemics and Human Knowledge: Cognitive and Motivational Bases by Kruglanski, Arie W.
Entitlement and the Affectional Bond: Justice in Close Relationships by
Emotional Readiness: How Early Experience and Mental Health Predict School Success by Rose, Terrie
The Grammar of Discourse by Longacre, Robert E.
Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics: Volume 1 by Fitzgerald, Hiram
Failure to Launch: Guiding Clinicians to Successfully Motivate the Long-Dependent Young Adult by Devine, Michael
The Different Faces of Motherhood by
Tribal Warriors: Life Skills to Optimize Well-Being for Teens/Creating Nurtured Heart Communities by Blair, Sherry, Lofrano, Toni Anne
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Combined Alcohol and Drug Abuse Typologies of Alcoholics the Withdrawal Syndrome Renal and Electrolyte Consequences by
After-School Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students: Promoting Engagement and Academic Success by Clanton Harpine, Elaine
Early Childhood and Neuroscience - Links to Development and Learning by
Handbook of Family Policies Across the Globe by
Child and Family Advocacy: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy by
Vaccinophobia and Vaccine Controversies of the 21st Century by
Aiden's Brain: The Underfunded Autism Epedemic by Scheiner, Albert P.
Aiden's Brain: The Underfunded Autism Epedemic by Scheiner, Albert P.
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Alcohol and Cocaine Similarities and Differences Clinical Pathology Psychosocial Factors and Treatment Pharmacology by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Memory Deficits Sociology of Treatment Ion Channels Early Problem Drinking by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Ten Years of Progress, Social and Cultural Perspectives Physiology and Biochemistry Clinical Pathology Trends in Tr by
Resilienzförderung Im Jugendalter: PRAXIS Und Perspektiven by
Aggression Und Gewalt Von Kindern Und Jugendlichen: Hintergründe Und PRAXIS by Petermann, Franz, Koglin, Ute
Parent-Child Interaction: The Socialization Process Observed in Twin and Singleton Families by Lytton, Hugh
Assessment and Programming for Young Children with Low-Incidence Handicaps by
Discriminatory Bullying: A New Intercultural Challenge by Elamé, Esoh
Conscious Parents, Conscious Kids by
Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior by Benton, Christine M., Barkley, Russell A.
How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Tough, Paul
Effective Group Work in Primary School Classrooms: The Spring Approach by Kutnick, Peter, Blatchford, Peter
Psychology Classics: Heredity, Environment, and The Question "How?" by Foley, John P., Anastasi, Anne
Intelligence and Cultural Environment (Psychology Revivals) by Vernon, Philip E.
Discovering the Unique child We can do it: Discovering the Unique child We can do it by Donkor, Eric Kwaku
Play, Dreams And Imitation In Childhood by Piaget, Jean
From Birth to Maturity: An Outline of the Psychological Development of the Child by Bhler, Charlotte
The Growth Of Reason: A Study of the Role of Verbal Activity in the Growth of the Structure of the Human Mind by Lorimer, Frank
The Growing Child And Its Problems by Miller, Emanuel
Development in Infancy: A Contemporary Introduction by Arterberry, Martha E., Bornstein, Marc H.
Understanding Children's Play by Hartley, Ruth E., Frank, Lawrence K., Goldenson, Robert M.
The Growth of Logical Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence: An Essay on the Construction of Formal Operational Structures by Piaget
Disruptive Behavior Disorders by
Dawn of Memories: The Meaning of Early Recollections in Life by Clark, Arthur J.
Development and Evaluation of Positive Adolescent Training Through Holistic Social Programs (P.A.T.H.S.) by
Working with Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents by Steele, William, Kuban, Caelan
Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy: Theory, Issues, and Practice by
The Teenage World: Adolescents' Self-Image in Ten Countries by Ostrov, Eric, Howard, K. I., Offer, Daniel
Son of Psychopath by Brown, D. W.
The Nightmare Solution: Simple, Creative Methods for Working Out Your Dream Problems (with Guidance for Parents, Therapists, and Teachers Help by Wiseman, Ann Sayre, Denzer, Kiko
Die taktile Abwehr by Opitz, Isabel
CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders by
The Discursive Social Psychology of Evidence: Symbolic Construction of Reality by Rettig, Salomon
Selected Papers of Margaret Lowenfeld by Urwin, Cathy
Your Dad Didn't Have to Die by O'Kenaly, Ford
Evidence-Based Interventions for Children with Challenging Behavior by Ogg, Julia A., Sundman-Wheat, Ashley N., Armstrong, Kathleen Hague
Teaching Compassion: Humane Education in Early Childhood by
Play: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Survival and Human Development by
Examine Mechanism of Changes in Human Development: The Impact of Nurture and Nature on Behavior by Afolabi, Olusegun Emmanuel
Play: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Survival and Human Development by
Singen im Musikunterricht. Auswirkungen auf die soziale Kompetenz der Schüler by Fritz, Viola
The Primordial Violence: Spanking Children, Psychological Development, Violence, and Crime by Douglas, Emily M., Medeiros, Rose Anne, Straus, Murray A.
Treating Trauma: Relationship-Based Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults by
Understanding Child Language Acquisition by Rowland, Caroline
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Treatment Research by
Regular Guys: 34 Years Beyond Adolescence by Offer, Marjorie Kaiz, Offer, Daniel, Ostrov, Eric
The Psychology and Education of Gifted Children by Adamson, Georgina, Vernon, Dorothy F., Vernon, Philip E.
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