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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2016

Symbolization: A Revised Psychoanalytic General Model of Mind by Aragno, Anna
Innovations in Play Therapy by
Young People's Understanding of Society (Routledge Revivals) by Furnham, Adrian
Conceptual Structure in Childhood and Adolescence: The Case of Everyday Physics by Howe, Christine
Amerindian Paths: Guiding Dialogues With Psychology by
Amerindian Paths: Guiding Dialogues With Psychology (HC) by
Sexualerziehung Und Gesundheitliche Aufklärung Für Mädchen Und Junge Frauen by Siekmann, Tabea
Reimagining the Purpose of Schools and Educational Organisations: Developing Critical Thinking, Agency, Beliefs in Schools and Educational Organisatio by
Challenges in the Theory and Practice of Play Therapy by
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressed Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Management and Treatment by Webb, Christian A., Auerbach, Randy P., Stewart, Jeremy G.
Rorschach Assessment of Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Practice by Weiner, Irving B., Tibon-Czopp, Shira
Early Childhood Report Writing by Peterson, Susan Louise
Social and Emotional Development:: Attachment Relationships and the Emerging Self by Rosen, Karen
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Childhood Anxiety: A Mindful Approach for Helping Your Child Become Calm, Resilient, and Secure by Boyle, Sherianna
Childhood and Adolescence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Applications by
Childhood and Adolescence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Applications by Gielen, Uwe P.
When Your Child Hurts: Effective Strategies to Increase Comfort, Reduce Stress, and Break the Cycle of Chronic Pain by Coakley, Rachael
Discipline Without Damage: How to Get Your Kids to Behave Without Messing Them Up by Lapointe, Vanessa
Challenges in the Theory and Practice of Play Therapy by
Abordaje psicoterapeutico en el tratamiento de menores infractores: Una guia para profesionales de la salud mental by Samaniego Go, Ivan Anatti
Pretend Play As Improvisation: Conversation in the Preschool Classroom by Sawyer, R. Keith
Signal Processing, Speech and Music by
Women, Girls & Psychotherapy: Reframing Resistance by Tolman, Deborah L.
Humor and Children's Development: A Guide to Practical Applications by
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressed Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Management and Treatment by Webb, Christian A., Auerbach, Randy P., Stewart, Jeremy G.
Improving Sensory Processing in Traumatized Children: Practical Ideas to Help Your Child's Movement, Coordination and Body Awareness by Lloyd, Sarah
Nurturing Language and Learning: Development of Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing Infants and Toddlers by Spencer, Patricia Elizabeth, Koester, Lynne Sanford
Memory Development in Children (Ple: Memory) by
The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults by Jensen, Frances E., Nutt, Amy Ellis
Joint Attention: Its Origins and Role in Development by
Handbook of Mental Health in African American Youth by
I'm Still a Keeper by Lincoln, Ray W.
A Linguagem dos Desenhos by Brafman, A. H.
Managing ADHD in Schools: The Best Evidence-Based Methods for Teachers by Barkley, Russell A.
Global Perspectives on Youth Gang Behavior, Violence, and Weapons Use by
Concept Development in the Primary School by Langford, Peter
Concept Development in the Secondary School by Langford, Peter
Dialogues with Children and Adolescents: A Psychoanalytic Guide by Winberg-Salomonsson, Majlis, Salomonsson, Björn
Neighborhood Disorganization and Social Control: Case Studies from Three Russian Cities by Siegmunt, Olga
Parent-Baby Attachment in Premature Infants by
Psychotherapy with Severely Deprived Children by
Parenting in Transracial Adoption: Real Questions and Real Answers by Haslam Straughan, Hope, Schooler, Jayne
Limita & Dirige: Manualde Estudiante by Ferrara Ph. D., Matthew L.
Creativity and Reason in Cognitive Development by
Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Critical Issues in Clinical, Forensic and School Settings by Huckabee, Helena, Kroncke, Anna P., Willard, Marcy
Dialogues with Children and Adolescents: A Psychoanalytic Guide by Salomonsson, Björn, Winberg-Salomonsson, Majlis
Handbook of Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder by
Somatische Differenzialdiagnosen Psychischer Symptome Im Kindes- Und Jugendalter by Charlier, Nico
Wilhelmina and the What Ifs by Marino, Brielle a.
Die Persönlichkeits- und Entwicklungstheorie nach Freud und die Entwicklung nach Margaret Mahler by Bröske, Daniela
Of Mice and Metaphors: Therapeutic Storytelling with Children by Brandell, Jerrold R.
