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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chinese History in 2000

Nation, Governance, and Modernity:: Canton, 1900-1927 by Tsin, Michael T. W.
Ianfu - The Comfort Women of the Japanese Imperial Army of the Pacific War Broken Silence by Schmidt, David Andrew
Changing Workplace Relations in the Chinese Economy by
Chinese Occupational Welfare in Market Transition by Lee, M.
Madame Mao: The White-Boned Demon: Revised Edition by Terrill, Ross
Copper and Bronze Metallurgy in Late Prehistoric Xinjiang: Its cultural context and relationship with neighbouring regions by Mei, Jianjun
A Covenant in Shanghai by Brailovsky, David
Sun Yat-Sen by Bergère, Marie-Claire
The Classic of Mountains and Seas by Anonymous
Chinese Capitalism, 1522-1840 by
Unstructuring Chinese Society: The Fictions of Colonial Practice and the Changing Realities of Land in the New Territories of Hong Kong by Chun, Allen
Forging Reform in China: The Fate of State-Owned Industry by Steinfeld, Edward S.
The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution 1919-1927 by Pantsov, Alexander
China's Futures: Scenarios for the World's Fastest Growing Economy, Ecology, and Society by Ogilvy, James, Schwartz, Peter
Sources of Chinese Tradition: From 1600 Through the Twentieth Century by
Research Design for Social Work and the Human Services by Anastas, Jeane
Chinese Urban Life Under Reform: The Changing Social Contract by Tang, Wenfang, Parish, William L.
Sources of Chinese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600 by
Mao: A Biography: Revised and Expanded Edition by Terrill, Ross
China in World History, Third Edition by Na, Na
Experiences of China by Cradock, Percy
Asian Values and Human Rights: A Confucian Communitarian Perspective by de Bary, Wm Theodore
Talons and Teeth: County Clerks and Runners in the Qing Dynasty by Reed, Bradly W.
Revolutionizing the Family: Politics, Love, and Divorce in Urban and Rural China, 1949-1968 by Diamant, Neil J.
China Profiled: Essential Facts on Society, Business, and Politics in China by Na, Na
A Cultural History of Civil Examinations in Late Imperial China by Elman, Benjamin A.
Social Development and Political Change in Hong Kong by
Reappraising Republican China by
The Sextants of Beijing: Global Currents in Chinese History by Waley-Cohen, Joanna
Chinese Modern: The Heroic and the Quotidian by Tang, Xiaobing
Science and Civilisation in China, Part 6, Medicine by Needham, Joseph
Becoming Chinese: Passages to Modernity and Beyond Volume 23 by
The Dragon Millennium: Chinese Business in the Coming World Economy by Richter, Frank
Soldiers of Fortune: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Business Complex, 1978-1998: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Busin by Mulvenon, James C.
The Selected Poems of t'Ao Ch'ien by Chien, Tao
Cosmology and Political Culture in Early China by Wang, Aihe
The Making of the Republican Citizen by Harrison, Henrietta
Chinese Occupational Welfare in Market Transition by Lee, M.
Mao's Children in the New China: Voices From the Red Guard Generation by Jiang, Yarong, Ashley, David
The People's Republic of China After 50 Years by
Hong Kong as a Global Metropolis by Meyer, David R.
China Briefing: 1997-1999: A Century of Transformation by Joseph, William a., White, Jay D.
Changing Workplace Relations in the Chinese Economy by
Against All Odds: Famous and Infamous Women of China and Some Contemporary Achievers 220 BC - 1995 Ad by Phillips, Molly
China's New Cultural Scene: A Handbook of Changes by Huot, Claire
The Columbia Guide to Modern Chinese History by Schoppa, R. Keith
Manchus and Han: Ethnic Relations and Political Power in Late Qing and Early Republican China, 1861-1928 by Rhoads, Edward J. M.
Early and Middle Pleistocene Hominid Behaviour in Northern China by Keates, S. G.
Japan's Imperial Diplomacy by Brooks, Barbara J.
Orphans of the Cold War: America and the Tibetan Struggle for Survival by Knaus, John Kenneth
Radicalism and Education Reform in 20th-Century China: The Search for an Ideal Development Model by Pepper, Suzanne
Japan and China: Mutual Representations in the Modern Era by Na, Na
Manslaughter, Markets, and Moral Economy: Violent Disputes Over Property Rights in Eighteenth-Century China by Buoye, Thomas M.
Mao by Breslin, S. G.
China Pilot: Flying for Chennault During the Cold War by Smith, Felix
Ritual and Mythology of the Chinese Triads: Creating an Identity by Ter Haar, Barend
Understanding Chinese Society: Theory, History, Comparison by Stockman, Norman
Nanking: Anatomy of an Atrocity by Yamamoto, Masahiro
Peasants Without the Party: Grassroots Movements in Twentieth Century China by Bianco, Lucien
Falun Gong's Challenge to China: Spiritual Practice or "Evil Cult"? by Schechter, Danny
Cadres and Kin: Making a Socialist Village in West China, 1921-1991 by Ruf, Gregory A.
Social and Political Change in Revolutionary China: The Taihang Base Area in the War of Resistance to Japan, 1937-1945 by Goodman, David S. G.
Social and Political Change in Revolutionary China: The Taihang Base Area in the War of Resistance to Japan, 1937-1945 by Goodman, David S. G.
Ways with Words: Writing about Reading Texts from Early China Volume 24 by
Tears of Blood: A Cry For Tibet by Craig, Mary
Social Transformation in Modern China by Zhang, Xin
Patterns of Disengagement: The Practice and Portrayal of Reclusion in Early Medieval China by Berkowitz, Alan J.
The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947 by Shakya, Tsering
Media, Communication, and Culture: A Global Approach by Lull, James
Imperialismus und Modernisierung by Petersson, Niels P.
Christianity in Today's China: Taking Root Downward, Bearing Fruit Upward by Towery, Britt
Between Mecca and Beijing: Modernization and Consumption Among Urban Chinese Muslims by Gillette, Maris Boyd
Jews in Old China: Studies by Chinese Scholars by Shapiro, Sidney
Chinese Perceptions of the Jews' and Judaism: A History of the Youtai by Xun, Zhou, Zhou, Xun
A Million Truths: A Decade in China by Jakobson, Linda
China's Spatial Economic Development: Regional Transformation in the Lower Yangzi Delta by Marton, Andrew M.
The Unknown Cultural Revolution by Han, Dongping
The Opium War by Compilation Group
Jade Warrior: The Murder of Henry Liu by Wang, George K. F.
A Paradise Lost: The Imperial Garden Yuanming Yuan by Wong, Young-Tsu
The Manchurian Myth: Nationalism, Resistance, and Collaboration in Modern China by Mitter, Rana
Mongolian Nomadic Society: A Reconstruction of the 'Medieval' History of Mongolia by Bold, Bat-Ochir
East Asia as the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World by Cohen, Warren I.
Beyond the Stone Arches: An American Missionary Doctor in China, 1892-1932 by Bliss, Edward
Endangered Daughters: Discrimination and Development in Asia by Croll, Elizabeth
Endangered Daughters: Discrimination and Development in Asia by Croll, Elizabeth
Soldiers of Fortune: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Business Complex, 1978-1998: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Busin by Mulvenon, James C.