The Symphony of Reflexes: Interventions for Human Development, Autism, ADHD, CP, and Other Neurological Disorders by Brandes M. Ed, Bonnie
Qualitaet familienrechtspsychologischer Gutachten: Eine empirische Analyse mit Praxiskommentaren: Christel Salewski, Stefan Stuermer, Joern Meyer und by
Television and Social Behavior: Beyond Violence and Children / A Report of the Committee on Television and Social Behavior, Social Science Research Co by
The Assessment of Object Relations Phenomena in Adolescents: Tat and Rorschach Measu: Tat and Rorschach Measures by Kelly, Francis D.
Morphisms and Categories: Comparing and Transforming by Henriques, Gil, Piaget, Jean, Ascher, Edgar
Play in Family Therapy by Gil, Eliana
Framing a Family: Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children by Marvel, Robin
Handbook of Mindfulness in Education: Integrating Theory and Research Into Practice by
Adoption Beyond Borders: How International Adoption Benefits Children by Compton, Rebecca
Equity and Justice in Developmental Science: Theoretical and Methodological Issues: Volume 50 by
Is There Life Without Mother?: Psychoanalysis, Biography, Creativity by Shengold, Leonard
Väter, Männer Und Kindliche Entwicklung: Ein Lehrbuch Für Psychotherapie Und Beratung by Seiffge-Krenke, Inge
Infant Development: Perspectives From German-speaking Countries by
Interaction, Communication and Development: Psychological Development as a Social Process by Psaltis, Charis, Zapiti, Anna
Healing Inner-Child Wounds: Amending Life-Commandments by Potter Ph. D., James V., Potter Ma, Paula M.
The Nuts and Bolts of Autism: Just the Facts! by Barboa, Linda, Luck, Jan
Supporting Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities: Evidence-Based and Emerging Practices by Wang, Mian, Singer, George H. S.
My Adoption Feelings: A Guide to Children's Experience with Adoption by Robinson Lmhc, Jennifer
ADHD in Lebanese Schools: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment by Al-Hroub, Anies, Berri, Hala Mohammed
Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending Rti and Pbis by McIntosh, Kent, Goodman, Steve
Healing the Fractured Child: Diagnosis and Treatment of Youth With Dissociation by
Comprendiendo al Niño Altamente Sensible: Cuando ve a través de Sus Ojos un Mundo Abrumador by Williamson, Jamie
An Introduction to Child Development by Keenan, Thomas, Evans, Subhadra, Crowley, Kevin
One Heart, One Mind: The Case for Healing Autism and PANDAS by Fontaine Cch, Pierre
Parenting and Theory of Mind by Miller, Scott A.
Rest, Play, Grow: Making Sense of Preschoolers (Or Anyone Who Acts Like One) by MacNamara, Deborah
Childhood Friendships and Peer Relations: Friends and Enemies by Schneider, Barry
Understanding Child Development 0-8 Years by Lindon, Jennie
CogAT Level 8 (Grade 2) Guide: Book B by Kim, John S., Suh, Won
The Children Who Lived: Using Harry Potter and Other Fictional Characters to Help Grieving Children and Adolescents by Markell, Marc A., Markell, Kathryn A.
Mental Health and Wellbeing through Schools: The Way Forward by
A Bear's Sleepy Journey: A bedtime story using psychology and language to promote sleep by Mullin, Kate
An Introduction to Child Development by Keenan, Thomas, Evans, Subhadra, Crowley, Kevin
Oppositional, Defiant & Disruptive Children and Adolescents: Non-Medication Approaches for the Most Challenging Odd Behaviors by Walls, Scott
Youth Culture and Private Space by Lincoln, S.
Learning about Objects in Infancy by Needham, Amy Work
The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes by Ehrensaft, Diane
The ABCs of Cbm: A Practical Guide to Curriculum-Based Measurement by Hosp, Michelle K., Hosp, John L., Howell, Kenneth W.
The Culture of Child Care: Attachment, Peers, and Quality in Diverse Communities by
Psychosocial Skills and School Systems in the 21st Century: Theory, Research, and Practice by
Intelligenz Testen Und Fördern: Ein Elternratgeber Mit Übungsaufgaben Für Kinder Und Jugendliche AB 6 Jahren by Bosley, Irina, Kasten, Erich
Kinder Im Stress: Wie Eltern Kinder Stärken Und Begleiten by Lohaus, Arnold, Fridrici, Mirko, Domsch, Holger
Developing Leisure Time Skills for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Revised & Expanded): Practical Strategies for Home, School & the Community by Klagge, Mary Lou, Coyne, Phyllis, Nyberg, Colleen
Children Topics from A to Z Volume 1: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues by Roberts, Randa Lee
Society and the Adolescent Self-Image by Rosenberg, Morris
Juvenile Delinquency and Disability by Morris, Richard J., Thompson, Kristin C.
Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children by Hanscom, Angela J.
Kids: An Owner's Manual by Martin, Jane
Frühe Ästhetische Bildung - Mit Kindern Künstlerische Wege Entdecken by Schäfer, Lutz, Heyl, Thomas
Pica in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities by Williams, Don E., Sturmey, Peter
Kill Me Now by Fraser, Brad
Real Parenting for Real Kids: Enabling parents to bring out the best in their children by Hood, Melissa
Thugs and Thieves: The Differential Etiology of Violence by Savage, Joanne, Wozniak, Kevin H.
Child's Play: Sport in Kids' Worlds by
Literacy and Mothering: How Women's Schooling Changes the Lives of the World's Children by Levine, Sarah, Schnell-Anzola, Beatrice, Levine, Robert A.
Child's Play: Sport in Kids' Worlds by
The Oxford Handbook of Human Development and Culture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
ACT for Adolescents: Treating Teens and Adolescents in Individual and Group Therapy by Bell, Mary, Turrell, Sheri L.
Dad of Ed by Barnhill, Jeff K.
The Cognitive Milieu by Aiken MD, Phd Richard Chalon
Think Again: A cognitive behavioral workbook for teens by Aiken, Richard Chalon
Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education by
Dyslexia and Traumatic Experiences by
Urban Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: A Responsive Approach to Communities by
Self-Harm in Adolescence by Buresová, Iva
The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving by Miller, Lisa
Prelinguistic and Minimally Verbal Communicators on the Autism Spectrum by
Development of Perception in Infancy: The Cradle of Knowledge Revisited by Arterberry, Martha E.
Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us about Raising Successful Children by Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick, Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy
Brainspotting with Young People: An adventure into the mind by Grixti, Mark
Bright: Seeing superstars, listening to their worlds, and moving out of the way by Thompson, Alan D.
The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing Your Child's Confidence and Love of Learning by Foss, Ben
Phonological Skills and Learning to Read by Goswami, Usha, Bryant, Peter
Education During Adolescence by MacKie, Ransom A.
Phonological Skills and Learning to Read by Goswami, Usha, Bryant, Peter
Cultural Psychology of Musical Experience by
Cultural Psychology of Musical Experience (HC) by
Children Topics from A to Z Volume 2: A Guide for Tackling Tough Issues by Roberts, Randa Lee
How Children Discover New Strategies by Siegler, Robert, Jenkins, Eric A.
Psychiatric Symptoms and Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorder by
Growing Up Mindful: Essential Practices to Help Children, Teens, and Families Find Balance, Calm, and Resilience by Willard, Christopher
Acquiring Culture: Cross Cultural Studies in Child Development by
Parenting as an Art: The art of raising happy, healthy, creative children by Cherry, Thanh
Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations (Volume 1) by
Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Childhood Trauma in Rural Communities by
Dbt Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (Dbt Steps-A) by Miller, Alec L., Mazza, James J., Dexter-Mazza, Elizabeth T.
Socializing Children Through Language by
Professionalisierung Pädagogischer Fachkräfte in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Konzept Und Wirksamkeit Des Kompass-Projektes by
Medical and Mental Health During Childhood: Psychosocial Perspectives and Positive Outcomes by Nabors, Laura
Practical Research with Children by
Practical Research with Children by
Two Full Length Practice Tests for the CoGAT Form 7: For Level 8 (Grade 2) by Grader LLC, Top
Tell Our Story, I Will: One Mom's Journey Raising a Kid with Asperger's Syndrome by Lee, Jeanne
Gang Transitions and Transformations in an International Context by
Practicing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Students and Early Career Professionals by Palmiter Jr, David J.
My Secret Life in Victorian Britain: A Social & Psychosexual History by Ashbee, Henry Spencer, Tyson, Mark Guy Valerius
One Child: The True Story of a Tormented Six-Year-Old and the Brilliant Teacher Who Reached Out by Hayden, Torey
Epistemic Cognition and Development: The Psychology of Justification and Truth by Moshman, David
Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations (Volume 2) by
Mother-Infant Interaction Picture Book: Origins of Attachment by Lachmann, Frank, Beebe, Beatrice, Cohen, Phyllis
Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations by
Exercices et jeux pour les ateliers thérapeutiques by Loonis, Eric
An Introduction to Child Language Development by Cohen, Susan H. Foster-
Same-Sex Marriage and Children: A Tale of History, Social Science, and Law by Ball, Carlos A.
AutPlay Therapy for Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum: A Behavioral Play-Based Approach, Third Edition by Grant, Robert Jason
Development and Learning of Young Children with Disabilities: A Vygotskian Perspective by Bøttcher, Louise, Dammeyer, Jesper
Teen Whispering: A Way for Parents to "get through it" by Amundson, Ph. D. Jon K.
Handbook of Early Childhood Special Education by
No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Bryson, Tina Payne, Siegel, Daniel J.
Anxiety Sucks! A Teen Survival Guide by Daniels, Natasha
Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling Children and Adolescents by
Children of Autumn: Autism Here on Purpose by Kohn, Grace
A Parent's Guide: To Helping Your Child Develop Their Natural Temperament Tendencies by Cocoris, John T.
Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications by
Lerne verstehen, liebes Seelenkind by Sarasin, Susanna
The Journey of Child Development: Selected Papers of Joseph D. Noshpitz by
AutPlay Therapy for Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum: A Behavioral Play-Based Approach, Third Edition by Grant, Robert Jason
Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling Children and Adolescents by
Play-Based Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities by Grant, Robert Jason
Handbook of Evidence-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents by
Infant Development by
The Lightbulb Club: Starring...Essie, the Dog Who Learns Self-Control by Hall, Sherry J.
Will I Ever See You Again? Attachment Challenges for Foster Children: A primer for the adults in their lives by Jacobs Ph. D., Elizabeth I.
Nurturing A Healthy Human Spirit In The Young by Bartlett, Vivian
Equity and Justice in Developmental Science: Implications for Young People, Families, and Communities: Volume 51 by
Die Theorie der "weiblichen Moral" von Carol Gilligan - Wissenschaftliches Konstrukt oder feministische Parole? by Walther, Michaela
Rescue Our Children from The War Zone: Teach Social and Emotional Skills to Improve Their Lives: Applied Positive Psychology 2.1 by Joy, Jeanine
Working with Babies by Chitty, John a. M.
Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal by Nakazawa, Donna Jackson
Kids' Club Letters: Narrative Tools for Stimulating Process and Dialogue in Therapy Groups for Children and Adolescents by Degangi, Georgia A., Nemiroff, Marc A.
Construyendo un pasado by Torres de Aryan, Delia
Talking about Right and Wrong by
A Psychoanalytic Theory of Infantile Experience: Conceptual and Clinical Reflections by Limentani, Adam, Gaddini, Eugenio
Contexts for Young Child Flourishing: Evolution, Family, and Society by
Adolescence: A Very Short Introduction by Smith, Peter K.
Integrated Early Childhood Behavioral Health in Primary Care: A Guide to Implementation and Evaluation by
Runaway and Homeless Youth: New Research and Clinical Perspectives by Morewitz, Stephen J.
Raising Can-Do Kids: Giving Children the Tools to Thrive in a Fast-Changing World by Prosek, Jen, Rende, Richard
Discovering the Culture of Childhood by Plank, Emily
TEMAS (Tell-Me-A-Story) Assessment in Multicultural Societies by Dana, Richard H., Malgady, Robert G., Costantino, Giuseppe
Atypical Cognitive Deficits in Developmental Disorders: Implications for Brain Function by
Pet Loss and Children: Establishing a Health Foundation by Ross, Cheri Barton
Youth in Foster Care: The Shortcomings of Child Protection Services by Evans, Bonita
The Twin Enigma: An Exploration of Our Enduring Fascination with Twins by Lewin, Vivienne
Social Exclusion: Psychological Approaches to Understanding and Reducing Its Impact by
College Student Psychological Adjustment: Exploring Relational Dynamics That Predict Success by Mattanah, Jonathan F.
Child Maltreatment Fatalities in the United States: Four Decades of Policy, Program, and Professional Responses by Douglas, Emily M.
Time-Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: An Interactive Approach by Schmidt Neven, Ruth
Quality Activities in Center-Based Programs for Adults with Autism: Moving from Nonmeaningful to Meaningful by Reid, Dennis H., Parsons, Marsha B.
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